Tyrone Galaxy.

In the Nest Fortress at the bottom of the hive world, the originally empty hall was filled with tables and chairs and crowded with people.

Caul's clone turned into a human form, and the Eldar people Thrall and Vanessa who came to help, the governors of each world in the Tyrone sector... These people were standing or sitting, accompanying Qin Mo to discuss the sector. Defense plan.

Also participating in the discussion were the holographic projections of the guards and captains who were present across the galaxy.

"Our fleet and regular troops have all been dispatched. The war in the Hazy Star Region is the most intense, but we cannot rule out the possibility of being attacked here."

"In case the Tyrone sector is attacked, I will activate the extreme mobilization order."

Qin Mo said to everyone.

The so-called extreme mobilization order is an order that was formulated in the discussion just now. After the extreme mobilization order is activated, the entire sector will enter a state of war.

Every resource will be used for war. Adult men and women with intact bodies will be directly integrated into the planetary defense forces. Children and disabled people will be sent to factories to produce weapons, equipment and ammunition together with logistics machinery.

When the extreme mobilization order was mentioned, the atmosphere in the hall became much more solemn.

"Don't be nervous, the Tailong Star District may not be attacked." Qin Mo said with a smile.

There is one thing he has not said to others, that is, even if he is attacked, there will still be Leviathan Iron Man troops.

"We are really fully supporting the Misty Star Territory." Yaoen said and looked at Vanessa, "After the war, the High Lords Council of Terra... won't... not give us a kiss?"

Yaoen is currently in the celestial engine far away in the forging world. His image is transferred to the hive by the communication station in the dimensional space. His image should be very stable, but now it keeps flickering for some reason. Even his speaking voice sounded a little stuck.

"What are you talking to me for? I can't even see the high lord." Vanessa responded seriously.

"This is not the time for joking." Qin Mo frowned and reminded Yaoen, then glanced at everyone present, "Do you have anything to say?"

Most people shook their heads.

When he saw that no one else had anything to say, Thrall raised his hand and asked loudly: "Should I go to the Cadian Gate? After all, my mission is to deal with the Blackstone Fortress."

"When I need you to deal with the Blackstone Fortress, I will have a way for you to go to Cadia instantly." Qin Mo said.

"Okay..." Sal was a little helpless. He knew that he was still not trusted.

Others looked at Thrall curiously, wondering why this Eldar cared more about the safety of Cadia than the humans themselves.

Thrall has kept talking about wanting to go to Cadia ever since he came to the Tyrone System. He even saw the Planetary Defense Force training in the hive world and asked them why they didn't go to Cadia.

"Get the celestial engine ready for sailing." Vanessa looked at Gray, "I feel very uncomfortable recently. I always feel that Cardia has been attacked."

"Is the Celestial Engine yours?" Gray asked dissatisfied.

Only then did Vanessa realize that her attitude was inappropriate, so she saluted Qin Mo: "Please get your celestial engine ready for sailing, please."

Qin Mo nodded towards Gray.

Gray then complied.

"What we have to do is very simple. After Cadia is attacked, let the celestial engine rush over. Then all the ships will break away from the battle, use the celestial engine as the teleportation target and jump over."

"That's all, let's break up the meeting."

Qin Mo gave a few more instructions, and then waved his hand to indicate that everyone could leave.

At this moment, the door of the hall was suddenly knocked open, and the sound attracted everyone's attention.

A guard rushed into the hall and shouted: "The communication station has received a communication! It's a communication from a merchant ship!"

Everyone looked at the guards attentively.

Klein did not attend this meeting, and Qin Mo himself was curious about what he was doing.

"The merchant ship relayed to us what the Lord of Cadia said..." The guard took a few breaths and then reported: "Cadia is requesting support!"

Vanessa trembled and shifted her gaze to Qin Mo's face, feeling very nervous and worried.

There was silence in the hall, everyone looked at Qin Mo and waited for him to make a decision.

"And Tai Lung will respond." Qin Mo said the response he had agreed with Creed.

After the words fell, everyone in the hall became busy.

"Have the fleet stop sailing and prepare to jump to the vicinity of the celestial engine!" Adam gave the order to the main fleet.

"Let the celestial engine jump to Cardia." Gray turned around and ordered, and his entire image disappeared in the hall.

Qin Mo looked at Sal: "Follow me, and I will personally open the passage to the celestial engine for you."

Sal immediately walked towards Qin Mo.

The Caul clone left the hall, preparing to send a message to the original body through the communication station of the Tyrone system. Vanessa is preparing to find a ship to leave the hive world and convey the message to the empire that Cadia has been attacked... Everyone performs their duties.

The celestial engine parked in the orbit of the star in the Agrippina galaxy is preparing to enter the dimensional space. The giant dimensional engine like a mountain is extracting the energy of the Night Holder fragments. The Night Holder fragment in the center of the planetary structure emits a heartbreaking sound. Howl.

However, the howl was intercepted by the maze where the Nightbringer fragments were trapped, and did not spread out.

The people on the Celestial Engine just felt a little uncomfortable, and their mood suddenly became depressed.

Before entering the dimension space, Gray stood in front of the screen on the bridge and sent a communication request to Vic on the Forge World.

Vic's image immediately appeared on the screen.

"Cadia is under attack. I must rush to Cadia immediately with the Celestial Engine." Gray said, "You have to protect the forging world by yourself for the time being, Sage."

Vic has become the ruling sage of the Forge World.

In the past few years, Vic did not leave the galaxy defense work to the Celestial Engine and did nothing. He launched many orbital defense platforms into the orbit of the planet, so he was not worried when he heard the news that the Celestial Engine was leaving. .

"Let's set off with peace of mind. Don't worry about the Forge World." Vic said, pulling his servo skeleton over and checking the information recorded inside. "Take my Titan Legion with you. Although they have just been formed and need to be sharpened, they still need to be sharpened. They are absolutely ready to die for the Om Messiah.”

"Okay." Gray nodded in agreement.

Vic immediately issued teleportation orders to the newly formed Titan Legion.

This Titan legion is called the Blade of Ohm Messiah. The Titans and Knights in the legion were all destroyed and then repaired in the last war. They incorporated a little new technology during the repair process.

After the Ohm Messiah Blade was transmitted to the Celestial Engine, the entire Celestial Engine's satellites and planetary structures instantly entered the dimensional space.

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