Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 213 Time and Memory

"how come?"

"How can this be?"

Qin Mo pointed at the black stone fortress gradually entering the rift on the holographic image. This black stone fortress had just rushed towards the rift at the speed of a frigate.

Is this reasonable? This is unreasonable.

Everyone present except Thrall was also surprised. The Blackstone Fortress they just entered was not that fast.

Thrall's eyes fell on the rift in the galaxy. After the Blackstone Fortress was either destroyed or left, the diameter of the rift had shrunk to only two kilometers.

"Sea of ​​Souls." Thrall didn't know why the Blackstone Fortress ran so fast, but he knew that the answer must be related to the subspace.

"We should have teleported there immediately," Gray said.

"Can you stop it from entering the rift immediately after you teleport it up?" Qin Mo turned to look at Gray, "You will be taken into the subspace. I would rather you do nothing than let you enter the subspace."

After saying that, Qin Mo glanced at Foros.

More than a hundred Terminator-wearing Astartes entered the subspace. Even if only one-fifth of them were corrupted, it would still be considered as a contribution to the forces of Chaos.

"No matter what, we won this battle." Qin Mo was no longer obsessed with the escaping Black Stone Fortress, and his eyes shifted from the rift to Cardia.

From the time the celestial engine arrived in the galaxy and the teleportation of all members of the Tyron fleet, to the destruction of a black stone fortress and heavy damage to the Chaos fleet, it took less than an hour.

Abaddon is unlikely to give up just like that, and the Black Crusade he launched will most likely not end, but Cadia is indeed safe.

As long as Cadia does not fall into the crisis of being destroyed, the next battle will be much easier.

"Contact me Klein." Qin Mo ordered into the air.

This order was given to the stone man.

A screen popped up in front of Qin Mo, and Klein's face soon appeared on the screen.

At this time, Klein was staying at the headquarters of Miraak Bastion, and Creed was beside him.


Klein was about to salute when Creed pushed him aside.

"What's going on in the galaxy?" Creed smoked a cigar with a calm face. Only when he saw Qin Mo's living metal face in the image clearly did his eyes appear a little surprised, but he was asking about more important things, "The communication just now The array is jammed and I can't contact you."

"The enemy has been repulsed, and the entire galaxy is temporarily safe." Qin Mo said.

Creed breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

Creed, who was on the ground just now, could only see that the planet's sky was illuminated red from time to time, and even the light of the Eye of Terror was blocked.

Every soldier in every trench on the planet is looking up to the sky, guessing whether the next attack capable of destroying the planet will hit Cadia or whether the airdrop pod will fall first. No need to worry now.

Creed was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Thank you."

"The war is not over yet, so don't rush to thank me yet," Qin Mo said.

"I know." Creed nodded, "But this war is not your war. The Tyrone sector is thousands of light years away from the Cadian Gate. You responded to my request for help and participated in a war across thousands of light years. A war I didn’t have to fight in...thank you."

Qin Mo thought for a while and felt that Creed was wrong.

If they had not caused the butterfly effect and changed the course of the war, then the Chaos Fleet would not have had wizards to help them open the Little Eyes of Fear. It would not be possible for them to rush to Cadia now. At least they would have to wait for the Imperial Army and Navy to gather before starting the war. .

Qin Mo believed that he had to bear a small part of the responsibility for the raid.

Qin Mo did not tell Creed these thoughts, but just asked: "Do you still remember the agreement I made in the nest? You help me reorganize the army, and I will help you if you run into trouble in the future."

"Hiss..." Creed took a puff of his cigar, his eyes moved up, and he recalled that time, "Throne, at that time, I was still young, and I was still a white shield egg of the Cadian Assault Army, and it passed in the blink of an eye. Such a long time……"

"Isn't this the commander of the Tyrone Planetary Defense Force's First Army? Long time no see." Kyle suddenly squeezed into the image and greeted him warmly.

Qin Mo still remembered that Creed had a subordinate who was much older than him when he wandered to the Tyrone Galaxy. That subordinate was Kyle.

Qin Mo was stunned when he heard what they said.

Commander of the First Army...how long has it been since anyone called him that?

Only now did Qin Mo realize the passage of time. He found that he had not aged, either in mentality or in flesh and blood.

The person he spends the most time with is either another Star God or a Imperial Guard.

It has been a long time since Foros was picked up from the deserted planet by Klein, but the Astartes will not grow old, and Qin Mo will not feel that time flies by when he sees them.

"Can you lend me a regiment of the army?"

"The next battle may not be fought in Cadia itself. We may have to fight in nearby galaxies. I am only good at commanding the army."

Creed's words brought Qin Mo back to reality from his thoughts.

"The entire Tailong Army can be commanded by you." Qin Mo said.

"Really?" Creed couldn't believe it. A smile appeared on his expressionless face, "That's really great."

"Yeah, great." Qin Mo nodded. He had long planned to let Creed command the Tyrone Army, and this was not a gift.

Every order Creed gives when he commands the army will be recorded and then studied by a stone man, who will become the stone man Creed.

"Come to Miraak Bastion," Creed said. "You will definitely have to stay in Cadia for a while."

Qin Mo nodded in agreement.

at the same time.

in subspace.

The dilapidated Vengeful Spirit has been completely out of service, and the collateral damage continues to this day. Explosions will occur on the hull from time to time, and personnel can only be transferred from other cruisers to deal with the collateral damage.

Abaddon and his lieutenants stayed on the bridge. Also on the bridge were Typhons and the temporarily elected leader of the Red Corsair Fleet.

While the others were discussing strategies enthusiastically, Abaddon sat on the throne and looked at the ground, a little confused.

Abaddon was remembering.

He remembered that he seemed to have an adjutant, a very powerful adjutant. This adjutant seemed to have been assigned by him to perform some kind of mission, and he had not come back yet. He did not know where the adjutant had gone. …

Abaddon couldn't remember who the adjutant was. He tried to find the adjutant's past in his memory but couldn't find anything. There was only an empty concept in his mind of "I seem to have a very powerful adjutant" without any specific details. I can't even recall the adjutant's name.

"Are all the lieutenants here?" Abaddon suddenly interrupted the discussion and asked the lieutenants present.

"Every one of your adjutants is on the bridge, no one is absent." One adjutant replied.

"Ah..." Abaddon nodded in a daze, "I must have remembered it wrong."

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