Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 665 I sign up for the Golden Elixir Competition!

Three days later, on the main peak of the Hunyuan Sect, on the martial arts square, many Hunyuan Sect monks gathered here!

It is March at this time, the spring breeze brings warmth, the rising sun shines on the heaven and earth, and the breeze blows slightly, carrying a little fragrance of heaven and earth, which makes people feel refreshed.

The big bell of Hunyuan Sect rang twelve times, and teams of monks from all walks of life stood silently waiting. Under the leadership of the head of Ishikawa, after burning incense and setting up an altar to pray to heaven and earth, the Hunyuan Sect's grand competition began immediately!

The first competition was held during the foundation building period, which was divided into two competitions. One was for newcomers of the Hunyuan Sect who had successfully established the foundation within ten years, and the other was for all the monks of the Hunyuan Sect during the foundation building period.

All the magical puppets of the Hunyuan Sect gather here with endless power. The virtual battlefield is just like reality! On the entire square, there are sixteen virtual battlefields. Each battlefield is a small world of its own, covering a hundred miles, a vast area, and various environments, which are extremely realistic for the Hunyuan Sect monks to fight.

The first is the foundation-building newcomer competition. In the past thirty years, Hunyuan Sect has accepted a group of new disciples every three years. With the increase in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the cultivation of new disciples has gradually increased, and geniuses have emerged in large numbers. Each time they enter, they will reach Seven or eight people.

Looking at the many newcomers on the field, Zhenjun Huchan said: "In another nine years, after Ling Jue Mo has passed, it will be my turn, Tian Qingfeng, to preside over the introduction of the ladder to heaven. There are three realms in total. By then, I, Maifan, will be the one who has formed the golden elixir. Each person must recruit two to three people!”

Hearing this, Luo Li couldn't help but frown. He didn't want to accept any apprentices. He didn't even practice to understand. Accepting apprentices would be a mistake.

In addition, Luo Li had an idea in his mind. Those who became his disciples were not recruited at will. They had to go through a test, or at least fall into his eyes.

Many newcomers, a big battle, many newcomers came to the fore, and the ranking was finally decided. The competition ended on this day.

The foundation-building period battle begins the next day, and the monks who participated in the foundation-building period newcomer battle will not be able to participate in this competition.

In the Tianqing lineage, Liu Qingqing, Li Zongru, Xue Yiren, Xue Qingren, Xiao Buyi, Yunzhi, Tianshang, Li Minghao, and Deng Feixue have not completed the accumulation of the foundation building period, but they are still building foundations and participated in this competition. They do not have the strong support of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce like Wu Ren, nor do they have the strong support of the Three Kuangs. They are the reincarnations of their predecessors and rely on themselves. They need to continue to accumulate before they can advance to the golden elixir realm.

If they gave up the path of Tianqing, they could immediately advance to the Golden Core realm, but they didn't do this and accumulated hard.

This battle was even more exciting, and the competition lasted for three days.

Among the top three in the final foundation building period, the first one is Lingyuan from Xingying Cave, the second one is the disciple of Jingzhen Forest, and the third one is the disciple of Jinghuo Island.

Among Tian Qingfeng's disciples, Xiao Buyi, Liu Qingqing, and Li Minghao were in the top ten, and the rest were all in the top fifty.

Among the many foundation-building monks, Luo Li saw Meng Ruren who had started at the same time, as well as Lei Qingqing, Li Dayin, Xiaodao, Hulongshanren, Yi Lan, Yan Zixi, Yang Ling, Yu Xiaoxiao, Huo Qingkong, and Luo Shi. Fang them.

Most of these people are at the eighth or ninth level of foundation building. Among them, Lei Qingqing and Yu Xiaoxiao have reached the great perfection of foundation building and have also entered the top fifty.

But Meng Ruren only has the sixth level of foundation building. Luo Li shook his head. He started with Luo Li, Tie Lanshan and others, and was one of the five major branches of the Zhengyi Mansion. He should have made rapid progress, but now he is still building the foundation. Compared with Yaoguang Hai Yan Zixi and others who are entering the next generation, they have already reached the ninth level of Foundation Building. Unknowingly, they are far behind.

This is the fairy road. The fairy road is rugged and no one knows what the future will bring!

At the end of the competition, the sect issued rewards, which were indeed extremely generous. The top ten were awarded the magical treasure of the Heavenly Mountain, the top fifty were awarded various spiritual objects from heaven and earth, and the top one hundred were rewarded with various magical treasures and divine swords. You can choose at will.

As long as you participate in the competition, you will be rewarded with spirit stones. It can be said that this is a large-scale welfare distribution for the Hunyuan Sect, and the rewards are extremely generous.

At this point, the competition in the foundation building period ended, and on the fifth day, another competition began, which was the Hunyuan Sect's Golden elixir competition.

This competition is also divided into two competitions, one is the preliminary competition of the Golden Core, and the other is the competition of all the monks in the Golden Core stage. The real Jindan can only participate in one of these two competitions.

Under the tree at Tianqing Peak, everyone started to sign up. Luo Li gritted his teeth and signed up for the competition among all the monks in the Golden Core Stage. He had already mastered unparalleled magical skills, and it was time to take action!

"Master, although you say a lot and know things like a god, I want to tell you that you are wrong!"

Luo Li's registration was over. The first person to notice the abnormality was Master Jingren. He looked at Luo Li and said:

"Luo Li, have you signed up for the Golden Elixir Competition?"

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned!

Luo Li nodded firmly and said, "Yes, uncle, I will sign up to participate in the Golden Elixir Competition!"

Tian Qingfeng and others, all those who have formed elixirs within a hundred years, and Luo Li's four senior brothers Yue Kong, San Kuang, Wu Ren, etc., all applied for the Jin elixir preliminary competition, only Qizhu, Tiandu, and Luo Li Three people participated in the Golden Elixir Competition.

Those Qizhu and Tiandu were the reincarnations of senior masters. Everyone subconsciously ignored them, except Luo Li, who had only practiced for thirty years. Signing up like this was beyond everyone's expectation!

Master Jiuxiang said: "Luo Li, the Golden Elixir Competition is far beyond your imagination. Stop making trouble and come back quickly to participate in the Jindan Early Stage Competition. This time it is said to be a competition, but in fact it is a big reward for the sect. You have already mastered Liu Li Sheng Hai, and you should be able to get a good result in the early competition. Don’t miss out on the generous rewards!”

Luo Li looked at his master under the tree and said, "No, I want to give it a try. If I don't give it a try, my heart will not be at peace!

I practice Falun Dafa diligently and will feel uneasy if I don’t practice Dafa once! "

Master Jingren took the words and said: "Luo Li, it's different. Master Jindan of Hunyuan Sect, the longer he practices, the more powerful he becomes. You believe me, Uncle Master.

The five Hunyuan methods you master now are just the basics, everyone can do it!

The real power of the Five Hunyuan Dharma is to enter the state of alien, transformed, and super-dharma. That is the true power of the Jindan Master of the Hunyuan Sect.

Do you think that our sect, Golden Core Fighting Yuanying, is just a joke? "

Luo Li just said firmly: "Uncle Master, I sign up for the Golden Elixir Competition!"

Master Jingren looked at Master Huchan and said, "Senior brother, please advise Luo Li!"

But Zhenjun Huchan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. If you want to bet, bet. Go ahead. Bet once. Live up to this life and have no regrets. It's nothing!"

Master Jingren said dissatisfiedly: "Senior brother! Why do you say that? You are trying to persuade Luo Li!"

Master Huchan said: "My first state, Jindan Zhenren of the Hunyuan Sect, is to see mountains as mountains. According to the rules and regulations, most of the Jindanzhenren who have mastered the five methods of Hunyuan and have been cultivating elixirs for hundreds of years are in this state." . The second state is to look at the mountain, not the mountain, but the real Jindan. He begins to rely on the spiritual things of heaven and earth to enter the state of strange, transformed, and super magic, and birth his own various spells and various metamorphoses.

Three or four hundred years after forming the elixir, the Jin elixir master who entered this state began to become extraordinarily powerful! "

Having said this, Master Huchan suddenly changed the subject: "Actually, junior brother, Master Jindan of the Hunyuan Sect, also has a third state, which is to see the mountain or the mountain! The representative of which is to realize that the true emptiness is destroyed, and the glass creates the sea! "

As soon as he said this, Master Jingren knew that Master Huchan supported Luo Li to participate in the Golden Elixir Competition, because Luo Li had already practiced the Destruction of True Void and Disillusionment, and the Glazed Glass to Create the Sea!

Master Jingren couldn't help but said: "Senior brother, you don't know the tricks of those old guys. Each one is more perverted than the last. Luo Li's Glazed Sea of ​​Glass is simply not good enough!"

True Lord Hu Chan continued to smile and said: "Anyway, no one can die in the sect competition. If he wants to give it a try, just give it a try!"

Master Jingren sighed and said, "Okay, your apprentice, you have the final say!"

Just like that, Luo Li decided to participate in the Golden Elixir Competition!

The Hunyuan Sect has 1,425 Golden Elixir Masters, and 18 people have died in the Yuan Neng Tide. So far, there are 1,407 people. Among them, there are 363 people participating in the Golden Elixir Preliminary Competition.

There are so many reasons why Feng Zixu must be mentioned. His formation of elixirs set off a trend in the Hunyuan Sect. At that time, when he had just started, he formed the golden elixir and helped countless people in the Hunyuan Sect who were in the foundation-building Dzogchen realm. The wandering disciples are extremely exciting.

These monks formed elixirs one after another, and the golden elixir masters of the Hunyuan Sect suddenly soared. Many of these golden elixir masters were reckless golden elixirs and used some auxiliary means. As a result, eighteen people died in this catastrophe.

In addition, this is only a superficial reason. The real reason is that in recent years, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been constantly improving, and it has become easier and easier for monks to improve their realm.

Therefore, not only the Hunyuan Sect, but also other sects' golden elixirs and Yuanyings are constantly appearing. This is a sign that has never happened in the past ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

In fact, whether it is the Lingdie Sect in a remote place, the Hunyuan Sect, or the Kunlun Sect, many monks have a premonition and are actively preparing for it. A great era is coming, but no one knows that this era will be a catastrophe. The world is destroyed, but opportunities still arise!

The registration is over. Luo Li's friends Lu Qing, Lu Zhou, Bai Youyou, Feng Zixu and others have all signed up for the Golden Elixir Preliminary Competition. Even Luo Li's fourth senior brothers Yue Kong, San Kuang and Wu Ren have also signed up. This is the golden elixir advance competition.

Only Qizhu, Tiandu, and Luo Li signed up for the Golden Elixir Competition! In addition, Wang Wu, Ah Jiu, and Ning Qianxue have also signed up for the Golden Elixir Competition. Many of them have the same idea as Luo Li. They are successful in cultivation and want to compete in this Golden Elixir Competition!

Then the Golden Elixir Preliminary Competition began, and the venue was no longer a hundred miles in area, but a thousand miles in scope.

As the battles progressed, Luo Li carefully estimated how he would respond if he took the field!

These monks used all the Five Methods of Hunyuan, including the raging fire of the Ten Thousand Hell Flames, the fierce battle array of the Forest of Living Beings, the glazed sea of ​​light, the Golden Buddha Temple with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and the Heavenly Peak overwhelmingly overwhelming!

Luo Li watched these spells with great interest. He had already mastered many of them, and those who had not mastered them could learn their secrets.

During this battle, those Jindan seniors were also giving guidance to their disciples. Looking at these seniors, Senior Brother Tiandu said:

"Junior Brother Luo Li, do you know who the strong opponents are in this Golden Elixir Competition?"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Please give me some advice, senior brother." (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

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