War in Heaven

Chapter 951: Praise the ancient god

When the players who are rushing to the blood **** turn back, what appears in their sight is a pyramid-shaped "big octopus."

The octopus has no skin and bones on its head. It directly reveals a deformed brain that looks like a tumor, is still trembled, and dozens of eyeballs fixed by the hard shell around the brain. The body covered by red skin is full of countless tentacles, large and small, two of which are longer and look like the original arm.

Although there was no wings and no action, the thing was suspended in midair with the addition of some strange power.

The "Octopus" stared at the players with blue-green eyes. At the moment of seeing the monster, nearly half of the players lost control of the body and fell directly from the air.

Although their consciousness is still awake, as long as they are judged to have not passed the "san value detection", they will be directly controlled by the fear ring, and they can only watch their own "crash". The rest of the players are not covered by fear. But in the face of sudden monsters, I was shocked.

- What the **** is that?

Different from the style of the demons in the city, this monster is even better in hunting. Even those players who are not affected by the fear aura are still scared when they see the monster with the appearance of the ancient god. .

- What should I say? The shape of this thing is too uncomfortable.

The shape of the ancient **** messenger is completely inconsistent with the human aesthetic concept. Even if it is only known as a game, seeing this kind of thing still gives the players a strong sense of discomfort. They didn't even find out that the monster that was flying in the air was actually a member of the player.

"Kill him." A player whispered.

Another player next to "I agree..." nodded in agreement.

These guys who were originally hostile, in the face of the enemy of the shape of the enemy, also temporarily formed a united front, intending to deal with unknown opponents first.

All the players present can see that if they continue to let the monsters go, they will probably suffer. In order to avoid the tragedy of being destroyed, they all wield weapons and killed them toward the monsters.

- Start with a strong hand!

In the face of the cursed and the demon hunter, the flying monster did not stop, just raised the "arms" that were bending, using the two tentacles like soft noodles, sweeping in front A red demon hunter.

During the flight, Lin Qiao, who is already familiar with this physical operation, directly put his two arms into a state of congestion. The originally soft and weak "noodles" directly turned into melee weapons that are harder than steel bars, and the demon hunters He had to vomit blood and flew out. He fell from the sky in the posture of inverted onion. The epee used to kill the demon in the hand turned two turns in the air and nailed into the chest of a cursed person behind him.


A player roared and waved a machete to cut the brain that Lin was exposed to. The seemingly one blow only cut the air, the monster in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then the teleport appeared behind him, and the two tentacles came from behind. Come, wear his chest directly and tear his body into two pieces!

The attribute value of the ancient **** messenger completely crushed all the players present. Because the speed is too fast, other players seem to have a somewhat ridiculous attack.

But these players have not realized that in the battle with the ancient **** messenger, once the emotion of "fear" occurs, the ensuing will be complete despair!

"do not do that……"

Realizing that his body could not move, a cursed person who was still fighting, fell like a broken kite, and even if he tried his best, the body could not move.

He used the mind to call out the status bar and saw the negative effect of a red name appearing at the bottom of the status bar:

The fear of the ancient gods:

You have failed to pass the sane detection and have been controlled by the fear ring. You will not be able to control your body within ten minutes from now.

"Fear controls us, drives us, and rules us. Chaos is the source of fear. Now let us cheer for fear!"

"Call your sister..." The player who finished reading the negative effects, spit out a weak voice from his throat.

It was not only him who was affected by the aura of fear, but two others fell. Soon, and still fighting with Lin, there was only one player in the Demon Hunter camp.

"This group of firewood..." The "magic man" wearing a red wig and a white wig sighed and tightened the eagle's hilt, which was uniformly distributed by the Magic Swords.

He also knows that he can't have a chance of winning, but even if he wants to run, it's too late. The speed of the monster is obviously much faster than himself, and now it can only be decided!

The demon hunter held the sword with both hands, and a slap in the face, waving to the ancient **** messenger in front of him.

In fact, even if he does not think that this hit can hit. But... this hit really hits.


The outer skin of the ancient **** messenger was torn open by the sword, and the blood poured down like a waterfall. The octopus-shaped body was like a leaking balloon and began to smash quickly.

"Hit?" The Demon Hunter was taken aback.

Despite the unexpected situation, the Demon Hunter is still very dedicated to continue to swing the sword, but also a spur, smashing the sword to the other body is bleeding.

However, this time he failed to hit anything.


The demon hunter didn't even have time to react, his head had been smashed by the congested tentacle, and his body rang with a burst of smashing sound. At the moment the guy was killed, the killing prompt appeared in the line of sight of all the players.

The player "Flower of Hope" is killed by the player "countercurrent"!

- Is the monster actually a player?

Until then, the cursed and demon hunters who fell on the abandoned streets finally realized that the horror monster they faced was actually a player!

The powerful vitality of the corpse, so that the cursed who just fell down will continue to stay in this game. But even if they didn't leave, these players who couldn't move because of the fear of the aura are also very clear that their journey is probably over.

In the game for such a long period of "paralysis effect", the ending has long been doomed, even if you struggle again, it is useless. To be exact, even an action cannot be made.

The cursed people lying on the ground can only watch the "octopus" drifting over and take out the spirit of their own body.

At the moment when the consciousness was blurred and exited from the game, their ears seemed to sound an excited whisper:

"Like the ancient gods! Chaos partners!"

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