War in Heaven

Chapter 860: The solution of the king of hackers

On the killing field of the corpse, the ferocious bones of the reinforced iron bones are making a great meal.

Taking advantage of the wolf is "food", the sparrow drone is also a full retreat opportunity, Lin Chi and Woods sneaked away from the back door, opened a manhole cover into the drain, and moved toward the safe house.

After a difficult trek, they finally arrived at the building where the entrance to the safe house was. Just entering the basement, they saw five sog soldiers, hiding in the basement with Dalian.

"Are you all right?" Woods looked at the men leaning against the wall.

"Nothing." The doctor answered his question and then added another sentence: "Wevere woke up."

When I heard that the comatose comrades woke up, Woods seemed to be a lot easier. He went to the corner of the basement and his shoulders shook slightly.

Lin Chi knew very well that the guy was not crying because he was moved, but he collapsed after a continuous high-intensity exercise. At this time, I am in this state...

In the process of escape, they may have been in a state of nervousness, and they have been neglecting the feeling of exhaustion until they enter the safe area. The cumulative fatigue that was previously ignored is finally completely erupted.

"Trimming for five minutes."

Lin Chi said sitting on the ground, the whole person seems to have smashed the general, and restored the usual state of salted fish. Seeing that both of them were weak, the doctor opened the first aid kit and took two energy drinks from it and handed it over.

"Drink this." The doctor who kept Moshi's head explained: "I found it in the underground warehouse."

After taking the plastic bottle and unscrewing the lid, the liquid with a little lemon taste was poured into the cavity. Lin Xi, who usually did not eat and drink in the game, finally realized the athlete's feeling of replenishing energy.

Although the effect can not be compared with military stimulants and the like, but the energy drink for athletes is still added to the energy immediately, so that the two people who are still "kidney deficiency" finally stood up again.

"All right……"

Lin Chi moved his body joints and stared at Dalian, who stood on the wall and held his hands.

At this point, the girl is looking down and thinking about something. Seeing her appearance, Lin Chi went over and asked: "What are you thinking?"

The hacker girl who was "woke up" jerked her head up, just in line with Shang Lin’s line of sight, then lowered her head and looked at her slender fingers, slowly opening the way:

"I just saw the wolf-type robot, it seems to be a bit familiar..."

"Have you seen it before?" Woods asked immediately.

There is no doubt that the sog soldiers were the first to encounter such a drone, and Lin Chi had never seen such a machine in the journey of War Heaven. However, it is possible to get into similar things from Dalian, who came from New York in 2050.

"Yeah." Dalian nodded and said in a normal tone that all the soldiers present were horrified:

"When I was wanted overnight, the US military used to chase me with a similar robot... What happened to you?"

"That is, you used to play with that stuff?" Lin Chi surprised and raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but I came across a more advanced version. It seems to be a prototype." Dalian nodded. "When I invaded the National Security Agency (nsa) database, I read about this type of robot. Information. Because of its interesting shape, I was very impressed at the time..."

"You invaded the nsa database?"

As soon as this was said, the sog soldiers who had just been immersed in the horror immediately wanted to pull out the gun, but they were blocked by Woods:

"Little girl, are you a spy?" Woods' voice was so serious.

"No, I am just bored at home and want to see..." Darian waved her hand and explained: "I am just a US citizen and have no threat to the United States, really!"

"You are not convincing in this words..." Lin Chi shook his head weakly and turned to face the murderous sog soldier in the basement.

"No matter what she has done before, is it still a matter of life?"

"I think so too." Woods nodded in agreement.

As a secret force that performs long-term black action, the sog soldiers have a subtle feeling towards the country. They don't just think about "protecting the country and defending the country" like the regular army. It is a bit like a mercenary who sells for money.

- Each of their actions is extremely dangerous, and there is no sense of honor. After completing the mission, they will not receive medals and awards, but will be sent to more dangerous battlefields. Once they fail, the United States will not even admit that those who died are soldiers belonging to their own country.

In the long run, they have witnessed many comrades who died in secret operations, but they cannot return to their home countries with their national flags. They can only burn the bodies of their comrades in the wild. There have also been some changes in the perception of combat.

After Woods opened, the sog soldiers finally calmed down, and everyone's eyes focused on Darian's face, waiting for the girl to continue to speak:

"Ah, all in all, to deal with this kind of machine, I think I should still have a way..." Dalian turned her hands behind her.

"What is the solution?" Lin Chi asked.

"The prototype does not have an electromagnetic interference system installed. It is completely operated according to the built-in ai. The developers proudly said in the log that they thoroughly simulated the wolf's life and hunting habits and created this 'wolf' prototype. The date at the time seemed to be 2017." Darian said a bunch of data.

"Wait a minute, is the US weapon technology tree so high?" Lin Chi stared at Dalian.

—— Even in the real world, the US weapon technology tree seems to have been smashed since the beginning of the 21st century. From turning bullets to laser guns that can't beat people, all kinds of strange equipment emerge endlessly. However, similar to the "wolf" stuff, Lin Chi was also heard for the first time.

"Yeah, I also feel very strange, but this kind of equipment seems to be invested by the Ministry of Defense, commissioned by Lockheed Martin, according to the record is the president-approved research and development project." Dalian recalled watching Information to arrive.

"President of 2017... I seem to understand why." Lin Chi smiled.

Even in 2035, there is still a legend about the president who took office in 2017. However, the focus of the problem is not here now.

"How do you destroy that beast?" Woods raised the key question.

"Well, when it comes to this..." Dalian thought for a moment.

Lin Chiben thought that the girl would say something like "let her get close to the wolf to seize control", but Dalyan's next speech made the people in the room fall into silence again:

"The built-in ai of the robot completely follows the wolf's habit. If we create a more powerful predator than a wolf, it will automatically yield!"

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