War in Heaven

Chapter 948: Dletus-tel-mel

A pale white "Angel" flies in a scarlet sky, with white feathers on his back and flies off his hair. He is holding a meteor hammer that is completely inconsistent with his identity, looking for a hunting target.

On the male face with a soft line, the rotting corner of the mouth rises slightly, revealing a cruel smile. As a curse of Leviathan, this player, like most people, has no meaning for **** hands. Just looking for an opportunity to hunt other players.

The corner of the corner of the eye smashed into the iron ball of the meteor hammer, looking at the blood stained on it, recalling the touch of a player’s skull that had just been broken. He snorted and opened the status bar to see his current attributes. value:

Role name: cold whispers.

Control points: 0.

Prestige value: -1000.

Kill the number: 7.

Strength: 70.

Agile: 78.

Stamina: 81.

Lucky: 72.

As the name suggests, "cold whisper" is the kind of real pvp player. For the obedience and the boss, he can be said to be a little bit of interest. What this guy does in each game is only "killing" and "killed" only.

For him, killing a large number of players, or dying under the other players' wings, is the whole meaning of the game. As for the game player that this guy admires, it is also a ferocious killer.

On the dry skin exposed by the corpse of the corpse, you can see the scarlet-shaped tattoo and the word "blood blade" scribbled under the pattern. Although the blood blade is not a boy, he is somewhat disappointed, but the cold whisper still regards this cruel "monster" as his goal.

At this point, the cold whisper has killed seven people, reaching the number of people who demanded the "killer" in the victory condition. However, his goal is not to hide at the end of the game, but to complete the "top match" in this game!

When the "countercurrent" was killing this airspace, he was reaping the head of the field in Samuel, although he did not know why the players of the Samuel camp were weakened one by one, but for the dedicated killing For the devil, even if the enemy is weak, it cannot be the reason for his mercy.

After witnessing the killing of the other party in the killing record, the cold whisper not only did not feel fear, but began to get excited, just like many top players, when he faced other strong players, his heart would rise strongly. Desire to win.

- Kill the mixed ball, the victory belongs to me.

Cold and whispered clenched fists, licking the cold chain, dragging the meteor hammer in the air, glance down sharply, looking for the trace of the target.

Then he saw the man's back.

Someone is standing next to the blood pool, and the bone wings behind it are put up on the clothes. Even if you can't see the other person's appearance from this distance, it is through your own "beast instinct". The cold whisper has already understood that the person is actually Who.

That man is the goal that I am looking for!

The cold whisper slammed down, and the meteor hammer dragged by the chain followed closely behind him, and the body was under the air resistance, making a slap in the wind.

"You...had been stared at me."

Cold whispers sneer and speed up, want to sneak out from behind each other, but this time the opponent is much stronger than those passers-by, of course, it is impossible to be directly captured by this raid.

He hasn't flew behind the other side, and the "countercurrent" standing near the blood pool has turned back, his eyes and the cold whispers that are diving.

Then... cold and whispered, noticed that the other side seemed to have a small amount of active lips and said something. From this distance, he certainly cannot hear the words of the enemy, but no matter what the guy said, his actions will not change.

- You exist for killing.

--kill him.

- Let him be the soul of your life.

- Get the equipment he dropped and reap your reward.

In the cold and whispering consciousness, it seems that there is a stranger who is ambiguous and whispering. He didn't know if the virtual game inspired his desire to kill, or his nature. But now, anything is no longer important.

The blood **** of the undead zone, the demon of the nearby scorpion, the command of the gods... everything else has disappeared. There are only enemies left in his eyes, and nothing else.

The cold and whispered figure is like a cannonball, and it is still standing in the "countercurrent" of the place. Just at the moment when he is about to be close, the cold whisper suddenly notices that the other person’s original face with a dignified expression suddenly shows a smile. .


The opportunity is coming!

Looking at the enemy who is rushing to himself, Lin opened the skill bar and quickly selected the skill name of the "Duel Field".

His original intention was to lead the enemy, and then open the "duel field" near the blood pool. This unlucky one sent to the door just met the needs of Lin Chi.

- If the "Duel Field" skill is like a single-handed space that is not disturbed by others, as if it were a battle with Ba Fengte, you may be able to use the blood pool as a heads-up location. Search for altar fragments in this part of the blood pool without being affected by monsters in the blood pool!

Of course, the search action will be done before the end of the duel. Once the duel is divided, the effect of the "duel field" will disappear. So now... I have to find a way to kill the rushing player, instead of killing him directly.

The cold whispers that are being killed, of course, will not know the calculations in Lin Chi’s heart. The cold whisper was just near the edge of the blood pool, and immediately saw a dark spherical barrier rising from the side, directly obscuring the scarlet clouds in the sky, and the picture in front of him suddenly turned into a darkness.

"what is this?"

Cold and whispered a confused voice, the meteor hammer in the hand has begun to wave, because the "protective cover" blocked the line of sight, he could not see the nearby picture, the whole person suddenly became a blind eye.

This murderous pvp player, suspended in midair, does not move, alertly listening to the sounds around him, looking for the enemy's position.

- What is this strategy?

I have never encountered such a cold whisper before, and I don’t know the existence of the "Duel Field" skill. In his view, the enemy should use the skills to reduce his visibility, and then prepare to count himself from the dark.

However, relying on this trick, it is impossible to kill the pvp madman who is extremely sensitive to the senses.


The sound of what is paddling sounded from the oblique front, and the cold and whispering body reacted instantly, flying to the position where the sound was heard in a second, and the meteor hammer slammed down.


The meteor hammer fell into the water and made a dull roar. The plasma splashed cold and whispered, and his attack failed to hit the enemy. And the irritating "water play" sounded from the other side.

The cold whisper immediately rushed over, and it was a hammer drop, but still could not find the enemy's trace. After the same process repeated several times, he finally realized that the enemy's purpose did not seem to be a sneak attack:

"Mixing things, are you kidding me?"

The cold whisper whispered and waved the meteor hammer to the next vocal position.

At this moment, he felt like a dog being shackled, although he wanted to fight the enemy, but he could not find the enemy's position. This feeling, for a fighting mad, is too much wrong...

Just this player who has been flying a kite is looking for an enemy trail. Lin Chi is here to explore the opportunity in the duel field and explore it in a dark pool of blood.

Because the cold whisper can't see his position at all, Lin Chi's "touch" skills can't be activated, but his normal speed is faster than the cold whisper.

Lin Chi, who used the skills in the duel field for the first time, did not expect that this battlefield would become a black blind spot. Now he is also in a state of not seeing things. However, he began to use his hands in the blood pool to find the pieces of the altar inside.

As he expected, after the duel field opened, the hidden monsters in the blood pool were gone. This space has become a "private space" with only oneself and a cold whisper. Even the subordinates of the world boss can't interfere with this completely closed area!

Without the interference of monsters with unknown strengths, it is much more convenient to search for altar fragments.

Reaching out to grab a demon's residual limb, Lin Chi threw away the things in his hand, slammed to the right side, changed places to continue searching, and chilled whispers played a guerrilla war.

In the field of duel where he can hardly see anything, his search efficiency is not high. In order to find the fragments of the altar, Lin Chi can only go through the erratic position, playing the cold whispers of people still looking for people.


The heavy breathing sounded from the blood pool.

Lin Chi knows that the enemy has begun to be impatient. After all, in this claustrophobic environment where visibility is almost zero, anyone becomes irritated. As the guy's mood worsens, his actions should be more rash.

In this way, you need to be more careful -


The meteor hammer fell in the blood pool less than five meters beside Lin Chi, and the cold whisper began to make an indiscriminate attack on the area around him. Lin Chi quietly rose into the air, but heard the sound of the wings flapping, and rang from his side.

"I ‘see’ to you!”

The whisper of cold and whispered, spread in the dark field, and the meteor hammer brought out the whistling wind, and even if Lin couldn't see each other, he still felt the strong airflow coming from the face.

He silently retreated, leaving the cold and whispered attack range, the sound of the wind when the meteor hammer was waving, and still echoing in the airspace.

It seems that the cold whisper should have noticed the existence of nearby enemies through some kind of keen perception. However, if the guy is not a "pioneer", this ability should not be used for a long time.

In order to avoid being found again by cold whispers, Lin Chi evacuated to the farthest distance from the sound and put his hands into the thick blood pool to find out. This time, his numb fingertips suddenly touched the sharp and small. Fragments.

- Is it the blood bone altar of blood god?

Lin Chi was in a tight heart, and immediately grabbed the pieces that were drifting along the way, ready to throw those things into the backpack.


When his hand left the blood pool, a faint sound was heard.

Although the sound is not big, I feel very cold and whispered, I still noticed the change here, and the time brought out a burst of wind, the whole person rushed over!

- This guy is really persistent...

Realizing that he was facing a "fighting mad", Lin Chi raised his mouth slightly, his body suddenly rose, and he flew in the duel field, once again avoiding the cold whispering attack.

In the face of this chasing enemy, Lin Chi, who had planned to make a quick decision, also came to the interest after getting the pieces, and planned to have fun with the other party.

Now, the enemy should not know what the skills in this duel field are all about. In this case, perhaps you are very good at making tricks, and when it comes to use.

In view of this, Lin Chi decisively entered the limit state, perceive the position of "cold whisper", and then began to recall the way the devils in the city spoke, trying to speak the language of the devil with an unusually low pronunciation:


"This is... devil?"

When I heard an incomprehensible but somewhat familiar language, I was immediately skeptical that the language was used by the demon soldiers in the city.

This language has not been translated by the Chinese system in the game, and players can't understand what it means. For this reason, the cold whisper is also a fog at this time, just subconsciously killing the position of the sound.

Then he heard the sound of flesh and blood tearing.

The corpse without pain felt that he could not feel the position of his injury. He whispered his hand and touched his body. He found that it should be the location of the kidney and was marked with a deep visible bone.

I still haven't figured out what is going on. There is another demon language that sounds from behind, and the cold whisper suddenly turns back, adding a new wound to the back.

- Is the countercurrent to fighting with yourself, is the summoning of the devil? This dark area is actually the territory of the devil?

Cold and whispering, thinking, there are a few more scars on the body, the devil language sounds from a variety of strange corners, and the tone is getting lower and lower:



Like the sound of the magic sound, the mood of cold and whispering is getting worse and worse. Before rushing to the enemy, he didn’t even think that things would become like this. Now it seems that it is a wrong choice to attract the champion of the invitational tournament. .

Is the enemy that you are facing, the demon that is summoned?

After playing for a long time, it was a cold whisper that was injured, even the shadow of the enemy did not see, and it was impossible to determine exactly where the enemy was sacred. The only thing he can be sure of is that the enemy can see through this darkness and launch a precise and unparalleled attack on himself standing in the darkness.

It seems that the outcome of this battle has been set...

I can only find the enemy position through the occasional "man instinct", the cold whisper that can't be played with the other party, long sigh, loudly: "Can you give a good time?"

He knows that he is unlikely to have a chance of winning this time. However, the demon continues to make annoying sounds:


- You said who knows this!

The cold whisper that has been shackled has been blasting.

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