Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 210 The Unlucky Guys

All the ships of the Chaos Fleet in the system are evacuating. The cruisers assume the role of frigates, covering the battleships while exchanging fire with the Tyron fleet while sailing towards the rift.

The void shields of all battleships were overloaded when they encountered the arc attack just now. In a battleship versus battleship battle, the side without shields is destined to be at a disadvantage.

To make matters worse, with the exception of battleships, the hulls of most cruisers were damaged to varying degrees. Some unlucky cruisers had their propellers damaged. After sailing slowly for a period of time, the propellers stopped working, and they could only despair. Stay where you are and get set on fire.

Some warships who did not want to die in humiliation during the evacuation chose to stop retreating, slowly turned their direction and launched a desperate charge towards the Tai Lung warship closest to them, ignoring the attacks on the hull and ramming it as fast as possible.

A battleship that is fast enough can use the angle of impact to smash the energy shield of the Tyron battleship, but it can only smash the shield. After the impact, the hull will violently shake and deflect, and the crew of the battleship will be shaken regardless of whether they are prepared for the impact or not. He was thrown away, his body shattering faster than the hull of the ship.

Abaddon in the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit observed the overall situation of the fleet, and then speculated to Typhons, who was in contact with him: "At least forty cruisers will be destroyed during the evacuation."

Typhons said something very angry after hearing this, but this sentence was covered up by the explosion that echoed in the bridge.

Typhons, who was far away in the bridge of the Terminus, saw that the entire bridge of the Vengeful Spirit was shaking violently, and Abaddon stabbed his power claw into the throne to maintain balance.

Typhons wanted to ask what happened in the Vengeful Spirit, but just as he was about to speak, he heard a more violent explosion on the image.

Abaddon knew what was going on without sending anyone to investigate.

The Vengeful Spirit was hit on the port side before the decision was made to evacuate. This attack caused a fire near the point of impact. It is possible that the crew failed to contain the spread of the flames, which then detonated the ammunition magazine.

This kind of collateral damage is very common in wars. Nearly ten thousand crew members may have been blown away in the two explosions just now, but it doesn't matter. There are at least hundreds of thousands of crew members left on the battleship.

Any little trouble on the Vengeful Spirit is enough to make Abaddon worried, but he is still more concerned about the situation of Blackstone Fortress, because whether the next war can be fought depends on whether Blackstone Fortress can evacuate with the fleet. .

Abaddon looked at the image in the bridge and found that the two black stone fortresses had just finished another round of bombardment. They began to retreat while accumulating subspace energy, but they stopped and walked.

The Blackstone Fortresses were fighting against the crews controlling them, apparently not wanting to retreat.

"Did you notice those black stone fortresses?" Abaddon asked Typhons. "I have never seen them so... so active... I didn't even know if they had any attack methods other than vortex cannons before. , but now they are so active fighting for me."

"If you also give me a Blackstone Fortress, maybe I can study them and answer your questions." Typhons said.

Abaddon did not follow Typhons' words. He turned his head and glanced at the porthole, and found that the Spirit of Vengeance and the Rift were close at hand.

"Laila." Abaddon looked at his strongest lieutenant, "Go to the Eternal Will and make sure it won't be destroyed by gang members before evacuating."

Laila immediately prepared to teleport.

Subspace teleportation technology is not very stable and easy to use, but due to the existence of subspace rifts in the galaxy, the teleportation distance and accuracy are far beyond normal levels. Even though the thickness of the Blackstone Fortress is much more than five meters, Laila can accurately enter the Eternal Will. control room.

This is a cubic space of about 4,000 square meters in Blackstone Fortress. No one knows what its original purpose was. Now this space is used as a control room.

When Lyra appeared in the open space in the control room, the Dark Mechanicus priest responsible for providing technical support for the Eternal Will was giving orders to his subordinates, ordering them to rush to various places in the Blackstone Fortress to add propulsion devices.

"What's going on here?" Laila stepped forward and asked.

The priest glanced at Laila and issued a series of orders before answering him angrily: "I don't know."

The Dark Mechanicus are members of the Mechanicus who betrayed the Empire. They have a strong interest in all technologies prohibited by the Empire, but there is not much difference in personality between the two.

If it had been anyone else, Laila would have immediately drawn her sword and chopped it into 666 pieces, but helplessly, the priest in front of her was found by the Warmaster.

"Why does the propulsion device always stall? Does the same for the newly added propulsion device?"

"It's really damn, this damn Blackstone Fortress, this damn propulsion device."


After hearing the priest's complaint, Laila could roughly understand the current situation, that is, the propulsion device installed on the Blackstone Fortress always stalled for no reason. This happened even with the newly installed propulsion device.

The people of the Dark Mechanicus were helpless to do anything about this situation, and Laila was even less able to intervene.

"There's something I can do." The priest summoned a servo skull and motioned for Lyra to look at the skull.

After Laila's eyes met the two holes emitting light in her skull, a picture appeared in his brain.

It was an image in a passage on the edge of Blackstone Fortress, and the recorder was another servo skull.

This servo skull followed five thousand mortal servants and ten Chaos Space Marines from various warbands patrolling the passage. After traveling a certain distance, they suddenly saw hundreds of blue cracks appearing directly in front of them, and a star walked out of each crack. warrior.

Finally, a man wearing an unprecedented power armor walked out of the crack, and an alien holding a light-emitting device kept waving the device in his hand as soon as it appeared.

Those Space Marines are the Lamenters Chapter.

Lyra recognized the markings on the Space Marine armor; he had even fought against them.

However, these Wailers were completely different from what they looked like in the past. They all wore Terminator power armor and opened fire on the patrols as they advanced.

The vast passages in the Blackstone Fortress are suitable as battlefields in space, but there is nothing in the passages that can be used as a cover. Hundreds of mortal servants are beaten to pieces every second, and those space warriors cannot hold out for long.

"It's really outrageous..." Laila was a little confused. The last time he saw so many Terminator power armors was during the Great Crusade 10,000 years ago.

Lyra again reported the situation to the Warmaster and asked for his support.

During the report, Lyra suddenly thought of a rival named Kayon. It would be great if the unlucky guy who had to intercept the Weeper now was Kayon.

Unfortunately, Khayon was even more unlucky.

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