War in Heaven

Chapter 859: Steel wolf

An unmanned aerial vehicle with vertical take-off and landing technology quickly covered the entire airspace of Kayaland and began a brutal slaughter of soldiers below.

The armored vehicles and tanks used by the mercenaries were just like the lambs to be slaughtered under the "sparrows", which did not hurt the plane at all. Although there are also individual-to-air missiles that are fighting back, the hand-held weapons of several shooters cannot affect the fleet in the air.

"These mercenaries are **** crazy..."

Woods lay on his back on the ground and looked at the drones in the air like seabirds. Even the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Due to the large number of nearby "sparrows", the two who remained in the ruins could only continue to lie on the ground and pretend to die. The explosions in the city are one after another, like the arrogant drummers are playing.

Lin Chi turned up a little, just to see a dark blue "sparrow" flying in the sky above it, four rotatable jet engines, the spout spurting blue and white flames to the rear.


Seeing the red light of the "sparrow" nose swept over, Lin Lin, who was still lying on the ground, tightened his muscles and prepared himself to escape. Although it is impossible to escape the drone's pursuit even if you want to run without skills, you can't manage that much now.

"Prepare..." He used the throat to signal the woods around him.

Woods held his breath and was ready to "hold the squirrel" at any time. Just when the two were going to make a desperate attempt, the drone flew over them, as if they didn't detect the two, flying directly to the southwestern block. went.

--what's the situation?

Lin Chi and Woods face each other and are silent for a while.

If the "sparrow" installed a far-sighted infrared imaging system, they have long been smashed into slag. Since the "sparrow" flew away directly, that is to say, the drone did not use thermal imaging equipment.

Then the question is coming. How does it judge the position of the enemy and then launch the attack?

Judging from the age of this map of Kayaland, the built-in automatic attack system of this drone should not be advanced enough to judge the target by directly analyzing the image. If this thing is not using thermal imaging, why they can accurately find the enemy and launch an attack is a question worth considering.

When Lin Chizheng thought about it, he saw an explosion on the street two hundred meters away. A group of mercenaries rushed out of the smoke with rolling and crawling. Even the weapons were thrown away and fled in all directions.

Unfortunately, they have not yet ran a few steps, and the two dark blue "sparrows" in the sky above the head began to turn, aiming the muzzle of the 30mm cannon at the mercenaries who fled.

Da da da……

The cannons carried under the sparrow's fuselage spurted a large amount of flames, and several mercenaries who were escaping were suddenly smashed with flesh and blood, and the body disappeared into the smog of the explosion, and the scorched residual limbs vacated.


The only surviving mercenary screamed desperately, and the sound was overwhelmed by the explosion. In the testimony of Lin Chi and Woods, the killing ended in less than ten seconds.

"These ghosts are playing well..." Woods looked at the burning ground.

The accuracy of the sparrow's shooting does not look like the extent that unmanned combat equipment can reach. If these guys are really unmanned combat machines, as the Special Operations Command says, how do they lock the enemy?

"Is it motion-sensing?" Lin Chi whispered his own inference.

-- In the early days of electronic devices such as automatic cameras, motion sensing technology was a very basic function.

For example, a camera that is placed in a fixed location in the wild to shoot wild animals will undoubtedly waste a lot of time and energy if you send someone to stare at the camera for twenty-four hours. This kind of camera automatically starts shooting after sensing that something has been made.

As long as something moves in the picture, it will be sensed by the lens and automatically respond accordingly. It seems that the detection mechanism of the "sparrow" is probably using this motion sensing.

In this way, the reason why you and Woods can survive can be explained. They are lying on the ground and they have actually been captured by the camera, but they have not been judged as an enemy because they did not make any action. Nor was it attacked by drones.

If this is the case, the chance of his escape seems to be a little bigger...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi immediately switched the radio to the channel used by SOG, and ordered the soldiers who had just dispatched to stop moving in place, and then whispered a new order to Woods:

"Slowly move to the bunker, the action must be small, and that thing may be attacking the moving target."

"Understood." Woods, who had been through the battlefield, immediately responded, slowly turning over from the supine position and began to become a prone to move.

Experienced Woods, the action is very soft, turning over looks like a slightly twitching body. Imitating his movements, Lin Chi slowly turned over and changed his posture.

Then, the two people hidden in the ruins began to crawl forward with a very small amplitude, slower like a snail.

Under the observation of the "sparrow", two "corpses" moving in a small amount slowly left their original position and moved to a broken house in the east.

Although the house was collapsed halfway, it still has a roof. As long as you get there, you don't have to worry about it in the open air.

While slowly crawling, Lin Chi is also observing the situation on the map:

Obviously, even those players who are occupying strategic locations will be attacked by drones. With the advent of drones, two strategic locations suddenly became unoccupied, and the original occupiers must have run.

In addition, there are even worse guys in...

- The player "Cold Wind" has died.

The red tip text ruthlessly states the fact that the player is killed, and one of the remaining thirteen players has left. With the death of the cold wind, the "dark basement" that was originally occupied by him also became unoccupied.

Will people who are hiding in the basement be killed?

Lin Chi is very clear that it is impossible to attack the enemy in the basement by the way the "sparrow" is used to find the enemy through motion sensing. To kill the player, it should be another unmanned attack device that has not appeared on this side until now - "Wolf" is right!

Now that the "wolf" has not appeared yet, they are still relatively safe for the time being, but the way the wolf detects the enemy may not be the same as the sparrow. If the wolf appears here, he is in danger.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also slightly accelerated the range of action, using the throat wheat to whisper to Woods: "Try as fast as possible."

The dark blue painted "sparrow" is still squatting in the sky, taking advantage of the drones to kill the mercenaries, and Lin Chi and Woods’ movements have also increased, and they are marching on the dusty streets. The enemy's eyes sneaked away under the eyes.


The ground beneath them suddenly trembled. After a few seconds, they heard a dull roar. Lin Chi and Woods lying on the ground raised their heads slightly and looked at the direction of the sound. Then they saw an incredible scene.

"This is... a wolf." Lin Chi muttered to himself.

The first thing that caught your eye was the big foot covered by a silver metal shell, and the steel "thigh" using hydraulic technology. A metal monster with a length of ten meters stood on the ground with the action of a wolf. The long mechanical legs support the huge steel body, and open his mouth and open his mouth to scream into the sky.

The "wolf" has a large number of slender "needle" on the back. It looks like erect hair. From the shape of the head to the steel teeth in the mouth, it faithfully restores the shape of the wolf. It should be the position of the eyeball. Two red lights. Even a long tail was installed behind the body, and a large number of blades were neatly arranged. It was shocking to watch.

"Why should we develop this kind of thing..." Woods’s voice had an incredible taste: "This shape is too impractical."

"Maybe it is to give the enemy a sense of oppression, or feel that this thing is very handsome." Lin Chi smiled.

The use of this four-legged robot on the battlefield is actually not as reliable as a tank. But the shape of the "wolf" is obviously more aggressive than the tank. The two missile launchers on the shoulders also fully demonstrated its firepower.

Lin Chi did not know whether the design of this drone was inspired by the "terrorist robot" of the Soviet Union, but the wolf did create a strong sense of oppression like the animal of the terror. Outside...


The roar of the wolf goes straight into the sky, and the sounds synthesized by electronic devices sound as realistic as the wolf howling in the wild. The giant wolf of the steel bar raised his head, and the red laser in his eyes swept the sky. The "sparrow" drone, which had been patrolling nearby, flew away from the area and went to other airspace.

"What is it doing?" Woods asked confusedly.

"Maybe it is an oath to take ownership of this place and dispel other predators?" Lin Chi’s voice was somewhat unspeakable because of doubts about his own inference.

I thought that only the "wolf" that had a relatively reduced appearance would actually make such a move, completely out of the expectation of Lin. Now it seems that the drone designer may have an abnormal obsession with the animal like a wolf, or a severe second-instance patient...

However, this move by the wolf provides an opportunity for the two who are lying on the ground. Without the dangerous monitors in the air, they are not as clumped as they were.

"Oh, now, fast withdrawal..."

With Lin’s order, the two men marched faster. Now the wolf's head is heading in the opposite direction, and it is a great opportunity to leave.

Since they didn't know how the ground combat robot judged the enemy's position, they didn't risk to stand up and run away. They just continued to crawl on the ground while still observing the movement of the wolf.


The abnormally restored robot opened its mouth full of steel fangs and made a low squeak, then walked four legs forward, lowered his head, and put his head to the ruins below.

"What-the-fuck..." Woods groaned.

- The robot named the wolf, like a real wolf, picked up a fairly complete mercenary body on the ground and then slammed his steel teeth.


A crisp sound, the head and feet of the body flew out on both sides, and the body was swallowed by the "wolf". After witnessing the incredible scene, Woods couldn't help but start to doubt his own eyes: "Isn't this really a wolf, just a metal case?"

"Have you seen such a big wolf?" Lin Chibai gave him a look.

"Maybe mutated, nuclear radiation or something..." Woods said.

While whispering, the two did not forget to continue to escape. With the cover of the building wreck, they climbed from the position two hundred meters behind the wolf and finally arrived at the destination - the building with the roof.

The sound of flesh and blood being bitten by steel teeth is one after another, and it is constantly echoing in the ruins. The wolf is still looking for his own food. Because the situation here is too strange, Lin Chi and Woods have no time to pause at this time, but they are more nervous than just now.

"Be careful... I suspect it will capture the prey through the sense of smell." Lin Chi whispered.

If this wolf-type robot really restores the habit of the wolf, then it will find the enemy through the sense of smell, it should be possible. But if this is the case, it means that the danger of this stuff is many times higher than the "sparrow".

It is very easy to cover up the movement, but it is difficult to cover up the smell. Because it is the first time to see such an unmanned combat robot, Lin Chi can’t judge what kind of smell the other person is using, even if he has some other taste on his body. Trying to cover up the trail, maybe it will want to cover up and directly attract the attention of the wolf.

"Commander, we should be..." Woods asked with a tight fist.

As the captain of SOG, Woods is already rushing at this time. He accepts hunting training for people and common battlefield vehicles. The huge robot of wolf type completely exceeds the scope of SOG's troops...

Not to mention Woods, even the elite special forces such as DEVGRU and SAS, it is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with the "wolf". Because the gap between the enemy and the enemy is too disparity, Lin Chi has no plans to fight at all. He just raised his finger to the back door of the house and repeated the simple and concise order:


Just relying on them, against the "wolf" is completely looking for death, anyway, it is more important to save your life.

Lin leaned back to the wall next to the door and slowly pushed the door away. He was about to leave the building, but there was a text prompt in the line of sight:

As long as you kill two "wolves", you can get a little points. Commanders, please hunt!

Seeing this line of text, Lin was silent for two seconds, and said with no anger:

"Mixed balls, are you teasing me?"

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