Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 664: A hundred miles of loss will be sent to the same sect!

Liu Qingpu continued to shout: "Junior sister, junior sister, don't leave me, junior sister, junior sister, is Zong Ru so good? Do you really want to be with him?"

"Why, why, am I really not as good as Junior Brother Zongru? In terms of cultivation, he is no match for me. In terms of appearance, I am more handsome than him. In terms of appearance, I have countless more spiritual stones than him. Why don't you like me, Junior Sister? "

"Master, Junior Sister, they all think highly of me, Junior Sister, Junior Sister, why don't you like me, why!"

When Luo Li saw this scene, he couldn't help but froze!

Jingren's surname was Liu, and Liu Qingpu was a baby the couple picked up when they were traveling around the world, so they took his surname and Liu Qingqing was their daughter. In addition to the two of them, Master Jingren also accepted a disciple named Li Zongru.

Liu Qingpu, Liu Qingqing, and Li Zongru have a close relationship and are together all the time. Hearing Liu Qingpu shouting like this today, Luo Li immediately knew that the three of them had always been in love with each other, two men chasing one woman.

And Liu Qingqing finally made a choice. She chose Li Zongru and gave up Liu Qingpu.

Lord Huchan said: "Love, love, love! The most difficult difficulty in the world!"

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "Master, is there any other way?"

Lord Huchan shook his head and said: "The tidal catastrophe of Yuan Neng can only rely on himself. I hope he can control the last ray of clarity!"

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "What if I can't control it?"

Lord Hu Chan said: "Then just let it be, and you will survive a narrow escape! However, in the history of our Hunyuan Sect, there are seniors who were unable to control themselves and fell deeply into the tide of Yuan energy, but in the end they managed to survive. , but only a very few!

At this moment, Liu Qingqing and Li Zongru on the other side both woke up one after another. Although they had gritted their teeth just now and had pain on their faces, they survived their inner demons in the end and did not fall into the demonic barrier like Liu Qingpu.

Liu Qingqing shouted from the side: "Brother, senior brother, wake up, wake up!"

Li Zongru also shouted from the side: "Brother, no, wake up quickly!"

But Liu Qingpu didn't hear anything. His expression suddenly changed and turned into an extremely ferocious expression:

"Zong Ru, I'm sorry, as long as you die, Qingqing will be mine, so go die!"

He still failed to maintain his final clarity. In the hallucination, he could kill Li Zongru as long as he let go!

In the dark, it seemed that as soon as he let go, Li Zongru fell into the endless abyss in his closed world, but in reality, the light connecting him and everyone was instantly cut off.

Liu Qingpu woke up at the last moment, opened his eyes, and looked at everyone, his eyes filled with incomparable regret and unwillingness. Then in an instant, no one could see him again in this tide of energy.

Losing the light connection of everyone and the support of the soul, in this tide, his soul will eventually be completely turned into nothingness by the tide of yuan energy, the soul will dissipate, and the person will die!

Liu Qingqing on the side began to cry, but there was no way, life was like this.

This Yuan Energy Tide raged for another full hour. The sun set in the distance, and the Yuan Energy Tide gradually began to dim. Finally, a bell seemed to sound, and all the tides dissipated in an instant. Luo Li finally regained control of his body.

Slowly opening his eyes, he returned to the central courtyard of Qingfeng that day. There were bursts of crying in his ears. It was Liu Qingqing's crying. Looking there, Liu Qingpu was sitting there, as if he was the same as before entering meditation. , but the soul is completely destroyed, the person is dead, there is no breath, only the body is here.

Master Jingren and Master Jiuxiang held hands with each other and stood in front of their apprentices with sad expressions. This Liu Qingpu had been raised by them as if they were their own sons.

Liu Qingqing cried loudly, and Li Zongru also shed tears, full of sadness!

Luo Li walked over and came to Liu Qingpu, slowly chanting:

"Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil, life will eventually die, spirits will eventually perish, and all things will eventually perish. In glory, they are just a handful of loess and a handful of green ashes! A hundred years of life is like a dream. How can there be anything eternal? The sunset is apocalyptic, and the horror is audible, but it lasts only a moment..."

Life is like this, this is a catastrophe. Liu Qingpu failed to pass and fell naturally. It was the most terrible death. The soul of the soul dissipated, and reincarnation was impossible!

Not only was this the case in Tianqingfeng, but also from other continents, there were sad sounds. Many monks failed to survive the catastrophe of inner demons, and finally insisted on their true intentions, and finally let go...

In this sorrow, Zhenjun Huchan said slowly:

"Don't cry, this is the life of a monk. If you are facing a catastrophe, if you can't pass it, you will become ashes immediately!"

The person has disappeared, let’s give him a good burial, we will continue to work hard, keep our true heart, and move forward on the road! We will continue to walk the road he has not finished on his behalf! "

All the disciples answered together: "Yes!"

Soon the Hunyuan Sect casualty data was quickly gathered here. This time, a total of thirty-four people failed to pass the catastrophe, including eighteen golden elixir masters and sixteen foundation-building masters, which was equivalent to one percent loss.

In this catastrophe, more Jindan Masters died than Foundation Establishment cultivators. Those Jindan Masters were the batch of Jindan Masters who did not want to fall behind others and were anxious to be promoted after Feng Zixu was promoted.

Luo Li was particularly concerned about Fan Wujie. When the news came that Fan Wujie had also overcome this difficulty, Luo Li couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know whether he was lucky or helpless.

When the tide ended, the Hunyuan Sect held a funeral. As they died, all the trees of life and death they planted died. The trees of life and death were cut down, coffins were made for them, and then they were buried in the Hunyuan Sect cemetery. .

Death in this tide of energy, the destruction of the soul, even reincarnation without a chance, is the real death. Seeing those tombstones erected, Luo Li felt very sad in his heart.

Head Ishikawa looked at the many disciples here and slowly said:

"My fellow disciples, after six hundred years of catastrophe, our Hunyuan Sect has added thirty-four new tombs!

Maybe in the future, we will all erect our own tombstones here, maybe, so! But maybe not!

Although our Hunyuan Sect claims that we do not seek immortality, this is because our Hunyuan Sect does not seek to live on our knees, but only seeks to die standing, fight to the end, and live between heaven and earth for just one breath!

Not seeking immortality does not mean not seeking immortality, because it is just impossible. Due to the constraints of heaven and earth, our Hunyuan Sect does not have an ascended ancestor so far, and no one can live forever!

But we have always believed that in the future, we will have disciples who will break the shackles of this world, open up a new path, ascend to the fairy world, and truly be immortal!

I, Tongmian, on this rugged immortal road, bravely forge ahead, break through the shackles, constantly strive for self-improvement, pursue my way, never retreat, and never regret until death. "

Following his words, all the Hunyuan Sect disciples shouted together: "Never retreat, and you will never regret it until you die."

Head Ishikawa continued: "Okay, in three days, our Hunyuan Sect's competition will begin!

Foundation building competition, Golden elixir competition, Nascent Soul competition!

In every realm competition, as long as you try your best, the sect will receive heavy rewards!

The rewards will be extremely generous, especially for the top ten, top three, and first place. They will be so generous that they will make you smile from ear to ear!

In addition, among the golden elixir competitions, the first three represented our Hunyuan Sect to participate in the Chunan Regional Heroes Meeting!

They all said that now that the Ascension Channel is reconnected, our Hunyuan Sect will decline and fall out of the door. Then let them see the power of my Hunyuan Sect! "

The funeral was over, the sadness was hidden, and everyone began to prepare for the sect competition three days later.

Everyone dispersed, and just as Luo Li was about to leave, someone suddenly shouted: "Senior Brother Luo Li!"

Luo Li looked back and saw that it was Fan Wujie. However, Luo Li was stunned. Fan Wujie was different from before.

In the past, his face was dusty, his temples were like frost, and he looked old and senile. But now he was no longer so aging. Except for the graying of his temples, he showed no signs of aging. He looked like a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties. Even though he is young, he has an incomparable mature charm.

Luo Li hesitated and said, "You, why have you changed again!"

Fan Wujie smiled and said: "Senior Brother Luo Li, the way I used to be, I always wanted you to relax your vigilance, and then during the competition, I would beat you hard enough to leave you with teeth all over the floor!"

Luo Li also smiled and said, "I know!"

Fan Wujie didn't know because of Luo Li, but Luo Li had peered into the past through his divine eyes and discovered the truth in the Star Golden Tower.

Fan Wujie continued: "But in this catastrophe, I suddenly realized that I was wrong!

I used to think that the reason why I hate you so much is actually the secret method of Zhuanzhou lineage, using you as the inner demon, turning it into the fulcrum of Zhuanzhou lineage's cultivation, and borrowing your power to carry out hard training!

In my heart, I have never taken you seriously, because I am the holy body of the Taoist Lord, I am the descendant of the God Emperor of Light, and I am the supreme hope of the Hunyuan Sect!

Don't look at me losing to you again and again, but I always know in my heart that it is only temporary, don't worry about it, sooner or later I will definitely surpass you, you are just my stepping stone and whetstone! "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was speechless and said: "Junior brother, the first point of the Chongsheng Heart Art is not to be arrogant and indulge in it. It seems that I always give you a bruise and a swollen face. Don't pretend like this, okay?"

Luo Li was mocking him, he was arrogant!

But Fan Wujie didn't care and continued: "But in that catastrophe, I found that in my heart, I was extremely resentful of you, and I was extremely jealous of you. This is my true heart!"

Luo Li said: "Then why don't you let go?"

Fan Wujie smiled coldly and said: "I will not let go. I will defeat you in an upright manner, trample you to the limit, and make everything you are proud of become a joke. This is my life, Fan Wujie." , This proves that my master’s choice is correct!”

Luo Li said: "I understand, you just want to fight me! Why talk such nonsense, let's fight!"

After a few words, the two separated and went their separate ways.

Watching Luo Li walk away, Fan Wujie let out a long breath and said, "Senior Brother Luo Li, I lied to you again. In fact, I let go!

It's just that God won't let me die. In the tide of energy, when it was about to die, my Taoist soul awakened, and I, Brahma Wujie, came back!

The person I am today is different from the person I was in the past! "(To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

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