The treasure of the smallpox flag pendant, although it was only used by the Lord to gather disciples before the preaching by Heavenspan Church, it is the same as the golden bell of the interpretation, but its itself/main body is also a rare Supreme Treasure, definitely not better than Innate The Wufangqi came badly.

Now, Wuyunxian has evolved the smallpox flag with Ten Grade 2 Golden Lotus, confirming Way Law with Dharma, and using the Buddha’s essence is the way of Divine Ability.

Convergence and transformation, although it has not yet achieved the level of Three Sects Great Accomplishment like Dubao, it should not be underestimated.

At least it is enough to deal with Monkey Sun.

Although Bangu Pangu and Bangu Yuanyang are both taboo tricks against Monkey Sun, their cultivation base is a bit lower, two realm gaps between them and Wuyunxian.

Therefore, the smallpox falls, and the air is ethereal.

It seems to have a pair of big hands, which smoothed all the twists and turns.

Whether it was Monkey Sun’s stick to break the chaos or Zhu Bajie’s rake to divide Tianhe, they all stopped, and even the aftermath was curbed.

The wind stopped, the clouds scattered, and the sky was bright.

The Primal Chaos Demon on Monkey Sun’s head and the illusory shadow of Zhu Bajie on the top of the Jade Lake Gold Mother’s head collapsed like if dreams and visions in a bubble.

Following, a huge force shook the two of them upside down and flew back, as if they were slapped fiercely on the ground like flies, and the weapon in his hand was directly released.

A pale color appeared on the cheeks of the two of them, and sweat and blood mixed together flowing like a stream.

The whole body is soft, and the muscle skeleton groans in pain, unable to exert any strength.

Don’t talk about Wuyunxian at this moment, even a random little demon can bleed them.

Wuyunxian seems to be no different from before the fight. Except for the slightly thicker breath, the clothes are still neat and tidy, and there is no mess of hair.

Looking at the admiring eyes on the other side, Monkey Sun only felt cold in their hearts.

At this moment, Monkey Sun seems to remember the scene of being suppressed by the Tathagata again. It was so helpless and desperate.

Zhu Bajie also seems to have the feeling of facing his Master Xuandu.

“How is this possible?”

“Who on earth are you?”

Seeing this scene, Monkey Sun and Zhu Bajie both couldn’t believe it.

The taboo tricks they both used, even those who are new to Quasi-Saint may be in a hurry.

But the monster in front of me still casually took over, how is this possible.


Wuyunxian faintly said his name, and then took away Monkey Sun and Zhu Bajie with a shake of his hand.


Of course, Monkey Sun doesn’t have any impression of this somewhat aging name. He hadn’t even heard of Zhen Yuanzi, let alone someone like Wuyunxian.

Even Zhu Bajie did not react at the beginning.

It is true that Wuyunxian, apart from Wanxian’s brilliance for a while, is normally covered by the limelight of the four Dubao and Yunxiao sisters and brothers.

But after all he had heard of this name, after a little thought, he remembered it.

The reason for this is thanks to the fact that when he was studying art with the Great Master Xuandu, he heard the Great Master Xuandu comment on the world expert, and this Wuyunxian was one of them.

I won’t talk about those experts of the same generation, who are of the same generation as the Great Master Xuandu.

In addition to the stunning and brilliant Kong Xuan, Danger Land’s rebirth of Duobao, the old and strong Dipankara……

Wuyunxian is also a mysterious master. The person mentioned in particular.

He once said that as long as Wuyunxian directly invests in Buddhism like Dubao and the others, or can maintain his heart, his future achievements will never be weaker than others.

“No wonder!”

Zhu Bajie couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

In terms of generation, this person should be his Martial Uncle. During the Battle of Investment of Gods, he was able to beat Chi Sperm and Guang Cheng Zi covered head and sneaked away like a rat.

Not to mention now.

Although he was defeated and captured, he became a mascot.

But the cultivation base does not retreat but instead advances.

Because he stayed in the Supreme Treasure Eight Treasure Merit Pool.


Having been hiding in the dark, for fear of being affected by the little White Dragon of the pond fish, seeing that Wuyunxian finally left, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

It’s just that there was no time to spit out this stale breath, and Wuyunxian’s voice rang in the ears of the little White Dragon.

“You go report a letter to Fang Qingshan.”

Little White Dragon hearing this, Hao Xuan did not breathe to death, shivered all over, without thinking, he vacated When he got up, he flew towards Liangjieshan as if he fled.

Liangjieshan, at this moment, Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base has not improved much.

But realm has grown slowly again. Although it can’t be compared with eternal blessings, but compared with my normally enlightened Dao Idol, the speed is almost the same as the sky and the underground, moving steadily towards Da Luo. Moving forward in the middle and late stages, of course this is the task of the deity.

And he is responsible for using the power of preaching to tempering to enhance the formidable power of Divine Ability.

Five Elements bracelet, Five Elements cone, Primordial One Qi, All Heaven Five Elements chess, Five Elements halo, Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Needle…

Various Divine Ability has made great progress.

Fang Qingshan was a little overwhelmed for a while.

For a cultivator, what could be better than naked eye and feel his progress?

It was not until the little White Dragon came to Liangjieshan that his enjoyment was interrupted.

“Taibao help!”

“Why are you here? Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie?”

Looking like an escape, battered and exhausted The little White Dragon, Fang Qingshan’s brows can’t help being slightly frowned, and her heart can’t help but chuckle.

In the past, there were difficulties. It was not Monkey Sun or Zhu Bajie who came to invite myself. How did you change to the little White Dragon today?

Don’t say now, even the small White Dragon in the original track has only played two soy sauce games.

“First Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother were both captured by monsters.”

Little White Dragon said out of breath.

“The monster asked me to report to you.”

“The monster was taken away? Did the monster ask you to report to me?”

Fang Qingshan There was a suspicion on his face, and some Zhang Er monks were puzzled.

“What the hell is going on? Don’t worry, speak slowly.”


I don’t know if I feel safe or Fang Qingshan’s words worked, the little White Dragon calmed down, and without omission and in detail told Fang Qingshan of what had happened before.

It’s not that he is timid, but what happened before has shocked him too much.

The outbreak of Monkey Sun and Zhu Bajie has made him hard to beat, and the monsters are even more frightening.

“Heavenspan River? Wuyunxian?”

Fang Qingshan was taken aback first, isn’t Heavenspan River the inspiration king? How did you become a dark cloud fairy?

After pinching a finger, I now know what is going on, but it turns out that Buddhism finally settled the bill with myself.

“Interesting, interesting.”

Fang Qingshan was not surprised at all for the arrival of this day.

Although he was targeting Guanyin, he indirectly slapped Buddhism in the face.

So, why don’t they retaliate back?

The reason why I didn’t do it before was just waiting for an appropriate time.

Isn’t it coming now?

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