Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 675 The jade boat turned around three times! (Chapter 3, please subscribe for month

Luo Li loses, Qizhu wins!

The second game begins, Fanwujie versus Tiandu!

The two came on stage, and instantly Brother Tiandu began to clone himself. Twelve pillars of light fell, twelve thousand clones appeared, and a golden light rose up, spreading throughout the entire army!

These countless clones filled the sky and the ground, forming a strange formation. The entire arena was filled with rays of light and roaring!

Everyone looked at Fan Wujie. Lin Honghuangdao, the sentient beings of Fan Wujie, were also powerful and fierce, including the seven-headed dragon bird, the blue-eyed blood-red dragon, the true dragon of fire, the red bird fire bird, the yin and yang gourd...

Facing such a powerful enemy, Fan Wujie suddenly said: "I surrender!"

Everyone who was waiting for this exciting battle almost fell down. They originally thought that there would be a dragon-tiger fight, but who knew that Fan Wujie would immediately admit defeat.

Hearing Fan Wujie admit defeat, Luo Li gritted his teeth in anger when he saw True Lord Da Fang who had been watching the battle. The disciples of Zhuanzhou's lineage shook their heads and sighed. The same is true for many other branch monks. They all hope that Fan Wujie will defeat Tiandu, advance to the finals, and fight against Qizhu. They don't want Tian Qingfeng to be such a dominant family.

But Fan Wujie just admitted defeat without firing a single move, making everyone shake their heads.

You can be defeated, but you must fight. If you don't fight, you will admit defeat, which is really despising.

At this point, the top four have decided the winner, with Qizhu and Tiandu competing for first place, and Luo Li and Fan Wujie competing for third place. However, the final will only take place tomorrow.

Returning to Tianqing Peak, there was another celebration. This golden elixir ranked first, and it was definitely Tianqing!

The next day, the finals began, with Qizhu fighting against Tiandu!

Both of them used their true skills. The Qizhu Pangu ax flew and struck thirty-six times in one breath! The Qi that is the first of the eight Qi of the Hunyuan Sect is undoubtedly manifested. Even the true master of the Transformation God may not have as much Qi as him!

And the twelve thousand clones of Tiandu, in these thirty-six blows of Pangu's ax, were destroyed and reborn, reborn and destroyed, reborn and destroyed, even Tiandu died three times in battle, but they were still unyielding! Heaven will reveal the Hunyuan Sect’s method without a doubt!

The Hunyuan Sect is definitely one of the six spirits in the world. This terrifying forest of living beings can sweep away all powerful enemies!

After a great battle, many monks were impressed. In the end, Qizhu narrowly defeated Tiandu. When the battle ended, there was endless applause!

It’s true that one breath generates all kinds of laws, and Hunyuan destroys the universe!

So far Qizhu won the first place in the Golden Elixir Competition and the second place in Tiandu, and then the competition for third place began.

Luo Li and Fan Wujie appeared, facing each other from a distance.

Many years later, this scene appeared again. Luo Li looked at Fan Wujie and couldn't help but ask:

"Fan Wujie, why didn't you have a big fight with Senior Brother Tiandu yesterday?"

Fan Wujie shook his head and said: "You can't beat him! I'm only at the Golden Core level and my mana is limited. I can't fight against those twelve thousand clones.

If I advance to the Nascent Soul and attain the perfection of the Five Dharma, not to mention twelve thousand clones, even twelve thousand land thousand, I can be destroyed!

But it’s not possible now, since we are defeated anyway, it’s better to have a good time and just admit defeat!

We Hunyuan Sect disciples, victory is victory, defeat is defeat, we are aboveboard, why bother struggling! "

Luo Li nodded, and many monks in the audience also nodded. It seemed that he had misunderstood Fan Wujie!

But Fan Wujie thought in his heart: "If I fight, wouldn't I be second? Then Luo Li, you might be third!"

Even if I admit defeat, I will fight with you for the third place, and I will cut off your avenue!

In the Hunyuan Sect, no matter how powerful he is, he is just dancing with a sword behind closed doors. The so-called ranking is meaningless! But the Chunan Heroes Conference is the key. Be famous all over the world and get countless resources and opportunities!

Therefore, Luo Li, I am going to cut off your way to the Heroes Association and make you lose this opportunity forever! "

Luo Li didn't have Fan Wujie's colorful heart. He said: "Come on, Fan Wujie, let us fight to determine the third place!"

Fan Wujie smiled, and at the same time, the heaven and earth resonated around the two of them:

"My name is invincible, I am God, I am Saint, I am myself, I control everything, I own everything, my power is endless, my Qi is boundless..."

They used the Chongsheng Heart Technique at the same time, and then a golden light rose up, the Golden Dawn of Eternal Pagoda!

However, after Luo Li's golden light, there were three more, which were magical powers of form and shadow. Although Brahma Wujie had one, this one was flawless beyond imagination!

As the golden light rose, Luo Li was about to cast a spell, casting the spell All Over the World and the Lingding Ocean. At this moment, Fan Wujie moved!

The moment the golden light of the golden morning sun rose, another golden light rose from Fan Wujie's body. This golden light was extremely dim, but with endless sharpness. This was the Yuan-Zhanbing World-Breaking Golden Juefeng!

At this moment, Fan Wujie fused Jin Chenxi and Jin Juefeng into one body, and his whole body turned into a golden light and crashed into Luo Li!

Instantly like light and lightning! As sharp as a blade!

Fan Wujie actually completely refined the two super-level spells of Jinfutu and integrated them into one blow!

Luo Li couldn't react at all, so he was knocked away by Fan Wujie with a bang!

Only then did Fan Wujie's cry come: "Death!"

Fan Wujie had been preparing for this blow for many years, and he was about to go on stage and kill Luo Li instantly with one blow!

Fan Wujie had planned this attack for many years and prepared it many times. Under this impact, Luo Li had no ability to resist!

In an instant, the golden light on Luo Li collapsed, and then Fan Wujie collided with Luo Li again. The golden light collapsed again, and then Fan Wujie collided with it, and the last golden light also collapsed!

Fan Wujie's eyes suddenly lit up. If he collided with him again, Luo Li would be shattered to pieces. But he suddenly stopped walking and retreated instantly!

Because a terrible feeling arose in his heart. If he crashed again, he would be the loser!

These three blows caused severe pain all over Luo Li's body. He couldn't find the north, south, east or west. Fan Wujie was about to hit him for the fourth time. He was about to release the Red Lotus of Du'e, but Fan Wujie suddenly retreated and avoided this attack. Move, Luo Li didn't release the Red Lotus of Du'e!

But under the impact of those three blows, Luo Li fell from the air, fell to the ground with a bang, then bounced up, gurgling, and rolled a hundred feet away. Then he stopped rolling, and all the golden light on his body was extinguished, and then he gulped Vomiting blood!

But soon Luo Li controlled himself and started to use magic to heal his injuries. Although he vomited blood, his muscles and bones were not injured. Then he stood up slowly and couldn't help shouting: "How is it possible!"

Fan Wujie watched Luo Li stand up and shouted, "How is that possible!"

In Fan Wujie's calculations, Luo Li's Jin Chenxi was full of flaws. Even though he had supernatural powers, he should have been shattered into pieces and completely dead under his three impacts!

However, his estimate was wrong, and he fell into the scheme of True Monarch Huchan. At that time, Luo Li had just cultivated into Jin Chenxi and was full of flaws. Fan Wujie didn't know that Luo Li had used the Patriarch Hall and the Heart of Nirvana to rebuild the Golden Pagoda. All the flaws had disappeared and it was perfect!

However, Luo Li's Golden Buddha is still a bit inferior to Fanwujie's Golden Buddha. Fanwujie's Golden Buddha has been practiced countless times by slaying souls. It is extremely solid and extremely powerful, so he can combine the two superpowers. The high-level spells are integrated into one, and Luo Li relies on the magic given by Lingxi to cultivate into a golden pagoda, so it is much worse than Brahma Wujie!

The two of them looked at each other in disbelief!

Then on them, all the light of the Golden Buddha disappeared, and the phenomenon of Hunyuan Resonance and Jingge appeared. In the future battles, no one of them can use the Golden Buddha!

Luo Li looked at Fan Wujie and shouted: "Destroy it!"

In an instant, Luo Li used all the seas and seas, and in an instant, the sea of ​​​​light blasted towards Fan Wujie. Luo Li really tried his best to attack. This time he was really angry. He was betrayed when he came on the court and almost lost!

The endless sea of ​​light erupted, and the bright sea of ​​light swept in all directions. Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief, and twelve separate oceans erupted! In an instant, all the energy of heaven and earth in front of Fan Wujie was shattered, and storms of destruction immediately formed within a thousand feet.

Facing Luo Li's terrifying scattered ocean, Fan Wujie snorted coldly, and in an instant, he used a glazed sea!

Astonishingly, reality and illusion are destroyed, and glass creates the sea!

This sea area is the West Sea and the West Sea is vast! The vastness of the West Sea is the most vast, boundless, and magnificent. The sea is like a desert and can accommodate everything!

As soon as the West Sea emerged, Brahma's Glazed Sea suddenly expanded several times, becoming boundless and without end.

But Luo Li sneered. It was impossible to use this western sea to block his own oceans from all over the world!

Just like Luo Li likes to practice the Glazed Sea, Fan Wujie likes to practice the Golden Pagoda and Ten Thousand Hell Flames. He really doesn't like to practice the Glazed Sea, and he only cultivates this sea area!

But Fan Wujie was not surprised at all. He had already figured out a way to deal with Luo Li Liulihai.

At the moment when his Western Sea Territory was about to be defeated by Luo Li's all-encompassing Lingding Ocean, Fan Wujie suddenly put his hands together and sang:

“In the heavens above, the light is the strongest!

The innate truth, the eight gates of Donglang, the brilliant light of Taihua, the sun, moon and five stars, the strongest light! "

As he sang, Fan Wujie's eyes began to shine. A terrifying and powerful force seemed to have traveled through time and space, in the distant past, through countless dimensions, and landed on the Hunyuan Sect's arena!

For a moment, everyone was stunned, what kind of magic is this!

Then Fan Wujie raised his head, and a phantom appeared on him. This phantom was extremely huge, radiating thousands of rays of light, exuding supreme divine power!

Fan Wujie stood there, floating out of the dust, with an indescribable smell on his body, and he looked exactly like two different people from before.

At this time, Brahma Wujie was majestic, heroic, and majestic, as if thousands of fortunes had gathered into his body. When people saw him, they couldn't help but want to get close to him, and be driven by him!

Strange echoes came from heaven and earth:

“The mysteries of heaven and earth are endlessly hidden, and the stars bring out a little light.

One light swallows up thousands of green mountains, and the divine body is unsullied and unstained by dust! "

Luo Li was stunned and couldn't help shouting: "Guang, the God of Light has come!"

Yes, it is exactly the same as when the Brahma Wujie Pangu Ax was tested, the God of Light came!

The God of Light controls the power of light. Luo Li's scattered oceans are a sea of ​​light, and there is no harm to the God of Light!

In an instant, all twelve scattered oceans dissipated, and Fan Wujie stood there unscathed!

Seeing Luo Li Lingdingyang disappear, Fan Wujie separated his hands and said: "Send the god to heaven!"

The huge dharma image behind Fan Wujie immediately began to dissipate. The majestic, heroic and majestic momentum slowly disappeared, but it seemed that the dharma image was unwilling to dissipate and wanted to stay here!

Fan Wujie shouted: "Send God to Heaven! Get out!"

In an instant, the God of Light disappeared completely, and Brahma was still Brahma without calamity!

Luo Li looked at him and said in great surprise: "You, you, or Fan Wujie?"

Fan Wujie laughed and said: "Senior Brother Luo Li, I will not let this long-dead thing control my life!

Have you forgotten the wonderful use of our Chongshengxinjue? I am who I am, I will not be controlled by external things, I can come and go as soon as I am called upon, this is the way of my generation! "

Following Fan Wujie's words, the light of the Glazed Sea on Luo Li's body dissipated, and the Jing Ge phenomenon appeared. In the future battles, no one of them can use the Glazed Sea!

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li and said, "Senior brother Luo Li, the current Jinfu Tu and Liuli Sea are all ruined. Let me see what you can argue with me about!

In addition, let me tell you, what I am really best at is Ten Thousand Hell Flames! "

After saying that, endless fire rose up on him! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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