Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 202 Do your best

Because the people of Tyrone Galaxy have no past and future. This sentence sounds like a very Eldar riddle prophecy, but it is not.

Qin Mo recalled what happened during the Tailong Galaxy Unification War.

Yaoen, Gray, Anreda, Duncan... these people should have died in the bottom nest long ago, slaughtered by the gene stealers, but they survived.

The devil who can predict the future cannot discern the fate of these people.

Qin Mo also thinks that Uslan is right. These people who have no past and future but only the present do have advantages.

"It seems that you agree with what I said." Uslan suddenly felt relaxed, thinking that he didn't need to spend more time explaining.

"So." Qin Mo narrowed his eyes and stared at Uslan on the screen, "You came all the way here to say this, do you want to use us as gunmen or something?"

Hearing this, Uslan suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

Although both sides were of different races, Qin Mo still sensed that Uslan couldn't hold himself any longer.

Thrall, who was standing next to Uthlan and listened, was surprised to see the prophet's smile because he had never seen Uslan smile in front of others.

This smile is like a bad smile that feels not shameful but proud when the past is revealed.

"You have a thorough understanding of our entire race, but this time you definitely blamed us wrongly." Uslan had suppressed his emotions when he spoke, and turned back to a cold look, completely different from before. .

Qin Mo said nothing and continued to stare at Uslan.

"I don't want you to be used as guns, nor do I want you to be scapegoats. That's it for the time being. I just came here to tell you about the ceremony so that you can be mentally prepared." Uslan looked very worried. Being sincere gives people the feeling that I may cheat you in the future but not for the time being.

Qin Mo remained silent, obviously not believing Uslan.

Uslan sighed helplessly and said the rest of the words to himself: "No matter what the purpose of the ceremony is, the galaxy where Cardia is located will definitely be attacked by the Black Legion fleet, and they have a weapon that can destroy the entire planet. Weapons, we call this weapon the Vaal Talisman, you should call this weapon the Blackstone Fortress."

Uslan then began to explain what Blackstone Fortress was.

The Blackstone Fortress was a weapon forged by the Eldar craftsman God Vaal during the War in Heaven. Its original purpose was to kill the Star God.

Unfortunately, the two existing Blackstone Fortresses in the galaxy are both in the hands of Abaddon. One he named the Eternal Will for his own use, and the other was given as a gift to the leader of the Red Pirates, Huron.

Fortunately, Abaddon didn't know the true purpose of the Blackstone Fortress, nor how to use them better, but even so, Abaddon had no problem using the Blackstone Fortress to blow up a planet.

After briefly explaining the Blackstone Fortress, Uslan warned Qin Mo: "I saw the Black Legion attacking Cadia in the prophecy... After the war begins, don't send your own fleet or the mobile planet to join the war immediately. Leave Blackstone Fortress to others to deal with."

"Why?" Qin Mo asked.

"Because Blackstone Fortress has thinking, like a living creature half asleep and half awake." Uslan frowned, his eyes were deep, and he said the reason in the most solemn tone, "I don't know what you are, but I can guess how you use it. With the power of the C'tan, Blackstone Fortress will be hostile to you and your army."

Uslan's words reminded Qin Mo.

Qin Mo also knew various information about the Blackstone Fortress. He also knew that the Blackstone Fortress would be destroyed by the empire in the original Thirteenth Black Expedition. There were two reasons why it could be successfully destroyed. The first was because The fearless sacrifice of the Astartes and mortals is, secondly, because Blackstone Fortress itself is not very willing to serve Chaos.

If the Blackstone Fortress encounters a Celestial Engine and discovers that it is not just a creation of the Star God but even contains a fragment of the Star God inside, it will definitely not be happy to let itself be destroyed by the Celestial Engine.

But if the celestial engine is not used to deal with the Blackstone Fortress, what else can be used?

"Your warning makes sense, but I can only listen." Qin Mo said.

"I knew you would say that." Uslan reached out and put his hand on Thrall's shoulder. "If for some reason your army has to face the Blackstone Fortress, then send him into the Blackstone Fortress. He has a way. Help you."

Sal nodded in agreement: "I'm willing to help."

Qin Mo did not immediately agree or refuse, but carefully considered it.

The Eldar are not trustworthy, but this does not mean that everything they do is to hinder humans. There is a high probability that Uslan really wants to help.

There is no one in the galaxy who doesn't hate Chaos, except Chaos himself.

If Cadia is lost, it will not only mean that an imperial world is gone, but the Eye of Terror will expand, which is not a good thing for the entire species in the galaxy.

"Come to the Tyrone Galaxy." Qin Mo said to Thrall on the screen, and then looked at Uslan, "If he is useless, I will stuff him into a torpedo and shoot him out."

Thrall suddenly became serious: "You won't have this chance, because I will either help you paralyze the Blackstone Fortress, or I will die in the Blackstone Fortress. I'm not just here to help, I also want to ask Blackstone Legion revenge!”

Qin Mo nodded and immediately ended the communication.

ten minutes later.

"That Eldar said these things, the ritual, the Blackstone Fortress..."

"The Chaos Space Marine I captured before mentioned the ritual, and this Eldar also mentioned it... They made me change my mind. I originally thought the Black Crusade would continue along its original route."

Qin Mo told Mimic the various information he had obtained.

The human form of Mimic looked at Qin Mo silently, listening carefully, and seemed to be thinking.

The illusions the two of them were in continuously showed the conditions on various planets in the Hazy Star Territory.

These planets have long been turned into battlefields. Various Chaos warbands perform various strange rituals while fighting. Their behavior is also very strange. Some ships will even specifically find the warships of the Imperial Navy or Tyron Navy, and then conduct a fatal s attack.

This all proves that the information about the ritual is completely true.

After talking about the matter, Qin Mo felt that the mimicry should have figured out the result, so he asked it: "What do you think?"

"Huh?" Mimic was stunned for a moment.

Only when Qin Mo saw the mimic's reaction did he realize that it was in a daze rather than thinking.

"I shouldn't ask you." Qin Mo was very helpless and focused on observing the illusion that was continuously showing the conditions of various worlds in the Hazy Star Territory.

That's all I can do.

Qin Mo thought to himself.

No matter what the effect of the ceremony was, no matter what the war would be like next, I did my best.

The main fleet of the Tyron Navy is rushing to the Obscure Star Territory, other fleets are fighting in the Obscure Star Territory, and the Celestial Engine is still on standby in the Agrippina System.

As long as there is a crisis in Cadia and Creed calls for help, the celestial engine will immediately rush to the Cadia galaxy, and then it will act as a beacon, allowing warships in different places to make an ultra-long distance jump.

As for the Blackstone Fortress, there are ways to solve it. Even if Thrall can't work, the Celestial Engine will still fight against the Blackstone Fortress. In the most critical situation, the Star God's body can be activated and the Nightbringer fragments can be released.

Without knowing what the effect of the ritual was or how Abaddon would use it, Qin Mo had done what he could.

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