War in Heaven

Chapter 971: Unspeakable

After opening the ten magic boxes donated by the system, Lin Chi stood by the door and looked down at the crazy Evan who was still in a coma.

Although the exoskeleton is of little use to him, it is also a usable equipment. Compared with the chopped melons in the previous boxes, it is worthy of the title of "epic level".

"Still go to sleep..."

After the props in the box were put into the backpack, Lin Chi yawned.

With this experience, he can basically say that he is dispelling the idea of ​​sheet metal. The props that the box can open are too random. If the sheet is unpacked, it is estimated that it is difficult to return to the book.

What's more, at present, there are many epic-level equipments in the props box, and there is no need to continue to buy the magic box to try your luck.

With this in mind, Lin Chi opened the menu and was about to click the button to quit the game, but suddenly received the message from the friend.

Valkyrie: "Is it?"

"I am going to go offline." Lin Chi replied.

When she was invited to form a team, the Valkyrie added Lin Chi as a friend. This woman is also one of the few people on the list of Lin Chi's friends. Lin Chi did not contact her several times because she was too lazy to socialize. Every time she sent a message, this time is no exception:

"Is your friend status set to prohibit adding?" asked the Valkyrie.

"There are too many people to add friends, I am too lazy to deal with it." Lin said slowly.

"You can't develop this way. Why don't you take this opportunity to market it?" Valkyrie asked again.

"Get it, I have no interest." Lin Chi replied impatiently: "Is there anything else? I will be fine if I have nothing."

"Wait a minute, someone wants to contact you, but can't add a friend, so please come and help me." The Valkyrie sent the message very quickly: "Can you add him?"

According to Lin Chi’s understanding, the arrogant guy of “Valkyrie” will only make friends with players who are famous enough or capable, and can contact the Valkyrie to help them. It must be a master.

Realizing this, Lin Chi also slightly suppressed the impulse to go offline and asked: "What is it?"

"Silver arowana." The female martial art said a familiar name: "You should know the deputy leader of the fish Raiders group?"

"I heard that." Lin Chi replied.

——In the game circle, the famous “fishing Raiders Group”, Lin Chi is naturally very clear. This group is basically equivalent to the highest level of Raiders in the puzzle game. Lin Chi was also invited to join, and then refused because of the "time limit is too tight".

Even if he refused the invitation to touch the fish Raiders group, Lin Chi was still respectful of this organization. In this age of anger, everywhere is the age of violent brothers, there are still a group of people insist on playing the puzzle game of the niche, and it is not easy to release the Raiders and plot analysis for the first time.

With this in mind, Lin Chi asked: "Is there something for him?"

"This is not very clear, I did not ask. Anyway, it must be the story of the game. In the war paradise, they basically do not play PVP. You add him, I have to eat."

The Valkyrie quickly made a series of messages, and then the name went down, apparently offline. Lin Chi, who got the "Silver Arowana" ID from her hand, also sent a friend application directly to the other party.

The deputy leader from the fish-racing team immediately agreed with Lin Chi’s request, and the speed was so fast that he had a fight with the Frankenstein. Lin Chi has not had time to send a greeting, the other party has sent a message:

"Hello, Mr. Champion."

"Don't call me that, it's too embarrassing." Lin Chi sighed a little depressed and continued to communicate with the other party: "Is there anything for me?"

"Do you have time? I want to talk with you." The silver dragon fish is very familiar, and directly sent a "face" invitation to Lin Chi: "It is not convenient here."

"Interview is still forgetting, it is ok to talk to the field." Lin Chi refused the other party's request.

"The field is OK, then you have a place that is hidden enough." Silver Dragon Fish replied: "The meeting time is set tonight, what do you mean?"

"I am too sleepy now, or tomorrow, I will contact you tomorrow morning." Lin Chi confirmed the time after the meeting, and waited for the other party to reply directly to the line.

He didn't know why the deputy leader of the Fish Raiders group was so enthusiastic, and even made a request to meet offline. But now, in the game, I started to fight with eyelids, or it is better to go to sleep first...

Pulling the tired body to the bedroom, Lin picked up the phone on the coffee table and asked the Frankenstein who was still on standby: "Are you in the field, is that bar still okay?"

"In normal operation." Frankenstein immediately replied.

"Well, there is a guy to talk to me tomorrow, I am going to set the location there. No problem?" Lin Chi said.

Judging from the way the silver dragon fish just talked, the guy might want to talk about some "unsatisfactory" content, so he would propose an offline meeting. If this is the case, the Frankenstein’s illegal acceleration zone in the field is undoubtedly a good place to chat.

I got a positive answer from the Frankenstein, and Lin, who was wearing black and white striped pajamas, fell on the bed in the bedroom. The scene in front of her eyes began to blur, and she fell asleep in less than 30 seconds.


The next morning, Lin Chi, who arrived in the thirteenth district of the field, walked through the noisy crowd to the alley where the "blood-sucking bar" was located.

As the most chaotic area in the domestic field, today's 13 districts are also as chaotic as ever. A variety of singular websites emerge in an endless stream, and the bright and honest signs on the roadside make the pictures above make Lin Chi, an adult. I feel a strong shock:

"XX Paradise! For you with a special good!"

“#)! Clubhouse, welcome to visit!”

"Young man, come play computer! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

Looking at the chaotic scenes of the thirteen districts, and the users who used the various modules on the roadside, Lin sighed and manipulated his body to drift across the street.

Today, Lin Chi used in the field is a zombie image with a pale complexion and a spell on his head. Compared with a large group of "monsters" on the streets of the 13th district, this module is quite normal.

According to Lin Chi’s understanding of the field, this place in the 13th district should be temporarily “stocked” by the network supervision agency: every once in a while, police will come over and harvest a wave, and all kinds of unhealthy websites here will be banned. Shopkeepers who can find real information will be arrested. Then it will take a few days, and similar things will appear again like mushrooms.

Entering the **** alley and coming to the door of the blood-stained bar, Lin Chi used the key provided by the Frankenstein to open the door and enter the bar, only to find that there were no other users in the bar, only one wearing a white cloth. Cap, slender female bartender, standing alone behind the bar.

"What about other people?" Lin Chi asked.

"Recently checked, they dare not appear." Frankenstein replied.

—— As the founder of the “Immune Bar” in the underground illegal acceleration zone, Frankenstein today uses the bartender's module. Her eyes are hidden in the shadow below the brim, revealing only a slightly rounded lower half of the face. The red and white blouse on the body is paired with shredded jeans. It seems to have a little Gothic style. The slender fingers hold a glass that has been polished, like the ability to perform a "throwing cup" at any time. .

"The man hasn't come yet." Frankenstein asked coldly.

"It should be coming soon." Lin Chi looked at the time and whispered: "You can pretend to be a service AI, remember not to forget to record."

- If the silver arowana really found something, it is necessary to record the information on its own side. However, the silver arowana that chats on other people's sites may be prepared to take countermeasures in advance.

"Come." Frankenstein said coldly.

With a bang, the door of the blood-stained bar opened, and a thin-skinned, thin-skinned man walked slowly into the bar, curiously looking around, and then focused his attention on the "zombie" face leaning against the sofa.

"I am a silver arowana, how are you?" The man in suit and suit asked tentatively.

"It's me, hurry to close the door, here is the illegal acceleration zone." Lin Chi did not say good.

"Well, twenty times the acceleration is right..." The silver arowana said to turn around and close the door, separating the inner area of ​​the blood-stained bar from the main server of the thirteenth district.

In order to prevent the user's head from being burnt out, illegal acceleration is prohibited in the field. For this reason, the blood-stained bar will come into being, for those who want to "live a little longer" in the virtual world. Users provide a place for recreation.

The illegal acceleration zone built by Frankenstein is still relatively hidden. After several large-scale investigations, it still stands still. However, because other illegal acceleration zones have been sealed up recently, the users who dare to come here basically have not. There are a few left.

"Have you built it here?" Silver Dragon Fish asked curiously.

"I won't program." Lin Chi said, pointing his finger at the bartender standing behind the bar: "You want to drink and let AI make it."

"..." The female bartender stood behind the bar without saying a word, and even the eyes did not move.

Originally a scientific geek from a computer virus, pretending to be an AI can be described as an abnormal reduction, basically a true appearance, without any flaws.

"This place is not bad, do you come here often?" Silver Dragon Fish continued to ask questions.

——What kind of information does this product want to cover?

In the face of the silver dragon fish that seems to have ulterior motives, Lin Chi will not be fooled, but slowly said: "This is a friend introduced, I have only been there twice, how, you want to report me?"

"Nothing, don't misunderstand..." Silver Dragon Fish hurriedly waved his hand: "I really have something to discuss with you."

"Go in and say, inside is the encryption area." Lin Chi pointed to several thresholds on the wall on the right hand side.

The zombies in white and the men in suits and men entered the encrypted space and closed the door to the outside world.

The small lamp on the top of the head casts a soft yellow light, sitting on a soft sofa that is still comfortable. Lin Chi used only two eyes with white eyes, watching the silver arowana sitting opposite, waiting for the other party to say this. .

"Well, I am the silver arowana in the fish Raiders group. I am very happy to meet you." The silver arowana smiled and extended his right hand, and shook hands with Lin Chi's rotten hand.

"The guest will be excused, say something right." Lin Chi licked his mouth.

For this man who has passed his politeness, Lin Chi still has a vigilant attitude: this guy looks like a very slippery person, and such a person is Lin Chi's least willing to deal with.

"You had a chance to attack the old Sodom city's BOSS battle yesterday, right." The silver dragon fish's voice is very magnetic: "We are currently exploring the "War Heaven" storyline. I can help you. ?"

"Can the story of this game be connected?" Lin Chi put on a confused look.

After a dozen or so games in the past, Lin soon discovered that there was more or less contact between each map of War Heaven. The details of these connected plots are basically not conspicuous and can easily be ignored by ordinary players.

However, as a fish-racing team specializing in puzzle games, you will notice that these details are normal.

"Of course, according to the summary of our Raiders group, all the maps of "War of Heaven" should be connected. The maps currently launched can be connected to a complete story, but we still have many mysteries that have not been able to Untied." Silver Dragonfish smiled.

"So you need my help?" Lin Chi squinted: "This is to pay, young man."

"Please don't worry about remuneration, we can provide rich rewards. The leader of our Raiders team is a Kay... rich second generation, he can meet your needs." Silver Dragonfish immediately answered.

"Oh? It sounds okay." Lin nodded and did not hesitate to go straight to the topic: "What do you need?"

"If you can, I need your battle video in the old Sodom City. Now "War Heaven" has the function of automatically saving the previous video." Silver Dragon Fish said.

"Sorry, this is not good." Lin Chi sighed.

Even if the other party's offer is so rich, he can't reveal the fact that he can recruit BOSS. Once the video is passed to the other party, the observer's contract can't be hidden.

"Hey, the price can be talked about..." Silver Dragon Fish also tried to continue this topic.

"This is really not good, I also have privacy." Lin Chi said seriously, began to shift the topic to another question:

"So, you said to find a hidden place to talk, is to come and tell me this?"

The story communication between players is not a "prohibited topic" in any game, and there is absolutely no need to talk to the illegal acceleration zone. If the silver arowana is just to talk about this, it must be a big problem.

However, the intention of the silver arowana should not be just to say this:

"I still have a question I want to talk to you."

The men in suits and suits came together and whispered to the zombies leaning against the sofa: "Do you think the game "War of Heaven" is very strange?"

“There are hundreds of thousands of people in the forum who think this game is very strange.” Lin Chi looked at the face of the silver arowana.

"No, I mean another aspect." Silver Dragon Fish whispered: "Some NPCs in this game, I used to... I seem to have seen it."

"In other games? There are indeed a lot of eggs." Lin Chi said.

"Do not……"

Having said that, the silver arowana suddenly lowered its voice: "I mean, I seem to be in the real world... I have seen them."

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