Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 676: Traveling Soul Secretly Chases Zhan Chenfei!

The fire rose, the hell flames burned, and the endless flame energy erupted on Fan Wujie's body, showing an excited look on his face!

At this point, Luo Li's strongest Jinfutu and Liulihai have all been destroyed. If you break their legs, you will definitely win!

Looking at the raging fire, Luo Li couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. His Golden Buddha and Glazed Sea were all silent. This guy was indeed ruthless, plotting, and could kill him if he got it. .

Fan Wujie pointed his finger at Luo Li and said nothing nonsense. In his hand, circles of ring-shaped flames rose up. This flame contained earth, fire, wind, thunder, light and extinguishing, and twelve kinds of fire power, one ring after another. The spinning flames immediately turned into a terrifying tornado. As the flames merged, the flames became more powerful, and a dazzling flame appeared in the sky like a small sun.

This is the super-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, the bright flames wiping the day. In this world, except for this flame like the sun, there is no other brilliance!

Then the flame moved and swept towards Luo Li.

As the flames spit out, there seems to be a Sanskrit sound in the sky and the earth:

"The two suns shine together to make the sun bright, and the bright fire wipes out the day!"

"The two suns shine together to make the sun bright, and the bright fire wipes out the day!"

In the resonance of heaven and earth, Luo Li drank lightly, and a red lotus rose instantly in front of him. This was a lotus composed of flames. There were nine lotus leaves in total. These lotus leaves were made of countless tiny real fires. The red lotus slowly formed, with a strange beauty and an aura of destruction, giving the world a strange deep red color.

As the lotus flower opened, countless faint blood-colored flames poured out layer by layer. Mixed in it. In the void, you can even hear the great Sanskrit music, and the flames are misty, like the dance of a witch, and looking at them makes your soul wander.

This red lotus has layers of halo surrounding Luo Li's body, rippling with layers of waves. At the same time, the light flickers and changes. The flowing fireflies overflow the layers of flaming lotus and trap Luo Li in it!

As the red lotus rose, a Sanskrit sound sounded between heaven and earth:

"When Bai Shouruo meets for the first time, the beauty is gone. When the red lotus appears, it will destroy him for three lifetimes!"

The two rays of the Sanskrit are intertwined together, and finally disappear. To save three lives, the bright fire wiped out the day. So far, there is only the sound of "The white head is like the first sight, and the beauty is parted. The red lotus appears, and the three lives are destroyed!", and there is no other sound!

And Fan Wujie's rays of bright flames wiping the day hit Luo Li's Red Lotus of Du'e, and both of them were extinguished at the same time.

However, Fan Wujie had no reaction, and when he stretched out his hand, sixteen more hell flames were emitted. Those flames surged endlessly, then suddenly extinguished, and finally condensed into a strange flame and shot towards Luo Li.

This flame looks extremely clear, like a stream of water, and does not seem to have any power. This is the dust-free fire that does not stain the world!

Yao Ming Yan Hong Mo Bai Dayi follows the path of destruction with violent explosions, killing powerful enemies with destructive explosions. And this dust-free fire that does not stain the world follows the path of high-temperature burning ashes, using the blazing flames and high temperature to refine the opponent!

As this method was issued, the sound of Sanskrit sounded again in the heaven and earth:

"Not stained by the six dusts and separated from the five turbidities, pure and dustless, without birth!"

"Not stained by the six dusts and separated from the five turbidities, pure and dustless, without birth!"

Facing this terrifying fire, Luo Li stretched out his hand, and another red lotus rose up, again the red lotus of Du'e. The dust-free fire that did not stain the world disappeared silently within this red lotus, and was broken by the red lotus of Du'e. Both go out at the same time!

But after two terrifying super-level spells of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, Luo Li's Red Lotus Crossing Era, one of the original nine lotus leaves, began to look dim.

Fan Wujie remained calm and said slowly: "Let me see how many super-level spells you can block from me, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand? I have refined all the seven super-level spells of Ten Thousand Hell Flames! Mine Wan Yu Yan is so powerful! I don’t believe you can last forever!”

After saying that, he activated the spell again. Behind him, twenty-one lines of Ten Thousand Hell Flames appeared, turning into a huge Suzaku. The flame phoenix was lifelike and about to explode. This was also the super-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames. Fire Phoenix Ao Chen Ninth Heaven!

But Luo Li shook his head and said, "You have no chance!"

Following Luo Li's words, the red lotus in front of Luo Li dissipated, and Fan Wujie's newly made flaming phoenix also dissipated!

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li stupidly and continued to activate his Holy Land Hell Flame, but there was no response. He couldn't help shouting: "How is it possible!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "You are allowed to destroy my Golden Buddha Temple and Glazed Sea, but you are not allowed to destroy your Ten Thousand Hell Flames? How can there be such a reason in the world!"

In the duel between the two moves just now, Luo Li injected the flames of the Holy Land's Ten Thousand Hell Flames into his own Golden Lotus of Overcoming Evils, which is equivalent to Luo Li also activating the super-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames. In this two-strike fight, their five The Ten Thousand Hell Flames in the Dharma Holy Land are in the state of static attack, and are all scrapped and cannot be used.

This means using the enemy's spear to attack his own shield, and using Brahma's method to retaliate against him. No matter what the effect is, Luo Li just feels satisfied!

At this point, the two of them were unable to use the Golden Buddha, the Glazed Sea, and the Ten Thousand Hell Flames.

But Fanwujie smiled, he laughed and said:

"Luo Li, Luo Li, you and I are the only ones left in the forest of sentient beings, and you are no match for me. Come on, show me!"

Fan Wujie said that only the forest of sentient beings was left, because the one he shot at Tongtian Peak was the worst and had no great achievements at all, so he ignored it.

In an instant, hundreds of various strange and wild beasts began to appear in front of Fan Wujie, each one fierce and extremely terrifying.

Mountain ape, flaming bear, golden-horned war turtle, one-eyed giant rhinoceros, Taita giant, three-headed eagle, death ray peacock, purple golden dragon...

Seeing these wild beasts, Luo Li smiled, stretched out his hand and shouted:

"My sons, if you haven't shown up yet, wait till later. Form an array! Kill him without leaving any trace behind!"

In an instant, a big man rushed out and roared like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, it was Yide!

Then other generals appeared one after another, and one hundred and eight outstanding immortal soldiers formed a terrifying military formation in an instant. Luo Li disappeared into the military formation and shouted with one finger: "Kill!"

In a large formation of a thousand people, the war generals and immortal soldiers each controlled wild beasts, such as unicorns, tigers, pegasus, and giant bears, and rushed towards the hundreds of wild beasts belonging to Fan Wujie.

In an instant, the two teams collided, and the wild beasts fought against the human battle formation!

All of a sudden, both sides used their skills. In the void, the two armies were fighting each other without mercy.

If the desolate beasts fight Luo Li's soldiers one-on-one, they will definitely win. Except for those heroic generals, neither soldiers nor ordinary soldiers are the opponents of these desolate beasts.

But this is not a one-on-one chaotic battle, but an army battle. Luo Li's side is in a tight battle formation, cooperating and taking care of each other, while Fan Wujie's side is a group of three, five, seven or eight, in a mess, interfering with each other. .

In such a battle, Luo Li's heroic power of breaking through the formation was fully revealed. When combined into a battle formation, it was rampant. No matter how many wild beasts Fan Wujie had, he still found that he was facing a group of people on the other side alone. Although he struggled to kill one of them, he was immediately surrounded by a group of other soldiers, who stabbed him randomly and knocked him down!

As the battle continues, Fan Wujie's many desolate beasts will have only one fate, and that is to be brutally killed.

With just one charge, less than half of Fan Wujie's monsters were killed, and after three more attacks, there was not much left.

Fan Wujie gritted his teeth and cursed: "Asshole, bastard!"

As he cursed, he suddenly transformed into a strange beast. It was a goat, but its body was hairless, as if it were filled with metal, and there were twelve pairs of strange antelope horns on its head!

As soon as the goat appeared, someone immediately recognized it and shouted: "This is a strange beast in the dead world!"

"This is an ancient and strange variant. It is good at controlling the power of the dead. Wherever it goes, there is no life!"

The goat appeared as if it was burning with endless flames. The flames turned out to be black and purple, carrying a strange and terrifying power. As the flames moved, all the ordinary flesh and blood of Luo Li's heroic path disappeared silently, and he fell to the ground dead.

Then the flame moved again, and the thousand and eight heroes also fell down and died.

Fan Wujie sneered, as long as there was only one blow, Luo Li's forest of living beings would be wiped out.

At this critical moment, Xiao Bai suddenly appeared. He opened his mouth and swallowed. All the terrifying undead flames, plus the tyrannical and strange beasts transformed by Fan Wujie, were swallowed by Xiao Bai in one mouthful.

With one mouthful, Fan Wujie was swallowed up, and Luo Li let out a long breath, but Xiaobai let out a wail, opened his mouth suddenly, and the giant beast flew out of his mouth!

This monster is in the shape of a bird, its body is as red as blood, it has nine heads, its head is like a dragon's head, it is more than ten feet tall, and its wings spread out, covering five feet.

As soon as he appeared, there was a low cry. The chirping sound is hoarse and unpleasant, and the nine heads chirping together, with different pitches, make people who listen to it feel dizzy and sick. In the roar, each of the seven dragon heads spurted out a stream of blood. The seven streams of blood intertwined into a blood dragon and rushed towards Luo Li.

Luo Li immediately saw that this was a seven-headed dragon bird. No, it had been promoted. It was now a nine-headed dragon bird. It was a nine-headed dragon bird.

At this critical moment, Xiaoshi jumped out and roared loudly at the nine-headed dragon bird.

On Xiaoshi, endless dragon power exploded, and the Nine-Headed Dragon Bird became weak and collapsed all of a sudden, not daring to face Xiaoshi.

Xiaoshi is a real dragon. This nine-headed dragon bird contains the blood of the dragon clan and is naturally restrained.

But the moment the Nine-Headed Dragon Bird collapsed on the ground, it rolled and turned into a strange spiritual beast like a round snowman. At the same time, it was as if it had entered a world of ice and everything in the area was frozen.

At this time, Xiaohong jumped out, spread her wings, and unleashed endless flames. The flames faced the ice, and Xiaohong fought against the snowman!

Under the flames, the snowman immediately began to melt, and Fan Wujie changed again. A gourd appeared in his hand!

Astonishingly, it is the Yin-Yang Gourd, an ancient innate spiritual treasure!

Once this treasure comes out, no one can beat it!

Fan Wujie couldn't help laughing and said: "Senior Brother Luo Li, you are dead, please turn around, baby!" (To be continued.)

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