“Senior is troublesome. It’s Qingshan’s. Next time, we must follow Senior’s instructions.”

Not to mention the status of the cultivation base, the county official is not as good as the current one, Fang Qingshan also Don’t refute, say with kindness.

“Do you still want to have another time? Do you think entering the secret library to choose treasure is to pick Chinese cabbage? Come if you want?”

The old man cut and rolled his eyes .

“Don’t talk about you, it’s the Emperor of God, and even the kids of Emperor Peak. It’s difficult to enter once. This is a secret storehouse. Do you know what a secret storehouse is? This is not where Dubaoge is. It can be compared.”

old fogey doesn’t know if no one talks all the year round, and crackle is a verbal attack.

“Shenhuang Peak, those guys?”

Fang Qingshan’s attention is on this.

Although he had guessed that this person should be an old monster, but he thought he was the same as the old elder who had guarded Transmission Array before, but he did not expect to be older.

Listening to what he meant was to catch all the God Emperor Peak in one go. In this way, his status can be imagined. And being able to guard the secret library, the strength does not need to be said, I am afraid that even the old Tan who guards the gate of Tianwei cannot be compared with it, Fang Qingshan sensed a trace of the emperor from him.

“Does Daoyimen already have an emperor-level expert again?”

Fang Qingshan’s heart moved as he thought.

If Daoyimen really has secretly promoted an emperor, then it will be really interesting.

Once the critical moment is reached, it will surely play the role of settling the universe and turning the tide against the wind, which will make some people who pay attention to the Taoist mind can not eat it.

For Fang Qingshan, the stronger the sect is, the better it is for him. Leaning against the big tree is good for the coolness.

Unfortunately, he thinks too much.

If an emperor really reappears at Daoyimen, he will definitely not hide it from others.

More importantly, Tao Yimen will not hide itself, and the things of play the pig to eat the tiger are not always applicable.

However, although this is not an emperor, it is similar.

Fang Qingshan doesn’t know that this person can be said to be one of the oldest and strongest elders in Dao Yi Sect.

The oldest generation is because this person is not a human, but an Artifact Spirit. It is the Level 4 Sacred Jewel of Old Ancestor of Daoyimen. Although Old Ancestor fell, he was also hit hard, but he was not at all. dissipate.

Sect Chancellor was Grade 7 before, not to mention that his own/main body is Level 4 Sacred Jewel. This is why Fang Qingshan felt a burst of imperial prestige from him.

The status of Daoyimen can be compared with it. I am afraid that there are only a few people who have been waiting for the same level 4 Supreme Treasure Daoyi list and the generation of Sect Master, the disciple of Old Ancestor.

“Okay, okay, go in and choose by yourself. As for what you can pick, it depends on your luck. After you choose, you will leave silently in your heart and you will be sent away. Go, Don’t disturb old fogey going to bed.”

After speaking, old fogey lay down again and snored.

Fang Qingshan couldn’t help being shrugged when he saw it, bypassing the old man, pushing the gate of the Star-Chopping Tower and walking in.

Zhanxinglou is a magical artifact of space. Sumeru and mustard seeds in the interior, transnational gates, seem to travel through space. Although it is not comparable to the previous Transmission Array, it is also a trance in the spirit of Fang Qingshan. In front of Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, the surrounding scenery immediately changed.

The elders all disappeared after picking up the star building. Instead, there was an endless starry sky, dazzling, in a trance, and seemed to think that they were in the Heavenly Cycle Star formation diagram.

Under the starry sky, Fang Qingshan was amazed.

At this time, in this starry sky, countless streamers flashed past your eyes like shooting stars. In those streamers, one can vaguely feel the energy fluctuations of one after another.

Hearing is better than seeing. Meeting is better known.

He is the one who owns the Star Picking Tower. In contrast, he has no comparability at all. No matter in terms of quantity or quality, he is completely exploded.

There is really no harm without comparison.

In fact, this is not surprising. Although Daoyimen is not as strong as the immortal spirit clan, the heavenly evil clan, and the holy Buddha Race, it is also the second only to oldest among All Heavens and Myriad Worlds. One of the forces.

I don’t know where the heaven and earth tribulations are, and the great sects are not one or two.

Great calamity is also great fate, and the best way to make money is to make money from war.

The collections in the secret library are obtained from the Great Tribulation, obtained from the extermination, obtained by chance of Direct Disciple, turned in for exchange, obtained by developing Secret Realm and so on.

There are magical artifacts Divine Weapon remaining after the fall of various powerhouses, such as the magical artifact Artifact Spirit of Old Ancestor in Daoyimen in front of Zhanxinglou.

Even the corpse after the fall of the powerhouse, blood essence, Primordial Spirit, law and so on.

There is also a Divine Ability, cultivation technique, and battle skill raised by Innate Earth.

There are also various top spirit roots bred from heaven and earth.

Not to mention the many other benefits.

Even if one or two times is not a lot, but as time goes by, it will be more.

The most important thing is that it’s not a big contribution. Generally speaking, you can only get in.

Didn’t you listen to the previous old man? If it doesn’t open for three years, it is not easy for the Emperor Peak to enter it and collect treasures.

Fang Qingshan asked himself if he had seen enough priceless and unique rare treasures. After seeing these priceless and unique rare treasures, he still couldn’t stop secretly sucked in a breath of cold air. Excited. There was a thought that I wish I could take it all.

However, this kind of thought is just a matter of thinking, and I can’t even declare it. If I dare to show signs of action, I am afraid it will be difficult to live for three seconds.

I look around, but I can see that the immortal level, that is, the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of Level 2 are only a few, and even Level 2 is not ordinary Level 2, but the strangeness of Level 2. Zhen, comparable to Level 3, most of them are Level 3 Supreme Treasure.

There are immortal immortal gold, twelve-color coral, the tears of the holy Buddha, the eye of the end, Myriad Realms Investiture of Gods monument, the emperor’s death sticker, heaven and earth wind and thunder cloud sword, immeasurable Hengsha There are three emperor dao fruit trees, Paragon Myriad Dao flowers, and life and death grass…

Unfortunately, these things can only be seen, it is not easy to pick them.

First of all, what you see right now is not necessarily true. There will be illusions that will interfere with your judgment. Second, these stars are not immobile for you to pick.

As I said earlier, I want to extract treasure from the Tower of Stars, but it’s all about chance.

If you flood of good fortune fills the heavens, that’s all, Sacred Jewel will come to vote and let you choose. This is the easiest and best way. A little bit less time, you can only rely on induction, what treasure is destined for you, and then a little bit of traction, and again, it is completely try one’s luck, just grab it. Not only is it time-consuming and laborious, but there is also a high chance that the harvest will not be satisfactory.

Of course, in addition to fate, if you have the power to suppress the Supreme Treasure of the Star Tower, don’t care about it at all.

Fang Qingshan obviously does not have the strength to push everything horizontally. If you want to take the stars, you can only look at luck.

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