War in Heaven

Chapter 949: Trs-had

The invisible blade crossed the darkness and cut off the cold and whispered head. Lin Chi took out a large Leviathan soul from the other's body, and the dark shield around him began to disappear.

The killing prompt appears in front of you, and there is also a red light cast in the air.

Lin Chi knows that if the "cold whisper" is the kind of player who likes gossip, there will probably be a story of "countercurrents can summon demons" in the future.

Although he succeeded in getting a bone piece suspected of fragmentation of the altar, he also killed a player by the way, but Lin Chi did not dare to relax, because --

At the moment when the duel field disappeared, his figure had already left the blood pool. The red light in the air seemed to be brighter, and the angry screams of the blood **** broke out from the sky in the dead zone:

"Got you!"

The blood **** who once exchanged with the altar form and Lin Chi, recognized the cursed person who got the book of Crimson, but reneged on the book without giving it to himself. After discovering the existence of Lin Chi, he has already broken the **** **** of **** and immediately found a new target:

"Give me the book..."

With the roar of anger, hundreds of blood spears poured down and cover the area around Lin Chi. He only had time to turn and put the dark sword and broken bone tongs in front of the body to protect the vital parts of his body. It has already been slammed by the red "arrow rain".


A series of tears and fractures broke out from Lin Chi's body. His body was punctuated by several blood spears and turned into a red hedgehog. But even if he was seriously injured, he was still sprinting in the sky of Sodom by virtue of the five times moving speed brought by "touching".

In fact, before the opening of the duel field, Lin Chi had already thought of the possibility that the blood **** would find himself. Even if the duel field cannot be broken by others, the blood **** in the air will certainly notice the strangeness in his territory. Once the field disappears, the possibility of being discovered by yourself can be said to be very high.

However, even if it is discovered, it does not matter in fact:

——The urgent task now is to leave this ghost place. As long as it can be evacuated to a place far enough away from the undead area, Blood God cannot attack himself!

"Give me the book!"

The blood **** screamed, and a large number of blood spears poured down again, and the speed was so fast that even "touched" could not be rid of. Seeing the blood spears that are approaching quickly, they will once again run through their bodies. When Lin Chi planned to come to a swinging action to open the blood spear, a region around him was suddenly eroded by the darkness.


The woman holding the cross-shaped weapon slowly walked past Lin Chi and greeted the spear thrown by the blood god. Although the time of approaching the two was extremely short, the voice of Yazlar was clearly introduced. Lin Chi ears:

"Go, be cursed, complete the ancient sacrifice, but you will be punished."

"Thank you." Lin Chi smiled.

Behind him, there was a deafening explosion, and there was no time to care about what happened to Yazlar. Lin Chi reached out and pulled out two spears inserted in his arm, dragging the tattered body and speeding out to fly outside the city.

It seems that Azlar finally realized that there is no way to block the blood **** except for the ancient sacrifice. For this reason, the originally stubborn "angel" finally chose to help himself with the altar fragments.

With the help of Yazlar, Lin Chi won a little breathing space. He quickly descended into the urban area of ​​the Samuel territory, relying on the tall, tall buildings in the architectural style, avoiding the observation range of the blood god.

Seeing that "touched" can't continue to trigger, Lin Chi finally breathed a sigh of relief and hid in the shadows to start looking at his injuries.

There are two blood spears on each of his two legs, four on the torso and three on the arm. Although the key parts were not injured under the protection of the dark sword and the broken tongs, Lin Chi’s feeling was still very bad.

The wound that was originally opened by Yazlar has not healed, and there are many new scars on his body. Lin Chi feels like he has become a broken doll that has been torn by a bear child. A good place.

However, the corpse without pain, in the "healing" aspect can be described as having a unique advantage, Lin Chi tore his own broken sleeves, tear off a few slender lines, take out from the backpack just picked out A sharper "bone needle" began to force the wound on his body.

A self-repairing corpse, the wounds on the body can be handled as long as they are handled. However, the blood **** who fought with Yazlar seemed to have broken through the defense of the angel and came over here.

The ominous rumble came over, like what a behemoth was attacking all the way, Lin Qiao, who had just sewed the wound on his right leg, looked out his head and looked back. He saw a horrible behemoth, facing Samuel. The field is coming:

It’s a huge scarlet “worm”, and you can only see the open **** mouth and the countless sharp teeth in the round mouth. It’s taller than any building in Sodom. Pushing it from the road, all the buildings in front of it are swallowed into its mouth and directly turned into residue under the corrosion of strong acid!

The monster is like an unstoppable chariot, all the way into the territory of Samuel, leaving only a semi-circular trace of destruction, nothing can survive in front of it!

When Lin Chi saw the monster, a small line appeared in the line of sight immediately:

The blood god's mount, the heroic NPC (the leader level), cannot be recruited.

"Is the mount so overbearing?" Lin Chi sighed.

He can be sure that even if his attribute value is increased several times, it is not likely to be the opponent of this bug. This level of opponent has already exceeded the scope of the cursed.

So now, there is no need to say more about what to do...

It was too late to suspend the wound, and Lin rushed out suddenly, and the “touch” skill was started again, dragging the injured body to the south side of the city.

The worm that found the target, changed direction, followed Lin Lin, and rushed into the territory of Mamen from the territory of Samuel. The row of wooden houses on the street suddenly disappeared into the mouth of the monster.


The disgusting chewing sound is endless, and the blood god's mount slides while swallowing his own food. The speed of the huge body is equivalent to that of the five-speed forest, and he pursues him all the way.

Looking back at the circular giant mouth of the giant worm behind him, when Lin Chi looked in front of him, he saw the outline of the tall wall of Sodom City, and it began to become clear.

"Can this monster break through the defense of the city wall?"

In order to determine his own inference, Lin Chi accelerated to the wall, ready to try to let the blood god's mount, attack the wall blocked by the king of God.

In a twinkling of an eye, he had arrived at the wall of the city. The whole person went straight to the ground. The worm that was still gliding on the ground was too late to brake, and the huge body directly hit the wall.


The loud noise swept through a powerful shock wave, and Lin Chizhen was dizzy, feeling that the internal organs were shattered. Fortunately, for the walking dead, organs other than the brain are basically irrelevant. .

Some colorful "residues" flowed out from the huge wound on his waist. Lin was too lazy to control what it was. He just bowed his head and shook his head hard, focusing again on the worm. On the body.

The body of the worm was distorted, and the head attached to the tall city wall was like being hit, and the tail that was bent into a circle was constantly twitching, which seemed quite gratifying.

This did not open the wall, but the worm had not lost consciousness. In the overlook of Lin Chi, the body of the bug was bent into a group, and dozens of "pores" on the body suddenly expanded, and some humanoid shadows were soaked by blood. I rushed out and spewed a lot of plasma on my wings. Also appearing are their names:

The original vampire, heroic NPC, is not available.

"Say good blood races are handsome guys?" Lin said casually, pulling out his weapons again, ready to fight these guys.

The subordinates of the blood **** also looked a bit tricky. Fortunately, he did not catch up. It’s not a win-win situation to deal with these vampires.

Dozens of people were covered in blood, and the body seemed to be covered by a film. The original vampire, who couldn’t see the appearance, was rushing up.

These suspects are "newborns" born from the worms. They are very similar to adults. They can't see any intelligence at all, but they simply start to charge and want to "eat" Lin.

Although the number of opponents is large, the attack method is extremely simple. It is almost on the sword of Lin Chi. He just waved his right hand. There are already three original vampires who have been squatted and broken into two bodies. The body still falls. Shouting words that Lin Chi could not understand:


The pronunciation of this language is not the same as the devil language that always ends with "l". I don't know if it is a vampire-specific language. Lin Chi killed the vampires, but more vampires rushed over.

The primitive vampires constantly rushed out of the worms, like the cancer cells that are spreading, occupying all the space near Lin Chi, and forming a tight ball from all directions, and still shrinking.

These monsters, which are not strong in combat power, do not rely on the ability of a single person to win. It seems that Blood God is using them as a cannon fodder that can be consumed at will and dispatched to this battlefield.

"Do you think that you can kill me by the number of people?"

Lin Chi smiled, and while the vampires came up, pointing the sword to his right position, the body suddenly made a force -


The "blood ball" in the air was crushed in time. In the plasma and broken meat of the sky, the cursed smirked and flew forward. The ball surrounded by the original vampire began to fall apart and the body fell down.

Lin Chi’s full blow, it was easy to tear up the encirclement of the original vampire, but at the moment of the breakout, it was the blood of the worm that greeted him.

The sharp teeth that surround the tens of circles in the mouth, as well as the bright red meat, are close at hand. The white smoke that floats out of the toes of Lin’s left foot, and sees that he is about to rush into the big mouth of the worm. Lin is late. Crazy like turning direction, rubbing the mouth and flying out, the bone wings behind it were also eroded.

- Is this guy's corrosion ability too strong?

Looking at the giant worm that looked up and wanted to eat himself, and looked at the gray wall that had just been hit by the worm, Lin Chi immediately noticed that there was a hole in the wall that had been burnt through. It should be a worm. Caused by the saliva.

Even if it can't be physically broken, you can also use the "chemical" method. If the worm can spray a lot of saliva, even if it is a wall strengthened by the king of God, it should not be able to resist this degree of corrosion!

Well, what we have to do now is to find a way to let the worm "spitting" on the wall without prematurely burning the bones.


When Lin Chizheng and the worms were circling, the demon army that had been following the worm finally arrived at the battlefield.

These demons, who try to strangle the blood gods, certainly don't let go of the blood god's mount. In order to prevent the worms from causing greater damage to the city, they are also coming immediately to prepare to kill dangerous worms.

Doomsday Guards, Voidwalkers, Abyss Lords... All kinds of demons are endless, high, fat and thin. In order to suppress the blood gods who have broken away from bondage, the demons in **** have come out of their nests, and under the command of the king of God, another wave of general attacks has been launched.

And the commander of this team is the green skin creature standing in the center of the army:

The head has a long curved corner, the skin is covered with green scales, and the giant bull head demon wearing a bone armor takes a step forward. The long squat in the handle points to the sky, and opens his mouth and screams:


"Dletus-tel-mel!" The other demons around him followed.

Hearing the screams of the demonic army below, Lin Chi was also a bit surprised at the time, whispered a word: "Is this sentence?"

The "devil language" he compiled is like a sentence in the real devil language. It should look like "charge" or "kill him". Because after shouting this sentence, the demons have flocked to the worm like a tide, and began to attack the blood god's mount from the rear.

Originally, only the battlefields on both sides of the battle, once again became the situation of the tripartite battle. I was trying to attack Lin Chi’s worm, and I swayed my tail violently, and I flew a few **** soldiers who rushed up.

The caster in the demon begins to release dark magic like Shadow Bolt from a distance, various spells of various colors, a worm that rushes to the past, and a "hell macho" holding a large weapon in front, responsible for The melee demons use their own bodies as shields to protect the caster behind them.

Seeing that the demons began to fight with the worms, Lin Chi also rose to the sky again, avoiding the dangerous theater, and looking at the battle situation under the brows and looking for the opportunity.

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