Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 204 Cardia asks for support

"Stop feeling emotional!" Klein was very excited, "Do something, Lord Castle!"

Creed still had no reaction and just took a puff of his cigar to hide his surprise and confusion.

Klein looked at Creed in disbelief. He couldn't believe that at this critical juncture of life and death for Cardia, the Supreme Lord of the Castle in front of him had just said with emotion, "What a hell."

Creed is not used to showing emotions on his face, which makes him seem indifferent to the crisis that Cardia is facing, even like an outsider.

This character even affected Kyle. The sergeant stood next to Creed with a dull expression.

"Four battleships, six heavy cruisers..."

Creed looked at Klein and slowly spoke out the information he had just read in various intelligences.

"Seven cruiser squadrons."

"Fifteen escort squadrons."

"This is the number of enemy navies present throughout the system, and according to the intelligence I have received, more and more enemy ships are pouring out of the rift near Mandeville Point."

After saying that, Creed stared at Klein and slowly asked: "What do you want me to do?"

Klein was stunned when he was asked. After hesitating for a while, he answered: "Mobilize the defenders..."

"The defense plan was formulated and implemented a week ago. A total of six hundred regiments in the entire fortress world are guarding various bastions." Creed said.

"Then...orbital defense platform..."

"They should have evaporated by now."

"Then...and...well, there's nothing else we can do."

Klein thought for a long time and finally realized that Creed had done everything he could.

More and more enemy ships are appearing in the galaxy inexplicably, and every minute that passes, an Imperial Navy battleship is destroyed.

Most of the warships of the Cadia fleet are not in the galaxy, but are scattered throughout the Cadian Gate defense zone. They were originally fighting enemy ships, but who knows where the enemy got so many warships to get to this galaxy. Come.

The armies in the fortress world have long been stationed in various bastions.

When the balance of force between the enemy and ours was extremely disparate and his own side was at a serious disadvantage, Creed was unable to make adjustments to the overall strategy.

But after Klein thought about it, he suddenly thought of something that Creed could make arrangements for.

"Your safety!" Klein pointed to the location of Cadia's highest headquarters on the map, which is Miraak Bastion. "Assemble troops to focus on defense here. If you die, it will be all over!"

Sergeant Kyle looked embarrassed when he heard this suggestion. Creed looked at Klein with complicated eyes, organized his words in his mind and said: "You were the commander of the Tyrone Army before... Do you know? This point is that our Cadian army cannot teleport from the North Pole to the South Pole of the planet instantly. It will take time for the army to rush to Miraak Bastion from other bastions. It is very likely that after my order is spread, the enemy troops It has already begun to raid the surface.”

Klein was stunned for a moment.

"You're too anxious and nervous. Give me some advice after you calm down." Creed motioned to Kyle to get a chair for Klein, and then motioned to Klein to sit down and take it easy.

Klein sat down obediently and muttered to himself in confusion: "Why, why do enemies suddenly appear in the galaxy... How is this possible?"

Creed didn't listen to Klein's nonsense and wrote the document silently.

From time to time, someone would run into the office to report the latest news to Creed. Each of these news was more desperate than the last, and the time was so tight that the civilian staff could not even leave time to write.

"Our fleet in the system was completely destroyed, and they protected Cadia until the last moment."

"The Mechanicus priest responsible for maintaining the planet's defense shield reported that he will do his best to ensure that the shield is functioning properly."

"There are two eight-pointed star-like void buildings emerging from the crack."

"Those two void buildings shattered a planet!"

"The orbital defense platform was destroyed, and we can no longer see the situation in the void..."

One after another, officers walked into the office and left quickly after reporting desperate information.

Creed finished writing the document in silence, and then handed the document and a quill to Klein.

Klein took the document and looked at it, and found that it was a very formal request for help.

In the name of the current Supreme Lord of Cadia, Creed requested help from all star regions of the empire on behalf of the entire Cadia.

The empire had already sent fleets and troops to Cadia, and they were still on the way.

The only one that could respond quickly to calls for help was the Tyrone sector on the northernmost edge of the empire.

Creed had made an agreement with Qin Mo a long time ago. At that time, the entire Tyrone Galaxy had not even been unified yet. This agreement was of course valid, but Creed had to write a document and go through the process.

As a liaison, Klein needs to sign the document, which is part of the process.

"Your merchant ship is not in the galaxy, can you still send messages to the Tyrone galaxy?" Creed asked.

"Okay, I just need to use the communicator to contact the merchant ship." Klein nodded, then picked up the quill to sign.

The moment the pen tip touched the document, Creed suddenly reached out and held Klein down, reminding him seriously: "Think about it carefully and think about whether you are sure you want to get involved in the war here. This is actually not yours. war……"

Without any hesitation, Klein continued to write his name and handed the document to Creed: "I am acting under orders and have no decision-making power."

Creed accepted the document, sealed it in a box made of fine gold and locked it, then said to Klein: "You only need to relay one sentence: Cardia is requesting support."

Klein nodded, and immediately took out the communicator to contact his merchant ship, asking them to send a communication to the Tyrone system, convey Creed's words to the merchant ship, and then have the merchant ship convey it to the communication station.

Since the merchant ship is not in the galaxy, the signal sent by the communicator needs to propagate in deep space for an hour before it can be received by the merchant ship.

When Klein contacted the merchant ship, Creed stood up and walked to the window, raised his head and looked directly at the purple sky of Cadia.

A blue wave appeared over Miraak Bastion, gradually spreading to all directions until the entire fortress world was enveloped.

This is the planetary defense shield.

The shield being activated indicates that the enemy has used weapons capable of destroying an entire planet.

The defensive shield was quickly attacked, and then withstood an attack that was enough to destroy the fortress world, and the entire fortress world was shaking.

"The void building in the shape of an eight-pointed star..." Creed suddenly recalled the report he had heard before. This attack may have come from the two void buildings that can destroy the planet.

However, there is no need to worry about the fortress world being blown to pieces while the defensive shield is in effect.

Creed, who was staring at the sky, soon felt uncomfortable. His eyeballs were bloodshot, and something in his head seemed to be squeezing the brain tissue.

"Damn rift," Creed said.

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