“My old friend, go slowly, wait for me.”

A sad voice sounded, but Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor made the same choice as Yin and Yang Old Ancestor.

Some of my friends, like-minded Fellow Daoist, were high-spirited and vigorous when they came, and everyone was looking forward to it. As long as they survive this catastrophe, Hunyuan is in sight.

Now they have fallen one after another, leaving only one person alone.

If you can live, of course there is no problem.

Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor is not a person who cannot withstand blows.

But the crux of the problem is that Hongjun has not seen a trace until now.

I don’t know if he saw Hongjun’s sinister intentions, or knew that Hongjun was also weak.

It’s not going to be a long struggle on your own. Instead of being upside-down, the two of Five Elements died in vain, it’s better to imitate Yin and Yang, vigorously, either the fish dies or the net splits, everyone will die together.

Of course, there is one more important point, that is, in the midst of the catastrophe, the evil spirit blinds the mind, the fate is suppressed, and the heart demon invades.

This is why the Yin and Yang Old Ancestor explodes without warning.

For these reasons, Heaven and Earth Old Ancestor is also self-destructed.

Good fellow, Luo Hui hasn’t been relieved from the yin and yang Old Ancestor’s self-destruction, Qiankun’s self-destruction gave him another blow.

Half of the four monkeys in the mixed world completely lost their combat effectiveness, and the two formations of Immortal Beheading Sword Formation were broken. As the main formation, he was backlashed.

Hongjun took this opportunity to shoot at the same time with the three corpses, holding an ancient banner, leading a cane, turning on the four lights, and bursting out with all his strength, instantly tearing him into the sky, letting Luohu hurt and hurt him, and follow , Make persistent efforts, taking advantage of the two Old Ancestors exploding, Immortal Beheading Sword Formation did not slow down, and directly attacked the formation diagram.

If there is no yin and yang two people blew themselves up, if the formation diagram is not a semifinished product.

Hongjun’s approach may not help.

Now, although the great array has not been damaged, but in a short time, Immortal Beheading Sword Formation should not be used anymore.

After breaking the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, Hongjun immediately sighed in relief. Although he felt a little sad for the death of the four of Qiankun, he could only sigh and make compensation in the future.

At this moment, but at the place where the old Ancestor of Yin and Yang exploded, there was still a mass of yin and yang entwined essence flying out. When the great array was broken by Hongjun, it rose to the sky and disappeared in a flash. The trail.

Following the secrets of heaven, this group of essence, divided into two, landed on a sycamore tree, while the other came into a mountain range that embraced yin and yang, and was conceived here Obtained by two Innate gods.

Hongjun didn’t stop when he saw it, he knew it was God’s will.

Following, Hongjun beckoned to turn upside down, Qian Kun, Yin and Yang Old Ancestor, the chaos flag after the fall, order ruler, Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Yin-Yang Symbol, etc., before Luo Hu, took it. .

“Damn, damn!”

Luo Hui never thought that the two of Qiankun were so decisive, and they actually did either the fish dies or the net splits with him.

The two blew themselves up and gave Hongjun a chance, causing the Executing Immortal Array to be broken. Originally, the Immortal Beheading Array Diagram was not successfully refined. At this moment, it is not to be scrapped on the spot, at least for a short time.

Fortunately, Immortal Beheading Sword Formation can’t be used anymore. The mixed four-linged monkeys have their own damage in the self-detonation.

Otherwise, in the face of Hongjun who has all three corpses, Luo Hu might be a little hard to beat with four hands.

After all, he is not an attack on Divine Ability, and it is not perfect.

“Hongjun, it seems that we are still birds of a feather today, and we can’t tell the difference.”

Luo Hui put away the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation and confronted Hongjun. .


Hongjun couldn’t comment on this.

“Although the Executing Immortal Array is broken, Five Elements and the others are dead. Although you have these Avatars, I also have four monkeys. I think that will end today, dead. There are already enough people.”

Luo Hui shook his heart when he saw Hongjun’s faint smile expression.

“Hehe, Fellow Daoist actually has such a compassionate side. It’s rare.”

Hongjun chuckled, this is really the biggest joke since the beginning of the sky, Luo Yu would actually think Enough people are dead.

shook the head, Hongjun no longer paid attention to Luohu, but cupped the hands toward the void, said,

“I also ask Fellow Daoist to help, and Great Desolate a piece of quiet and peaceful.”

“Why do Fellow Daoist do things within the division?”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the silhouette of raised eyebrows in the void turning true from illusory.

“It’s you, raise your eyebrows, are you still alive?”

Luo Hudang even creded out in surprise when he saw someone coming.

Luo Hui was also a Chaos Demon God back then, and he was also a top Demon God. He is naturally no stranger to the same top Demon God.

The two have fought, and they also fought side by side.

He didn’t expect Yangbrow to be alive. This was beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that the Chaos Demon God had died in Pangu’s hands. Even those who escaped by chance would be reincarnated like him, Ancestral Dragon, Five Elements and the others.

Following, there is a burst of envy, jealousy and hatred.

After all, he is no longer the Chaos Demon God, and the raised eyebrow is still.

As the Chaos Demon God, who wants to be reincarnated?

If it weren’t for the Great Tribulation, the injury was too serious, not to mention the Demon God body, or the Primordial Spirit, who only escaped a bit. I’m afraid Luo Hui would not be willing to come out and fight with Hongjun for heaven and earth. Protagonist, but like raising an eyebrow, the cat recovers in a corner, waiting for an opportunity to return to the chaos.

Just like Innate, who wants to degenerate into acquired?

Be aware that the Chaos Demon God is more blessed by heaven than the witch race.

If the Witch is descended from Pangu, then the Chaos Demon God is the son of the Great Way.

He can’t understand this strength.

Even if I was still destroying Demon God, I would not be pleased when I met him.

At this moment, although raising eyebrows is still hurting, it is still chaotic Demon God. Moreover, it seemed that Hongjun had invited him to deal with him, and Luo Hui’s heart sank suddenly.

“I don’t know whether raising eyebrows should be called Fellow Daoist destruction or Luohu?”

Raising eyebrows said with a smile.

“The name is just a code name, Fellow Daoist is free.”

Luo Hui stared at his eyebrows,

“Fellow Daoist, you and I are also considered Colleagues who used to fight shoulder to shoulder, are you going to help Hongjun deal with me?”

“Not only to help Hongjun, but also to help myself.”

Raise my eyebrows nodded and patiently Explained,

“Although I escaped the catastrophe, the injury was not light. It takes time and merit to repair the injury.”

“And Fellow Daoist was born in the catastrophe. In the battle, the three races were provoked, and millions and millions of creatures died in the battle. The karma strength is monstrous, and Good Fortune is exhausted today, and the old way is only to enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven.”

Poor Daoist is not as good as Fellow Daoist.

Although Yang Mei and Luo Hui had the same meaning as the same robe, they did not at all have too much friendship.

And for the Great Way, even if you have friendship, you can put it aside.

See how, for his own Great Way, Hongjun dragged Five Elements and the others into the catastrophe?

There are a thousand cups of wine every confidant, but there are too many words without speculation.

Since they all say that this is good, it means that today’s moon’s deficiencies are resolved.

Although Luo Hui is a ugly complexion, he is still a person who has experienced winds and waves. He is not chaotic and coldly said with a smile,

“Want to enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, rely on you?”

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