Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 678: The Nine-Sect Army Knocks on the Sect!

This is the end of a great war!

As soon as Jin Shengzhen appeared, he looked at everyone and said slowly:

"Today, countless younger disciples of our Hunyuan Sect are showing off their power!

You are the future of our Hunyuan Sect, and you are the backbone of our Hunyuan Sect!

With you here, our Hunyuan Sect will never perish!

Fellow disciples, we Hunyuan, although there will be many storms coming, we Hunyuan will never give in, because this is our home, we have classmates, and we have brothers!

They want to destroy our home, they want to rob us of everything, they want to destroy us, but we will not give in, because this is our home, come and kill one, come two and kill a pair, not even one. Let it go! "

I don't know why, Jin Shengzhenyi was very excited, and the words he said had nothing to do with this Jindan Competition.

Mu Shen didn't know when he appeared on the stage, took over Jin Sheng's words and said:

"Okay, I announce that the Golden Elixir Competition is over today, and the Nascent Soul Competition will begin tomorrow!

Tomorrow's competition is very important. It officially starts at noon. All Hunyuan Sect disciples must be present. Okay, let's go back and rest! "

Immediately, all the disciples saluted together and said, "Yes, disciple, I obey!"

All the disciples returned to their respective branches. This time when they returned to Tianqing Peak, Luo Li felt something was wrong. In this Tianqing Peak, there seemed to be a depressing atmosphere. The most talkative Master Jingren stopped talking. It seems that there is a powerful momentum about to awaken.

How is this going? Luo Li didn't know, but since his master didn't tell him, he didn't ask. He got up early the next morning and came to Tianqing Peak. Everyone went to the competition arena together!

After leaving this time, Zhenjun Huchan looked at everyone under the big tree with a strange feeling in his eyes, as if each of them wanted to imprint all the Tianqing Peak disciples in their hearts, and then said:

"Go ahead, Akano, Zuo Yuan, and Qizhu, I'll leave them all to you!"

Master Akano nodded vigorously, and Brother Qizhu said: "Master, don't worry, we will be back! Let's go!"

After saying that, he led everyone and went straight to the competition arena. For some reason, Luo Li felt that they carried a murderous aura.

Along the way, other branch monks also gathered here, and Luo Li also vaguely felt that many elders of the Hunyuan Sect carried murderous intent.

When they arrived at the competition arena, they saw that it was bustling with people coming and going, just like before, but Luo Li immediately felt something was wrong, it was an illusion.

Qizhu suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Luo Li, and led Luo Li into the illusion. After three turns and two turns, he was instantly teleported to a hall through a teleportation array.

In this hall, there are many Hunyuan Sect disciples here, and many of them are just like Luo Li, confused as to what is going on!

After entering the main hall, a voice sounded, and it was the voice of the head of Ishikawa:

"Entering here, stop using the Hunyuan Sect's heart sense sound transmission. It is forbidden to use the mind sense to make any sound!"

"Don't ask, I will answer it later!"

Heart-conscious sound transmission is the main communication method of Hunyuan Sect. The Hunyuan array is controlled by this method. I don't know why it is not allowed to transmit sound. What's wrong?

After arriving, Luo Li saw that the main hall was divided into four areas. In each area, there was a silver light flashing. The silver light showed the names of Hunyuan Sect disciples. Easy to solve. I don’t know why today, I gave up the mind-consciousness transmission method and used the most original pictures, texts and sounds to complete this task.

Luo Li searched and saw that the eastern area had his own name. He immediately walked over, and walking with him were some of his fellow Tianqingfeng sects, Qizhu and Tiandu, who were heading to other areas.

In this area, the two leading names are Yuchen, Luoji, and Fengshuang. The three names are surprisingly the three great gods of the Hunyuan Sect. Under the names of the three great masters, there are all the names of Zhenjun Yuanying, a total of fifteen or sixteen people, and then there are the names of Zhenren Jindan. Luo Li ranks first among Zhenren Jindan, with about four hundred golden elixirs. After Zhenren, comes the name of Zhenji Zhenxiu.

After careful counting, there were exactly 625 people. Luo Li immediately knew that this was the super Hunyuan Dao Demon Formation!

Looking at the other three sides, they are led by Tianya, Xin Yuan, and Zu Heng! They are also the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, the True Master of Jindan, and the True Cultivator of Foundation Establishment, and they are also six hundred and twenty-five people!

At this grand ceremony of the Hunyuan Sect, a total of 2,867 people have returned to the sect. Thirty-four people have died in the catastrophe. Now there are 2,500 people dispatched. The eleven true masters, except for the master, almost everyone Luo Li knows All the Nascent Soul Lords were dispatched, and only three hundred foundation-building monks were left. It could be said that they came out in full force. What was this for?

Everyone immediately started talking here:

"What's going on? What happened?"

"I don't know, what happened?"

"I don't know. Just listen to the leader's orders. Why can't you use your mind to transmit sounds?"

"This is the formation of the four great Hunyuan Dao Demons. What exactly happened?"

"I don't know, what's going on?"

"Senior brother, I have felt that something is wrong with you since last night. What happened?"

"Junior brother, the leader will tell you, don't be anxious!"

Just as everyone was talking about it, Leader Ishikawa slowly appeared in the center of the hall. Behind him were the three Great Returning True Ones!

Head Ishikawa looked at everyone and said slowly:

"Fellow disciples, let me tell you something. The catastrophe of our Hunyuan Sect is just around the corner!"

Everyone was stunned!

Sect Master Ishikawa continued: "Tonight at midnight, nine major sects will form a coalition to attack our Hunyuan Sect!

As soon as this was said, everyone was shocked:

"Is this true? They don't want to live anymore. Are these sects?"

"They are crazy to attack our Hunyuan Sect. Let's teach them a lesson!"

"Damn them, they actually dared to attack us. Kill them!"

Countless people were indignant and discussed!

Sect Master Ishikawa continued:

"Nine major sects, including six people who returned to the void, one hundred and two people who transformed into gods, nearly a thousand Yuanying, and more than ten thousand Jindan, attacked our Hunyuan Sect!"

As soon as this was said, there was no sound in the surroundings. Many people thought they had heard it wrong. Six people who returned to the void, one hundred and two people who transformed into gods, nearly a thousand Yuanying, and more than ten thousand Jindan, how could it be possible!

True Lord Lingyu couldn't help asking: "Master, how could it be possible, so many cultivators!"

Sect Master Ishikawa nodded and said: "That's it, led by the Eight Gods Temple and the Divine Power Sect! Gather the nine major sects including the Kongmo Sect, Wanxiang Sect, Immortal Sect, Five Elements Sect, Chuqiao Sect, Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect, and Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, plus dozens of side sects and left-handed monks affiliated with their sects, and gather so many people to attack our Hunyuan Sect! "

Master Ishikawa looked over here, his eyes fixed on Luo Li, and continued:

"A few years ago, during the catastrophe of Chongxuan Sect, Luo Li sent back three Golden Elixirs of Eight Gods Temple to the sect. We found that Eight Gods Temple and Shenwei Sect secretly formed an alliance with the intention of destroying our Hunyuan Sect.

After investigation, it was found that not only Eight Gods Temple and Shenwei Sect, but also the mortal enemies of our Hunyuan Sect, Kongmo Sect, Five Elements Sect, Immortal Sect, Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect, and Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect, also joined them. They formed the Alliance to Kill Evils, regarded us as evil, and wanted to kill and destroy us!

Are we really evil? No! They are after Xuanzhou under our feet, for our five states of Xing, Liang, Jun, Sheng, and Ming. They want to rob our resources, seize our inheritance, and destroy our homeland!

Originally, my Hunyuan Sect wanted to take the initiative, but who knew that after the Chongxuan catastrophe, the Tianren channel was opened, and the ancestral system of the major sects, which had been completely paralyzed for twelve thousand years, was activated again, so we did not act rashly, but we have been paying attention to them.

Among them, several sects have ascended to the ancestral system several times, among which there are fairy spirit talismans that paralyze my Hunyuan Sect's defense formation, which can make my Hunyuan Sect's Hunyuan Mountain Protection Formation, and the biggest killer, which cannot be manifested in twelve hours! ”

At this point, Luo Li immediately understood that the killer was the twenty-three sacred beasts of the Xu Department. I didn't expect that the other party actually had this fairy talisman that could prevent this auspicious sacred beast from appearing.

Sect Master Ishikawa continued:

"And not only that, our Hunyuan Sect is under the surveillance of the other party, and our telepathic sound transmission is also eavesdropped by the other party! In addition, they may have the secret method of immortal talismans to crack the great array of Taoism and Demons in Hunyuan Sect! These are all treasures sent down by their ascended ancestors in the fairy world. Although they can only be used once, we will have a relatively cracking method, but this time they can destroy our Hunyuan Sect! These are all immortal methods and Taoist arts that far surpass our Zhongtian Lord World, belonging to another realm. It is not a crime of war, but bullying! Bullying! We don’t have an ascended ancestor, we can rely on ourselves! "Luo Li suddenly understood why Jin Shengzhen was so excited yesterday. It was really bullying. Relying on the immortal talismans and magic weapons sent from the fairy world, sealing many virtual spirits of Hunyuan Sect, eavesdropping on the telepathic sound transmission, and even cracking the great array of Taoism and Demons, it was completely bullying! Ishikawa, the head of the sect, immediately said: "However, our Hunyuan Sect is not so easy to bully! Under the design of Uncle Xinyuan, they have been fooled!" "They have arrived in Shengzhou, at the Su family, established a transmission channel, and waited for the army to arrive! ”

“They know that we are in the Hunyuan Competition. The tide of Yuan Energy has passed. The Yuanying Competition is about to begin. Many Yuanyings will fight. The Five Methods Holy Land cannot be used for twelve hours. This will be the weakest time for my Hunyuan Sect, so they will attack us today! ”

“So, they will lose!”

Then the head of Shichuan looked to one side. He was looking at Su Yuxiao and said:

“Thank you Su family, thank you Yuxiao, you have paid too much for my Hunyuan Sect! As long as my Hunyuan Sect exists, your Su family will exist!”

All of a sudden, everyone looked over there, and everyone’s eyes were focused on Su Yuxiao. I wonder what the Su family did? Su Yuxiao’s face was pale, and he returned the gift to everyone!

The head of Shichuan continued: “Everyone remember, Hunyuan Sect is our home, our roots are here. Today, the strong enemy comes to our door. They want to kill us, take away everything from us, destroy our homes, and rob us of everything!

For home, for ourselves, fight! Fight to the death! Come one, kill one, come two, kill a pair! ”

Lilong Zhenjun was the first to respond, shouting:

“Protect our homeland, kill, kill, kill!”

Instantly, countless people responded together: “Kill, kill, kill!” (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!)

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