Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 672: The top four of Hu Chan’s teachings appear! (Third update, please subscribe f

Luo Li said: "Original way? Original way!"

Lord Hu Chan said: "Yes, all things are primitive and the way of heaven is natural!

The terrifying and powerful way of the forest of sentient beings!

However, Patriarch Jin Sheng’s primitive way has its own weaknesses! "

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Master, what's your weakness?"

Lord Huchan said:

"A leisurely journey with all things together is probably due to Zhuangyi's wishes.

The Holy Sect has great Dharma, and you will never know the place of death before you reach it.

The original will return to the end, and the end will be the same as the beginning.

My body is blocked by heaven and earth, and my energy is handsome by heaven and earth.


Luo Li listened attentively, and Lord Huchan explained:

"The original way makes all living beings incarnate in the forest, go back in time, and return to their ancestors to be the strongest!

In today's world, no matter whether it is pigs, dogs, horses or sheep, their ancestors were terrible wild beasts in the prehistoric era. Only after their ancestors surrendered did they become three birds and six animals.

This primitive way can make many clones in the forest of living beings return to their true nature, return to the state of their ancestors in the prehistoric era, and transform into the most terrifying wild beasts, thereby giving birth to endless power.

In addition, all creatures in the world, even the most terrifying dragons, were insignificant when they were first born. Under this primitive way, any creature can transcend time and become the most powerful in life.

Using this method, you can obtain countless clones of the strongest sentient beings, and then use the method of Jingzhen Forest to merge the incarnation and the monk into one. Borrow the power of these clones to merge multiple clones into one, so Junior Brother Liugu can kill the Ice and Snow God. True Lord Gong Binning.

But it will take time for this forest of sentient beings to return to its original state. This is your chance! "

Luo Li said: "Time?"

Lord Huchan said: "Yes, whether it is returning to one's ancestors or becoming stronger, it takes time. As long as you seize this time difference and kill him in the bud, you will win!"

Luo Li said: "Disciple understands!"

Lord Huchan shook his head and said: "No, you don't understand. Junior Brother Liugu must study your tactics and formulate ways to deal with you!

Your Lingdingyang contains the meaning of law. No one has died since ancient times. However, his primitive way of living beings is the fusion of clones of tree species. He can sacrifice a clone to break your meaning of law, so that only the harm of Lingdingyang is left. force.

This will be much easier to handle. When the time comes, he can borrow giant clones, dragon clones, water spirit clones, and various ways of living beings to resist your spell bombardment.

Therefore, to defeat him, you must concentrate your blasts and exert your Ling Ding Yang power to the limit, making him unable to avoid or hide! Defeat him! "

Luo Li kept nodding, and True Lord Huchan said: "Come, I will teach you how to destroy him now!

We first use the two major lakes of Jiuzhen Piaomiao and Huangpeng Yanbo, and use their characteristics to pretend to be Ling Dingyang, luring Junior Brother Liugu to sacrifice his clone to break your spell, and then we will seize the key point..."

Master Huchan began to teach the Dharma, and Luo Li began to study. The two of them began to practice in this cave, one learning and the other teaching.

Originally, the top eight battle would be held the next day and lasted only one night, but in this cave, Zhenjun Huchan taught Luo Li three days and three nights.

It seems that Master Huchan's Pangu world has the magical effect of time expansion.

In the master's cave world, Luo Li felt extremely comfortable. Thinking about it again, he couldn't help but frown and said:

"Master, how did you build this cave world?"

True Monarch Hu Chan said: "My cave world has put countless efforts into it. By the way, have you harvested a few cave heaven magic weapons from Chongxuan Sect?"

Luo Li said: "Yes, Master, Taixu Heaven and Earth, Fingertip Buddha Kingdom and Demon Refining Pot, but my Taichu Cave Heaven cannot refine the complete Cave Heaven Magic Treasure!"

True Monarch Hu Chan laughed and said: "You don't know how to ask Master, a living person can still choke to death with urine. As long as you have an idea, there are many ways. When the competition is over, I will help you refine these three cave-heaven magic weapons!"

These three cave-heaven magic weapons each have magical powers. I will help you evolve them when the time comes. "

Luo Li said: "Yes, disciple understands!"

Leaving the Pangu world of Lord Huchan, the next day, the battle of the eight powerful forces began.

Many Hunyuan Sect monks gathered in the square to watch the battle, and countless comments rang out:

"Who do you think will win this time?"

"I think it's Huang Li. Huang Li is a senior of our Hunyuan Sect. He's very powerful!"

"I think it's Master Tianxiang, Master Tianxiang is the strongest!"

"No, I think it's Zhenren Wan Zhu."

"You all don't know this, right? Let me tell you that Zhenren Liugu is the strongest. Three years ago, he killed Zhenjun Bingning of Ice and Snow Palace."

"No, Lord Bing Ning of Ice and Snow Palace actually died in his hands!"

"Yes, it's him, so he is the strongest!"

"Actually, I feel that Qizhu from Tianqing Peak is the strongest!"

"Although this Qizhu is very powerful, its elixir formation time is too short, so I'm not optimistic about it."

"Yes, yes, I think Master Liu Gu is the strongest!"

No one mentioned Luo Li and Fan Wujie. Although they were powerful, the others were also extraordinary, and no one thought highly of them!

The war begins. In the first battle, Brother Qizhu fights against Master Wanzhu of Jinghuo Island. Master Wanzhu has powerful magic power. He uses the core technique of Zhengyifu to the limit. In his hands, whether it is Jinchenxi of Jinfutu or Eternal Buddha, , the golden sword that cuts through the Yuan and breaks the world, is still the dazzling flame of the Ten Thousand Hell Flames that wipes the day, the fire that does not stain the world, is still the second one among the three mountains and five mountains in the ten directions of the sky. Xuantian, use them all, extremely powerful!

But in front of Qizhu, in front of the Pangu Ax, these super-level spells of the Hunyuan Sect were defeated one by one, and finally failed miserably!

In this battle, everyone was dumbfounded, and finally came to the conclusion that the power of Qizhu was no match for Nascent Soul Lord, and he was close to the edge of becoming a god.

For a time, the legend about Qizhu was once again mentioned by countless people. Especially after watching the battle, Patriarch Tianya sighed:

"Everyone in the world says that Hunyuan and I are the most ruthless in Tianya, but in my opinion, only Qizhu is the most ruthless. He is not only ruthless to his enemies, but also ruthless to himself. He can give up his life just for the sake of the Dao!"

The second battle between Fan Wujie and Zhengyi Mansion Huang Li shocked everyone. Fan Wujie's wild way fought here and exerted its most powerful power. After only three summons, the ancient innate spiritual treasure Yin Yang Gourd was Appeared, Huang Li was defeated!

Then in the third battle, Brother Tiandu fought against Zhezangya Tianxiang Zhenren. So far, Jin Chenxi, the Eternal Pagoda, has almost become a standard equipment, and all the top eight who are fighting here have been mastered.

In this battle, the endless sea of ​​people from Brother Tiandu appeared again. Master Tianxiang tried his best, but under this sea of ​​12,000 people, he fought hard for a day and a night, and finally lost!

No one expected that all the veteran Jindan masters of the Hunyuan Sect were defeated, and the winners were all newcomers with Jindan who were less than a century old!

This golden elixir competition represents the beginning of an era for the Hunyuan Sect, with countless newcomers emerging!

Countless people focused their attention on Luo Li and watched his battle with Master Liu Gu! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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