Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 679: Fighting a powerful enemy halfway across the river!

Chapter 679

Head Ishikawa nodded slightly and looked at Jin Shengzhenyi!

Jin Shengzhen waved his hand, and leader Ishikawa said: "Okay, start preparing for war!"

After saying this, countless magical puppets immediately appeared and walked towards everyone, each of them brought several storage bags. .

Head Ishikawa said slowly: "Each Hunyuan Sect foundation disciple deserves one million spiritual stones, True Lord Jindan has five million spiritual stones, and True Monarch Yuanying has thirty million spiritual stones!

Foundation-building disciples are assigned a complete set of equipment such as protective robes, battle armor, magic trousers, magic boots, spiritual rings, accessories, etc., as well as one offensive magic weapon, defensive magic weapon, auxiliary magic weapon, and enemy-defeating divine sword. It is a fourth-level magic weapon.

The same is true for Jindan Zhenren, they are all fifth-level magic weapons! The True Monarch of Nascent Soul is a sixth-level magic weapon!

You can choose all magic weapons by yourself. Those who don’t need them can exchange them for spiritual stones or other resources!

There are various types of talismans for body protection, combat, treatment, invisibility, assistance, and flying escape. There are hundreds of each type, all of which are high-quality talismans drawn by the True Monarch Nascent Soul.

One hundred divine thunders for each person, and one heavenly tribulation thunder for five people! Healing elixirs, explosive elixirs, detoxifying elixirs, various poisons, a thousand pills for each person. "

This time the Hunyuan Sect was really bleeding a lot, and everyone had a share. Countless monks present immediately burst into cheers!

Head Ishikawa continued:

"What I just said is that the sect distributes combat resources, and when the battle ends, it belongs to you personally.

In addition, each person can choose two battle puppets and various escorts, and one level three speed car for five people. However, these are all sect assets. After the battle, you need to return them. If they are damaged, you need to compensate!

Besides that……"

In this battle, the Hunyuan Sect really tried its best. Everyone began to receive combat preparation materials. Luo Li did not want the protective robe and various magic weapons. He used them in exchange for the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, and exchanged two of them in his hand. .

Looking at the many newly obtained magic weapons and robes by the Hunyuan Sect monks, Luo Li immediately discovered that they were all refined by the Chongxuan Sect, and these magic weapons could be used as fusion magic weapons in the Liuli Sea. It seemed that the Chongxuan Sect was an ally that Hunyuan did not have. The knot is in vain.

Luo Li was sorting out his equipment. Suddenly, Head Ishikawa came to Luo Li and said:

"Luo Li, you need to hand over the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler and give it to the Patriarch for use!"

Luo Li nodded immediately and took out the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler. This is a ninth-level magic weapon. Luo Li can only use it for stimulation, but the three major Void Return True Ones can use it at will. In such a battle, this magic weapon will be more effective in their hands. Great effect!

After preparing for the battle, Leader Ishikawa seemed to be waiting for something. Suddenly, a flying talisman flew towards him. When he saw the flying talisman, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's start forming the formation!"

"After forming the formation, please keep quiet. When the battle begins, you can use your mind to communicate!"

Everyone started to form a team, but the frequency was completely different. Everything was done by mouth, which was very inconvenient.

Led by Luo Li, Wu Ren and San Kuang came to him. In addition to them, there were Liu Qingqing and Li Zongru. The five of them combined and turned into a Taoist demon.

In the blink of an eye, five hundred Tao demons of various kinds appeared in this hall, and then continued to combine!

But without mental communication, the subsequent combination was very difficult and had to be disbanded and started over again.

Five people merge into a small formation, five small formations merge into one central formation, five mid-level formations merge into one large formation, and five major formations merge into one giant formation!

After about three hundred breaths, the combination was completed. In this hall, four huge demon gods and Taoists appeared. The three patriarchs jumped up and stood on top of one of the Taoists!

Mu Shen slowly said loudly:

"My fellow disciples, the Hunyuan Sect is only watching our battle. Leave here and remain silent. After the war begins, everything is free. Since they want to listen, let them listen to their content!

Let's go, Huchan, I'll leave the whole family to you! "

The voice of True Monarch Huchan rang out: "Master, don't worry, we are here in the mountain and our sect is here! The sect will be destroyed, the sky will be destroyed, and Chunan will be destroyed!"

Mu Shen said: "Okay! Let's go!"

Jin Sheng shouted: "A good man is born in heaven and earth, and he does things and doesn't do things!

Don’t ask for immortality, don’t ask for heaven and earth, don’t ask for ancestors, don’t ask for gods and demons, just ask for yourself!

We are just ordinary people, we don’t seek immortality, we live in the world, we only strive for one breath! "

Immediately, all the Hunyuan Sect disciples said together: "A great man is born in the world, and he can do something and not do something!

Don’t ask for immortality, don’t ask for heaven and earth, don’t ask for ancestors, don’t ask for gods and demons, just ask for yourself!

We are just ordinary people, we don’t seek immortality, we live in the world, we only strive for one breath! "

The Four Great Dao Masters flew away and left the main hall. In a flash, they were silently teleported to the South China Sea, thousands of miles away, and then flew silently into the distance.

At this point, no one spoke anymore, everything was silent!

Dao Zun Demon God has a strange shield on his body. They fly close to the sea. Even if the flying boat flies by them, the monks on the flying boat cannot see them. Flying seven thousand miles away in the blink of an eye, Luo Li suddenly realized that the direction of flight was not the Holy State.

After flying thousands of miles away, Dao Zun Demon God turned around and flew towards the Holy State from another direction.

The Su family in Shengzhou is the largest aristocratic family in the Hunyuan Sect. Among the three great Nascent Soul Sovereigns in the family, the Qingning sect of the left, which governs Shengzhou, has less than half of its disciples who are descendants of the Su family.

The ancestral home of the Su family is located in Suyu City on the Shengzhou Continent. This city is a seaside city with Lingyu Mountain at its back and the South China Sea in front. Three thousand miles to the west is the Hunyuan Sect's Xuanzhou Continent.

On this day, the people of Su Yu City began to get up and live their lives as before, and everything was as usual.

But no one noticed that in a valley on Lingyu Mountain in the distance, there seemed to be no problem on the outside, but countless monks gathered there to build a huge magic circle. This was a teleportation magic circle, in which the magic circle was , all kinds of light erupted, waiting for other monks to arrive here.

There were too many monks dispatched this time, including one hundred and two spirit incarnations, nearly a thousand Nascent Souls, and over ten thousand golden elixirs. They couldn’t come here together, otherwise they would be discovered by the Hunyuan Sect immediately, so they went to the hinterland of the Hunyuan Sect first. Avoid the detection system on the periphery of Hunyuan Sect, build a teleportation array here, and then many monks teleport here.

This Lingyu Mountain is only three thousand miles away from Xuanzhou, which is already the hinterland of the hinterland. True Lord Yuanying can reach Xuanzhou in less than a few hundred breaths.

In these three thousand miles of sea, there are more than a dozen real gods who are good at hiding, secretly exploring to prevent being discovered by the Hunyuan Sect.

In the nine voids of the Holy State, above the Nine Heavens, in the atmosphere of the Qingming, in the deep sea, and under the nine abyss of the earth, there are true gods of transformation who are responsible for defense and reconnaissance. The two major Qingning gates in the Holy State are The transformed god has been killed by Huixu, and was impersonated by others. Under the transformed god, he did not move at all, and had no idea what happened.

It can be said that the location of this Holy State is already very tight. Just waiting for the teleportation array to be set up, many monks will teleport here.

The four Dao Dao Demon Gods slowly approached the Holy State, and a God-Transforming True Monarch suddenly appeared in the distance. At a glance, he could see through the four Dao Dao Dao Demon Gods even if they were wearing powerful disguises.

Luo Li was shocked, he couldn't be discovered!

But unexpectedly, the God-Transforming True Master continued to scout around as if he hadn't seen it. He passed by the Four Great Dao Demon Gods without warning at all.

Luo Li suddenly let out a sigh of relief, this is an undercover agent! No wonder the head of Ishikawa said he was sure to win. It turned out there was such an undercover agent!

This undercover agent is not even one! The four Dao Daodao Demon Gods flew past the True God Transformation Lord. They turned around and flew thousands of miles away. Another True God Transformation Lord turned a blind eye and let them in!

Finally, they reached the side of the Holy State, only a thousand miles away from Lingyu Mountain, and stopped next to a real master of the Transformation God who was responsible for reconnaissance.

The teleportation array emits endless light, and the army begins to teleport, and less than half of them have already teleported here!

At this moment, the three major demons moved, and Mu Shen used his mind to say: "Do it!"

In an instant, Luo Li suddenly raised a word: "Strike halfway across the border!"

This is when the opponent is at his weakest!

When the order is given, there is no need to be silent, you can use your mind to fight!

In an instant, Luo Li felt the Taoist master he had transformed into fly up violently!

Jumping forward, this was a spell similar to the Four Nine Escape Techniques. Luo Li suddenly discovered that the Taoist Master had teleported thousands of miles away and was located above the vast void of Lingyu Mountain!

Then I heard Zhenzun Yuchen shouting in my ear:

"Fire! Start!" (To be continued.)

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