“Die, die, hahaha…”

Looking at the danger of Hong Jun, Luo Hu couldn’t help laughing wantonly.

” What if you win me? You don’t want to be buried with me, none of us will have a good time.”

As he said, he saw that Luo Huan offered four more Avatars, the four-spirit monkeys. .

Obviously, I want to complete his work and completely take Hongjun to Yellow Springs together.


Seeing the crazy Luohu, both raised eyebrows and the mosquito man could not help but shudder.

Fortunately, Luo Huo didn’t set his main target on them, otherwise, with their methods, I’m afraid I won’t be able to walk around.

“God is mine, Heavenly Way blesses!”

Fortunately, Hongjun really has a hole card.

Seeing that I can’t hold on any longer, he actually mobilized the power of Heavenly Way to bless various Supreme Treasure like Saint.

“Good, good, good Hongjun, good Heavenly Way, good, good, I want Old Ancestor to make you a stepping stone, grinding blade stone, depending on whether you can afford it. “

Seeing that Hongjun can now mobilize the power of Heavenly Way, Luo Huan immediately understood. Obviously, from the very beginning, he is just like Ancestral Dragon, Five Elements and the others. They are all cannon fodder. It is the stepping stone for Hongjun to advance, and the grinding blade stone used by Heavenly Way to sharpen Hongjun.

Immediately, Luo Hu was even more crazy, and his hatred was overwhelming, not only at Hongjun, but at Heavenly Way.

He wants revenge.

“explode for me! Explode! Explode!”

Following Luo Hu’s shouted voice, the entire West suddenly became turbulent.

Luo Hui blew himself up that most of the original formidable power came from Hongjun, but after Heavenly Way intervened, it was obviously impossible to pull Hongjun back.

So, Luo Hu immediately changed his goal and blew himself up at the same time as the four-linged monkey. However, this time was not directed at Hongjun, but directly at the Western ancestral line.

The mixed four monkeys blew themselves at the same time, and the formidable power is no worse than that of Luo Hu, and even worse.

The huge formidable power shook the entire Great Desolate heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth wailed.

The Western ancestry is not like Hongjun, who has that many defenses. Heavenly Way did not expect Luo Hu to be so rascal. For a while, there is no time to make a move.

Therefore, the ancestral veins of the West were blown up. After the explosion, the whole West was riddled with holes and forests. This is also the reason for the barrenness of the West in the future.

Good guys, apart from the mosquitoes, Hongjun and Yang Mei never thought that Luo Hui was so frantic.

Hung Jun can’t help seeing it, but he actually shifted the target and wanted to blow up Great Desolate heaven and earth.

But thinking about Luo Hu’s original identity, it is both unexpected and reasonable, after all, it is destroying Demon God.

However, now everyone can ignore Luo Hui, and even Hongjun directly took a sip of Three Illuminations Divine Water, resisting the pain and raising eyebrows, and the mosquito man shot together.

In the end, Luohu blew himself up and destroyed Great Desolate heaven and earth. The cause and effect are on them, and this karma strength will also be blamed on them.

Fortunately, most of them were directed at Hongjun, but the two raised eyebrows were only affected by Chi Yu.

Even so, raising the eyebrows also feels like a husky.

The reason why he came out was for the merit fate, but now that the merit fate hasn’t gotten his hands, he actually provoked a commotion, so Xuan did not raise his eyebrows and vomit blood.




Three people simultaneously cast Divine Ability Sacred Jewel to prevent The aftermath of Luohu’s self-detonation dissipated, and at the same time he settled the remaining western ancestral veins and made up for it.

The mosquito person will naturally use the bridge of the other bank and the passing water lamp to use Space-Time Stop.

Hongjun shakes out the Yin-Yang Symbol, releases the Tai Chi Golden Bridge, and sets Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.

The first time Sacred Jewel appeared in Yangmei’s hands, it was a walking stick made from his hollow willow. With a single tap, the formidable power is even worse than Hongjun and Mosquito and.

With the concerted efforts of the three, the Western ancestral veins were not completely finished.

To solve this problem, apart from Hongjun, he is still thinking about how to eliminate the karma strength this time. The eyebrows and mosquitoes are already waiting for the fruits of victory.

The fruit of victory, in addition to the fate merit awarded by Heavenly Way, is naturally the many Sacred Jewels left by Luo Hui.

Raise eyebrows and look down on these, but the mosquito person is directed at them.

Fang Qingshan is a lot of treasure, and this time the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe is also very rewarding, but when the mosquito trapped his eyes on the preparations to fall after Luo Hu blew himself up, he couldn’t help but salivate.

Immortal Beheading Four Swords, Ten Grade 2 Black Lotus, Divine spear, Heavenly Demon knife, Heavenly Demon tower…

They are all the highest Innate Sacred Jewel.

And who would dislike his treasure too much?

So, after resolving the Western ancestral lineage, the mosquito person took action.

Unfortunately, what disappoints the mosquito people is that I don’t know if these Sacred Jewels still have a mission, or are not related to him, or that Heavenly Way is at work, except for a Grade 3 Black Lotus. Sword, the mosquito man caught nothing.

As for the other treasures, either they were swept away by the self-destructive formidable power, or they flew to Hongjun, or were taken away by Luo Hu.

Yes, although Luo Huo was self-destructed, he did not bring about one’s own destruction, but was born after he died.

At the same time when he blew himself up, Luohu Primordial Spirit took the Great Way oath.

“The Great Way is on, now there is chaos destroying Demon God, Great Desolate Demon God, willing Sacrifice, with the demon body and the Black Lotus, transform him into the Demon Realm, and use my True Spirit to transform into hundreds of millions of Heavenly Demon. From then on, I will become the Great Desolate millions and millions of creatures. When there is a heart demon, the catastrophe will come and go on After that, the Dao Elimination of the Devil will rise, the Dao will rise and the Devil will be eliminated, hope the Great Way will be quasi.”

Luohou tone barely fell, and you saw a thunder in the chaos, followed by a supreme, Paragon to Expensive, it makes people feel like clouds and mountains, but everywhere, the power of awe in the heart comes.

‘Quick! ‘

Succinct and concise.

As soon as the voice fell, it was Great Way who acknowledged Luo Maw’s oath and immediately gave the boundless Great Way merits.

Part of Rahu’s other-formed freedom is in the sky, directly evolving Foreign Domain Demon Realm, and part of Rahu’s Primordial Spirit True Spirit, achieving Demon Realm Heavenly Way.

After Luo Hui blew himself up, the heaven and earth suddenly became clear, and the evil spirit between heaven and earth gradually dissipated. The sky also casts boundless merits.

Fifty percent of them fell on Hongjun, seeing the eyebrow raised and the formation of the mosquitoes hot. The two components became three rewards to the Dragon Phoenix Qilin tribes, but the merits not at all really fell, because this merit was not enough to offset the karma strength of the tribes.

A layer descended on the remaining Great Desolate sentient beings. In the last two floors, the mosquito person and the raised eyebrow each have one.

In an instant, the karma strength added to the body was caused by the destruction of the western ancestral veins, as if Dongxue met Chunyang, and instantly disappeared.

“Okay, well, Fellow Daoist has passed the tribulation, so I will go back.”

The merit fate is added, and the eyebrows are raised and he feels that his injury is more than ten times faster. , The corners of his mouth raised slightly, cupped the hands to Hongjun, nodded at the mosquito man, and then left without looking back.

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