War in Heaven

Chapter 953: Devil's heritage

After solving the "blood god", Lin Chi fell to the ground, temporarily dispelling the appearance of the ancient gods and returning to the original human form. However, the clothes on my body can no longer be returned.

He grabbed a piece of rag on the blood pool, wrapped the slimy black cloth on himself, and then looked around, looking at the depleted blood pool and the "worms" that began to shrink under direct sunlight.

After the disappearance of the Shadow Demon, the vampires in the city were almost completely destroyed, and the undead areas were transformed into believers of living bodies, and all died in the blood. Even if the devil who harvested the soul still wants to make a comeback, I am afraid it will take some time to prepare.

However, since it is not a shadow magic that wants the book of Crimson, then the question is coming. Why did the book of Crimson become the target of vampires?

Lin Chi looked back at the area outside the undead area that was razed to the ground. I saw a group of demons wielding weapons and shouting something in the devil's words, as if celebrating the end of the battle.

In addition to the "shadow power" of the potholes, this world boss should drop what spoils are right.

With this in mind, Lin Chi did not pay attention to the demons, but searched for traces of loot near the insects. When the strange flower buds were completely withered, he noticed the center of the thing and lit a purple gleam.

Lin Chi strode up to the dry insect shell, and every time he walked, he snorted. He bent down and reached into the dark red mucus inside the insect, reaching out and taking out the prop.

It is a bone "cage" that is less than a palm and looks like it is surrounded by a human phalanx. In the center of the elliptical cage, a red flame floats in it, but without any temperature. It seems to be a ghostly fire.

- Is the equipment that the Shadow Magic drops?

Lin Chi shook his bones in his hand, and the article description text appeared in the line of sight:

Soul cage.

Special items.

Item Level: Epic.

Using this cage, you can imprison the soul of a dead person.

“The ancient devil directly harvests the soul. The human being wants to bind the soul but only through special props. For some Necromancers with special needs, the soul cage can satisfy their needs. Of course, they have more in their hands. Good thing..."

- What is the specific role of imprisoning the soul of the deceased?

Looking at the unclear article description, Lin Chi frowned slightly, stuffed the soul cage into his backpack, and then turned to walk outside the undead zone.

Although I don't know much about this equipment, it is not the time to study such a thing. Yazlar should be nearby. Since the blood **** is dead, the unusually "angel", then maybe he will kill himself who completed the ancient sacrifice.

Before being discovered by Yazlar, it is better to leave quickly.

Lin Chi, who received the blessings of the ancient gods, walked directly from the middle of the demon army like a transparent person. The demons here could not notice his existence.

He is very clear that the demon of this level of Azlar will surely find himself in an instant. In order to avoid the other's sight, Lin Chi is also a sneaky step to speed up and slip out of the undead zone turned into ruins.

On the streets of Mephistopheles, there is still an unusual silence.

Even if the war against the blood gods is over, the horrified residents still dare not take to the streets. There are a lot of people appearing in front of the window, watching the situation on the street.

The previous demon raids also injured some citizens. Everyone knows that it is still dangerous to go to the streets. Because there were no soldiers on the street, Lin Chi’s actions were exceptionally smooth, and finally he no longer had to hide and hide.

After the battle of the blood god, the loss of Mephistopheles was lost, and the wings behind Lin Chi disappeared. He ran all the way back to the house of worship, and after staying in the house, he stayed at the window for a moment and confirmed that he was not tracked before finally relaxing again.

"The messenger, are you okay?" Mo Liya came out with a glass of water, but it was a "maid" style.

"Alright." Lin Chi said to take out the tiger claw hunting knife, use the tip of the knife to gently smear from his well-recovered arm skin, and begin to test the effect of the "Shadow Force" skill.

In the player property bar of War Heaven, there is no armor value. According to Lin Chi’s judgment, the armor value may belong to the “hidden attribute” that will not be displayed. Even if it cannot be seen, it will actually Has a slight impact on the player's attributes.

As he expected, when the sharp tip of the knife was swept from the skin, the skin that should have been cut immediately, this time only a white print appeared, not directly split.

In this way, the power of the Shadow Magic is still a bit effective. However, Lin Chi’s actions have been very soft. If faced with a knife and a knife, or when the modern map faces the bullets, the 1 point basic armor value provided by the Shadow Magic is completely a drop in the bucket. It comes in handy.

Realizing that this skill is better than nothing, Lin sighed and took out the loot that the Shadow Magic dropped - the soul cage, standing in front of a corpse thrown in the corner, intending to test the usage of this prop.

The bodies of several residents who tried to sneak into Lin Chi but were brutally killed were still stored in the house of worship. Lin Chi lifted the soul cage in front of the body and shook it gently. then……

The room is quiet. Mo Liya came over and looked at the things in Lin Chi’s hand and curiously asked: “The messenger, what is this?”

"This is the legacy of the blood god." Lin Chi casually said, focusing on the soul cage.

Nothing happened, it seems that my experiment failed. The souls of these corpses may have gone to **** to report. If you want to imprison the soul, you probably need a fresh corpse, or simply do it directly to the living.

Lin Chi took up the soul cage and looked back at the bedroom of the Sacrifice House. The altar of Mephistopheles was still in the bedroom. Oddly, this time Mephistopheles did not say a word.

"Where did the firewood **** go?" Lin asked.

"The messenger, please have a basic respect for our God..." Mo Liya stretched out her hand and swayed in front of Lin’s eyes, as if she was dissatisfied: "May Feist is busy, unable to respond to us temporarily." ""

"I am..." Mephistopheles’s whisper sounded in a timely manner.

Moliera coughed and whispered, "Are you back?"

Mephistopheles did not have to pay attention to Mo Liya, but directly to Lin Chi: "The dead body, you have caused a lot of trouble..."

"What's wrong?" Lin Chizui was asking questions, and he already knew the truth of the matter.

"Yazlar passed the news to the king of the gods. Now the **** is asking, is it that the cursed person under my hand made an ancient sacrifice." Mephistopheles' voice is much lower than usual, and the mule is dumb. : "If I can't give an explanation, they will come to crunch my territory."

"No, then our believers are not in danger!" Mo Liya nervously covered her neck with her hands, and there were more wrinkles on the white clothes.

"Yes..." Mephie stupidly whispered to Lin Yue: "The mistake you made, go back and pay for it, go to the dead."

"What do you mean to let me go to die?" Lin Chi raised an eyebrow.

"It is the only way to hand you over, otherwise my territory will be completely destroyed. Don't think that you can escape their pursuit, and now their attention should be on you," Mephistopheles said.

"You are not afraid that I will tear down your altar and kill the saint?" Lin Chi licked his lips and said a dangerous speech.

"The messenger, you can't change anything even if you kill me. The value of the two of us can't be compared with the territory." Mo Liya is "deeply righteous", and it seems that the consciousness has already been sacrificed.

- So, Mephistopheles is now going to hand over his only "good guy"?

Realizing that he was going to be sold, Lin Chi smiled and took a Leviathan spirit from his backpack and placed it in front of the altar of Mephistopheles.

"I pay you, you help to settle this matter, what is the intention?" Lin Chi straightforwardly put forward the conditions: "You don't want to see me die, right? Can you return to the peak, only me One."

"The corpse, I also want to protect you, but there is no way, a **** is not very useful, not enough to improve my strength." Mephistopheles' voice is smashed.

"Two." Lin Chi took out a dragonfly with a blue fire and placed it on the table in front of the altar.

"I said there is no way to solve it..." Mephistopheles still held a negative opinion, but the tone seemed to have eased somewhat.


"So I can't do it..."


"It is really bad to deal with..."


"Maybe there is a way?"

Listening to the sound of Mephistopheles began to change, even the sacred girl, Mo Liya, who admired the god, shook her head with an embarrassed expression, and said, "May Feld, you are... ”

Seeing that Mephistopheles is shaking, Lin Chi continues to come up with the spirit collected in the previous battle. When he took out the ninth soul, Mephistopheles’ attitude finally became the opposite:

"I will help you settle and walk."

"Well, then please." Lin Chi smiled and nodded.

As a powerful **** in Sodom's city, second only to the "King of God", Leviathan's soul is a valuable treasure for Mephistopheles. After absorbing some of Leviathan's power, it was originally There is a weak voice and a sigh of relief again.

For the "spirits" in the city of Sodom, power is everything about them. The decline before Mephistopheles was also due to the fact that the power was greatly weakened and could not compete with other gods in the city. As long as you get enough power, this **** known as the "frauder" can completely regain its strength and return to its original state!

Although the current Mephistopheles can not be compared with the heyday of the past, it is already leaps and bounds compared to the "wastewood" one day ago.

As its power increased, it would naturally protect its majesty. When Mefister gave a positive answer, Lin Chi was finally relieved:

"As long as you help me, I will continue to let you improve your strength, Mephistopheles." Lin Chi used the title for this **** for the first time.

"Mo Liya, take things out..." Mephistopheles said.


The saint said that she took a short-handled trowel from under the skirt and bent over the floor to draw a circle of simple magical arrays of inverted five-pointed stars. She drawn the speed of the array and the pattern was also very standard. It looks like a professional penner.

"The messenger, please come in." Mo Liya took up the sickle and stood up, waving to Lin.

"Is this a transmission array?" Lin Chi stared at the ring filled with strange runes.

"You will leave the world for a while and enter my shelter." Mephistopheles answered this question: "The shelter at the deepest point, even the king of God, cannot arrive. Before I deal with this, You should hide there first."

"I understand." Lin Chi opened the game map and looked at it.

Now the remaining players in this game, there are still six people, but under normal circumstances, the map scan will be automatically turned on when there are less than ten players, but this time it did not appear.

Now the number of people in their own has long satisfied the requirements of the winning condition "murder", even if all the other five people die, they will win directly, there is no need to continue to find those guys.

As long as the incarnation of the ancient **** messenger, he can kill the demon army under the king of God, but it is still very difficult to deal with the guy of the level of Azlar.

Obviously, it is the right choice to hide in the shelter now. Lin Chi also immediately entered the magic circle. Before starting the transmission array, Mo Liya’s voice began to tremble and whispered: “May Feist, you won’t... is it dangerous?”

"Are you despising me? Believers." Mephistopheles's tone was disdainful.

"No, no, no!" Mo Liya shook her head quickly: "I am just worried, will it be the last time I faced the Knights of the Light..."

"Come on, don't drag me down, useless believers."

Mephistel’s voice did not fall, and the transmission array at the feet of the two men had already illuminated the purple arc, and the scene in front of him was swallowed up by the burning purple.

"Mefest is a proud?" Lin Chi could not help but vomit.

He can feel his body dying in the path of nothingness, and the purple mist that is constantly changing in sight is like entering a wonderful world of illusion. Even if it moves at high speed in the channel, the voice of Mo Liya still sounds clear:

"May Feld is worried about us... I am a god, but I can't help..."

"Nothing, since he said that he will get it, he will definitely be able to get it." Lin Chi appease the saint who is "flying" around him.

——With his understanding of Mephistopheles, the cautious firewood spirit will certainly not make any reluctance to make a move. Since Mephistopheles has made a guarantee, it means that it is definitely a winner. It is.

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