Facing this Tianzhou, Wu Yunxian felt that what he was facing was not a Supreme Treasure, or a dead thing, but a creature with a real Quasi-Saint cultivation base.

If it weren’t for this thing, although it was connected with Fang Qingshan’s breath, and even shared weal and woe, Fang Qingshan’s breath and Tianzhou’s breath belonged to two families, and he thought it was Fang Qingshan’s Tianzhou transformation.

Great Desolate is different from Eternal Life World.

Eternal Life World, if you want to refine magical artifacts above the Way Artifact, you need the birth of Artifact Spirit.

Artifact Spirit helps the host to control the magical artifacts, which not only reduces the burden of itself/main body, but also exerts greater formidable power.

But the only downside is that the host cannot fully control the magical artifact, but also worry about the magical artifact backlash.

And Great Desolate Great World, Sacred Jewel either does not have Artifact Spirit, such as Yin-Yang Symbol, Innate Supreme Treasure such as Donghuang Bell, there is no Artifact Spirit, only spirituality.

Either you have an Artifact Spirit and you can directly emerge and become a real creature.

This will not only get rid of the shackles of the body, but also because of the desire to cultivate, there is nothing more appropriate than the Heavenly Way body first.

And if you don’t transform your form in advance and you want to take the ontological route, in the end, unless you have immeasurable merit and fate, you will either not transform your form, or you will only have a dead end.

For example, the bent old turtle in Beihai, the laurel on the lunar star and so on.

The legendary Duobao will be a multitreasure tower incarnation. The daoist is also a jade ding.


I haven’t done anything for many years, but Wu Yunxian also let go of his hands and feet when he was stimulated by the aura of Eternal Heaven.

It mainly depends on this situation. If you don’t use the true ability, you simply can’t win Fang Qingshan.

Furthermore, after using the true ability, I am not afraid that I can’t stop Fang Qingshan and kill him.

Although he listened to Duobao’s order to deal with Fang Qingshan, if he didn’t take his hand and killed Fang Qingshan, the trouble would be great.

Fortunately, it seems that this situation will not happen.

Just can move hands and feet.

First, the real body of Dharma was revealed, and a ten thousand zhang golden turtle was born that was taller than the Intelligent Stone Monkey body that Monkey Sun previously revealed.

Shoot the golden light and head straight for the bullfight.

With his arms raised, a sword fiercely slashed towards the boat of Eternal Heaven.

Sword Art on the clear!

Pangu Three Purities, Lao Tzu is famous for his alchemy, the primordial refining device is significantly Great Desolate, and the Heavenspan array overawes the world.

But in addition to Dan, Qi, and Jin, they are also good at each.

For example, Laozi’s refining device is also good, the primordial symbol is not bad, and Heavenspan’s Sword Art is also the best in Great Desolate.

See how, he uses Qingping Sword as a testimony to Sacred Jewel. Is Sword Art worse?

Wu Yunxian, as a disciple of Section Cult’s Inner Sect, although not as good as Duobao, he is also personally passed on, and naturally got the inheritance of Heavenspan Cult Lord Sword Art.

But I can see that one after another sword light swept like an unrolled bolt of white silk. The sword light is extremely condensed, and every word is like a Spirit Sword. Exudes a terrifying edge.

myriad swords simultaneously go out, rain beating against a banana tree.

One after another sword energy is like a wave, centered on the sword in the hand of Wuyunxian, Myriad Sword Returning to Origin, and finally turned into an incomparable gigantic Heavenspan sword pillar.

connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, cut down towards the sky boat. unpredictable and mysterious.

There seems to be a shadow of Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart faintly.

In this regard, just think about the identity of Heavenspan Cult Lord.

Heavenspan Cult Lord learned all by himself, inherited Pangu, and inherited Hongjun.

The achievements of Sword Art mainly come from Pangu Splitting Heaven Ax Method and Immortal Beheading Four Swords.

Therefore, Sword Art in Shangqing naturally has the shadow of splitting heaven and earth apart.

Not only Sword Art in Shangqing, but also Sword Art in Taiqing.


Seeing Wuyunxian slashing with a sword, Fang Qingshan gave orders to Thunder Emperor.

whiz whiz whiz! ! !

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the life-threatening arrows on the deck shooting toward the sword light like meteors in the sky. A carpet covering attack was formed.

dang dang dang! !

The arrow is sharp, fast as a surprise, as many as hairs, and as heavy as Mount Tai, it can break the river.

However, Wuyunxian’s sword energy is even better. Pangu opens up the sky. Single force subduing means ten meetings. Although Wuyunxian can’t do this, it can achieve One Sword Breaks Ten. -thousand Methods is not difficult.

No matter how many arrows are shot, they are all knocked off, wiped out, and even rolled back, like a bead curtain, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move.

“Come here again!”

Seeing that the deadly arrow had no effect, the subsequent soul chaser shot out with needles.

Compared with arrows, the attack of crossbow arrows not only has a longer range, faster speed and greater strength.

If the arrow tower is just a light machine gun, then the ballista is a heavy machine gun.

Not only the soul chaser, the magic tower and the ancient fort also attacked almost at the same time.

bang bang bang!! !

For a time, wars were flying.

Under the continuous attacks of arrows, crossbows, shells, artillery, and non-intermittent attacks, Wuyunxian’s sword energy was finally destroyed.

“Hey, the deck attack unit is really thin and weak.”

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan didn’t show a happy expression at all, and sighed.

Although the deck unit is just a regular unit, as Fang Qingshan faces increasingly stronger opponents, these attack powers are somewhat unable to keep up with him.

For example, Wuyunxian’s move was good, but it was obviously not a trick.

However, the deck unit is almost destroyed without spare no effort.

“It seems that we should find a time to upgrade them or install a more powerful attack unit.”

Fang Qingshan thought of this in his heart.

Although a lot of thoughts flashed in my mind, my hands did not slow down.


A bell rang.

Sound waves spread like tides.

Magic sounds usually penetrate Wuyunxian’s mind.

Even vainly tried to shake soul.

Shaking the soul bell!

It’s not that the Primordial Spirit is strong or has soul defense against Sacred Jewel, so it is difficult to stop his attack.

“haha, Guang Chengzi’s down-and-out clock didn’t do anything to me, let alone your bell sound.”

Wu Yunxian just froze for a while, then returned God.

Wuyunxian’s defense is not only reflected in physical defense, but Primordial Spirit’s defense is equally powerful.

The Soul Dancing Clock did not achieve the desired effect at all.

“Golden Tortoise Zhenhai!”

A wisp of sword light came from the ancient years and instantly filled the entire void. This sword is majestic, full of endless sage power, trance At that time, it was as if the Golden Tortoise Island of Saint Dojo came to life.

Saint taught the Fa, and thousands of immortals came to court.

“Departing water lantern!”

The soul-dangling bell returned without success, Fang Qingshan had expected it a long time ago and was not surprised, followed by took out the eternal Divine Furnace unit.

But when the wind blows, a golden lamp is formed in midair. The golden-yellow wick and the azure oil are especially eye-catching. The flames flickered, seemingly extinguished.

Next moment, it seems that there is a combustion aid, and the wick bursts out suddenly, the gloomy lights are shining all over the place, and the brilliance is splashed like a moonflower.

Without the formidable power of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, it is like a spring rain diving into the night with the wind.

However, as soon as the light shines, the golden soft-shelled turtle is so powerful that it still moves slowly as if it is stuck in a mire.

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