Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 670: The Great Destruction of Kuo Cang Ling Ding Yang!

Luo Li's fighting spirit was high, but he still followed the rules of Hunyuan Sect and saluted and said: "Luo Li of Tianqing Peak! Senior, please!"

After finishing speaking, in an instant, two golden lights rose up on them at the same time. The two of them used the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn at the same time to form a super defense.

It's just that Luo Li also used the Chongsheng magical power and the magical power of form and shadow. The golden morning light was three times stronger, and there were two of them. But he is not afraid of the golden morning light in the real person's place. It is majestic, thick and radiant. He practiced this method three hundred years ago and practiced hard for three hundred years. This golden morning light has already reached the realm of Dacheng. He and Luo Li just couldn't do it. A few months are completely different.

The two of them, Jin Chenxi, one is about quantity and the other is about quality, they are completely following two routes.

Jin Chenxi from both sides appeared and immediately began to prepare the second spell.

Luo Li slowly chanted: "My name is invincible, I am God, I am Saint, I am myself, I control everything, I own everything, my power is endless, my Qi is boundless..."

As Luo Li cast the spell, Sanskrit sounds appeared in the heaven and earth:

“Once we have experienced hardships, only the stars around us are scattered.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind flutters and the catkins float, and the life experience is ups and downs.

Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean.


The other party, who was not afraid of the real person, was also casting spells quickly, and kept chanting the spell:

"The innate Qi transforms into samadhi, the true fire is unquenchable, burns the sky and destroys the earth, rushes up to Qingming, and descends into the Nine Netherworlds. It is endless and has no movement, and it destroys infinitely. The fire is like a jade baby, and in the light of hundreds of treasures, it is as fine as a mote of dust. The illumination is omnipresent, the six and eight extremes, inside and outside, up and down, real fire shoots, silk and silk nets...

Calling Yandang to the south, facing the Tiantai to the north, adjoining the Immortal Capital to the west, overlooking the sea to the east, three mountains appear, and five mountains are born. "

On the body of the fearless master, the Five Mountains appear one after another, Mount Tai, Mount Heng, Mount Hua, Mount Heng, Mount Song...

However, these five mountains did not appear side by side as before. Instead, they covered each other one by one. Then three mountains appeared, also overlapping each other. Finally, all three mountains and five mountains appeared, and they began to merge and become one!

Gradually, an illusory world appeared above the head of Master Buwei. It was a mountainous world. In this mountainous world, the rivers were beautiful and vast, the peaks were tall and steep, and the mountains and rivers were picturesque and wonderful!

Among them, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are shining, which is really spectacular, like floating in a fairyland, with long clouds, bright rainbows, and an endless sea of ​​clouds, rushing and rolling. The peaks are like isolated islands in this sea of ​​clouds, floating and looming, with endless changes.

This world is a thousand feet long, and this is the fifth of the three mountains, five mountains, and ten directions of the sky, You Shen You Xu Kuo Cang Tian!

However, Luo Li immediately saw the problem. There was an essential difference between this and the Sixth-Party Shangqing Yuping Chicheng Heaven used by True Monarch Hu Chan. The heaven and earth of True Monarch Hu Chan was truly a place full of vitality. land. And this side of the world has a vague illusion. It seems that the ten directions of the world are not afraid of the real person, but they are only a small success and have not yet reached the great success!

However, with the emergence of this world, there seems to be a resonance in the entire sky:

“The natural barrier is dangerous and the mountains are majestic!”

“The natural barrier is dangerous and the mountains are majestic!”

“The natural barrier is dangerous and the mountains are majestic!”

This voice resounded throughout the heaven and earth, as if to congratulate this Youxu Kuo sky for appearing between heaven and earth! It seemed like the whole world was shouting and singing for him!

In fact, the spells cast by Daoist Dao are several times more powerful than those of Luo Li, but he recited them instantly, as if screaming, and recited them all at super speed. This is the super spell reciting technique of Hunyuan Sect. It is one of the ninety-nine super skills of the inner sect of the Hunyuan Sect. It has been 450 years since the real person formed the elixir, and many super skills have been refined long ago!

Therefore, the immortal You Shen You Xu Kuo Tian appeared first, and a world appeared above the entire arena!

With the later stages of the Jindan Competition and the past achievements of Luo Li and Bu Wei Zhenren, many Jindan Zhenren of the Hunyuan Sect have paid attention to Luo Li's arena. When they saw the appearance of Youshen Youxukuo Cangtian, many people were immediately shocked. shouted:

"Three mountains, five mountains and ten directions of heaven!"

"Look, look, look, there are three mountains, five mountains, ten squares of sky, five lakes, four seas and only one ocean!"

“I don’t know who will win! It’s so exciting!”

In the midst of their discussion, Luo Li's five lakes and seas took shape, and a bright pillar of light appeared, turning into a sea of ​​light and blasting towards the You Shen You Xu Kuo sky!

"There are so many oceans all over the world!"

"Ling Dingyang also appeared, the strongest spell of Liulihai against the strongest spell of Tongtian Peak!"

"I don't know who is the most powerful!"

Suddenly, the mountain and the sea collided!

There is a strange resonance between heaven and earth:

“The natural barrier is dangerous and the mountains are majestic!”

“The natural barrier is dangerous and the mountains are majestic!”

“The natural barrier is dangerous and the mountains are majestic!”

"Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean."

"Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean."

"Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean."

It's just that "the sky is dangerous and the west barrier is great, and the peaks and mountains are majestic!" is the echo of the resonance of heaven and earth, while "fear is said to be frightened on the beach, and one is alone in the ocean." is really echoed three times in a row!

Luo Li's magical power of shape and shadow was activated, making two shadows in one movement and striking three times in a row!

Boom, boom, boom!

The moment of fighting, the results will be produced immediately!

Boom, boom, boom!

The world explodes and everything collapses!

The sky collapsed, the earth was destroyed, the five mountains were shaken, the three mountains were shattered, the clouds dispersed, and the world was destroyed...

Under three times the size of the five lakes and four seas, Youshen Youxukuo and the sky were completely defeated!

The world of mountains and rivers was directly crushed and destroyed by the sea of ​​light!

Then, without fear of the golden light erupting from the real person, Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi tried his best to protect his master. However, under this sea of ​​light, Jin Chenxi turned into the largest golden light, and bounced the damage with all his strength, but everything was meaningless, just in Liuli Extinguished in the sea of ​​light, fearless that the real person will turn into ashes, defeated, and dead!

The countless Jindan Masters who watched this battle were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe that this battle was so simple. With one blow, Master Buwei, one of the strong men of the Hunyuan Sect, disappeared like this!

This world is so amazing!

However, those with a discerning eye can see that it is not the Five Lakes and Four Seas Lingding Ocean, but Luo Li's three consecutive attacks on the Five Lakes and Four Seas Lingding Ocean. This is the real scary thing!

You must know that if you use this super-level spell once, it will take at least a certain amount of time for your body to slowly recover before you can use it a second time. But Luo Li was all over the place three times in a row. This was simply terrifying to the extreme!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, he won!

I vented my anger for Uncle Jiuxiang and was promoted to the top sixty-four!

After leaving the arena, for some reason, Luo Li discovered that he had lost contact with the Liuli Sea, the Holy Land of the Five Dharma, after the waves were sent out from all over the world.

You can clearly feel that it is there, but it cannot provide any true energy. It is as if it is useless. Luo Li can no longer use any of the seventy-nine kill moves of Glazed Sea, and Ling Dingyang from all over the world can't use it anymore!

Luo Li used more than ten spells in a row, but there was no response at all from the Holy Land Liulihai. He was suddenly shocked and hurriedly asked Master Jiuxiang who was watching the battle on one side.

When Master Jiuxiang heard this phenomenon, he smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, Luo Li, this is called the Hunyuan Resonance Holy Land Jingge phenomenon.

This phenomenon is also one of the reasons why our Hunyuan Sect is united and has no internal fighting at all. As long as two Hunyuan Sect monks use the same level of Hunyuan Five Techniques to fight against each other, regardless of victory or defeat, it will lead to five conflicts between the two. The Dharma Holy Land resonates and is all in a paralyzed state. It will automatically recover after twelve hours.

Therefore, as long as the monks of the Hunyuan Sect fight among themselves, they are abandoning their martial arts and seeking death!

In your previous battles, the five Hunyuan spells used by the opponent were too different from your Lingding Ocean of the Five Lakes and Four Seas, so there was no resonance. However, the Shifangtian used by Dawei Zhenren was about the same strength as your Lingding Ocean. It’s almost the same, so both of you have the phenomenon of Hunyuan Resonance Holy Land Jingge, and you will not be able to use the corresponding Five Dharma Holy Lands within twelve hours. "

Luo Li sighed, so it turns out that this is the case. There is this phenomenon. If the Hunyuan Sect monks fight among themselves, after the fight, the spell strength is the same, and then the Holy Land Jingge will all become useless...

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Uncle Master, if other sects use great teleportation spells to reflect our spells, and use our Hunyuan Sect's spells to bombard our Hunyuan Sect's spells, wouldn't we all be doomed?"

Master Jiuxiang laughed and said: "It's not like this has never happened before, the Xiantian Yiqi Sect did this back then.

But there is no need to worry. This phenomenon was caused by the prohibitions that the Patriarch Hunyuanzi added to the exercises after he saw the internal fighting in Kunlun, the quarrels between the same sects, and the complete collapse of the great country. He felt sad and established the sect.

If other sects try to take advantage of this and trick me, Hunyuan Sect, they will all cry. Xiantian Yiqi Sect will suffer a big loss because of this! "

Luo Li continued to ask Master Jiuxiang for advice. Everyone returned to Tianqing Peak. Luo Li suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon. In the courtyard, there were more than a hundred Jindan Masters.

Master Wanxiang, Master Daoyu, Master Chiling, and Master Buwei are also here. Countless Masters Jindan are here. They surround Master Huchan and ask questions.

"Senior Brother Huchan, how did Luo Li become the world's only one?"

"Uncle Master Tiger, why can Luo Li use the core technique of Xingying Cave? Why can Luo Li use the Chongsheng Heart Technique!"

"Senior Brother Huchan, I am now starting to practice at Tianqing Peak. Do you think I can achieve such a great skill?"

These seniors were all shocked by Luo Li's magic. They were too embarrassed to question Luo Li, so they all came over to seek help from True Monarch Hu Chan.

True Monarch Hu Chan did not hide anything, he said whatever he wanted and told everyone all the techniques of Tian Qingfeng Golden Pill to break through the orifice.

However, this golden elixir breaking technique must have the support accumulated hard during the foundation building period of Tianqing Peak before it can be used to break the golden elixir. Many golden elixir masters present have already mastered the golden elixir and are completely unable to do it.

In addition, even if the golden elixir can break through the orifice, Luo Li's magical power of form, shadow, and sacred power cannot be achieved by anyone, because even the True Monarch Hu Chan himself can't do it. It belongs to Hunyuan Sect's transformation method and cannot be copied.

Luo Li himself can practice the large, medium and small Wuxiang, but these three Wuxiang come from the remains of war martyrdoms. Luo Li can only learn them. He only has the right to use them and has no way to pass them on to others. True Monarch Hu Chan possesses the six secret techniques of Immortal Qin, including Many of them were unable to teach others, so Lord Huchan did not reveal this secret to everyone, but only talked about Hunyuan Transformation and Different Methods.

Everyone heard this and sighed, but they would not give up just yet. The Hunyuan Sect's habit is to study and transform and persevere. Looking at the light in their eyes, they knew that this would be their future cultivation direction, but they did not know that there would be How many people died because of this! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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