Among Great Desolate, those who don’t care about karma strength are probably the only witches.

These people do not respect heaven and earth, do not worship Dao ancestors, but only respect Pangu.

If it weren’t for the fact that his fists weren’t hard enough to beat Heavenly Way Hongjun, I’m afraid it’s going to be overwhelming.

And they don’t have Primordial Spirit, so naturally they don’t care about trifling karma strength.

Except for them, it is Luo Hu regardless of the law and of natural morality. I am afraid that he can’t afford it. If he releases the chaotic Demon God Remnant Soul, it will break the karma strength of the origin of the blood sea. Dao Zu will avoid it. It’s like a snake.

Unfortunately, he met Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Man.

The two people with the Eternal Heaven boat, their cultivation base is no worse than Hongjun and Luo Hu, and now the one in Great Desolate who can steadily beat them is probably Donghai’s raised eyebrows.

The most important thing is that the mosquitoes are also creatures of the sea of ​​blood, and the great array of the sea of ​​blood also understands clearly in the mind. Although the Netherworld River blessed the chaotic Demon God Remnant Soul, the formation has changed a bit, but it has changed. Stay true to its origin.

To break the great array of blood, Fang Qingshan can directly use the Primal Chaos Demon corner collision, as long as it goes back and forth dozens of times, it will definitely break the great array, but it takes too much time.

As soon as the Chaos Demon God came out, although there was a great array to cover up, the others would be that’s all, Hongjun, Luohu, and Yangmei must have been sensitive to them, so they shouldn’t be delayed to avoid long night dreams.

Without the Primal Chaos Demon corner, Fang Qingshan can also use Heavenly Cycle Star to break the formation.

Just now in Great Desolate, the starry sky has no owner.

Once the Heavenly Cycle Star Chentu is used, it will immediately pull the remote antiquity starry sky, the sky full of stars, when the time comes, I am afraid that it is not just Luo Hu, Hongjun, raising eyebrows, I am afraid the entire Great Desolate will be alarmed .

So, the easiest and quickest way is to take out the thundering flag, all under Heavenly God thunder, to discipline him what great array, what Demon God, all disappeared.

See how, when Lich was in the First World War, the witches took out the great array of Heavenly God in the twelve capitals, and the Divine Lightning in Pangu’s body. Even the Heavenly Cycle Star and the great array of Chen’s great array were directly broken ?

Furthermore, with Heavenly God Thunder’s restraint against Chaos Demon God, Netherworld River may have miscalculated.

You must know that Fang Qingshan’s Eternal Heaven boat was only incorporated into the fleshly body and magic horns of the Chaos Demon God, and was almost hit hard, let alone the soul of the Chaos Demon God, even if it was broken. of.

Break the formation, clean up the mess and cover up the secrets at the fastest speed.

As long as the speed is fast enough, there shouldn’t be any problems if you think about it.

“Thunder Banner, come out!”

Fang Qingshan gave a light scream, and a big banner flew out of the thunder pool of the Eternal Heaven boat.

Yes, the Thunder Banner is not at all in the eternal Divine Lightning, but hidden in the eternal thunder pool.

Using thunder pool to nurture the Thunder Banner can speed up the transformation of the Thunder Banner.

Refeeding the thunder pool with the thunder flag can make the thunder pool go further, become stronger, store more thunder, and be more refined.

Complement each other and win-win cooperation.

The flag surface is unfolded, and there are all kinds of ancient, mysterious, and mysterious thunder patterns on it, and various images of evolution.

The most common nature is thunder and lightning itself/main body, some evolved blade, spear, sword, halberd, axe, sword, halberd, etc. Thunder soldiers, some evolved soldiers, generals, handsome, and hou, Kings, emperors and other creatures, and some play Divine Beasts such as Dragon Transformation, Phoenix, Dapeng, Golden Crow…All these, in various ways, are shocking and contain endless Suffocating.


Together with Fang Qingshan’s thoughts, the thousands of thunder patterns on the Thunder Banner seem to have come alive, entangled with each other, united together, and formed a gray cloud , Even the evil spirit disappeared, like the lightning of harmless to humans and animals.

Return to the Natural State, divine object obscure!

“Heavenly God Thunder!”

Netherworld River has not recognized it. There is no spiritual wisdom anymore. The Remnant Soul of Demon God, who acts only by instinct, seems to be at this moment. After resurrecting, looking at the Divine Lightning in horror, the subconsciously wanted to escape.

Well, their move immediately pitted the Netherworld River.

It was originally a great array, but the enemy hadn’t attacked, so he got into chaos. It was like a battle between two armies. The defeated side directly impacted its own camp. The formidable power was directly reduced. Suffer.

While the Chaos Demon God is caught in the formation, it is just wishful thinking to escape.

Hurt others and harm yourself!

It can be seen from this, what kind of memory Pangu, Heavenly God Thunder has left in the mind of Chaos Demon God, even death can arouse obsession, thinking and terrifying.

hong long long!

As soon as the Divine Lightning came out, before it fell, the entire sea of ​​blood began to vibrate, and the endless clouds swept up. In an instant, thunderclouds appeared, thunderbolt Great Way faintly discernible, Great Way texture Interweave.

The dead spirit root in the sea of ​​blood hadn’t had time to scream, so he immediately disappeared.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

The great array of blood made a cracking sound overwhelmed.

Netherworld River suppressed the blood god child of the node, one by one directly exploded and died, like a blossoming bloody firework.

The thunderbolt fell, and the shining lightning illuminated the entire sea of ​​blood.

The blood sea great array has no power to hinder it, and it disintegrates directly. As for the chaotic Demon God Remnant Soul that fled away, it seems to have been installed with a locator. It was accurately found by Divine Lightning, hit at a fixed point, and directly obliterated. , The undead in the entire blood sea almost disappeared, and the entire blood sea even dropped a layer.

“Damn it!”

The great array of blood was broken, the Netherworld River was backlashed, and a mouthful of blood essence was sprayed out, and the whole person languished, a pair of premature aging It looks like that the cultivation base has also fallen from the Big Luo Golden Immortal to the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, just like being caught by the Golden Immortal, and a big realm has been born.

“I’ll be back.”

Netherworld River didn’t care much, and after the next sentence, the whole person seemed to have been installed with a time bomb and exploded with a bang. The immeasurable blood light scattered, lasing towards all directions.

The method of blood escape!

When he was in Journey to the West, Fang Qingshan also saw Red Child perform it.

Not only a Flight Technique, but also a life-saving method.

Caught offguard is fast as a surprise, and there are countless more.

It is a first-class life-saving skill.

Millions, tens of millions of blood light, each is a blood god, as long as a tiny bit escapes, the Netherworld River can make a comeback.

What a pity!


Without Fang Qingshan’s words, Thunder Emperor took the lead.

A dazzling divine light stretches and shrinks across the entire sea of ​​blood, transcending the true meaning, and the Profound Truth on the other side revolves, turning into a stone bridge, and anchoring the entire blood sea space.

A beacon light gradually raised, the light filled like water, like the ripples of the water, splashed slowly and urgently, covering the entire sea of ​​blood like moonlight.

Space is static, time freezes.

Although the blood escape was fast, but it was simply too late to escape, so he was frozen in the air.


Almost at the same time, the mosquito man also shot, and a cloud of blood rose from him, sound like thunder, flying in the sun, compared to the Netherworld River Only a lot more Avatar chased around.

Taking advantage of the Netherworld River being anchored by the bridge of the other side and the passing water lantern, in groups of three or four, he pounced on a blood god child, stretched his mouthparts, and was swallowed in a moment.

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