Qin Mo, who was far away on the Celestial Engine, was paying attention to the two Blackstone Fortresses that were being evacuated. When the Chaos Fleet had all evacuated, the Blackstone Fortress still remained in the galaxy and slowly moved towards the rift, fighting against the Celestial Engine while moving, but no one could. Nothing can be done about anyone.

After the giant particle light spear released by the celestial engine collided with the subspace energy torrent fired by the vortex cannon again, two holographic images suddenly appeared in the bridge.

One is Gray.

The other was a Chaos Space Marine scanned by Gray.

Qin Mo glanced at the space warrior first, and then looked at him carefully in surprise.

Double sword.

A mask as white as a face.

Head pendant around waist.

This series of features identifies this Chaos Space Marine.

Personally chosen by Abaddon, one of the main lieutenants of the Warmaster of Chaos, and one of the few souls who can name the Warmaster - Tyranon Lyra.

"He seems to be a high-ranking member of the enemy army. How to deal with him?" Gray asked.

Qin Mo thought about it seriously.

A high-ranking person like Laila must be very familiar with everything about the Black Legion, and may even know many secrets over a long period of 10,000 years.

But precisely because Laila is a senior member of the Black Legion, no matter what means are used to imprison him, there is a slight chance that he can escape.

Having her limbs cut off was not a big difficulty for Laila.

After some thought, Qin Mo decided to seek stability and chose the latter between obtaining what Laila knew and eradicating this threat.

Qin Mo closed his eyes and began to sense the guard's power armor.

Among the many improvements that have been made to the Praetorian Power Armor, one improvement is to add a medium that can be used to exert the power of the Star God in the power armor.

Now is the time to use this medium.

Gray, who was in the Blackstone Fortress, suddenly found that his right hand was raised involuntarily, and blue current was flowing and converging on the surface of the arm armor.

The moment the lightning spurted out, the temperature in the entire fortress surged twice. After being struck by the lightning, Laila's body turned into scattered ashes, and even the ashes were gradually decomposing.

After the last bit of dust dissipated with a flash of blue light, Lyra's traces in the physical universe were completely erased.

Gray turned around and looked at Foros in a daze, and Foros looked at Thrall, who raised the wraith bone device and led the way.

Everyone moved on.

As time goes by, the light emitted by the spiritual bone device becomes more and more dazzling, which shows that it is almost positioned at the core.

Then there is a very critical question.

"How do we destroy the core after we locate it?" Gray asked Thrall. "Maybe you don't want to blow it to pieces but interfere with it, but how can we do it?"

Thrall stretched out the wraith bone device in front of Gray's eyes, and when Gray's electronic eyes automatically adjusted the brightness of the field of view, he answered him: "Put this thing into the core and leave the rest to you. Your iron planet can't break stars." ?"

"Okay, it seems we don't have to blow up the Blackstone Fortress with you." Gray breathed a sigh of relief. He was originally planning to formulate a defense plan to protect Thrall until he successfully destroyed the core, but this time he saved some effort.

While the two were talking, the spirit bone device suddenly reacted violently, and the light it released projected a flat image of the entire Blackstone Fortress on the road. There was a light spot on the image, and Eldar characters were written next to the light spot.

"That's the core! Found it!" Thrall was very excited, gesturing at the Eldar characters, "This beautiful character means concentration point, key point... In short, that's the core."

Gray and Flowers glanced at the image and continued to move forward in silence.

After a while.

A large number of cracks appeared in the vast bridge of the Celestial Engine, and everyone who was on the Blackstone Fortress of the Eternal Will just now was teleported back.

"It's done." Thrall sat on the console and took a breath, raising his hand to point at the Eternal Will. "You can destroy it."

Qin Mo looked at the Eternal Will in the holographic image and nodded silently.

At this time, the two satellite structures of the Celestial Engine were emitting giant particle light spears. The Blackstone Fortresses also fired back with vortex cannons. The majestic impact generated when the two energies collided spread to the surroundings, activating the shields of the Celestial Engine and the Tyrone fleet. .

All this is no different from usual, but this time something strange happened to the Eternal Will, one of the two Blackstone Fortresses. The subspace energy surrounding it that decomposed the energy impact dissipated, and even the power of the vortex cannon was not as powerful as it was a second ago. .

The Eternal Will was submerged in the red beam.

The light spear array on the satellite structure stopped attacking and began to cool down, and the red beam that illuminated the entire galaxy gradually dissipated.

The Eternal Will is gone.

"Very good." Qin Mo nodded with great satisfaction. If the face of the living metal body could show expressions like flesh and blood, then others would see Qin Mo's smile.

There is only one Blackstone Fortress left in the galaxy.

The two satellite structures of the celestial engine were suspended together, taking turns firing light spears at the only remaining black stone fortress.

As if it wanted to avenge its companions, the Blackstone Fortress no longer retreated intermittently but directly stayed in place, fighting against the two huge satellite structures. Its vortex cannon was unable to withstand the two giant particle spears, and the subspace energy surrounding it was unable to decompose the majestic material energy. It was gradually collapsing.

Although Thrall still has a wraithbone device, he no longer needs to use it.

On the only remaining black stone fortress.

The Dark Mechanicus personnel are helpless about the current predicament. They have tried many methods, but to no avail, whether it is to restart the propulsion device or install more propulsion devices, the propulsion device has been severely disturbed and cannot operate normally.

The Warmaster's fleet has left the system, and no one can support them.

It seems that it has become everyone's destiny to be buried with the Blackstone Fortress that is constantly collapsing.

When the priests gave up struggling and started praying, a rustling sound suddenly came from the shadows in the control room.

The priest raised his head and looked at the shadow, the mechanical device in his brain suppressing the panic that would have made him collapse.

A terrifying presence slowly walked out of the shadows.

It has a metal skeleton with stretched muscles attached to it, like a conveyor belt that keeps the mechanical structure running.

It holds a forging hammer in its left hand, a sharp iron claw in its right hand, and two black horns on its ferocious head.

The priest's panic was only temporary, and he soon began to worship the dark presence before him.

"This creation is like an untamed beast. It is not perfect yet and cannot obey its master like a machine."

The ethereal words echoed throughout the control room. Every syllable of this sentence was like a spell. When the words fell, all the propulsion devices on the Blackstone Fortress were running at full speed, causing the entire Blackstone Fortress to rush into the crack at an alarming speed.

It took me a while to eat, and I still coded while eating. I haven’t finished writing the fourth chapter until now...

There's one more chapter left, just do it with Ollie and that's it.

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