“What about me, then?”

This time, before raising his eyebrows and Hongjun, a voice came from a distance.

hong long long!

Following, I saw an invisible pressure continuously spreading out, flooding between heaven and earth.

The space fluctuating because of Luohu Hongjun’s battle was also calmed down.

Then, I only saw a ripple in the sky, followed by an incomparable gigantic, golden light ancient ship, with its sails hanging high and exuding Ancient breath. The precipitation and heritage of that kind of years have brought an invisible pressure to people.

Tianzhou all around faintly spreading one after another whispering, prayer, is the most beautiful and pious aspiration of Human World.

The cold and slender bow, a magic horn, gleaming with cold light. The edge is endless.

For a while, whether it was Hongjun, raised eyebrows, or Luohu, all looked at the things that looked like creatures and not creatures, like Sacred Jewel and not Sacred Jewel, but didn’t dare to underestimate them.

Say he is a creature. As far as this breath is concerned, it is no longer inferior to Five Elements Old Ancestor and the others, and even faintly comparable to Hongjun and the others, yet he has not yet transformed.

Speaking of Sacred Jewel, the spirituality is so strong that it has no doubt about living things. Even Innate Supreme Treasure has no advantage compared to it.

Tianzhou turning true from illusory, icy emerges in the void, suppressing all directions.

Standing at the bow of the ship is a Taoist man with a blood-red robe and some sharp mouths. Although the cultivation base is not high, he also has the realm of Quasi-Saint.

“It’s you?”

As soon as the Eternal Heaven boat came out, the three of Hongjun remembered the past in an instant. After all, the previous practice of the mosquitoes was given to them. deep impression.

Seeing the mosquito man and the Eternal Heaven boat, the three reacted differently.

Luo Hui has a feeling of husky. I really didn’t read the almanac when I went out. I was lucky enough to get home.

Every time the chain is dropped at a critical moment, Cheng Yaojin is killed halfway through.

But raising the eyebrows was a frown, and I was surprised that it was the Chaos Demon God, and it was the Space Demon God, with amazing perception, experienced and knowledgeable, but he sensed that he belonged on the boat of Eternal Heaven The breath of eternal Azure Lotus.

Hongjun was overjoyed. From the words of the mosquitoes, it is not difficult to tell that this person is on the side with him, and Five Elements and the others have also analyzed before that Fang Qingshan is not the same as Luo Hu That’s it.

“Who is your Excellency? This seat seems to have no grudges with you in the past, and has no grudges recently, right?”

When he saw the mosquito man, Luo Hui was not angry at first.

It was him, first grabbed the evil spirit and flesh and blood with himself, so that Immortal Beheading Sword Formation did not do all the work. Otherwise, if all the flesh and blood is consumed, even if Qiankun Five Elements explodes, it will not give Hongjun a chance to break the formation.

If it is kept as usual, Luo Hu will still talk nonsense, just pick up the divine spear and start doing it.

But now and then.

At this moment, he had to forcibly suppress the anger in his heart.

Because Immortal Beheading Sword Formation is gone, he is now alone, and Hongjun has more space for raising eyebrows. Demon God helps. If Fang Qingshan is pushed to Hongjun’s side, he will Completely finished.

Although from the previous words and behaviors of the mosquitoes, it seems that they are not very friendly.

But after all, Luo Hu still has a little hope, and he will not give up until the Yellow River.

But after thinking about it carefully, I was broken by the mosquito man in a blink of an eye.

“Hehe, is it that only people who have hatred and grievance can take action? So, why does Fellow Daoist walk the heavens-defying road, provoke the three tribes, and harm the common people?”

With a sound, his face was not cut.

Just as Hongjun heard Luo Hui say that too many people died before, it is simply the biggest joke in the world.

“You have more help but less help, Luohu Fellow Daoist, it seems that today is the right time for you to rob.”

In fact, when he sensed the anomaly of the mosquito man, Hong Jun There is also a bit of no bottom in my heart, but fortunately, things have not lost control. Now the mosquito person is also on his side. It seems that God’s will is on my side, Hongjun said with a smile.

“Should be robbery? Hehe, hehehe.”

After looking around for a week, Luohu jié jié laughed strangely.

The sound is full of desolation and madness.

What’s desolate is that after fighting against Hongjun for so long, he is still a bad move.

It’s just that he was a little unconvinced, because he was not defeated by Hongjun, but because of two uncontrollable factors, namely, raising eyebrows and mosquitoes.

So, he was very unconvinced.

Unfortunately, on the way to the cultivator, winner is the king, loser is the villain. If you lose, you lose. It doesn’t look at the cause or the passage, but only the result.

As for the madness, he has a hard time, and naturally he will not let others, especially his own enemies, make it easy.

Seeing that the three of Hongjun formed a three-talented formation and besieged himself in the center, Luo Hui knew that he was hard to avoid calamity today.

Since this is the case, he will use his own way and heal his body.

Previously, Qiankun and the others blew up their Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. They don’t know how Hongjun and the others should respond to their next self-destruction.

Thinking of this, Luo Hui showed a strange smile on his face.

At this moment, if Hongjun had seen Qiankun and Yin-Yang before they blew up, he would find that they were exactly the same.

The mosquito person knows that Luo Hu will blew himself up, saw that the situation was far from good, and has quietly sacrificed the bridge on the other side.

Raising the eyebrows is amazing, and when he senses that Luohu’s power within the body is running crazily, he also quietly moves the space out.

Not waiting for them to remind Hongjun, Luo Hui acted simply and neatly.

“Hongjun, it is not so easy for you to prove the truth, even if I die, I won’t make you cheaper.”

“Not good, he wants to blew himself up!”

Seeing Luo Hui’s appearance, Hongjun finally reacted, his heart suddenly tightened, and he hurriedly drew back.

Unfortunately, it’s already too late.

After all, Luo Hui blew himself up, and his main target was him.

Quick, accurate, ruthless!

When Hongjun saw this, he retreated and sacrificed various Supreme Treasures.

Three Body Incarnations sacrifice defense Supreme Treasure, what good fortune jade disc, Purple Heaven Palace, Yin-Yang Symbol, Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Wuji apricot yellow flag… all were sacrificed .

Hongjun himself is holding the ancient banner in one hand and the leading crutches in the other. He strove to attack and attack, constantly weakening Luo Hu’s power.

On the other side, Yangmei and Fang Qingshan were mainly directed at Hongjun because Luohu blew himself up, and the two of them had been prepared for this, so they saw that the situation was wrong and immediately retreated.

One is because of the Eternal Heaven boat, the defense of the Void God Armor, and the defense is unparalleled, and the other is because of space, and it flashes out a thousand li in an instant. It didn’t hurt.

Only Hongjun is in bad luck.

Because, just as Luo Hu didn’t expect that Qiankun would definitely blew himself up, he didn’t expect that Luo Hu would also blew himself up. In addition to being the closest to Luo Hu, he hesitated to react for a while.

If it weren’t for him to act decisively, coupled with a lot of Supreme Treasure in his hand, I am afraid that Hongjun would really be dragged by Luo Hu.

But even so, Hongjun’s situation is not good if he misses the opportunity.

You must know that Luo Hu is not inferior to his existence. The self-destructed formidable power is still above the universe, yin and yang.

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