Therefore, when Lao Tan went out and took the Level 4 Supreme Treasure to death, even the emperor did not dare to commit the danger.

The key is not to commit.

What about killing Tan Lao? Not to mention that I am injured, but there is more than one staring at the meat of the Dao Yi Sect. There are more monks and less meat, and you are weak. Let alone fighting for the Dao Yi Sect, you and the forces behind you will probably be regarded as low-handed fat. when the time comes, but it is having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it.

Therefore, the emperor rarely takes shots, not only because of their combat power, but also because of their destructive power.

Because this is a kind of deterrence, the fist is only when I am in my hand, and the deterrence is the greatest. Once the fist is out, the consequences are extremely unpredictable.

Once the weak spot is exposed, it is easy to be taken advantage of.

Great Way is the only one.

It is difficult to break through the emperor, because basically there is not much assistance.

But there is one method that is universal, and that is the way of killing.

If you can kill an emperor, then it will be enough for a Peak breakthrough Divine Emperor.

In normal times, no one would dare to court death in a prosperous emperor, but it might be possible to encounter a severely injured emperor.

Like those people who have been trapped in Emperor Peak for many years and can’t make an inch, knowing that through time and space, the Emperor’s battlefield will be nine deaths and still alive, and even ten deaths without life, but they still have no hesitation. .

Because the situation of being trapped in a realm without seeing the slightest hope of breakthrough is even more desperate than the danger encountered.

Leave aside these, after a few words of greeting, the leading old man asked Fang Qingshan to stand on the stone platform behind them.


This stone platform looks a bit ugly. There is nothing but a gossip outline on the stone platform, if it is not placed on the 3rd floor of the Duobao Pavilion , If it weren’t for the guards of several god emperors Peak, I’m afraid it would be put in other places, making it hard to even look twice.

Actually, there is a Transmission Array on this stone platform.

Yes, the secret library of Daoyimen in the legend is not at all in the Duobao Pavilion, but there is an entrance that’s all. As for whether this is the only entrance, it is hard to say. Anyway, it is known, or the only one known to the public. Through here, you can reach the secret library.

And the real location of the secret library, in addition to the Sect Master, I am afraid that the guarding the secret library Elder knows, that is Qian Duoduo, as the Duobao Elder, and the few guards in front of the Transmission Array Elder. Where is it?

In the end, the secret library is too important. The equivalent to Tao Yimen is not included in the Level 4 Supreme Treasure. The 5-Layer’s background is in it. Once something goes wrong, I am afraid that it will not be more powerful than the fall of the emperor. small.

So, no matter how secret it is, it cannot be overstated.

Fang Qingshan obediently and honestly stood on the stone platform as required and stood in the center of the gossip pattern.

“Get up!”

Following, I saw several Elders, including Qian Duoduo, each took out a token, and then activated it to print a series of complex handprints.

Yes, if you want to start Transmission Array, you need another method. If you don’t have the token in Elder’s hands, even here, you can’t activate Transmission Array.


But it can be seen that the token is like a key, and it shoots out several beams and falls on the gossip map.

In a flash, but the stone platform rays of light have been released. Exuding an invisible swallowing power, Fang Qingshan was ingested on the spot. During the ingestion process, Fang Qingshan did not resist, of course, there was no room for resistance, just like the last time he used the Storm Sword to teleport, making him completely involuntarily involuntarily .

Fortunately, in this state of loss of control, in an instant, the scenery in front of me changes.

hu hu hu!! !

Fang Qingshan heard a thunderbolt grunt before he could adapt to the new environment.

Follow prestige, but not far away, the first thing that catches your eye is a tower.

It looks very spectacular. Divided into 9-Layer, engraved with countless ancient and mysterious Dao Mark prohibitions, one node, one Way Rune, like a single star, reflecting rays of light, shining, starlight shining, very gorgeous.

Seeing this thing immediately gave Fang Qingshan a particularly familiar feeling. It made him involuntarily think of a unit building in his Eternal Heaven boat, the Picking Star Building.

Zhixinglou is a kind of treasure storage, a bit similar to Doraemon’s pocket, the beckoning cat’s jar and so on.

It’s just that, compared to those spaces that are just pure storage, the star picking building can absorb a kind of treasure power, warm up the treasure in the building, and may even become stronger and appear grade The situation of breakthrough. But this situation is rare and very slow, unless this treasure itself/main body is almost where water flows, a canal is formed breakthrough.

In addition to being able to conceive and raise treasures, the Star Picking Tower can be used to store various precious treasures at ordinary times, but once you want to take it out, under normal circumstances, you need to watch fate completely.

People with high fate and good fortune can easily pick treasures with high grades and low fate. People with bad luck can imagine.

But you can also look at fate, which is actually the degree of fit. If you have a high degree of fit with a treasure, you can easily pick it up.

Even if you are strong enough to suppress everything, then there is no need to elaborate.

Although the Star Picking Tower has 9-Layer points, it is not like the Great Way Palace and Duobao Pavilion. The internal space is only a starry sky, only the depth.

The stars in the starry sky are treasures. All kinds of treasures are sent into the star picking building and they will be transformed into stars of different brightness, large or small, which can hold unlimited.

Generally speaking, the small, bright and light stars are on the first layer, which is the periphery of the starry sky, and the large, bright and deep ones are in the 9-Layer, which is the depth of the starry sky.

Fang Qingshan not at all If you look away, this treasure is indeed the star-catching building, but compared with the star-catching building in the Fang Qingshan Eternal Heaven boat, its grade is incomparable.

Fang Qingshan’s star-catching building is not even Level 2 but this star-catching building is as high as Level 3 Peak. itself/main body is a Supreme Treasure.

At the gate of the tower, there was a sloppy-looking old man lying in front of the gate, and it was him who snorted. Even the saliva came out.

In such a tall, solemn and precious place, Fang Qingshan couldn’t help twitched his mouth when he saw this scene.

In spite of this, but on the surface, I dare not show any strangeness.

Don’t look at people’s unbearable to look at, but can appear here, itself/main body is an alternative reminder.

“Fang Qingshan, a disciple of Dao Yi Sect, has met Senior and won the sect award, and the disciple will come to receive the award.”

“Aiya, I said, this is not open for three years. Will it last for three years?”

It seems that Fang Qingshan was woken up, and the snoring old man opened his eyes impatiently and yelled,

” One by one, do you think it’s not good for you to come together to accept the award? When this is the market, really, it’s delayed old fogey’s sleep.”

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