Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 671: The Eight Primordial Dao of Hunyuan! (Second update, please subscribe for a m

After resting for twelve hours, the Glazed Sea appeared again, the Holy Land of Five Laws was restored, the True Qi of the Glazed Sea returned to Luo Li's control, and Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief and could fight again.

It seemed that it was expected that the phenomenon of Hunyuan Resonance Holy Land Jingge would appear frequently in the subsequent battles. The next round of competition took a full day of rest before proceeding.

This time, the battle for the top 64 to advance to the top 32 was no longer taking place in sixteen arenas, but concentrated on four arenas to facilitate all Hunyuan Sect monks to watch the battle.

Continuing to draw lots to decide the next opponent, Luo Li fought in the third arena for the fifth time.

In yesterday's battle, Master Jingren was also defeated, losing to Master Jingzhen Lin Daru.

However, Senior Brother Qizhu Tiandu was victorious. Senior Brother Tiandu’s twelve thousand clones were extremely shameless. They used the power of the Forest of Living Beings to its limit. There were clones all over the sky and endless subordinates. No matter what spells or magical powers you used. , under that sea of ​​people, they were crushed.

However, Senior Brother Qizhu won silently. Both his opponent and the monks watching the battle were convinced. He did not use any Hunyuan Sect's great skills, but used the Hunyuan Six Ultimate Pangu Ax during the Hunyuan Sect's Qi Refining Period. If the ax goes down, no one can stop it!

This ax is extremely refined and pure, returning to its original nature. It has the same momentum as when Jin Shengzhen used the Hunyuan Hammer to explode the Jinglin Sect's formation in Liangzhou.

Qizhu, Tiandu, and Luo Li stood out in this golden elixir competition. All of them had formed elixirs within a hundred years, and they swept away the Hunyuan Sect monks!

However, Qizhu was the reincarnation of an old senior of the Hunyuan Sect, and he refined an innate spiritual treasure to advance to the golden elixir realm. With this achievement, everyone regarded it as normal. In addition, Tiandu was the reincarnation of the True God Transformation Lord. Back then, It is considered normal to have such a record of creating the Five Paths of the Forest of Living Beings.

Only Luo Li, the swordsman who was considered to be unable to go far back then, had such achievements that caught everyone's attention!

In fact, in addition to Luo Li, Qizhu, Tiandu and other three people, there is another person who has been forming the elixir for less than a hundred years and has been fighting until now, that is Brahma Wujie!

Fan Wujie also won a great victory in this battle!

However, Fan Wujie didn't know why, but he never met the powerful real person of Hunyuan Sect, and he didn't use any shocking magic during the battle.

In addition, Fan Wujie will monopolize all the illusion training and trials of the Zhuanzhou lineage. He will also expand the benefits of all the time of the Zhuanzhou lineage and enjoy them all. After ten years of practice, it is equivalent to three hundred years of practice. The golden elixir of the Zhuanzhou lineage Real people complained about this numerous times. As for the other sects Jindan Daoist, they did not regard him as Jindan Daoist who had been forming elixirs for less than a hundred years, so he was ignored by everyone!

Soon it was Luo Li's turn to play, and his opponent Luo Li also knew him. He was the real Zhuanzhou Zhanhai, whom he had met last time in Chongxuan Sect.

Master Zhan Hai couldn't help but said: "Luo Li, are you at the fourth level of the Golden Core?"

The last time they met Luo Li was the foundation building perfection, but today they were at the fourth level of the golden elixir, and the two met on the stage.

Luo Li said: "Yes, senior!"

Master Zhanhai said: "The last time I saw you, I was at the sixth level of the Golden Core. After five years of hard training, I was finally promoted to the seventh level of the Golden Core. But you are already at the fourth level. Are you too fast?

If cultivation at Tian Qing Peak is so fast, I will give up Zhuanzhou and go to Tian Qing Peak to practice. "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was speechless. Master Zhan Hai laughed and said: "Haha, just a joke! Come on!"

After saying that, the two of them recited the incantation together:

"My name is Invincible..."

They used the Chongsheng Heart Art together, but three golden dawns rose up on Luo Li's body, and Zhan Hai's strength surged several times.

Watching Luo Li release Jin Chenxi, Master Zhanhai knew that Luo Li was about to release Ling Dingyang. In an instant, he began to cast a spell and immediately disappeared, never to be seen again. This is the variant spell of Liulihai's Eleventh Killer Taixuan Cleansing and Hiding Killing. Zhanhai Zhenren completely disappeared without a trace. Use this method to fight against Luo Li's scattered oceans from all over the world.

Luo Li let out a long breath. No matter where he was hiding, come on. He stretched out his hand suddenly and sent out scattered waves from all over the world.

Thousands of feet in radius, there is a streak of glazed brilliance, like the sea, all over the world, everything within a thousand feet is turned into powder.

At the same time, the second and third channels are erupting from all over the world, no matter where you are hiding, covering all directions, all areas, and complete coverage.

But in this sea of ​​​​light, there is no trace of Zhanhai Zhenren. This variant of Taixuan's cleansing and hidden killing spell is Zhanhai Zhenren's fusion of the Golden Light Escape Technique of the Divine Escape Sect and the Lingbo Duxu Body Technique of the Void and Mist Sect. Cheng, the whole person is between half reality and half virtual, hidden deep in the edge of dimensional space. Even if he is caught by the glass sea, it will be fine!

Seeing Luo Li who couldn't find him, Master Zhanhai sneered. He took out a doll and began to dance around it. What he used was clearly witchcraft. The 51st Killer of Liulihai Seahorse Demonic Resentment Killer A variant spell to curse the opponent and kill people invisible, thereby breaking through Luo Li's Jin Chenxi defense.

Luo Li let out a long breath, and sent out three more waves in succession. The entire arena was filtered through, but he couldn't find the opponent.

He pulled back his hand slightly, opened his eyes angrily, and looked in all directions.

He exerted his divine eye to its maximum power. Under his divine eye, wherever he looked, there was no secret between heaven and earth, and nothing could be hidden!

It happened that Master Zhanhai was halfway through his witchcraft, when he secretly peeked at Luo Li and looked into Luo Li's divine eyes. He immediately covered his eyes and his eyes were immediately injured.

Luo Li immediately sensed the location of Zhan Hai Zhenren and then took action.

The magical power of form and shadow exploded, and in one breath, there were four lakes and seas, covering a thousand feet in radius.

Although Zhan Hai Zhenren's Taixuan Cleansing and Hiding Killing is at the edge of the dimension and can weaken the spell bombardment, Luo Li's four scattered oceans are too violent and cannot be weakened much at all.

After the light passed, Luo Li left the ring. Zhanhai Zhenren was invisibility and was beaten to death by Luo Li. Luo Li won! Promoted to the top thirty-two!

The battle was victorious and the battle was over. Zhanhai Zhenren rubbed his eyes and came to Luo Li and said, "What kind of magic is this? It was a virtual arena just now. Why are my eyes injured?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "This is Shuimu Nianhua Guangyin Eye!"

Zhanhai Zhenren said: "Impossible, I know the Shuimu Nianhua Guangyin Eye. It is a very popular eye technique, how can it be so powerful?"

Luo Li said: "I used heaven-level spiritual water to wash my eyes, and it wasn't just one!"

Master Zhan Hai suddenly realized it and said: "So that's it!"

Master Zhanhai did not leave. He followed Luo Li to Tianqing Peak. This time Luo Li returned to Tianqing Peak. The number of monks who came here to ask about Master Huchan was twice as many as the last time, and some Nascent Souls began to appear. The true king appears in it.

Master Zhanhai joined them and asked Master Huchan about Tian Qingfeng's quick way to achieve success.

Looking at the huge crowd of people surrounding his master, Luo Li couldn't help but scratch his head, but he was secretly happy that no one would say that it was a big mistake for True Monarch Hu Chan to use the ninth-level magic weapon to choose himself.

Continuing to fight, the thirty-two strong, after Luo Li came to the stage, he still used two moves. First, he released Jin Chenxi to protect himself, and then he blasted his opponent with a single wave.

Although the opponent used various tricks and countermeasures, under Luo Li's Lingding Ocean and under this terrifying and powerful violent bombardment.

One method defeated all methods, sweeping across the world, unstoppable, and had to be defeated in the end. Luo Li was promoted to the top sixteen.

There was only one arena for the battle among the top sixteen, and all the Hunyuan Sect monks watched the battle.

Luo Li met Master Beining of Datong Mountain here, and it was he who taught him the way to Tongtian Peak.

The real person Beining refined the fourth direction Zhu Minghui Zhenluo Futian of three mountains, five mountains and ten directions.

The two of them were fighting against each other, fighting across three mountains, five mountains, and ten directions from all over the world!

"Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean."

"Thousands of clouds come out of Mount Luo, and peaks of floating islands come out of the sky."

There is only such an echo between heaven and earth!

This battle opened the eyes of all the Hunyuan Sect monks and revealed the power of the head of the eight Hunyuan Qi!

Why do you need this magic, why do you need that magical power? Just one strike can turn the world upside down and destroy everything. This is the true meaning of Hunyuan Sect!

One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan destroys the universe!

The two of them exchanged a total of twelve blows at once. The mountains and rivers were shattered and the vegetation turned into ashes.

Although Beining Zhenren has cultivated Zhu Minghui's True Luofu to the realm of Dacheng, and although he has hundreds of years more cultivation than Luo Li, with the help of the Chongsheng magical power and the magical power of form and shadow, in the end, the scattered oceans from all over the world destroyed Zhu Minghui's True Luofu. sky!

Luo Li was promoted to the top eight!

After the war, Luo Li's holy land Liuli Sea was closed again and it would take twelve hours before it could be used.

At this time, the list of the top eight was born. The top eight were: Zhengyifu Huangli Zhenren, Jinghuo Island Wanzhu Zhenren, Zhezangya Tianxiang Zhenren, Jingzhen Linliugu Zhenren, Zhuanzhougu Fanwujie, Tianqingfeng Qizhu, Tiandu, Luoli!

The top eight were born, and one person from each of the five ridges entered the top eight. This shows the strength of the five major branches of the Hunyuan Sect. However, the one who really stole the show this time was Tian Qingfeng, and the remaining three places were occupied by Tianqingfeng.

After entering the top eight, the draw began. Senior Brother Qizhu faced off against Master Wan Zhu from Jinghuo Island, Brother Fanwujie faced off against Master Huang Li from Zhengyifu, and Senior Brother Tiandu faced off against Master Zhezangya Tianxiang. Luo Li drew the fourth battle, against Zhenren Jingzhen Lin Liugu.

Luo Li returned to Tianqing Peak to rest and wait for the battle of the top eight!

That night, in the middle of the night, Luo Li heard his master's call and came to the bodhi tree. Lord Huchan looked at Luo Li and smiled. In an instant, Luo Li flashed and was moved to a continent.

This is the Pangu world of True Monarch Hu Chan, which has turned into a thousand-mile land!

At this moment, True Monarch Hu Chan appeared and said: "Disciple, that Junior Brother Liugu, who is practicing Jingzhen in the Forest of All Living Beings, is of the same lineage as the Jingzhen of the Forest of All Living Beings."

Having said this, Luo Li knew that Senior Brother Wang Wu's Way of Giants in the Forest of Living Beings had left a deep impression on him.

True Monarch Huchan continued: "Your blind bombardment from all over the world may not be able to break through his original path of sentient beings!"

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Master, what do you think is the original path of sentient beings in the Forest of Living Beings that Master Liugu cultivates?"

Master Hu Chan nodded and said: "Yes, you once asked me before, Tu Huang is the barbaric way, Wood God is the god and devil way, then what is the way of Patriarch Jin Sheng?

Now let me tell you, what Patriarch Jin Sheng created is the original Tao, and the practitioners are your Uncle Liugu and Senior Brother Wang Wu! "(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

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