Fate is a good thing. Heaven and earth have the same power from time to time.

When fate is strong, it is not profitable, just like the Storm Sword Emperor. He was in order to become a Taoist, but he continued to die, constantly rushing into various void natural disasters, but in the end not only Without death, all turned peril into safety, but broke and stood up, soaring into the sky, prove the Dao to become Emperor.

When fate is debilitating, it is really stuffy when drinking cold water, just like Scarlet Clouds Sect. Originally, if you follow the steps and only one step, you can build an emperor, when the time comes, Scarlet Clouds Sect can then as the tide rises, the boat floats, rank as Great Influence, and further development, may not be able to catch up with Taoism.

Unfortunately, because of an oversight, Daoyimen was marked with sect in advance, so that the plan not only fell short, but even the whole sect was destroyed.

The ups and downs of fate are as powerful as you can imagine.

This is still true for the emperor, let alone for others.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has good luck now. The cultivation base breakthrough Immortal Peak, the promotion of true inheritance, Inner Sect grand competition first, the sect fate blessing, if he goes to obtain the title of purple immortal title of the tower, even more Okay, but there is no that’s all. In the end, he is different from everyone else. He owns the fate treasure of All Heavens Chessboard, and fate has been maintained at the Peak level.

“Heaven and earth are all in the same force, fate is added, and the source of blessing is in me!”

Fang Qingshan shouted, All Heavens Chessboard flew out, blessing in the body .

Suddenly Fang Qingshan’s body vibrated, and he felt an invisible force in the sky, pouring a steady flow into the body.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan only feels an unprecedented number, as if the shackles between heaven and earth have all disappeared outside of his body, only that he seems to be able to achieve what he wants, domineering sideways, and the tiger’s body shakes. ,Heavenly materials and earthly treasures are invested by themselves.

The immeasurable divine light broke out outside Fang Qingshan. At this moment, he was like a beacon in the dark, hope in despair, exuding infinite charm, attracting heaven and earth treasure.

This is not an illusion. With Fang Qingshan’s merits, fate, and blessings spreading out, the moments of meteors passing by in the star-catching building can’t help but stagnate and seem to be attracted.

Although these Sacred Jewels do not have an Artifact Spirit, they have spirituality. Seeking luck and avoid calamity are common.

The host chooses the treasure, and the treasure also chooses the master.

Human can be a cultivator, treasure can also evolve.

What you want is nothing but fame and fortune.

If there is no fame and fortune, it is natural to be indifferent. With fame and fortune, it is natural to rush.

But in a moment, the stars are shaking above the sky, and many meteors seem to want to throw themselves into their arms.

The first thing that fell was a book-like star, but a starlight straddling heaven and earth, which came in an instant, divided yin and yang, judged Five Elements, and Dragon Phoenix followed.

Vaguely you can see a Taoist who can’t see his face sitting cross-legged, with Purple Qi enveloping, meridian running, spiritual power surging, deep eyes, countless scriptures faintly discernible, insight Sunday. There is a kind of immutable deepness that remains unchanged.

This thing is a volume of Taoism. At a glance, my mind seems to be filled with large sections of Dao Rhyme, ranking Level 3.

And this thing is not the same as the Level 3 book in the Great Way Palace. This thing is a person who once cultivated this method to Return to the Natural State realm to interact with heaven and earth, leaving behind The shadow of a Dao Void. comprehend up twice the results for half the effort. It’s as if someone is giving directions.

It’s not just this thing, in fact, many treasures want to rush over.

It’s just that, because of the level of coercion, all those lower-level ones are suppressed by these higher-level ones. In addition to this thing, there are three treasures that can really come to Fang Qingshan.

One of them is a step. This is a Sacred Jewel, called a step ladder. Although it is not Level 3 Supreme Treasure, it is the same as the treasures of Heavenly Retribution knife and Bihai Danxin ruler. All have the foundation of Level 3 Supreme Treasure.

This object has 49 floors. When you take out, you can see that countless fantastic pictures are constantly flashing and interlacing, changing, there are goddesses flying, and Immortal God is laughing and talking. Sun, Moon and Stars are changing.

People stand on the steps, the enemy can’t attack at all, just like Fang Qingshan’s All Heaven Divine Ability, it seems to stand between time and space.

Moreover, this thing is not only a defense against Wushuang, but also a blessing to attack. Standing on the steps and using the Divine Ability battle skill, there will be additional bonuses, and the formidable power will add several layers.

There is also a Dao Rhyme ring. On the ring, there are countless pictures circulating, similar to the preaching of the Storm Sword Emperor, the evolution of heaven and earth, the manifestation of the Great Way… A picture is a dao chart that contains heaven and earth, and it has a profound Great Way atmosphere.

This ring is like an ornament. It cannot attack or defend, but it can assist people’s cultivation, making the cultivation speed three to five times faster than usual, and there is no danger of cultivation deviation. It can even strengthen the Big Way Law and raise the limits of the human body.

Compared to the previous Dao Altar step, this thing is obviously more precious.

After all, attacks and defenses against magical artifacts are very common, but the ones that can assist the cultivator are rare, and the most important thing is the fundamental.

The last piece is not Sacred Jewel, nor is it a Taoist book, but a piece of material, a three life stone.

The most common thing about this thing is actually in places like the blood sea of ​​reincarnation.

Fang Qingshan’s World Tree Avatar has such a piece in the reincarnation.

It’s just that, just like the Star Picking Tower and the Star Picking Tower in the Eternal Heaven Boat, the grade is completely incomparable.

This three-life stone, I don’t know if it fits Fang Qingshan’s Life Source law of reincarnation, so it is of very high grade, ranking Level 3, and still above the first book.

Innate Earth, which contains the power of the past, present, and future three lives, analyzes fate, masters time and space, and orders three lives.

If you fall into the hands of people with the laws of cultivation reincarnation, life and death, the effect will be much worse than the previous Dao Rhyme ring.

And this thing can not only assist cultivation, as a material, once it is refined into Sacred Jewel, it is even more formidable power.

If you become a Supreme Treasure like the Life and Death Book, you only need to engrave the person’s name on it, as long as the cultivation base is not much higher than the Sacred Jewel itself/main body, and there is no Supreme Treasure to cover up the breath. It is terrifying to be able to fully grasp any person’s previous life, this life, and the next life.


Fang Qingshan frowned slightly as he watched the treasures that were automatically cast.

It’s not that these treasures are of low value and can be collected here, but which ones are weak? It’s just a little different from Fang Qingshan’s expectations.

Except for the Sanshengshi and the first Taoist book which are ranked at Level 3, the remaining two Sacred Jewels have Level 3 foundations, but they are all Level 2.

Fang Qingshan would be ecstatic if these things were kept in the usual way, but at this moment, then, now, it was somewhat difficult to satisfy his desires and desires.

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