Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 677: A shocking battle with Taoist Master Cooking! (5,000-word chapter, please sub

Chapter 677

Fan Wujie was extremely happy. This ancient innate spiritual treasure, the Yin-Yang Gourd, was his most powerful trick. As long as this thing came out, there would be no disadvantage, and no living thing would be killed by him!

The gourd was about to move following Fan Wujie's words. A stream of light rose above the gourd and was about to slash towards Luo Li.

But Luo Li didn't panic at all. He had seen the power of this thing in Liangzhou back then. How could he be unprepared?

Luo Li shouted in a low voice: "Xiao Hui!"

A gray shadow flashed, and in an instant, Fan Wujie discovered that the Yin-Yang gourd in his hand was gone!

Fan Wujie was startled and said, "What is it?"

Looking over, I saw a big, fat rat that looked like a ball of flesh, biting into the Yin-Yang gourd, and fled towards Luo Li.

Xiao Hui is good at hunting for treasures and spying on all things. He just steals the Yin and Yang gourd in front of Fan Wujie.

While running away, Xiao Hui exerted his strength, and with a click, he actually bit the yin-yang gourd in half!

Fan Wujie was immediately furious and cursed: "Asshole, bastard, my baby!"

But it was meaningless. The Yin-Yang Gourd was cracked. Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li with flames in his eyes. He shouted:

"You forced me, you forced me!"

Then he clasped his hands together and sang loudly:

“In the heavens above, the light is the strongest!

The innate truth, the eight gates of Donglang, the brilliant light of Taihua, the sun, moon and five stars, the strongest light! "

As he sang, Fan Wujie's eyes began to shine. A terrifying and powerful force seemed to have traveled through time and space, in the distant past, through countless dimensions, and landed on the Hunyuan Sect's arena!

A shadow appeared on him, and the God of Light came again!

But this time is not the last time Brahma Wujie invited God, he came directly from God! I want to fight Luo Li to the death!

With the appearance of this God of Light, only this light exists between heaven and earth, and there is no other way!

Under this light, Luo Li's many self-incarnation clones shattered and dissipated. Xiaobai, Xiaoshi, and Xiaohui resisted this terrifying majesty one by one, but they couldn't bear it at all, and they were all broken one after another!

In the blink of an eye, Luo Li was the only one left here. Between heaven and earth, there was only the endless light, without any color or existence!

Facing Luo Li, Fan Wujie gritted his teeth and said, "Luo Li, you forced me to do this, you forced me to do this!"

The God of Light looked at Luo Li. At this glance, Luo Li felt that his whole body was extremely comfortable. His whole body was sweet and warm from the inside out, and he was indescribably lazy, caring and happy. Time cannot stop here and solidify into eternity.

But Luo Li knew in his heart that if he didn't resist, he would be defeated!

And not only does it fail in the arena, it will also cause irreparable damage to yourself! That's why Fan Wujie shouted like this and used this terrifying method of subduing gods!

Luo Li gritted his teeth, but could not give up the resistance, but the feeling of comfort was unforgettable and irresistible!

Suddenly, a voice appeared in Luo Li's ear:

"Need my help?"

"Do you need my power?"

"As long as you need my help, my strength, call my name, I will appear and give you endless power!"

"You will gain the power to dominate the world!"

"This annoying kid of light is the most hypocritical. With my power, you can easily kill him!"

This voice was clearly the voice of the God of Destruction. At this critical moment, the God of Light attacked outside and the God of Destruction stirred up trouble inside. Luo Li was in danger!

Luo Li was furious and yelled in his heart: "I am me, you are you, how can you be me? Even if I am your reincarnation, I am still me."

Then he yelled:

"Get lost, get lost. This is my battle. Get lost. You have perished long ago. There is no place for you in this world. Get lost!"

With this roar, Luo Li took action!

Suddenly, a breath from the ancient times burst out from Luo Li's body. This breath was extremely terrifying.

This breath is still spreading outwards, and for a moment, the world seems to be stagnant! That endless light was completely stagnant!

The Dharma image behind Fan Wujie seemed to have seen some terrifying existence. He immediately trembled and was about to run away!

In an instant, Luo Li disappeared! There is only one giant ax in the sky. This Pangu ax is about one foot in size. It looks like a stone ax or a bronze ax. It can be said to be extremely primitive. You can even see the chaotic stripes on it, just like it was made by savages in the Stone Age. The most original axe.

Endless momentum continued to condense in the air, and the prehistoric energy exploded in the sky, as if a giant stood proudly on the horizon, holding a giant axe, and was about to open the sky and split the earth again.

This terrifying aura of prehistoric times spurted outwards and collided with the atmosphere, immediately causing bursts of thunder. It was really rolling thunder, lightning and thunder. With the roar of thunder, the sky and the earth began to collapse, forming cracks one after another. For some reason, a cold black evil wind hung in the cracks.

The energy of chaos, thunder, lightning, and ground cracking suddenly seemed like the end of the world was coming, which was extremely terrifying.

I think of a voice between heaven and earth:

"Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy..."

With one strike of the ax, everything will be destroyed!

Brahma Wujie, the God of Light he summoned, the God of Destruction in Luo Li's body, Luo Li's body, and the entire virtual illusion of the arena, everything was shattered into nothingness with this axe!

The powerful Pangu world-destroying ax, as long as it is used, a world will be destroyed. The world will not be destroyed, and Luo Li will be destroyed!

The battle arena is a virtual world. The world is destroyed and the intention of annihilation is realized, so Luo Li does not have to die this time!

Boom, all the Hunyuan Sect monks watching the battle were stunned when they saw that the arena was shattered by Luo Li's axe!

With this blow, all the Hunyuan Sect magic spirits that maintained the operation of the arena were severely damaged. The arena immediately dissipated. Luo Li and Fan Wujie appeared on the corresponding magic circles on both sides of the arena. They were thirty feet apart and both were intact. But so far All the Glazed Seas are also invalid and cannot be used.

At this point in the battle, the arena collapsed, and leader Ishikawa was about to speak and end the battle.

At the same time, Fan Wujie and Luo Li took action at the same time, using the Tongtian Peak that they could finally use, and began to fight in this real world!

Luo Li shouted: "The five mountains exploded, and the three mountains appeared!"

Three mountains and five mountains are blasting towards Brahma Wujie!

Fan Wujie also shouted: "Mount Tai, Mount Hua, Mount Heng..."

But it was immediately obvious how strong their cultivation was. Luo Li had already mastered the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains. Every time, the three mountains could come out together and the five mountains would fly across the sky. However, Fan Wujie could only use the power of the five mountains and could not complete the three mountains.

Suddenly, under Luo Li's violent bombardment, Fan Wujie's mountains were destroyed one by one. Seeing that Luo Li's mountains were about to overwhelm Fan Wujie's head and crush him into a meat pie.

Leader Ishikawa looked into the distance and asked if the battle was over. This real battle was very dangerous.

But he immediately received a message: "No, the three of us are watching the battle. Don't worry, there will be no casualties!"

This was the answer of the Three Great Returners. Head Ishikawa shook his head slightly. Although he disapproved, he stopped talking.

Seeing that Fan Wujie was about to be crushed into a meat pie by Luo Li's three mountains, Fan Wujie suddenly swiped his right hand, and blood was left in his right hand. He used this blood on the condensed Mount Tai, Just press it, and a word will appear on the top:


In an instant, Mount Tai grew several times larger, colliding with Luo Li's Five Mountains, not weak at all!

Then Fan Wujie was on another Hengshan Mountain. When he pressed it, the blood immediately turned into a word: Yue!

Suddenly, Hengshan Mountain surged, not much weaker than Luo Li's Five Mountains!

I don’t know what kind of magic this is, but it is so powerful. Fan Wujie used this method to fight against Luo Li!

But they could only fight for a hundred breaths. In an instant, the two of them could no longer sense the aura of Tongtian Peak. At this point, the Five Dharma Holy Land was all paralyzed. They looked at me and I looked at you. They cast spells one by one, but none of them You can use it!

At this point, all the Hunyuan Sect spells they had practiced without the support of the Five Dharma Holy Lands were all invalid and could not be used!

Fan Wujie roared one last time, and instantly, nine whirlwinds rose up on him. It was the Nine Turns Sect that he had practiced since he was a child. Nine turns and ten successes!

All Dafa cannot be used. I can only use the spells I practiced when I was a child. Nine whirlwinds rise. Compared with the supreme Dafa of Hunyuan Sect that I have mastered, this is like a child's toy, but now I have no choice but to use it. Got it!

Fanwujie Yu sent a nine-turn whirlwind to attack Luo Li, and Luo Li also took action at this time.

Luo Li instinctively wanted to use the Butterfly Dragon Transformation, but this method has been integrated into the Glazed Sea Butterfly Dragon Sea Explosive Kill, and he couldn't use it at all!

What should I do? Seeing the whirlwind of Brahma Wujie approaching, Luo Li suddenly remembered a spell, and the world was unchained!

Immediately, Luo Li relied on this method to go rampant in the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect. At that time, Luo Li did not have the Five Dharma Holy Land, so even if there was no Five Dharma Holy Land, Luo Li could still use this method!

Luo Li laughed, pointed at Fan Wujie and shouted: "Lock!"

At this time, Luo Li was already a Jindan real person. He had a thousand-foot range and endless aura, all of which were used by him. In an instant, the thousand-foot aura turned into a giant lock, locking Fan Wujie in one fell swoop!

Fan Wujie couldn't help but yelled: "Asshole!"

This curse was filled with endless anger. It was this move that made Luo Li rampant in the world. Now after so many years and practicing so many spells, this move has appeared again. The endless annoyance of the past failure , the countless pains that kept me awake all night immediately came to my mind!

He continued to yell: "Luo Li, don't underestimate me, I am no longer the Fan Wujie I used to be!"

With his roar, the golden core vitality exploded, and with a bang, Luo Li's heaven and earth transcended the lock within a thousand feet, and was immediately collapsed by Fan Wujie!

In the past, they were only in the realm of Qi refining, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could lock them. Now they are all Jindan real people, and the thousands of feet of spiritual energy of heaven and earth are meaningless to them, so Fan Wujie immediately broke Luo Li's transcendent lock of heaven and earth!

But Luo Li snorted coldly and shouted: "Change!"

The Zhongwu phase is activated, a ray of light shoots out, enters the heaven and earth transcendence lock, and immediately the heaven and earth transcendence lock mutates, turning into another spell. Instead of using the aura of heaven and earth to lock the opponent, it uses the aura in one's own body to lock the opponent!

Luo Li pointed at Fan Wujie and shouted: "Lock!"

In an instant, chains of true energy spurted out, locking Fan Wujie tightly, leaving him unable to move!

Fan Wujie roared again, trying to shake it away!

But it's impossible. This is the power of Luo Li's own golden elixir. Luo Li has worked hard to build his foundation and refine his body with earth and fire. The golden elixir is also used to refine heaven-level spiritual objects. His true energy is very strong!

Fan Wujie's Zhuanzhou lineage neglected the cultivation of his own true energy. Although Fan Wujie also started to practice Tianqing Jue, it was too late. Compared with Luo Li's own true energy, it was infinitely weaker!

In this way, Fan Wujie was locked by Luo Li, but Luo Li couldn't move. You two looked at me and I looked at you. No one could attack the opponent.

However, Luo Li exerted his strength slightly. As he exerted his strength, a little green light slowly appeared. It was the sword intention. The Hidden Sky Sword Intent that Luo Li had mastered had not been used for many years, but he used it again today.

Looking at that bit of sword intent, Fan Wujie couldn't move. He was locked tightly. He looked at Luo Li and shouted again:

"You forced me, you forced me!"

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "The God of Light has been severely injured by me. He will not come. You have lost!"

Fan Wujie just shouted:

"You forced me, you forced me!"

Following this roar, blood began to splatter on his body!

This is not Luo Li's damage, but the automatic blood appearing!

The blood actually floated up with the wind, and then automatically combined words in the air to turn into a huge Tao character!


As soon as this word came out, countless beings in the world seemed to kneel down and salute to this word!

As soon as this word appeared, Luo Li's transcendent lock of heaven and earth collapsed, and the Hidden Sky Sword Intent was extinguished!

Shinichi Kogami, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, couldn't help shouting: "This, this, what is this?"

Jin Sheng said: "Tao Master, this is the Tao Master's spiritual thought!"

The Tuhuang said: "How is it possible, how is it possible!"

Mu Shen said: "It's possible, that's it. Even if the god is trapped in the tide of energy, he will still be unscathed. This is the Taoist Holy Body!"

Brahma Wujie is the holy body of the Taoist master. His transcendent immortal body can ascend in a single battle. The five holy bodies above the twelve immortal bodies are even more powerful!

Fan Wujie's blood contains a slight trace of the power of the Taoist master, which can use the ordinary Five Sacred Methods to fight against the five Sacred Mountains. Now he is about to lose. He can't help but sacrifice his own blood in order to win!

As soon as the word Dao came out, it gradually transformed into a huge Dao Lord in the void!

He is a thousand tall, and his appearance is exactly the same as that of Brahma Wujie. He wears a crown, and a pair of yellow dragons hang down on both sides. They are majestic like mountains approaching, yet misty and distant from the sky. The facial features are all filled with light, which is difficult to see. Only through the eyes, one can see the true form of mountains and rivers, and the wonderful transformation of yin and yang.

This Taoist statue stands on dark clouds, wearing a five-element robe and a five-square crown. He dominates the world with majesty. When he opens his eyes, millions of thunderbolts shine, as if all the thunder and lightning in the world are hidden in a pair of eyes.

Once this Dharma appears, heaven and earth will be invincible!

Luo Li looked at this Dharma image and was completely shocked. He couldn't help but say:

"It's over, lost, lost!"

But Luo Li gritted his teeth and said: "If you don't want to give in, how can I lose if you don't want to give in!"

The true fire in his golden elixir began to beat. Luo Li stretched out his hand, and the fire Jue Dao technique that had been prepared for a long time was about to be released, and the sea of ​​​​fire burned the sky!

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from Luoli Glazed Sea!

It was the voice of Chitian Jiao, shouting: "Luo Li, Luo Li, we are here to help you!

Quick, quick, you call for Dafa, or ask the Patriarch to show up, etc., we will help you! "

Luo Li was stunned for a moment, thinking he was hallucinating, when he heard the voice of the giant whale overlord:

"What a big pig. I can eat it for many years!"

Luo Li was speechless immediately, imitating Fan Wujie's voice and shouted:

"You forced me, you forced me!"

"Urgent like a law, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, watch my invincible beacon fire destroy the heaven and earth to summon the great method, please..."

Before he could finish his words, portals appeared out of thin air in front of Luo Li, and then from those portals, terrifying ethereal beasts began to jump out!

There are dragons, giant whales, turtles, octopuses, sharks, rocks, waves, giant ships...

Each one is three to fifty feet in size. Although it is countless smaller than this Taoist master, there are many in number, nearly four hundred!

Astonishingly, they were the ancestral spirits such as the Scarlet Sky Jiao, the Giant Whale Overlord, etc. They surged out and rushed towards the huge Taoist Master in the void!

Seeing these giant beasts, the Wood God was shocked and said: "Ancestral spirits, why are they here!"

Jin Sheng said: "How is it possible! What is this for?"

Tu Huang said: "Could this be what Luo Li summoned... Bah, go ahead and lie to ghosts!"

At this moment, the voice of the giant ape Yuan Hong came from the stone of the Golden Buddha in Luoli that could be accessed at will: "Luo Li, Luo Li, hurry up, pretend to summon us, and we will come to help!"

Luo Li hurriedly shouted again:

"You forced me, you forced me!"

"Urgent like a law, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, watch my invincible beacon fire destroy the heaven and earth to summon the great method, please..."

Boom, there was a loud noise, and three hundred and nineteen portals appeared again. Many ancestral spirits appeared, the nine-winged phoenix, the dove red front...

They swarmed up and surrounded the main Dharma image!

At this time, countless figures rushed out from the giant peak in the void, the hell, and the forest, all of them were ancestral spirits!

They shouted: "Luo Li, we are here to help you!"

"Luo Li, we have been summoned!"

"Luo Li, we are here!"

They surrounded the Tao Master's Dharma and turned into dense shackles, locking the Tao Master!

An ancestral spirit shouted: "Quickly, cover up the heavenly secret, don't let the Taoist find out that there is his avatar here!"

"Quick, cut off time and space, go back to twilight time, don't leave any traces!"

"Don't be discovered by Taoist Master, otherwise we will all be doomed!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"It's such a big one, I can eat it for many years!"

"Developed, developed!"

These ancestral spirits actually pulled up the Taoist master and pulled him into the five virtual mirrors and disappeared!

All the monks, watching all this, stood dumbly, not knowing what was going on!

Fan Wujie was completely stupid, his last support was gone, and he was defeated!

Luo Li rushed over fiercely and punched Fan Wujie right in the chin, making him scream. Then Luo Li kicked him in the lower abdomen, causing Fan Wujie to collapse!

Luo Li went up and gave him a flat kick, a big electric cannon, and shouted: "Submit or not, lose or not!"

Fan Wujie was beaten by Luo Li until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he refused to accept it and refused to admit defeat!

Luo Li punched seven or eight times, and Fan Wujie collapsed on the ground. Without any strength or resistance, Luo Li let go, slowly backed away, and looked at Fan Wujie!

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li and wanted to get up to fight again, but he couldn't get up at all. He suddenly collapsed, lying on his back on the ground, and suddenly shouted:

"I lost, I lost!"

Then he turned over, tears streaming down his face, and whispered:

"I lost, I lost, I have been practicing hard for three hundred years, I have tried every means, I have used every means, the God of Light has come, the Tao Master has come, but I still lost, I lost!"

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!"

"Why, why, I failed again. I am the Holy Body of the Taoist Lord, and I am the God of Light!"

Fan Wujie burst into tears. After so many years of hard preparation, he finally failed, which made him cry bitterly!

Looking at Fan Wujie crying, Luo Li shook his head, took a long breath, walked over slowly, helped Fan Wujie up, and said:

"It doesn't matter, we still have a long way to go, and we still have a future!"

"The road to immortality is bumpy and bumpy for you and me. Don't be surprised by a temporary success or depressed by a temporary failure. Everything has just begun and the road is still ahead. The road is long and long, and I will pursue it up and down!

As long as we persist, persist, persist, we will definitely succeed!

Fan Wujie, although I hate you, you are still my fellow disciple and my junior brother. Oh, get up and let’s encourage each other! "

Fan Wujie was helped up by Luo Li. He looked at Luo Li and gritted his teeth and said, "Luo Li, I will definitely defeat you, I will!"

Countless monks watched and applauded together. This battle made people's blood boil. Everyone cheered for them! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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