War in Heaven

Chapter 950: Ancient god


The devil's screams are endless, and a wild attack is launched toward the blood god's mount. Several blue-skinned demon guards have just rushed to the side of the worm, and there is no time to wave the tomahawk from the worm's mouth. The transparent acid sprayed out has already drenched them.

"Oh oh oh oh yeah..."

The demons who were not afraid of death, while twisting their bodies, made an uns form scream, and the shouts only sounded for less than two seconds, and they were covered by the sound of screaming.

Under the watchful eye of other demons, the body of several demon soldiers melted like salt in water, leaving only the blood and debris that was not formed.

Of course, the demons who don't know what to fear, will not stop because of this kind of thing, under the attack of their fearless death, the worm's body soon appeared a lot of scars.


The open tail flew two hellfires, and the body made up of rocks shattered in the air. Every attack of the worm was comparable to weapons of mass destruction, causing heavy losses to nearby demons. But the so-called double-fighting is hard to beat the four hands, the hero can not stand many people, even the blood god's mount, it began to be somewhat unstoppable.

At this time, it is time for the original vampires to appear:


The "blood man" wrapped in a layer of translucent film continues to shout in the unknown language and rushes toward the demon monarch below. These newly born "children" are not the opponents of the **** demon. Dozens of primitive vampires are blown up by the shadow arrows in the air, and the blood and broken meat pour down.

"Is this too bloody?" Lin Chi squinted and stared at the battlefield below.

Even if "War of Heaven" seems to have skipped the review, there has been no "harmony", and all that happened in Sodom City is too much.

The purple ray of the Shadow Bolt is immersed in the **** sky, and the air is suffocating with suffocating scent. The ugly demons are desperately climbing the body of the worm, turning into a melted residue that falls on other demons below. The other demons continue to repeat the process of sending death, again and again, as if they will never be interrupted.

The snoring of flesh and blood, the screams of the demons, the sound of the sword piercing the worm's skin, and a horror of the symphony, make Lin Chi, who is overlooking the entire battlefield, even have some epic feeling...

At this point, he seems to be able to make up the background music of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy", along with the demolition of the demon body, and the worms that keep twitching the body, creating a weird atmosphere for this battlefield.

- The timing is coming soon.

Watching the battle between giant worms and demons entered a fever, "Ode to Joy" seemed to have entered a climax stage. Lin Chi flashed a side of the abyss lord who flew away, holding the hilt of the dark sword and observing the worm. The position of the head.

In order to counter the attacking demons, the worm has sprayed a large amount of acid, and the corroded area on the wall has been further expanded. But this is not enough. If you want to burn a hole that can be passed through on the wall, Lin Chi needs a gorgeous "big bang".

In this case, I have reached the moment of my performance:

Seeing the worm's swaying head, and finally returning to the position facing the wall, Lin Chi suddenly began to swoop down, and a sword waved to the red skin that was constantly shaking on the worm's head.


The invisible Jianfeng cut a long scar on the worm's head, feeling like it was cut on the jelly, and there was no sense of refreshment when cutting other enemies. At the same time as Lin’s attack, the worm’s open circular mouth suddenly spewed a lot of acid—

"let's go!"

The acid has not been splashed on the body. Lin Chi flew up to the air at the speed of five times that he “touched”. The worm sprayed out of the acid in front of the worm, all splashed on the wall, and it was riddled with holes. On the wall, burn a lot of holes again.

The white fog rose from the broken wall, and the gaps began to expand rapidly. Seeing the size of several of them, the humans could be allowed to pass. Lin Chi said nothing and directly swept the wings and swooped over.

The corroded city wall expanded rapidly in the line of sight, relying on the incomparably precise control of the old players. Lin Chi’s body passed through the hole like a cannonball, rushing out of the blocked wall of Sodom City, and then – heavy On the wasteland.

"Did you make it?"

Lin, who fell in the mud, turned back and looked at the outer wall of the city of Sodom. He took a long breath and bowed his head to check his injuries:

On the body that has already been injured, there are many more scars that are corroded. This body can be supported until now. It is already very difficult.

After he finally rushed out, he decisively began to deal with the wounds on his body, but nowadays, it is difficult to make this body "beautiful" by its own healing ability...

Fortunately, Lin Chi had no requirements for the shape of the character. He only dealt with the wounds that affected the activity, and dragged the body like a rag to fly to the wasteland in the south.

When approaching the area where the cemetery is located, the strange fog once again enveloped the front, and after entering the familiar cemetery, Lin Chi looked at several tombstones here and read the epitaph above:

Now, "excessive anger will destroy your reason." And "the greedy demon will eventually ruin." These two words represent Samuel and Mamen, which have been weakened in ancient sacrifices. The epitaphs of Mephistopheles and Leviathan have also been confirmed, but the remaining three tombstones symbolize the gods, Lin Chi is still not clear:

"You have deceived all your allies, but one day you will be exposed."

"Putting two monsters together will not be an angel."

"Only the poor and poor pity will continue to hunt others."

——Which of these three tombstones belong to the “blood god”?

Although "the two monsters are assembled together, they will not become angels." This sentence is closest to the description of the blood god, but the blood **** may also be recorded in the other two tombstones, in case the sacrifice is wrong. , is there any accident?

In fact, Lin Chi is not even sure whether the bone fragments are the fragments of the blood god, but it is not so much.

Still gamble...

He took the bones out of his backpack and placed them in front of the tombstone with the words "Put the two monsters together." Something nervously waited for what would happen next.

However, nothing happened.

- Those bone pieces are still in front of the tombstone and are not absorbed as in the previous two offerings.

In this case, should it be misplaced?

With this in mind, Lin Chi picked up the bones and placed them in front of the tombstone that read, "Only the weak and poor pity will continue to hunt others."

A cold wind blew, the bones disappeared like they dissolved, and Lin Chi’s body rushed into the cold cold, and a buff in the status bar was upgraded again:

Blessings of ancient gods:

Level three.

You become the messenger of the ancient gods, and now you will not be noticed by most low-level and high-order demons. Your strength, agility, and endurance have increased by ten.

You have acquired the skill "The look of the ancient gods".


Lin Chi opened the skill bar and looked at the new skills he had just acquired:

The appearance of the ancient god:

Special Skills.

In this game, you can turn into the messenger of the ancient gods, improve your attribute value, make other players and human npcs of your appearance lower the rational value, and bring the fear aura effect, which can make some of the enemy escape because of fear.

Please note that your body structure and mode of action may change when this skill is activated.

"The aesthetics of the ancient gods are incomprehensible to lower creatures. Please don't doubt your beauty." - "The Book of God of Sodom, Volume One"

"What kind of ghosts can you do with plastic surgery?"

Looking down at his body and bruises, Lin laughed out loud.

After offering the altarpiece of the blood god, the special skill he acquired can just repair the wound on his body. Although he doesn't know what it will look like, from the description of the skill, it should not be what it is. The appearance of human aesthetics is right.

- Want to give it a try?

"Since you have acquired temporary transformation skills, isn't it a shame not to use it?"

Lin Chi, who smiled and smiled, took less than a second to make a decision and opened up the "Face of the Ancient God" skills. then……

The change begins with both feet.

His feet, which were eroded by acid, were split like bananas that were stripped, and a lot of flesh and blood grew, replacing the original feet and legs, and the body was covered with a layer of rapid growth. flesh.

At that moment, the body that was originally inconvenient due to injury finally finally asked for all the discomfort. The ensuing was the extreme "comfort", which made people feel as if they were in heaven.

Lin Chi could only see the line of sight of the fan-shaped area in front of him, and turned into a "sky eye" that can view all the scenes within the range of 360 degrees. Except that he could not see the shape of his head, it could be said that there was no blind spot at all. .

He observed his body and saw his whole person "fat" for several laps. The shape resembled a large number of "tactile" of Flammulina velutipes, which protruded from the exposed red skin of the blood vessels. Although I don’t have wings, I still have the ability to fly, and the speed seems to be faster than before.

Lin Chi waved his unusually soft arms, opened the property bar, and saw his own attributes once again leaps and bounds, reaching an incredible degree under the addition of "the appearance of the ancient gods":

Strength: 159.

Agility: 147.

Stamina: 208.

Lucky: 92.

The addition of the ancient gods can be described as extraordinary. The only problem is that after entering this form, Lin Chi’s arm became two soft tentacles, and there is no way to carry weapons. The speed provided by the dark sword Additions can no longer be triggered.

However, with the skyrocketing property, it seems that even if there is no "touch" blessing, it does not matter.

- Then come on, try what the combat power of this form is.

Lin, who completed the sacrifice, floated up and didn't have time to look in the mirror to see his full shape and flew directly to the outside of the cemetery.

As before, when he left, the ancient voice of the seal was heard again from the ear:

"I have given you the look of the ancient gods, to let the glory of the ancient gods illuminate the fallen city."


Lin Chikou issued a voice like a poisonous snake, responding to the ancient **** with a strange ancient language.


At the same time as the changes outside the city, there have been significant changes in the city of Sodom:

The blood fog that shrouded in the sky faded a lot, and the strong sense of oppression seemed to be alleviated. The blood pool, which was spreading outward, suddenly began to shrink toward the inside of the undead zone, and broke out in the midair of the undead zone. Powerless and painful snoring:

"give me back……"

As the epitaph said: "Only the weak and poor pity will continue to hunt others." At the moment when the power disappeared, the blood **** was madly trying to struggle, but it could not change the fate of weakness.


Azlar, who was full of blood spears, reached out and pulled out a blood spear through his chest, wiped the blood on his face, and the wound began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The indiscriminate bombing of the blood **** stopped, and Yazlar was also very aware of the reason why the other attack stopped. The cursed person who tried to make an ancient sacrifice should have completed the sacrifice and greatly weakened the power of the blood god. .

Then... it’s time to end it all.

Listening to the mourning in the sky of the undead, Azlar once again raised the double-edged cross of the cross, ready to give the last blow of the blood god, and sealed this crazy guardian to the underground of the city.

But before she even flew up, she saw more than a dozen figures flying to the sky in the undead zone, and her mouth was still shouting with exultation.

- Many surviving players who have been hiding in the vicinity have naturally noticed that the blood gods have been weakened. For the rich rewards of the world bosses, these guys who were still killing each other before, who did not participate in the boss battle, finally began to "蹭 hurt"

They don't know why Blood God is weakened, and they don't want to know that. For them, as long as they can get the reward of the boss battle, it is enough!


Several arrows flew over and shot through the wings behind one of the players. On the way to the boss, they did not forget to continue fighting.

The demon hunter in red, the Liviathan avatar who incarnates the giant, the players who have the power of demons are mad at the undead zone, and everyone's purpose is the head of "blood god"!


An ominous roar sounded from behind, and there was a strange "beep" sound, like something was being swallowed.

Hearing a strange voice, the two Leviathans who were flying were stunned by the cursed man and looked back at the sounding position.

Then... their bodies suddenly froze.

"That is... what... ghost stuff?"

The immediate aura of fear, when they witnessed the appearance of the enemy, caused them to even control their bodies and fall to the blood pool of the undead.

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