War in Heaven

Chapter 972: Silver arowana question

"you are serious?"

When I heard the words of the silver arowana, Lin Chi, who used the zombie module, wrinkled into a group of blue and white faces.

Even if he has been secretly investigating the inside story of Pulse Entertainment, this information seems too shocking. Lin Chi still does not trust the plot that "game characters come to reality", which is often seen in online novels more than a decade ago.

However, he did encounter a strange band performance in the bar. After asking the Frankenstein to investigate, he found a strange hiding place in the field that seemed to follow the rules of the War Heaven safe house.

Lin Chi knows that some of the npcs in that game may be infiltrating into the real world. But with the current level of technology, it is said that the characters in the game have come to reality, and it seems that they are too "scientific".

"Is it sure that I am wrong?" Lin Chi asked.

"I know that the brain-based imaging games are now pursuing immersive, but please believe me, I really met an acquaintance." The tone of the silver arowana is very positive: "I am the person who touched the fish Raiders group, the other party in the end Is it human or npc, I can still get it."

"So you are planning to ask for my opinion?" Lin Chi used the eyes of the godless and the silver arowana to look at each other: "What about the other people in the fish Raiders group?"

Silver Dragon Fish sighed: "I have said it before, but they all think that I am crazy. I think that your top player may have discovered the abnormal situation in this game..."

"Sorry, I agree with them now." Lin Chi laughed, and the face of the zombie looked even more horrible.

Lin Chi is really very concerned about the game of War Heaven, which is very strange. But the inexplicable guy of "Silver Arowana" made Lin Chi feel uneasy.

Even if this person is frank with the reason for this meeting, Lin Chi does not intend to communicate with the other party in a serious way, but conceals the investigation information on his side and intends to put out some information from the other party's mouth.

However, the silver arowana does not seem to give up, once again said: "Do you want to know the specific situation?"

"I want to hear the details." Lin Chi nodded.

"This is the case. I used to know a person when I was playing "Sword Blade". We saw it several times at that time, but I didn't contact it anymore, but I still remember his style very well. You know, many The master has obvious personal style and details, such as smashing the sword after killing the blame, or whip the body in a special way..."

"I understand." Lin Chi told the silver dragon fish to continue.

"My friend is a gentleman in real life. In the game, he is a ferocious murderer. His fighting style is very special. Both hands can be skillful to attack, but they never double, but use a knife. Stop changing hands and attack enemies from all angles.” Silver Arowana tells its story in a steady tone.

"The game you said is not uncommon? I can do it almost." Lin said casually.

Although it is not left-handed, Lin Chi’s left hand is not weak when using melee weapons, which is why he quickly adapted to the “Titan’s Grip” skill.

In fact, the "changing knife flow" style that silver arowana said is not uncommon in previous role-playing games. Some players seem to feel that they are so handsome to play, often "playing" this game when teaming up. Most of the results are level of Dong Shi, and can only be reduced to a laughing stock.

"This is not the point..." Silver Dragon Fish continued: "I have seen him several times at that time. His appearance in reality is also very eye-catching. He is bald at a young age."

"This is not very rare." Lin Chi tweeted.

"Yeah." The silver arowana nodded and suddenly turned around: "But you don't think that these features all appear in an npc in the game, is it a bit too coincident?"

"What do you mean, you met the same person in the "War of War" with the same realistic look of the guy, and the fighting style is exactly the same?" Lin Chi asked.


Speaking of this, the silver dragon fish used the still fine module face, revealing an unconcealed confused expression: "The person I saw, except for the different costumes, looks and body are completely different from him in reality. Consistent, even the two cockroaches on the forehead, and the characteristics of the lips peeling are exactly the same..."

"You are so meticulous about a man? Please don't spread the atmosphere of gay." Lin Chi couldn't help but vomit.

"Please don't open the subject." Silver Dragon Fish is a very serious look, and it seems that he does not intend to joke with Lin.

"Well...so you think you have met real-life friends in the game." Lin Chi summed up what the silver dragon fish just stated, and then said his own inference: "But it may also be a 'reality scan'. right?"

The so-called reality scan mainly appeared in the early brain imaging game. At that time, the development of this game was still in the exploration stage. Some game production groups abandoned the important npc modeling and saved the use of time and energy. The actors play, and then copy the shape and action patterns of these people into the game.

It is much more difficult to construct a user's perception of the virtual world in an intra-brain imaging device than to play the picture on the display screen. After all, the player perceives the virtual world through the brain, instead of using vr glasses or helmets to create a stereoscopic picture, like a traditional vr game.

For this reason, in order to reduce the difficulty of development, early brain imaging game developers often use the "reality scan" method to create a npc that looks more human.

Some users have very few online games. In order to save production costs, they even let employees play part of the npc in person, but the games that make this kind of game basically stop taking them in a few days.

"I certainly know the reality scan." Silver Dragonfish stared at Lin Chi seriously: "Please don't treat me as a fool, the reality scan npc, I can still recognize it."

"That is, do you think your friend 'traversed' into the game?" Lin Chi asked.

"No, this is not the case. I have passed the age of believing in Santa Claus." Silver Dragon Fish sighed: "More than this, the structure of this game, don't you feel a little weird?"

"Do you mean that the amount of calculation is too large?" Lin Chi looked at the man in the suit.

"Yes, I have never seen an imaginary brain imaging game of this size." The silver arowana immediately nodded: "The amount of computing on this scale, can the current supercomputer really carry it?"

This doubt, Lin soon investigated, heard the problem of silver arowana, the zombie's face showed a distorted smile, raised his cold arm to the ceiling:

"You should go to space to see." Lin Chi said.

"What are you referring to?" Silver Dragon Fish did not respond for a while.

"Investigate, there may be results." Lin Chi used the ambiguous way to provide the other side with clues on his side.

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