Fuxi and Nuwa seem to have several points of relationship with Demon God of Yin and Yang, Gossip, Demon God of Good Fortune, and have some relationship with Demon God of cause and effect.

It’s just not clear whether they were the reincarnations of Demon God or they got Demon God inheritance.

But anyway, these should be a minority after all.

But I don’t want to suppress so many Remnant Souls of Chaos Demon God under the blood sea. At a glance, there are nearly a hundred ways, which is incredible.

It’s not just Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao people who couldn’t believe it. At the moment when the Chaos Demon God was born, although there was a great array of blood hidden, it still aroused the three raised eyebrows.

“en? Demon God breath, is there any other Fellow Daoist who survived?”

Donghai, the originally unperturbed eyebrows could not help but startled.

“No, why are there so many?”

Follow, raise eyebrows slightly frowned, shook the head, and then speculated,

“Where is the suppression? Looking at the Remnant Soul of the Chaos Demon God?”

“Forget it, no matter what is going on, just go and see.”

I raised my eyebrows and muttered for a while, and my heart moved. Compared with the hollow willows of Buzhou Mountain, it swayed, transformed into an old way, stepped out in one step, and disappeared in an instant.

Mount Meru, Luo Hu who was practicing Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, was surprised at a certain moment.

“Chaos Demon God? How is it possible?”

“Why the damn came out at this time, do you want to take advantage of the calamity to seize the heaven and earth position?”

Luo Hui secretly guessed by saving others by himself.

He was originally the reincarnation of Demon God in the chaotic Demon God. The battle with Hongjun Dao Demon was for the orthodox position of heaven and earth. Whoever wins can become the son of fate, breakthrough Shackled, King is Great Desolate.

Now that there are so many competitors suddenly appearing, why is your name Luo Hu surprised?

“Hehe, don’t blame you for who you are. If you want to destroy Old Ancestor’s plan, you have to see if your life is hard enough.”

Luo Hui jié jié gave a strange laugh.

“It just so happens that the Immortal Beheading Array Diagram of Old Ancestor is still short of ignition.”

Speaking, Luo Hu wrapped the beckoned and wrapped the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, following the breath of Demon God The incoming direction rushed past.

At the same time, Hongjun also walked down Yujing Mountain, and rushed towards the sea of ​​blood worriedly.

“The eventful autumn, the eventful autumn, first is an odd number, and now there is a Demon God born again, hey!”

Hongjun sighed,

“Great Way Fear Hard! However, no matter who wants to destroy the old-fashioned Great Way, you must first ask about the ancient banner.”

Stroking the chaotic flag banner in his hand, Hongjun’s eyes flashed with an angry look .

Not only the three people raising eyebrows, Ancestral Dragon, Heavenly Phoenix, Five Elements, Yin and Yang Old Ancestor and the others also felt a little bit more or less, but they were too obscure, and if there was something in their hands, Not too much attention.

Not to mention the people who were alarmed by the birth of the Chaos Demon God, but to say that the Demon God Remnant Soul was suppressed under the sea of ​​blood, which is not difficult to understand.

Pangu Taoism, Great Desolate creatures can basically be regarded as Pangu descendants, and the authenticity alone has the Twelve Ancestral Witch and Three Purities.

Although the three thousand Demon God cultivation base is not as good as Pangu, there should be some means. There should be no surprises leaving some Remnant Soul.

Unfortunately, apart from abandoning the body of Demon God and completely integrating into Great Desolate, there are other ways to make a comeback. All were destroyed by Pangu and Heavenly Way.

For example, the Demon God Remnant Soul under this sea of ​​blood. If the Eternal Heaven boat had not shocked the Netherworld River too much today, he would not dare to risk the world’s disastrous and release the chaotic Demon God Remnant Soul. Bless the great array of blood sea.

As long as they don’t break through the Seal of the Sea of ​​Blood, these Demon God Remnant Souls will be wiped out a little bit by the Sea of ​​Blood and turned into the origin of the Sea of ​​Blood.

The reason why Netherworld River took the risk was that in addition to the pressure of the Eternal Heaven boat, it also wanted to take a shortcut to the south.

While using the Chaos Demon God to deal with Fang Qingshan and the Eternal Heaven Boat, while using the Eternal Heaven Boat to deal with the Chaos Demon God Remnant Soul.

Let both sides suffer, he sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

Not only can you swallow the Mosquito Man’s Perfection origin, you can also get the Supreme Treasure of the Eternal Heaven Boat, and it can also eliminate the chaotic Demon God Remnant Soul in advance, relieve the blood sea and strengthen the origin.

Multiple resources in one fell swoop!

Unfortunately, I have to say that the wishful thinking is good, but the plan will never keep up with the changes.

Seeing the formation of the great array, the chaotic Demon God and the great array fuse together, the formidable power of the great array has finally been fully released.

Netherworld River could not help being sighed in relief. As the lord of the sea of ​​blood, he naturally knows what formidable power the great array of blood erupts with all his strength. Without using the great array before the Chaos Demon God, it is an Ancestral Dragon. and the others are trapped in it, but also Longyou Shoal, and the tiger falls to Pingyang.

After using it, it is the Eternal Heaven Boat, and Netherworld River also feels it can be suppressed.

Seeing nearly a hundred thousand Demon God’s incomplete will, driven by the Netherworld River, combined with the great array, for a time, but seeing hundreds of ancient Demon God slowly opening Open your eyes, aloof and remote, and look down on sentient beings.

Fang Qingshan and the mosquito-passenger saw a numb scalp, and a thin layer of cold sweat appeared on their backs.

In the end, it is Demon God, even if it is dead, but the tiger is dead.

They didn’t expect that Netherworld River would have such a method.

Furthermore, he dared to risk the world’s unrest and release Demon God from the suppression of the blood sea.

Be aware that one is not good enough to let Demon God Remnant Soul escape. Karma strength is not a joke.

However, Netherworld River obviously did not think of this. Even if they knew it, they would not care about it. The most urgent task is to get through the current difficulties.

With the blessing of Demon God, the formidable power of the great array of blood can be said to be completely restored.

The feeling for the mosquitoes is no worse than the formidable power that was turned on when the Netherworld River refined all the blood seas and the cultivation base reached Quasi-Saint Peak.

Such a formation formidable power, when Great Desolate’s three absolute arrays were not present, it can almost be said to be the best in the world.

Compared to the great array of the Dragon Phoenix Qilin tribe, it is even better.

Based on the sea of ​​blood, the blood god child suppresses the nodes, the Yuantu A nose sword is used to increase the attack, the bloody Asura flag is used to increase the defense, and the ten Grade 2 karma red lotus suppresses the great array, and then there are nearly a hundred ways The chaotic Demon God Remnant Soul blessed the formation, and the Netherworld River played a central role.

Fang Qingshan feels that this is no worse than Journey to the West Great World that day, in the chaos, the copycat version of Immortal Beheading Sword Formation used by Duobao and Kong Xuan’s pseudo-big Five Elements Innate array.

“What a Netherworld River, what a lord of the sea of ​​blood, there are no illusions under the reputation.”

Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

This is me. If you change the Dragon Phoenix tribe alone patriarch, I’m afraid they will fall into the sand and hate on the spot, unless they bring the strength of their subordinates and put down the great array of the town tribe, even so , As long as Netherworld River hides in the sea of ​​blood, no one can help him.

Even even if it was Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, Dao Ancestor Hongjun came and it might end up the same now.

Because their current cultivation base is about to become Great Desolate, but they still can’t achieve unrivaled beneath the heavens.

Can’t break the great array of blood, but can’t help Netherworld River.

Break the great array of the sea of ​​blood, hurt the origin of the sea of ​​blood, let go of the chaos Demon God Remnant Soul, the karma strength is monstrous.

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