War in Heaven

Chapter 858: “Mahjong”

- What does this mixed ball want to express?

Lin, who was sitting on the dusty floor, frowned and waited for the man to continue.

According to the rules of other maps of War Heaven, there should also be large-scale plot events similar to full-band scanning in this game, but the story event did not appear until the afternoon of the second day of the game.

Although I don't know how the situation will develop, Lin Chi is also very clear that the man from the Special Operations Command will continue to convey the content of the big story in this game:

"Commanders, you should know that the city has been captured by the rebels, and the collective rebellion of the mercenaries in the city, as well as the betrayal of the PMC federation, is the reason why the city was captured..."

- This guy is lying.

Lin Chi, who had been to the headquarters of the PMC Federation, immediately noticed the loopholes in the other party's words. Judging from the information he got, the PMC Federation is trying to protect the city, and the invaders in the city may have been sent out by the United States.

The man continued: "Because of the information leak, the PMC Consortium discovered the fact that we sent troops into the city. In order to destroy all the evidence, they now intend to wipe out all the remaining troops and commanders."

"Our satellites have been photographed. The PMC Federation has sent a large number of unmanned combat equipment codenamed "Wolf" and "Sparrow". They patrol around the city. Once any suspicious soldiers are found, they will immediately launch attacks, even the affiliates. Many of the mercenary teams have been attacked by this machine."

Having said that, the man turned his head: "In order to avoid the commanders annihilating the whole army, we cast a signal jammer into the city. As long as we get the jammer, we can let the drone judge you as a mercenary, thus avoiding being They attacked. But due to time constraints, we only dropped two jammers, which landed in the park in the northwest corner of the city and in the swimming pool on the south side."

"What to do next, I think you already understand. Then... I wish you all the success."

After the man finished, Lin Chi’s headphones rang again with a rustling noise. After listening to the other party's lines, Lin Chi could not help but laugh out loud:

"Is it coming?"

- This task of robbing the jammer should be the plot event in this map. Since there are only two jammers, that is to say... then there may be another burst of **** hurricanes.

At this point, there are already two jammers on the map. The park is only four kilometers away from Lin Chi’s location, while the swimming pool on the south side of the map is 20 kilometers away. Which one is obvious? .

"Commander, what did you hear just now?" Woods asked.

"Nothing, you should know it right away." Lin Chi said to use the radio to contact other SOG soldiers who had just returned to the safe house, ordering the uninjured soldiers to re-enter, and by the way, bring Dalian to the northwest of the city. Go near the corner of the park.

"set off."

Lin Chi said that he stood up. Before he could tell Woods about the location of the mission, he heard a dull roar in the distant sky.

"Hurry up!" he said, pressing Woods to the ground.

Along with the sound of the whistling sound, the dark blue light suddenly appeared a few hundred meters away, and the thing approached quickly. Lin Chi finally saw the appearance of that thing:

"Is this a ‘sparrow?’...”

At this distance, the two can clearly see the shape of the "sparrow". Its general shape is similar to that of an ordinary fighter. The outer casing is sprayed in dark blue, but the engine design is obviously borrowed from the last century. "The mode of the vertical take-off and landing fighter.

At this point, the spouts of the four jet engines underneath the "sparrow" fuselage turned to the ground, maintaining a subtle balance. The bright red light flashed on the nose, like a **** eye, observing the scene below.

"What?" Woods also noticed that the plane was not the same as a regular fighter.

"Sparrow." Lin Chi whispered.

"I am not kidding." Woods turned to look at the commander.

"But I am serious..." Lin Chi bowed his head and squatted on the ground to disguise the body.

The unmanned fighter, code-named "Sparrow", passed from the west side of the location where the two were located. It seems that they did not find the two.

Then, it suddenly swooped forward and fired two missiles at the adjacent block:

The deafening roar sounded, and there was a violent tremor at the foot. Under the watchful eyes of Lin Chi and Woods, I saw that several apartments two hundred meters away were blown apart, and the pieces of the house were flying all over the sky, and there were many flesh and blood wrecks.

——Because of the pursuit of the target, the mercenaries who searched for the two nearby were judged as enemies by the “sparrow” and then decisively cleaned up. Although it was to solve the trouble for himself, but after seeing the power of the drone, Lin Chi was completely unhappy.

"So so fierce?" he muttered.

"We shouldn't be going to play that thing..." Woods said with emotion: "This is simply sending death."

During the talk, several "sparrow" drones flew from nearby, and massacres were carried out in this area. As the Special Operations Commander said, the UAV's enemy-identification system seems to have some problems, not only looking for players and their special forces, but also killing the mercenaries equally.

Several rockets flew white smoke into the sky, but for the use of the vertical take-off and landing system, the flexible "sparrow", RPG could not cause any threat, only recruited retaliation for missiles and machine guns.

After a series of explosions, a street five hundred meters away turned into a burning hell. I don’t have to look at it to know that the two mercenary patrols that I just pursued must have been wiped out by the whole army...

Because the "sparrows" have not yet left, Lin Chi and Woods did not stand up at all, continue to lie in the ruins and try to avoid the red "eyes" of the drone's head.

As a lot of firepower was poured nearby, the air temperature around them seemed to rise a bit, and the anxious and dangerous atmosphere spread, causing Lin Chi’s head to shed some sweat again:

From the technical level of this drone, the possibility of installing a far-sighted infrared thermal imaging system on the fuselage is extremely great. If it is photographed by that gadget, it is meaningless to install it. And with the flexibility of the "sparrow", once they are discovered, they can't run even if they grow their wings!

"Are they gone?" Woods whispered.

"I don't know." Lin Chizhen did not move on the ground: "I don't want to look up."

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