Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 203 Raid on Cadia

within subspace.

The Glory Queen-class battleship named the Spirit of Vengeance is floating in subspace. It does not have a device called Geller's Stand enabled. Therefore, subspace creatures can approach the battleship without any hindrance. The distortion of the shape can be seen in every position on the battleship. of weird creatures.

It's the same thing on the bridge.

Abaddon stood in the bridge, staring at the wizard in front of him.

Occasionally, a demon with teeth and claws would pop up between the two of them, but because this situation was so common, both of them chose to ignore it.

"How did the ceremony go?" Abaddon asked, sizing up the wizard.

The appearance of this wizard is always changing. His current appearance is very strange. His head grows between his legs, two arms grow on his head, and feathers and pustules are constantly growing on the surface of his body... If it weren't for this wizard, he would still be useful. , then he will definitely be stabbed by Abaddon.

"Wait patiently. We are not in the material universe now. The ceremony may be over before we speak, or it may be halfway through the next second." The wizard's beak opened and closed, making Abaddon feel sick. The voice responded.

Abaddon was impatient, but he knew the wizard was right, for there was no time in the Warp.

"Be patient." The wizard suddenly started walking in circles on the bridge, and at the same time stretched out his hand to prick his own pustules, and dipped the pus into the floor to draw indescribable marks.

Abaddon frowned and looked at the wizard. He felt that his Vengeful Spirit had been desecrated, but he could only endure it because everything the wizard did was for the purpose of the ritual. This was not the first time he had done this. Weird behavior.

The wizard continued to paint with his own pus, occasionally ripping feathers out and sticking them on the floor.

The floor of the bridge was not the floor of a house, and slashing with a power sword would only leave scratches, but the wizard's soft feathers could be easily inserted into the floor.

"As long as the ceremony is completed, you will receive the gift of the dark gods."

"Your fleet will appear on Cadia, and you will slaughter countless frightened ants."

The wizard murmured to himself while drawing the mark. Abaddon had heard these words countless times, just like making a wish to the dark gods.

"That abominable being cannot stop you, nor can it stop the gods."

"Every word I say will come true."


The wizard drew an eight-pointed star pattern. This pattern did not seem to be made of pus. It looked like a delicate image.

"Is it over?" Abaddon asked.

The wizard did not answer. He stood in the center of the eight-pointed star pattern, his body becoming stiff until his whole body became a statue.

Abaddon frowned and had a bad guess in his mind, that is, the ceremony might have failed.

This ceremony has been going on for several years. Nearly a hundred imperial worlds in the entire Hazy Star Territory have become ritual nodes. The Black Legion protects these nodes at all costs. Everyone follows the wizard's arrangements and goes to every corner of the Star Territory. So far, tens of billions of people have been sacrificed, and eighty-nine imperial worlds have been turned into demon worlds... Could it be that the final result was that the ritual failed and the wizard suffered a backlash?

Just when Abaddon thought this, a battleship suddenly appeared around the Vengeful Spirit. This was the cruiser of the Red Pirates war gang. The last second it was fighting the ships of the Tyron Navy.

Then came the second battleship, the third battleship... More and more battleships were suddenly appearing around the Vengeful Spirit. They seemed to have been brought into the subspace from the material universe, and they were even neatly transported. Already arranged.

As the battleships appeared one after another, a crack opened in front of them. This crack sometimes narrowed and sometimes expanded.

Abaddon observed these circumstances and realized that the ritual had not failed but succeeded.

This is what the wizard calls the "gift of the dark gods". Ships fighting all over the Obscure Star Field are sent into the warp. As long as they pass through the rift, they can raid Cadia.

There is also a price to pay for accepting gifts, and the price is not big. It is just to continue to attack north after capturing Cadia until the Black Legion opens a passage from the Eye of Terror to the Tyrone sector.

When Cadia falls, the Eye of Terror will expand countless times, making it easier to repay the price.

Abaddon was happy to accept the price.

After one hour.

Cadian High Command.

Most of the people in the headquarters were in a mess. They were hurriedly receiving information from the entire galaxy, and then summarized the information and sent it to Credna.

As Creed reviewed the intel from the orbital defense platform, Kyle pushed open the office door and carried the box full of documents to his desk.

Not long after, Klein also entered the office.

"My merchant ship was attacked!"

"Someone is attacking my merchant ship!"

Klein made a big noise as soon as he entered the office. He yelled several words, but each sentence repeated one thing: the merchant ships docked in the orbit of Cadia were under attack.

Creed just raised his head and glanced at Klein, then continued reading the intelligence that was sent to him.

These intelligences from all over the galaxy are all saying one thing, that is, a crack has appeared near the Mandeville Point in the galaxy, and more and more enemy ships are pouring out of the crack.

Fortunately, the Imperial Navy had previously assigned many battleships to garrison the galaxy. It was impossible for them to defeat more and more enemy ships, but they could delay some time.

"Calm down." Creed raised his head and looked at Klein, motioning for him to sit in front of him.

However, it was impossible for Klein to remain calm. He was in contact with his crew and learned that the merchant ship was involved in the fleet battle.

When Klein stood at the window of his office and looked up at the sky, he could see his merchant ship in orbit surrounded by a dazzling blue ball of light.

The blue ball of light is a shield, and the shield is only partially visible when under attack.

Now that the shield has turned into a ball of light, it can only mean that the merchant ship is under the most violent attack. The shield device is already operating at its limit and will soon be overloaded.

"Is the dimension engine not ready yet?" Klein asked, staring at the sky.

His eyes were stung by the light of the Eye of Terror, and blood flowed from the corners of his eyes and nostrils, but he still stared at the merchant ship in orbit.

"The Dimension Engine is ready!" came the words that Klein wanted to hear most from the communicator.

The blue ball of light in the sky disappeared instantly, which meant that the entire merchant ship had jumped out of the galaxy.

"Huh..." Klein breathed a sigh of relief, sat down against the wall, and looked at Creed with bloodshot eyes, "What should we do?"

Creed was still very calm, his eyes fixed on the information in his hand, he picked up the cigar and took a puff, then sighed: "It's really a ghost."

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