War in Heaven

Chapter 970: Guarantee

Forcibly resisting the impulse of bombing the rest of the box with the rocket. Before being seen by other entourages, Lin Chi stored the tight-fitting leather clothes in the props box, avoiding the risk of shame.

If other entourages saw that they had bought such things, the image of the "master" in their minds might have collapsed. Unfortunately, Jane, who has super powers, seems to have seen something inside before opening the box.

In this way, the props stored in the magic box have already been decided when the box is sent over.

If this is the case, that is to say, in the game of "War of War", even if the European Emperor of this level is included in his private area to help out of the box, the props will not change. Because the props inside are already fixed before the player opens the box.

"So - all by your own luck, right?"

Looking at the remaining four magic boxes, Lin Chi swayed his sword in front of his eyes and made a beautiful cross in the air.

There are still four opportunities left to extract the props. Can you reverse the current non-Emirates situation by looking back on the next four boxes?

With this in mind, Lin Chi came back again with a 720-degree turn and then opened the seventh box.


A crackling sound, the red light quickly expanded in front of Lin's eyes, he jerked back one step, the red glove that popped out of the box, almost cut off his nose bone.

"Your grandfather..."

Looking at the boxing gloves attached to the spring below, Lin Chi finally couldn't help but scream. As if he heard his voice, the item description also popped up at the same time:

The fist of mischief.

Special items.

Item level: Excellent.

Use this thing to prank.

"According to statistics, hundreds of people die every year in the gloves sent by friends. If your friend has a history of heart disease, don't use it for him."

The spring still trembled and made an annoying snoring. Lin Chi kicked the box with a kick, and the expression on his face began to get complicated, with a little distrust:

What are the serious things that can be opened in the remaining three boxes?

At this point, he is increasingly distrustful of his own luck. It seems that I can only look forward to the out-of-the-box system of War Heaven, which will add a guarantee mechanism...

With the experience of the mischief, this time, when I opened the box, Lin Chi’s action was unusually cautious, and she was ready to face the sudden attack, and carefully opened the lid of the eighth box.

This time, he saw a "person."

The woman who curled up in the box turned out to be a young woman. She bowed her waist and placed it in a magic box like a shrimp. The body did not move.

Although it looks like a follower, Lin Chi did not reveal a hint of joy, but his brows smashed. With his eyesight, of course, the difference between humans and "models" was immediately separated:

Waiting for a tall female doll.

Special items.

Item level: excellent.

In the face of enemies with poor vision, this thing may attract their attention.

"Please note that according to the ‘Internet Game Ethics Committee’, it is also illegal to perform certain actions on the doll in the game. If you do not want to be titled, please do yourself.”

"Go to your sister's committee." Lin Chi said, wearing a "woman" body, and stuffed the plastic skin that had been dried up by the leak into his backpack.

- This stuff must be hidden quickly. If you are seen by other followers, you will definitely lose your name.

Looking around and looking forward to seeing other followers have not come back, crazy Evan is still in a coma, Lin Chi finally relieved, and opened the next prop box, opened a fine-level vacuum cleaner.

Now, the nine magic boxes have been opened. If there is really a ten-guaranteed mechanism, the last remaining box in the box should be epic-level equipment.


Staring at the last remaining square with a half-human height, Lin Chi lifted the knife to open the skin, revealing the silver shell of the magic box.

From the size of this box, the volume of the items stored inside should not be small. And this box is probably the last chance of my own today:

In the face of the remaining box, Lin Chi began to get a little nervous, feeling more exciting than when playing in the game.

In fact, his props contain a lot of epic gear, and there are a few more legends. It stands to reason that it should not care about the "magic box" thing. However, as the Frankenstein said: Humans are more excited when faced with random outcomes than when faced with fixed outcomes.

The gambler's mentality that likes to take chances can be called human nature. In the game, Lin Chi also often makes some gambling operations.

Now, the last chance to "gamble" is in front of him!

The right hand of the tiger claw hunting knife trembled slightly. Lin Chi put away the saber and reached out to grasp the end that the magic box can open, and slowly opened the lid.

The purple light shook his eyes, but this time it was not a tight-fitting leather, but the purple light emitted by the authentic epic equipment.


Seeing the scene in the last box, Lin Chi grew a sigh of relief.

- It seems that the magic box system being tested still provides a guarantee mechanism. After all, if there is no guarantee, those "non-Emirates" who are already in a bad mood will not be able to buy a magic box.

In the ten boxes that I received, I finally had an epic gear. Moreover, this thing looks very practical:

Hidden in the largest box is an iron-grey exoskeleton. Compared to the exoskeleton that Lin Chi bought in reality, the work of this "fitting mech" is much rougher, like a human figure with several metal tubes welded.

However, even if it seems that the work is rough, the practicality of the exoskeleton is impeccable. Lin Chi reached out and put on the cold metal, and the item appeared in front of her eyes:

TK-3 exoskeleton (primary version).


Item Level: Epic.

When you wear this exoskeleton, your strength, agility, and endurance increase by 4 for an unstoppable effect.

Please note that this device requires an energy supply (battery) to function properly.

"The TK-3 exoskeleton is the initial equipment made by the American scientific research institutions for the military. The performance is not too good, but it is also enough to meet the needs of the American soldiers 'beating children' around the world. It can adapt to various road conditions and make soldiers They move under complex terrain and bad weather conditions, but be careful not to drive the exoskeleton through the quagmire, and three soldiers have lost their lives."

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