War in Heaven

Chapter 952: Power of the devil

At the end of the battle, Lin’s killings have begun to approach thirty.

It must be said that in this kind of demon rampage, the map with its supernatural power, to achieve a large number of kills, is also simpler than the map of modern warfare.

The battle here does not actually require any tactics, it is just the original blood stasis. The powerful side can laugh at the end, and once you have the power of the crushing level, you can go straight in the city and kill anyone in front of you!

However, the focus now is not on the heads of these players, but on the blood gods who lose power.

Lin Chi knew that after he completed the ancient sacrifice, the fighting power of the blood **** had plummeted. When he rushed in from the gap in the wall, he saw that the worm sent by the blood **** had dried up and should be directly hanged. .

In this case, it is time to give the guy a happy time. But even if the power is greatly weakened, the blood **** is still the monster of the world boss level, and the necessary respect is still necessary.

In the face of blood gods, Lin Chi will naturally not underestimate the enemy, but will be ready for congestion and fly to the center of the undead area.

The wound that he had just cut out by the demon hunter had already recovered to a state of perfection. The reason why the knife is deliberately used is just to test whether the body will feel pain. It seems that the answer is still no.

Lin Chi, who became the messenger of the ancient gods, not only did not feel any pain, but also produced a subtle pleasure. However, in order to ensure his "three views", Lin Chi does not intend to continue to consider this aspect of things...

As soon as he thought that he was about to witness the mysterious truth of "Blood God", Lin Chi speeded up the flight and quickly reached the center of the undead zone, directly above the giant "worm".

I thought he would see a vampire or a sly, and he didn't see anything similar. He only saw a black lacquer shadow.

The thing floats in the air like a gas. The body is made up of a black twisted outer shell and a red flame. It has no feet. The lower body is like being sucked dry, leaving only a black smoke, but the upper body is Abnormally strong, the corner of the head is lit, and the dangerous red light is illuminated.

"You are the blood god?"

Looking at the other side's familiar appearance, Lin Qiao, who had encountered similar creatures in other games, immediately recognized the identity of the other:

This guy is not an "ancient guardian", nor a vampire, but a deep demon king who **** the soul crazy!

In addition to the "blood god", he also has a widely circulated name, that is -

"Shadow Magic..." Lin Chi's brain twisted into a u-shaped mouth, giving a low voice.

"Give your soul...to me..."

Even if it is already weak, the Shadow Devil is still groaning, and Lin Chi’s right-handed claws are like trying to grasp the soul of this ancient God messenger.

However, it can only reap the soul of the opponent after killing the opponent. It has no ability to absorb the soul!

- The other gods in Sodom are mistaken. The ones hidden in the city of Sodom are not the so-called guardians, but the exiled demons!

This abyssal demon, who can absorb the soul of the deceased, has been hiding in the underground of Sodom before the other gods descended. From the coffin of the cemetery, he has deliberately captured the soul that the deceased has not yet dispersed.

At that time, it was still an unusually weak presence. He did not dare to go to the ground. The civilian soul in Sodom City could not satisfy the needs of this insatiable demon king, nor could it greatly enhance its power.

Until one day, it happened to devour the souls of several vampires.

——The hidden blood worshippers in Sodom’s city summoned the real blood family. Several bodies of women who had been sucked up by the blood family were thrown into the sewers of the city and became the devil’s delicious meal.

Then, it enjoyed an indescribable taste.

As more and more corpses were ravaged by vampires, the delicious souls harvested by the devils increased, but at that time it did not realize that their consciousness had begun to be occupied by the souls of the blood.

The shadow magic that had no interest in blood began to have the urge to **** blood, and its character began to become elusive, sometimes graceful and sometimes violent.

In fact, the two characters that once appeared in Lin Chi are not the original form of the shadow, but the state after being dominated by the vampire.

The real Shadow Devil has now been stripped of strength by ancient sacrifices, becoming a fragile "low-level monster", staying in the sky above Sodom, eagerly awaiting a new soul.

But now, there are no other souls that can be harvested...


With the voice of Lin Chi, the hard tentacles broke into the chest of the Shadow Devil, and the body of the demon was easily torn apart. The darkness of the dragon began to drift around, and there was a horrible mourning.

The last few souls that had been banned for a long time by the Shadow Magic finally broke away from the **** of the demon and returned to where they should go. When these only remaining souls disappeared, the shadows that once used the soul as a weapon finally ushered in the end:

"I will be back……"

The final voice of the Shadow Demon, as his body dissipated in the air together, the red light remaining in the sky of Sodom City disappeared without a trace.

As the blood mist created by the "Blood God" dissipated, the brilliant morning light cast down, and the city that has been covered by **** fog finally ushered in a new morning.

In the blood pool of the undead area, some of the twisted bodies began to turn into dust, and the lower-level vampires created by Blood God could not resist the deadly sun. The blood pool in the city, like it has been evaporated, began to shrink at an extremely fast rate.

Lin Chi knows that the Shadow Devil should not have completely died, but stay where it is, waiting to absorb the soul to rise again - if this demon can be easily eliminated, the other gods of Sodom City will not Seal it for so long.

However, now he is more concerned about the rewards after killing the world boss:

The boss battle "Blood God" has ended, taking three hours and seventeen minutes.

You gain the achievement "Devil Slayer!" to acquire new skills "The Power of Shadows."

You get 10,000 gold coins, 200 points of prestige, and 200 points.

- It seems that the reward for killing the world boss should be arrived.

Seeing that I have acquired new skills, Lin Chimei’s open skill bar is going to look at what the “power of the Shadow Magic” is. But when he saw that skill, his heart suddenly cooled a half:

The power of the shadow magic.

Passive skill.

Your base armor has increased by 1.

"It is said that the Shadow Devil is among the weakest in the Helllord. In other words, in front of other Devils, he is just a 'brother and younger brother'..."

In the face of the description, the skills of the firewood smell were revealed. Lin Chi was silent for a while and slowly spit out:

"What is the basic armor value? Does this property have this property?"

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