Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 663: The Tidal Heart Demon Tribulation of Yuan Neng!

Everyone returned to the cave, but did not disperse. Instead, they all came to the central courtyard of Tianqing Peak, gathered under the big tree, sat down on the ground, and waited silently.

The clone of Master Huchan returned to his body, and he slowly said: "Fellow disciples, don't be afraid. Six hundred years ago, I experienced a tidal wave of energy. Although this is a terrible crisis for my disciples of Hunyuan Sect, crisis is also a rare opportunity.

As long as you persist in surviving the catastrophe, the five qi in your body will be pure, the holy land will be more solid, and your understanding of the five methods of Hunyuan will increase by three points. Moreover, after the tide, you will retain spiritual energy. Within three months, you can be full of true qi and promoted to the first to third level."

Luo Li was worried about Senior Sister Ruotong, and couldn't help asking: "Master, what would happen if there were no cultivators returning to Hunyuan Sect? How?" Tiger Zen Master said: "If you don't return to the sect, you can only rely on yourself to resist this energy tide. There is a 50% chance that you can survive this crisis, but during this energy tide, you are powerless and everything depends on fate! If there are more than five disciples, you can use the method of the Taoist Demonic Array. Five people work together to fight against this energy tide. The mortality rate will drop significantly, and there is a 40% chance of surviving the catastrophe. Twenty-five people is 30%. And the mortality rate of many disciples in the Hunyuan Sect is only 1%. "One percent, I don't know who is unlucky, one of the one percent! In the eyes of others, this is just a number, but in my eyes, this is all I have! Everyone nodded and waited for the catastrophe to come. There was no talk all night. The next day, the sun rose and the sunlight shone on the Tianqing Peak. At this time, everyone suddenly felt a strange feeling in their hearts, as if it was a tremor. Then everyone felt that their Five Laws Holy Land began to shake and began to leak out endless energy. These energy surged wildly and gushed outward. The catastrophe came. Luo Li tightly controlled himself, feeling the surging energy of the Five Laws Holy Land. Strangely, the energy disappeared after gushing out. No one knew where it went, but the five illusions in the sky became clearer and bigger.

In his ears, Luo Li seemed to hear the sound of the whistling wind. In the dark, Luo Li seemed to feel that the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if a storm was about to come, but in front of Luo Li, everything was normal, without any abnormality. This should be an illusion, but it was extremely real.

The illusion became bigger and bigger, and more and more crazy. Gradually, there seemed to be an extra layer of shackles between Luo Li and the real world. Gradually, his eyes could not see clearly, his ears could not hear, his mouth could not speak, his nose could not smell, his mind was closed, his five senses disappeared, and he was immersed in a terrible storm.

This storm was of various colors. Red was fire, white was gold, yellow was earth, green was wood, and black was water. This storm was a storm of the five elements, covering the sky and the earth. In this storm, only Luo Li was attacked by this storm.

Under this storm, the tide formed, and waves came one after another, roaring thousands of feet, and waves thousands of miles long!

Luo Li was swept by this tide, and the huge waves rushed past him one by one. Luo Li suddenly found that his body seemed to be washed by this tide, and as the tide hit his body, there were actually some flesh and blood, which were swept away by this tide.

In an instant, Luo Li knew that this was not his body and flesh, but his soul. The energy tide actually had the power to break his soul. If this continued, his soul would be destroyed and he would die.

But at this moment, under this energy tide, all methods were invalid, all magical powers were useless, everything was useless, and there was only this tide, which kept hitting and washing!

If this continued, he would definitely die, and there was no way to survive!

Just when Luo Li was nervous, suddenly a ray of light seemed to appear in the distance, a bright spot appeared, and a voice came from the bright spot:

"Accumulate the foundation of thousands of years, soar into the sky, crush all enemies with the power of the sky!"

"A good man is born between heaven and earth, do what he should do and what he should not do!"

"I don't ask for immortality, don't ask for heaven and earth, don't ask for ancestors, don't ask for gods and demons, just ask for myself!"

"We are just ordinary people, not seeking immortality, living between heaven and earth, just fighting for a breath!"

This is the voice of the master. Luo Li immediately saw Tiger Zen Master, and a ray of light suddenly appeared between the two. As this ray of light appeared, a shield floated on Luo Li's body, and the Yuan Energy Tide could no longer sweep away his flesh and blood.

Tiger Zen Master smiled at Luo Li, and Luo Li looked again. There were countless rays of light on Tiger Zen Master, and each ray of light was connected to a cultivator of Hunyuan Sect.

Everyone connected with each other and helped each other. The souls between each other had a wonderful connection, generating this endless light, protecting everyone in this Yuan Energy Tide!

Luo Li also recited:

"Accumulate the foundation of thousands of years, soar into the sky, crush all enemies with the power of the sky!"

"A good man is born between heaven and earth, do what he should do and what he shouldn't do!"

"I don't ask for immortality, don't ask for heaven and earth, don't ask for ancestors, don't ask for gods and demons, just ask for myself!"

"We are just ordinary people, we don't ask for immortality, we live between heaven and earth, just fight for our breath!"

As he recited loudly, the light connecting each other became stronger. Gradually, Luo Li saw all 33 people of Tianqing's lineage, and then looked out along the light and saw countless fellow disciples from other branches, whether it was the three returning to the void, or the true masters such as Tianya and Yuchen, as well as the head of Shichuan, as well as Lu Zhou, Lu Qing, Fan Wujie and others, all of them were connected by this light to fight against the storm.

The storm was raging and raged for three hours, but everyone had this connection, and everyone survived the catastrophe unscathed.

Some people have thoughts of contempt in their hearts, thinking that this catastrophe is nothing. With their thoughts, the tide of energy gradually weakens.

Suddenly Jin Shengzhenyi's voice sounded: "Everyone, be careful, the most terrifying inner demon of Yuan Neng Tide is coming!"

Following these words, someone seemed to be whispering to Luo Li. The voice was very familiar. Following this voice, Luo Li found that the world in front of him began to change. It was no longer what it was before. It became chaotic and dreamy. nothingness.

The voice continued to speak, and gradually Luo Li heard clearly that the voice was not someone else's, but his own.

"I want to live, I want to live forever, I am Luo Li, the only Luo Li in the world!"

"Senior Brother Qizhu, Senior Brother Qizhu is too strong. He can refine innate spiritual treasures and advance to golden elixirs. Without him, I will never be able to get ahead. I will definitely lose this Hunyuan Sect competition!"

"As long as I let go, Senior Brother Qizhu will be dead. From now on, everything will be mine. I will become the first person in the Hunyuan Sect's competition, no, the first person in the Chunan region!"

Following this nonsense, Luo Li found that he was on a cliff. Senior Brother Qizhu fell off the cliff. He was holding his hand. As long as he let go, Senior Brother Qizhu would immediately fall off the cliff and be killed. This tidal wave of energy is torn into pieces.

As long as he lets go, he will be the first in the Hunyuan Sect competition. Luo Li's voice can't help but seduce Luo Li, and Luo Li completely believes that he is on the edge of the cliff and can push Brother Qizhu down with just a stretch of his hand. cliff.

But Luo Li smiled coldly, and he started to pull up Senior Brother Qizhu with all his strength. How could he betray his friends with just a small competition?

Suddenly the voice changed and turned into something else, triggering countless dark thoughts in Luo Li's heart. As the thoughts appeared, the illusion changed. He could complete these thoughts with just a light release and a push.

But Luo Li was not fooled at all, and suddenly his voice changed!

"Brahma has no calamity, Brahma has no calamity!"

Fan Wujie appeared in front of Luo Li. His aging face looked at Luo Li coldly, wishing to tear Luo Li into pieces. The hatred in his eyes was like burning fire!

"Kill him, kill this guy. This guy has always been my enemy, and he is getting stronger and stronger. He has the blood of a Taoist master, and his future is limitless. It's so annoying. Kill him today and we will never have any future troubles!"

Then the illusion changed, and it was the cliff again. Luo Li was holding Fan Wujie. As long as Luo Li let go, Fan Wujie would definitely die.

But Luo Li closed his eyes and slowly pulled Fan Wujie down the cliff, and then he said:

"Don't underestimate me, I am Luo Li, I want to live, I want to live forever, the unique Luo Li in the world!"

"Fan Wujie, even if he becomes stronger in the future, even if he becomes a true Taoist master, I will not throw him off the cliff now, because he is my fellow sect, even if we hate each other and fight each other, that is It’s our own business, at least he’s my classmate! Even if I hate him or bother him, I won’t make trouble for him!”

"I want to defeat him openly, beat him to tears, and beat him to the point of being convinced. This is the real pleasure, the real pleasure! This kind of adding insult to injury, villain behavior, despicable and despicable, hum, don't underestimate me , I am Luo Li, the only one in the world!"

Following this thought, there was a roar, all illusions disappeared, and Luo Li appeared again in the tide of energy.

Lord Huchan smiled at Luo Li from a distance, and Luo Li turned back to salute. They had all withstood this terrible catastrophe of the energy tide.

Luo Li looked in other directions and saw that Qizhu and fellow apprentice Tiandu had both woken up. They were looking at each other from a distance and transmitting messages to each other.

But Senior Brother San Kuang and Wu Ren have not yet broken through the shackles of their inner demons, so they all closed their eyes tightly and frowned. But after a while, Sankuang let out a long breath. He broke through the shackles of the happy demon and passed the test again!

It seems that there should be no problem with this catastrophe, Luo Li thought happily.

At this moment, one of the thirty-three people at Tianqing Peak suddenly shouted:

"Qingqing, Junior Sister Qingqing, why don't you like me, why don't you like me!"

Luo Li was stunned and looked over there. He saw Liu Qingpu, the disciple of Master Jingren Jiuxiang, extremely excited and roaring loudly!

Lord Huchan immediately said: "Not good, the inner demon has entered the body, Qingpu is in danger!"

After saying that, more intense white light immediately erupted on him, protecting Liu Qingpu! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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