Walk alone

Volume Three, Chapter 662: Six Hundred Years of Hunyuan Catastrophe! (Third update, please subscribe

The morning wind blows, the sun rises, and in the distance, the Xuanzhou Continent hears the roaring of bells, one hundred and eight times in total. This is the Juying Bell. Disciples of the Hunyuan Sect who hear the bell must ring in this one hundred and eighty-eighth bell. At the sound of the bell, return to the sect, and then the Hunyuan Sect will activate all defensive formations, seal Xuanzhou, and start the celebration of the ancestor!

Luo Li slowly woke up, and now he has become a world-famous person, but he has no joy at all. Last night, he had a dream and saw his ancestor wandering away for a lifetime, losing all his friends, and fading beauty, but he still persevered hard, and finally achieved greatness. , had a great impact on Luo Li.

He stood up slowly and took a look at the small island. This was his blessed land. Then Luo Li took a step forward and returned to Tianqing Peak with the Four-Nine Escape Technique.

Amidst the sound of one hundred and eight bells, Luo Li returned to Tianqing Peak.

At Tianqing Peak, under the bodhi tree, all the disciples of True Monarch Yihu Chan gathered here, including many senior brothers who had only returned when Patriarch Xizhao passed away.

When they saw Luo Li, they greeted each other one after another, and Luo Li also returned the greetings.

Under their control, Master Huchan, were the two Golden Core Masters Wuying and Fanghua, and then the three others, Jingren, Jiuxiang, and Akano.

Uncle Lingyu has given up the way of heaven and has been promoted to the True Monarch of Nascent Soul. He is not here this time, so there are only thirty-three people this time, one less than last time.

Seeing Luo Li arriving here, True Monarch Huchan nodded slightly and said, "Today's Hunyuan Sect's grand ceremony is finally here! Everyone, work together to create the future of Hunyuan!"

Immediately all the disciples replied: "Yes, disciples obey!"

Zhenjun Huchan looked at everyone and said slowly:

"You just know that this is the Hunyuan Sect's grand ceremony, but you don't know that this is the Hunyuan Sect's catastrophe!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was stunned. Among them, only a few golden elixir masters such as Wuying, Fanghua, Jingren, Jiuxiang, Akano, and Qizhu nodded slightly.

True Monarch Huchan continued: "Our Hunyuan Sect, every six hundred years, must have a celebration, either to celebrate the birth of the ancestor, or to celebrate the establishment of the sect, but they are actually just a pretense!

In the name of this celebration, all the disciples who can return will be returned to the Hunyuan Sect, and then the mountain gate will be closed tightly to prevent foreign enemies from invading, because every six hundred years, it is a catastrophe for me, the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect! "

He looked at the illusion of the five major explosions in the void, and continued: "When you look at that illusion, you will usually think that it is the coming of the grand ceremony, the vision of heaven and earth created by our Hunyuan Sect!

In fact, this is not man-made by us, but a real vision of heaven and earth. Our ceremony is to cover up the occurrence of this vision.

I don’t know why, but every six hundred years, as disciples of the Hunyuan Sect, the Five Dharma Holy Lands in our bodies will form a Yuaneng tsunami, and these five illusions will be affected by this, causing changes in the world.

This Yuan Neng tsunami is very terrifying. Whether it is the Return to the Void True One or the Foundation Establishment True Cultivator, everyone is the same. To endure the impact of the tsunami is the first disaster for me, a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect! On top of the original true fire catastrophe!

How to survive this disaster is everyone for one and one for everyone!

We have always built a sect atmosphere of unity and mutual help, just for this day. When the Yuan Neng tsunami breaks out, everyone helps each other, everyone is for me, and I am for everyone, so that we can get through this difficulty. !

At the moment of life and death, we must protect each other and be as close as one family. Any Hunyuan Sect disciple who cannot do this will not be able to go far if the path to immortality is rugged! "

Luo Li and others listened carefully and found out that the Hunyuan Sect had experienced such a catastrophe once in six hundred years, and then publicized the celebration to the outside world and gathered disciples to fight against this Yuan Neng tsunami.

Wu Ren couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, this should be the biggest secret of our Hunyuan Sect. We must not let the outside world know, otherwise it will be too dangerous!"

Lord Huchan smiled and said: "Anyone who has been here for a long time knows the secret of our Hunyuan Sect."

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned. Luo Li said: "What if other sects attack us during the catastrophe of our Hunyuan Sect?"

True Monarch Hu Chan said: "It has not happened before. Thirty-six thousand years ago, the Sky Demon Sect took advantage of the catastrophe of our sect to attack our Hunyuan Sect. As a result, it was hit by the tide of Yuan energy and the three major elements returned to the void. Thirty-seven gods were transformed into gods, and all were destroyed before the battle.

Twenty-four thousand years ago, the Immortal Sect took advantage of the catastrophe of our sect and sent twelve demon corpses that returned to the void and entered our sect in an attempt to destroy our sect. As a result, they were swept away by the tide of energy and turned into ashes!

It can be said that our Hunyuan Sect is at its strongest defense at this time. Except for my disciples of the Hunyuan Sect, all other monks who enter the world of our Hunyuan Sect are seeking death! "

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, relieved!

True Monarch Hu Chan continued: "When this tide of energy arrives, it will be controlled by the three great patriarchs, so you just have to wait!

Remember, at the moment of life and death, we must protect each other and be as close as one family. Any disciple of the Hunyuan Sect who cannot do this will not be able to go far if the path to immortality is rugged! "

Luo Li and others answered together: "Disciple, I obey!"

Lord Huchan said: "Okay, let's go, the ceremony is coming soon, let's go to the Patriarch Hall together!"

After saying that, a figure appeared on his body. This was the living being forest clone of True Monarch Hu Chan. His true body was still cultivating under the big tree.

This clone appeared and said: "Let's go!"

Suddenly, forty-three people rose into the air and flew towards the main peak in the center of Hunyuan Sect.

Along the way, other flying lands were seen, and all kinds of sky-controlling lights began to appear. They were all disciples of the Hunyuan Sect, and they were gathering towards the main peak.

Only there are thirty-three people in Tianqingfeng. The other branches range from over a hundred to hundreds, especially the five ridges of Jingzhenlin, Jinghuo Island, Zhezangya, Zhengyifu, and Zhuanzhou Valley have the largest number of people.

Many disciples of the Hunyuan Sect were all wearing ceremonial robes and looked solemn and solemn. No one said a word along the way, it was extremely solemn!

People gathered on the main peak in batches, and the space turned around, and they appeared in the Patriarch Hall one after another.

I don’t know what spells were cast in the Patriarch Hall. The space is infinite, and nearly three thousand people can be completely accommodated here.

Luo Li's eyes moved and he immediately counted out how many people there were. There were 2,867 people in total, including three people who returned to the void, eleven people who were suspected of transforming into gods, and fifty-six people who were the Nascent Soul Lord. Compared with the previous period, there were more people. Eight Nascent Souls were born, and there were one thousand four hundred and twenty-five Jindan Masters.

However, these are not all the disciples of Hunyuan Sect. Senior Sister Ruotong has not returned. Like her, there should be many disciples who have not returned.

Even so, Senior Sister Ruotong has not returned. Her words about a hundred years were not a joke.

In this Patriarch Hall, the three great Patriarchs suddenly appeared, and Head Ishikawa presided over the ceremony to begin!

First of all, worship the dharma image of the ancestor. Everyone, respectfully, kneel down and worship together!

Then he watered his tree of life and death, poured lamp oil into his soul lamp, and then paid homage to the countless predecessors who had returned to dust under the Hunyuan roster monument!

Such a procedure, a total of thirty-six steps, is complicated and cumbersome.

But as the complex procedures, solemn and solemn, give you a feeling of spiritual immersion, as if countless predecessors of the Hunyuan Sect have passed before your eyes in the past 120,000 years!

They have struggled, worked hard, been brilliant, succeeded, and failed. Now these glorious inheritances belong to Luo Li and the others, and everyone has an indescribable solemn feeling.

Many rituals took three days and three nights to be considered complete!

Head Ishikawa looked at everyone and said: "Okay, fellow disciples, return to your respective branches and wait quietly. Tomorrow there will be a storm and a tide of energy will appear. Let's protect each other and tide over the difficulties!

After the Yuan Neng Tide ended, the deceased disciples were buried, and then three days later, the Hunyuan Sect Grand Competition began! "

Many disciples saluted together and said, "Yes, disciple, I obey!"

Then everyone returned to their branches. Just now, the head of Ishikawa said that he would bury the dead disciples. This energy tide seemed to be fatal! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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