Although the blood god of Netherworld River Old Ancestor can also devour flesh and blood, making people become terror-stricken at the news, Deng Ying in Shushan relies on this running amuck throughout the world. But compared with the mouthparts of mosquitoes, it is too far behind.

nothing that cannot be broken, nothing that cannot be broken is not a joke.

Even the second only to Innate Supreme Treasure’s top Innate Sacred Jewel like the Grade 2 Golden Lotus, can’t stop the mosquito trap, so that it is too late for rescue. Know, that mouthpart is powerful.

Especially at that time, the mosquito person was just born, the cultivation base was not high, and it had not been polished.

And now it is not only the cultivation base that has reached Quasi-Saint, but also the exhaustion. Even if it is Innate Supreme Treasure, Saint’s golden body may not be able to stop him.

The mouthparts are just like the ordinary people in the rivers and lakes meet the Dark North Divine Art, completely unable to resist it.

And it is different from the mosquito man swallowing other Sacred Jewel spirit roots, heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Netherworld River and him have the same origin. After being swallowed, they can be turned into their own by a little operation. Simply don’t need to digest too much. The speed of assimilation is so fast that it makes people stunned.

“Hey, what a pity!”

The mosquito man sighed while devouring the Netherworld River.

People who are unhappy in life, most likely.

Now that Netherworld River has just transformed into shape and has not yet grown up, the cultivation base is not only Golden Immortal Early-Stage, but the origin of the sea of ​​blood is less than one-tenth refined.

Swallowing him, in addition to making up for the origin, for the mosquito person who has already Quasi-Saint cultivation base, it is just equivalent to eating a flat peach, ginseng fruit, which is completely an utterly inadequate measure.

If Netherworld River Peak was swallowed during the Netherworld River Peak period, at least he could improve his cultivation base by a small realm.

Moreover, not only the cultivation base, but also Netherworld River’s understanding of blood, killing, and various Great Ways can also be stolen by the mosquitoes.

However, if that were the case, Netherworld River would not be so easy to kill.

After all, the sea of ​​blood does not wither, and the Netherworld River does not die.

At that time, Netherworld River was already the lord of the sea of ​​blood, the lord of Six Roads of Samsara Asura Path, the Old Ancestor of the Asura clan, and the Asura lord of the cult. If you kill him, you have to lose much fate. .

There are gains and losses, there are gains and losses.


Along with the pity, regret, and unsatisfactory feelings of the mosquitoes are the unwillingness, hatred and despair of Netherworld River.

Originally, the lord of the sea of ​​blood, All Heaven boss, and the hopeful Netherworld River of Saint Hunyuan, has not yet been born, it has become history.

It’s so sad and fateful!


After extinguishing the Netherworld River, Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man not at all stopped. On the contrary, the speed in his hand is a bit faster.

Fang Qingshan let the Thunder Emperor took out the death sickle towards the void.

This is not about venting or having nerve problems, nor is it about discovering that there are people hidden there.

But cut to the River of Destiny, disrupting the secrets of heaven.

After all, whether it is Chaos Demon God or Heavenly God Thunder, they are too eye-catching.

Fang Qingshan doesn’t want to be exposed so quickly, at least until the mosquito person sits firmly on the master of the sea of ​​blood, and handles his identity properly so that he won’t be targeted by Heavenly Way, and before he succeeds in fish in troubled waters , He didn’t want people to discover them.

Following, I saw the mosquito-travel people clean up the old mountains and rivers and re-established the broken blood sea great array.

“array start!”

Following, the mosquito man uttered a whisper, and the Avatar not at all after swallowing the Netherworld River was recovered, but just like the previous Netherworld River array. Spread it directly, occupy the node, cooperate with the deity, play thousands of magic decisions, and reactivate the formation.


The sea of ​​blood trembled, and a piece of blood mist rose again, covering the entire sea of ​​blood.


Fang Qingshan controls the Eternal Heaven boat to suppress the great array formation eye.

If it hadn’t been the fall of the Netherworld River and the original source was damaged, at this moment, the sea of ​​blood had hardly changed.

However, Fang Qingshan was not affected much either.

Although the origin of the sea of ​​blood has been damaged, Netherworld River has not been completely refined.

Moreover, it has dealt with the chaotic Demon God Remnant Soul, which not only has countless merits, but also relieved the hidden danger of the sea of ​​blood.

The merits and demerits are offset, no reward or punishment.


The mosquito road man pinched his hand, and the entire blood sea space fluctuated, disappeared like a dreamlike bubble, and disappeared from the spot.


“Heavenly God thunder?”

“How is it possible?”

Halfway, we are facing Raising eyebrows in the direction of the sea of ​​blood, the three of Hongjun and Luohu almost jumped up in shock at the moment Heavenly God thunder appeared.

It is the expression of raising eyebrows no longer unperturbed, as stable as Mount Tai.

After all, he is the one who really walked down from the Heavenly God thunder and the Heavenly God axe.

No one knows the formidable power of Heavenly God.

Even Luo Hu, although he is also a Chaos Demon God, he has been reincarnated after all.

And the raised eyebrows are now chaotic spirit root hollow willows, but there are traces of Heavenly God thunder.

“First it was an odd number, and then it was the Chaos Demon God. Now even the Heavenly God thunder has come out. What is going on?”

The three of them stopped in unison. After stepping, frowned, pinching his fingers, and following, showed an unexpected and reasonable expression.

“en? Where did the Chaos Demon God appear?”

Without time to think about it, the three of them ran in the direction of the previous deduction at a faster speed.

If the secrets of the secrets are changed, and there are strange numbers, it is just a small trouble for them, and they don’t need to care.

There is a chaotic Demon God reappearing in the arena, that is a big trouble, a little carelessness, it may break the inherent balance, destroy their respective plans, and fall short for the mountain.

As for the Pangu capital, Heavenly God, Lei was completely beyond their expectations.

After Pangu, they thought that Heavenly God would never appear again, but they didn’t expect that they thought too much.

“Is this Pangu’s successor?”

The three could not help being speculated.

Don’t blame them for thinking this way, after all, as soon as this chaotic Demon God breath leaked, Heavenly God thunder appeared immediately.

Think about the irreconcilable relationship between Pangu and the Chaos Demon God. It is reasonable for the three to think about it.

“en? ”

“en? ”

“en? ”

The three raised their eyebrows with a heart , Hurriedly hurriedly followed the breath in a hurry, but didn’t expect that in the middle of the journey, the breath was cut off, the calculation of the secret, but it was hazy, and nothing was counted.

“Damn, what the hell is going on?”

At this time, almost all three of them are bullshitting.

It’s all if you can’t figure out what’s going on. Now even the source has disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

I don’t know, I thought I was playing with them.

“Hey, forget it. What does it have to do with the Chaos Demon God or Pangu Divine Lightning? What does it have to do with me? Let’s take care of the injury first.”

“No matter what Is it Pangu or Chaos Demon God is dead, even if there are some tricks, what about? Go and rest!”

The first to come back to his senses raised eyebrows shook the head, and when he moved his feet, instantly There is no trace.

The speed is much faster than the twenty-eight ten thousand li of Dijiang’s flapping wings, and it is even more non-smell of fireworks, like an antelope hanging horns, which is incredible.

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