Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 211 Battle of Passage

While waiting for reinforcements to arrive, Lyra devised a simple plan.

No matter how many Space Marines the Warmaster would send and how many defenders there were in the fortress, he would only bring about thirty Space Marines to attack the enemy.

Facing more than a hundred enemies wearing Terminator armor, thirty Space Marines are too few, but even if there are three hundred, they will not be able to win.

The function of these thirty Space Marines is to attract the enemy's attention and create an opportunity for faster, more agile and stronger people to get close to the enemy.

The person who is faster, more agile and stronger is naturally Laila herself.

As for what to do after getting close...

Laila remembered that there was an Eldar alien in the image she had just seen. The alien was holding a luminous device, which should be something that could guide the way.

So the goal is to kill the aliens and destroy the guide device.

After quickly formulating a plan, Laila prepared to find a suitable ambush location in the fortress.

The Weeper Chapter is still advancing in the passage. They have been walking for a long time, killing tens of thousands of enemies and even destroying several tanks along the way, but there is still no end in sight for this huge passage. I don’t know how long it will take.

Behind the Lamenters Astartes were Gray and Thrall, walking at the rear.

Thrall holds a wraith bone device in his hand that exudes a guiding light. His duty is to guide the way, but he has not opened his mouth to point the way since he was teleported into the Blackstone Fortress, because the wraith bone device shows this passage with no end in sight. That's the correct route.

Gray beside Thrall did not participate in any battle. His duty was to protect Thrall.

"How much longer do we have to go?"

"We just received a communication. The enemy fleet in the system has begun to evacuate. The Blackstone Fortress where we are is evacuating very slowly, but sooner or later it will enter the rift."

Gray kept conveying the latest battle situation to Thrall along the way, intending to remind him that if there is something in the bottom of the box that can allow everyone to go to the core of Blackstone Fortress immediately, then now is the time to use it.

However, Thrall didn't have anything to press the bottom of the box. He could only follow the guidance of the wraith bone device and move slowly, because the wraith bone device did not know where the core was now, but was constantly collecting signals to deduce the core's location.

"It seems that there is a high probability that we will have to follow the Blackstone Fortress into the subspace." Gray had to make the worst plan.

"We cannot enter the subspace." Foros, who was walking in front, looked back at Gray, "We must leave before the Blackstone Fortress enters the subspace, we must!"

"Why?" This was the first time Gray heard Fros speak in a stern tone. He didn't know what was in the subspace, but he had heard some relevant information before.

Like Gray, almost all Tyrones either knew nothing about the Warp or knew a little but not much.

"The traitors usually don't use the Geller Stand, which can isolate subspace creatures. If we follow the Blackstone Fortress and enter the subspace, we will be finished."

Although Foros's words were vague, Gray was still aware of the danger. He no longer thought that even if the Blackstone Fortress entered the subspace, he had to complete the task, but planned to go as far as he could, and buried himself when leaving the Blackstone Fortress. transmit beacon.

"We still have some time." Thrall said and looked around. "It didn't want to leave, so it deliberately slowed down, otherwise it would have entered the subspace."

Others did not pay attention to this sentence and continued to move forward.

The light emitted by the spirit bone device became more and more dazzling, and finally an upward slope suddenly appeared in the unchanging straight passage ahead.

Everyone except Thrall was shocked by the scene before them. Foros was relieved when he recalled the subspace rift in the galaxy, and Gray was relieved when he recalled the various supernatural phenomena he saw on the Forge World.

After walking up the slope, everyone came to a very strange-looking space.

There are many entrances here, and various slopes and steps extend in a slightly twisted way to each entrance.

Both the Grays and the Astartes felt a little dizzy, but the Eldar had senses that could adapt to this kind of space, and Thrall was at home here.

"Follow me." Thrall came to the front of the team and continued to lead the way. He moved nimbly up the stairs and slopes, glancing at the wraith bone device from time to time, and led everyone towards an entrance in the middle of the space.

The light of the wraith bone device was even more dazzling, and Thrall seemed to be holding a searchlight.

After climbing up a new staircase as nimbly as before, Sal looked back at the other people behind him, who were crawling slowly and awkwardly on the stairs.

It’s not that Gray and others are slow and insensitive, it’s just that the steep slopes and stairs at weird angles make their senses very uncomfortable.

Just when Sal looked back at the others, there was a sudden gunshot from the entrance. Sal felt something very fast flying out against his head, and an explosion sounded a few microseconds later.

A Lamenter Astartes who had just climbed the stairs was hit by a bolt that Thrall dodged, but the bomb failed to penetrate the Terminator Armor.

The Astartes watched calmly and saw thirty Black Legion Space Marines running over quickly. They did not bring any mortal servants with them.

More bombs followed.

The moment Thrall saw the enemy, he hid behind the Astartes and was not affected by the bomb.

More and more Astartes have climbed up the stairs to participate in the battle. As the two sides exchange fierce fire, the distance is quickly closing, until Thrall, who is hiding behind the Astartes and observing secretly, sees a figure holding two swords. He is incredibly fast and incredibly dexterous.

It was Lyra who traveled among the Space Marines.

"Be careful!" Thrall warned.

At this time, Lyra had already rushed in front of the Wailers, slashed the arm of the person who was about to fire at her with a knife, and then rushed towards Thrall.

Thrall was shocked the first time he formally saw Laila. He saw the surging murderous intent in Laila's eyes.

While Thrall was stunned, Foros and Gray passed by him, swinging their chainswords and thrusting their power spears, but Lyra dodged these attacks.

Laila's body rotated like a graceful dancer, and she swung the knife at Sal's neck while avoiding it. The knife was so fast that even though Sal saw it, he could not react in time.

At the critical moment, Gray used bullet time to approach and cut off Lyla's arm. Foros's power spear followed closely and cut off Lyla's other limbs.

Laila didn't realize what happened after falling to the ground. He felt that his limbs were still being slashed with the knife instead of being chopped off.

Lyra could do nothing now. She could only watch the thirty Space Marines she had brought over being annihilated by the Weeper one after another.

The plan failed.

"My next communication will determine your fate." Gray put his arm on Laila's head, and then contacted Qin Mo in the celestial engine bridge.

I wrote three chapters late today and posted them all, and I posted the remaining two chapters as I wrote them.

If I say I will update five chapters, I will update five chapters. Anyway, I don’t have to go to work tomorrow and I can write until ten o’clock.

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