Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 215 Meeting Gift

After a while.

Abaddon led his men into Blackstone Fortress.

Since a beacon had been placed in Blackstone Fortress before, the location they teleported to was on the passage outside the control room.

Although Abaddon had recognized that this was not the Eternal Will that belonged to him, but the fortress that he had given to Huron, the environment here still felt strange to him.

The passage is littered with cables, and occasionally pulsating fascia can be seen on some cables.

There are some devices on the wall that I don’t know what they are used for. Each device is connected to a head, and these heads are like wetware.

The fortress had obviously been attacked, and some machines were repairing the damage. These machines looked like spiders, with skulls embedded in them like the devices on the wall.

What's even more strange is that no one alive can be seen in the entire fortress, and no firefights are heard. The fortress is extremely quiet.

If he had not been to this Blackstone Fortress before, Abaddon would have thought that Huron had held some mysterious ceremony here.

Abaddon had seen more terrifying and weird scenes in the Eye of Terror. He only felt strange about what he saw before him, but he didn't find it scary.

"Ready weapons."

One of his subordinates alerted the others, and all the Black Legion soldiers who had followed Abaddon raised their weapons.

Abaddon did not stop his men. Something was clearly wrong here, and preparation for battle was absolutely necessary.

Abaddon stopped when he reached the door of the control room, and his men immediately stepped forward to open the door.

The method of opening the door is also different from before. There is a skull embedded in the door.

When the skull sees Abaddon, it scans him and then automatically opens the door.

The scene in the command room stunned Abaddon.

The originally empty control room has now become extremely crowded, with cables everywhere and devices with heads everywhere.

The Dark Mechanicus priest responsible for controlling the Blackstone Fortress emerged from the dense pile of cables, and his body was embedded in a ten-meter-high device.

"This...how is this possible?" Abaddon couldn't believe what he saw.

It is now certain that there are absolutely no enemies on the fortress, but the original crew here have all been modified. The technology used looks very evil. It is impossible for the crew to be modified by the Empire or the Tyrone people, and Huron does not have relevant modification technology.

"These are all gifts for you...a more obedient black stone fortress."

A voice came from the shadows of the control room.

Abaddon and his men immediately prepared for battle. All weapons, including bolters and plasma cannons, were aimed at the shadows. They immediately saw a terrifying-looking thing coming out.

At this moment, many images appeared in Abaddon's mind.

A black planet, covered with black iron factories spewing steam and flames, with the roar of pistons and shrill screams all night long.

An angry and roaring demon, it was integrated with machinery to become a demon engine.

Many images flashed quickly, and finally a concept emerged in Abaddon's mind.


An inventor, craftsman.

A demonic demigod.

Abaddon also saw that all the occupants of the Blackstone Fortress where he was were killed. They were killed by Vash'tor.

Vashtor made these people into mechanical creations that were integrated with the Blackstone Fortress. They could better control the Blackstone Fortress.

Although Vashtor doesn't know how to use many of the functions of Blackstone Fortress, after its transformation, at least the fortress will not have to be evacuated intermittently.

"What do you want?" Abaddon didn't think these transformations were for nothing. Vashtor must have an agenda just like Typhons and Huron.

"This is a gift. I just made the fortress easier to control. This is not a transaction." Vashtor shook his head slowly.

Abaddon didn't believe in the so-called meeting ceremony. Vashtor definitely had other intentions, but what he was planning was conceptual.

Just like the battle and blood, conspiracy and change plotted by the dark gods.

"If you are willing to pay a little price, I can help you repair the Vengeful Spirit, and it will be repaired quickly." Vashtor said suddenly.

Abaddon was immediately moved.

If there's anything the Warmaster of the Black Legion holds dear, it's the Vengeful Spirit.

It was difficult not to be tempted by the condition of quickly repairing the Vengeful Spirit, but he still did not agree because he knew the so-called beating nature of God, and you must be more careful when making deals with gods, otherwise you will definitely lose money.

"I don't want the Vengeful Spirit to be tarnished." Abaddon refused politely.

Vashtor nodded slowly and gradually retreated into the shadows and disappeared.

Abaddon turned to the priest who had been transformed into a control device and ordered: "This fortress is now the New Eternal Will. Move the New Eternal Will behind the fleet."

The priest carried out Abaddon's orders like an intelligent machine, controlling the Blackstone Fortress to sail to the rear of the fleet.

Abaddon was satisfied when he saw that his orders were carried out to the letter.

The biggest problem with this black stone fortress is that it sometimes gets out of control, but now this problem has been solved.

The war can continue.

Inside the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit.

The person in charge of communications found that he could contact Blackstone Fortress. When he sent the message, the people in Blackstone Fortress would immediately reply, but this reply seemed very mechanical.

When Abaddon returned to the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit, Typhons and the temporary leader of the Red Pirate Fleet were already waiting here.

"Why is there only one Blackstone Fortress back?" Typhons asked.

"I don't know, the other one may have been blown up." Abaddon answered as he walked to the throne and sat down.

The leader of the Red Pirate Fleet then asked: "Is this Blackstone Fortress the one you gave us?"

"No, it is the Eternal Will." Abaddon replied calmly, and then comforted: "I will compensate you with something else, something better than the Blackstone Fortress."

The leader of the Red Pirate Fleet had not yet responded. Typhons on the side intervened: "Don't you still have a giant ship? It's called Planet Killer. Can't you just compensate it to the Red Pirates directly?"

"Blackstone Fortress has returned, we can implement the previous plan." Abaddon pretended not to hear, his eyes fell out of the porthole: "The whole ship sailed to the Anlai galaxy, and after blowing up all the celestial bodies there, we left, and then cycled Back and forth until the crack expands to the size of a planet."

The leader of the red pirate fleet and Typhons all turned and left the bridge.

Although the cooperation with Abaddon is not going well, they don't want to break up now.

After watching Typhons leave, Abaddon leaned on the throne and looked ahead.

The Black Legion fleet has received orders, and all cruisers are sailing forward.

The ships of the Plague Fleet and the Red Pirate Fleet also responded one after another.

"Wash your neck and wait."

"This war is not over yet!"

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