For Buddhism, the Heavenspan River is a good opportunity to teach Fang Qingshan.

However, this is also an opportunity for Fang Qingshan.

A chance to realize your dream. An opportunity to compete with the expert.

At the beginning of the Battle of Investiture of Gods, Fang Qingshan participated in almost the whole process. Even when he broke the Nine Tunes Yellow River Formation, he also got this with Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. Nine Tunes Yellow River Formation is a top-level formation diagram.

However, because of their low cultivation base, the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation behind, Fang Qingshan, and Fang Qingshan dare not take personal risks, on the other hand, they are also trying to calculate the mosquitoes.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan simply did not fight against the top disciples of Section Cult.

Even when facing Zhao Gongming and Yunxiao, it is just fish in troubled waters.

Fang Qingshan deeply regrets this.

The journey of the Great Way not only requires talent, perception, resources, fate… and it cannot be done behind closed doors, but it also needs to try the world.

As long as the giants that walked to the apex of the pyramid, there is no one who walked over from the killing of foul wind and bloody rain.

billowing waves washing the sand, the real giant is the one who survives to the end. Otherwise, even how genius you are, it is simply impossible to watch the Great Way without being eliminated.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan also needs stones from other mountains, so he can attack jade.

Before that’s all, there was more than enough energy.

Nowadays, by mistake, there is a chance, and we are about to play well.

“Let’s go, let’s go and meet the stalwart of Section Cult for a while.”

Fang Qingshan waved his hand, brought the little White Dragon, together with the divine light under his feet, stretched and shrank. , Pierced the space in an instant, and after a short while, he came to the banks of the Heavenspan River.

The black cloud fairy in the Heavenspan River was sensed when Fang Qingshan arrived.

Don’t wait for Fang Qingshan to call for battle, Dangyan walked out.

“Are you Fang Qingshan?”

Looking at Fang Qingshan whose cultivation base is similar to Monkey Sun and Zhu Bajie, Wu Yunxian could not help being frowned?

Such a person, does he need to take action? Isn’t this a cannon for mosquitoes? Completely make a fuss!

Because Wuyunxian was trapped in the Eight Treasure Merit Pool, the news was not clear.

Naturally, I didn’t know that Fang Qingshan still had an Eternal Heaven boat in his hands. With this treasure, even among Quasi-Saints, he was a good player.

The Guanyin suffered a great loss because of this thing. Not only was the deity suffered heavy losses, but it also lost the Journey to the West position and lost a great opportunity. Indirectly caused Buddhism to lose face.

“Yes, Fang Qingshan has seen Fellow Daoist.”

When Wu Yunxian looked at Fang Qingshan, Fang Qingshan was also looking at Wu Yunxian.

It deserves to be Wuyunxian, who was able to fight a lot in the past, and the Chi Sperm didn’t have the strength to fight back. It really was.

Although it is still not as good as the Great Master of Xuandu, a cultivation base is better than Guanyin. Compared with Zen Master Wuchao, you have to fight it before you know.

“Duobao asked me to teach you a lesson. Although I feel that there is no victory in victory, but you are entrusted and loyal to others. Do you surrender yourself or do you want me to do it?”


Wuyunxian wants to solve the problem quickly, and then go back. One is that the environment here is simply a gap between the refugee area and Heavenly Paradise compared to the Babao Merit Pool.

The other is that as a soft-shelled turtle, his nature is quiet and not moving. He often sleeps for a thousand years, delaying his dormancy, and it is still a small matter, which is completely unbearable.

Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base completely makes him uninterested. For those who are committed to the Great Way, it is oppressive and will not have a sense of accomplishment.

So directly opened the mouth and said.

Although Duobao used to be his First Senior Brother, since he converted to Buddhism, no matter what the reason, he has not received his respect, so he just called his name.

“Fellow Daoist will take me down?”

Fang Qingshan said with a smile,

“The same was true last time with Cihang Fellow Daoist, but unfortunately Finally, the same returned in low spirits after failing, otherwise, do you think Dubao will send you?”

“Oh? It has several points of truth!”

He nodded for a moment,

He didn’t think of this just now, but thought it was due to Fang Qingshan’s background.

Now think about it, if you are really afraid of Fang Qingshan’s background, simply wouldn’t have sent him here.

“No matter what the hell is going on, since I’m here, I’m naturally impossible to return.”

Wuyunxian shook the head,

“Then let me try the true ability of Fellow Daoist!”

As soon as the voice fell, the sharp sword in Wu Yunxian’s hand stabbed over.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan was also immediately, summoning the Eternal Heaven boat.

With his cultivation base, without the Eternal Heaven boat, he can simply not deal with Wuyunxian.

In the end, he is just Golden Immortal, and Wuyunxian is Quasi-Saint, separated by Supreme Unity and Daluo realm.

And Wuyunxian himself/main body is still a top genius.

So, Fang Qingshan is naturally impossible and arrogant enough to initiate skipping grades to challenge him.


The long bridge lies across the void.

A quaint stone bridge reveals the breath of ancient times, transcending the artistic conception of the other shore, and instantly suppresses the sword energy of Wuyunxian.

More than that, it is Wuyunxian himself/main body, and he also feels a restraining force, Sealing Heaven Locking Earth, to lock himself in the air.

“Tai Chi Golden Bridge?”

Wu Yunxian was surprised at first. In this situation, he first thought of the Supreme Treasure Innate Yin-Yang Symbol.

But this idea was then left behind by him.

Yin-Yang Symbol is the Supreme Treasure that people teach to suppress fat, and it is basically impossible to leave to Fang Qingshan in charge.

Don’t talk about Fang Qingshan, even if it is a master of Xuandu, it is impossible to get authorization under special circumstances.

The most important thing is that although Wuyunxian felt the power of imprisonment, he felt that he was not at all unbreakable.

Moreover, the breath of this stone bridge is weaker.

“A Supreme Treasure, I’m afraid it’s not as good as Innate Supreme Treasure.”

After came back to his senses, Wuyunxian was not at all on the other side. Stay on the bridge more, but look at the Eternal Heaven boat with bright eyes.

Section Cult does not have Innate Supreme Treasure, but the formidable power of Immortal Beheading Four Swords may not be inferior to Innate Supreme Treasure.

And from the Eternal Heaven boat, he actually sensed an aura that was not weaker than Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. Although it was Immortal Beheading Sword Formation without a formation, it was also very rare.

He finally understood why Duobao sent him out.

This is not a cannon hitting mosquitoes, but a real need.

The most important problem is that the Eternal Heaven Boat is different from other Supreme Treasures.

I think that when Fang Qingshan used the Yin-Yang Symbol to break the formation, even if it was supported by World Tree’s spiritual power, it was just a little urged. The formidable power was not as good as in case, but he was within the The spiritual power of the body is hollowed out.

And if the Eternal Heaven boat is used, the situation is quite different.

Because he simply does not need to consume his own power, Tianzhou has a dedicated energy base. And whether it is the spiritual power of savings, or the speed of resilience, it is far from comparable to the expert of realm.

So other Supreme Treasures, although they can help people skipping grades to challenge, they are still limited by the user’s cultivation base.

But the Eternal Heaven boat does not have this limitation at all.

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