Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 657: Fishing for a Golden Dragon in the Virtual Realm of the Sea of ​​Clouds! (Cha

At this point, Luo Li exchanged the spiritual beast for the method of cultivating the Chongsheng Heart Art, and then began to practice.

This Chongsheng Heart Technique was originally the Guan Shen Sect's subduing magic technique, the Guan Shen Zhenme One Mind, One Thought Technique. Later, Guan Shen Sect was destroyed by the Hunyuan Sect, and this method became the core secret technique of the Hunyuan Sect's Zhuanzhou branch. The Chongsheng Heart Technique. As soon as this technique comes out, you will regard yourself as a saint, worship yourself, and the 390 million thoughts in your mind will all merge into one, and your essence, energy, soul, and thoughts will become one.

Luo Li started practicing, and gradually he came up with three words, shameless! You have to be shameless to practice this method!

This method is deceiving, but it is not deceiving others, but deceiving yourself. When you believe in all this, you can gain power through the Chongsheng Heart Technique, but when you really and completely believe this, you will almost become possessed. ,dying.

This is the most critical point in practicing the Chongsheng Heart Art. When you need strength, you must believe in the words of this law and gain strength. When your battle is over, you must disbelieve in this law and return to normal. This Chongsheng The Sacred Heart Technique is just a tool. Use it when you use it. Throw it away when you don't use it. Use it in your heart and you will be at ease!

This is also the concept of the Zhuanzhou lineage. They believe that those who can turn a boat of thousands of dendrobiums can use one piece of wood; those who can launch a thousand-strong crossbow can use one inch of opportunity. One fulcrum can tilt the earth, one eye can see the sky, and one person can rule the people. It is too empty and boundless, and it is too vast and vast but has images. Life can be lived, and heaven and earth can be repeated.

Use tools and a fulcrum to lift the earth, use the smallest cost to gain the most powerful power, and take everything into your hands!

For some reason, when Luo Li practiced the secret method of turning boats, he felt as if he had divine help, just like when he first practiced the indestructible golden spirit. He traveled thousands of miles, and the magnanimous Lord was dumbfounded.

Perhaps, the concept of Zhuanzhou's lineage is somewhat similar to that of Luo Li. He uses everything, takes advantage of the world, and does not hesitate to resort to means before the goal is achieved.

Lord Dafang for a long time said: "Sure enough, you are indeed suitable for our Zhuanzhou lineage!"

But Luo Li just smiled, it was too late to say anything now, Tianqing was his home!

I practiced here in Luoli for three days and mastered all the twelve techniques of the Chongsheng. I just needed to practice slowly with water.

Luo Li returns to Tianqing Peak, and the first mission is completed! I just wait to be promoted to the fourth level of the golden elixir again, and turn this holy heart secret into my own golden elixir magical power.

Returning to Tianqing Peak, Luo Li contacted Chongsheng Heart Jue while summoning Luo Yin from the Void Spirit Golden Core Real Person, and began to inquire about the secrets of Shenwei Sect.

Luo Yin thought for a while and said, "It seems that our Shenwei Sect really has this magic!

The magical effect of Maha in the sixty-four secret methods of Shenwei Sect shows magical powers everywhere in the world! This method can enable such magical powers that require the accumulation of power to be accumulated in advance, and then used continuously in a short period of time. "

Sure enough, as he thought, there is a secret method that can play such a role. He immediately contacted the Hunyuan Sect's magic spirit to look for this secret book. Within a moment, he received a reply. The Hunyuan Sect's Sutra Collection Pavilion indeed contains the 60 Shenwei Sect. Among the Four Secret Dharma, the magical power of Maha is manifested everywhere in the world!

Luo Li immediately applied for this secret book, and soon the secret book was delivered here. Luo Li was so happy that he threw the secret book to Jia Xu and let him practice it. As long as he can practice it, he can do it himself!

Jia Xu took the secret book and began to practice, but before practicing, he first recited:

"I am light, I am saint, I know everything, I am omnipotent, heaven and earth give me wisdom, light gives me enlightenment, I can understand everything, I can control everything, any bottleneck, everything exists..."

This is also one of the twelve techniques of the Chongsheng Heart Technique, which is used for practice. Using this method during practice can increase the speed of practice several times.

At this point, the second mission is completed. Now Luo Li's mission is to practice the Seventy-nine Kills of the Glazed Sea and refine it into the Lingding Ocean from all over the world!

Of the seventy-nine kills of the Glazed Sea, Luo Li has already refined the thirty-five kills. He assigned the other secrets of the Glazed Sea's killing moves to his twelve clones for them to practice. Their practice is his own practice!

However, Luo Li will not practice hard at Tianqing Peak. If he spends three months in a year, he will not be able to cultivate the glass sea all over the world. He has a trick, which is the three months of cultivation authority in the Sea of ​​Clouds Void Realm.

Luo Li immediately used this authority and went to the Cloud Sea Virtual Realm. He came to the Five Laws Holy Realm Hall at the central peak of Hunyuan Sect. True Lord Xiangzhou was still here. The two chatted for a while, and Luo Li teleported to the Cloud Sea Virtual Realm. .

The Cloud Sea Virtual Realm and the Golden Pagoda Virtual Realm are completely different. The Golden Pagoda Virtual Realm is a golden pagoda world, each forming a realm, while the Cloud Sea Virtual Realm is composed of countless small cloud sea worlds, forming a big world.

The endless sea of ​​clouds is a huge ocean, divided into thousands of sea areas, each of which has its own characteristics. Similarly, some of these sea areas are not developed and are also places that ordinary monks cannot go to.

There is also a place for monks to stay here, which is a small island above the sea of ​​clouds. Many Hunyuan Sect monks can pass through this place to go to the eight hundred sea areas that have been developed.

When Luo Li arrived here, he immediately went to a Guanghua sea area. Very few Hunyuan Sect monks came here to practice and explore because it was a remote place without any place for practice or trial.

But Luo Li knows that the kelp in this sea area has a strange soul-stabilizing effect. This kelp is meaningless and worthless to monks, but it is extremely valuable to ethereal spirits and can consolidate their ethereal bodies. . Therefore, this place is a gathering place for powerful virtual spirits like the Golden Ape Yuan Hong in the sea of ​​clouds.

After teleporting here, Luo Li was suddenly in a sea. The sea water here was only three feet, and the bottom was clearly visible. Under the sea, the sand was soft and the kelp was floating. It was an extremely ordinary sea area.

In this world, everything is empty and everything is unclear. As long as you practice the Glazed Sea, you will not be flooded, just like you are a living creature in the sea, wandering around at will.

When Luo Li arrived here, he immediately surfaced, then took out something and turned it into a small island with an area of ​​100 feet. Then Luo Li landed on the island and began to take out some wood.

This wood is not simple. It is a kind of spiritual material for refining, Jinghun Wood, which Luo Li only learned about after asking many questions in the Golden Pagoda World. It has the magical effect of purifying the spirit and nourishing the soul. Like the kelp in this sea area, it is favored by virtual spirits. s things.

But Luo Li only regarded them as wood. In order to prepare these wood, Luo Li spent five million spirit stones on large purchases.

Light these Jinghun wood and burn them, then take out the chrysanthemum pork and start grilling.

As Luo Li grilled, the smell of Jinghunmu purifying the soul and nourishing the soul spread in all directions, and suddenly it was like the sea under his feet, starting to boil. This taste was so delicious, it was a taste that all virtual spirits could not resist.

Immediately, countless various ethereal spirits appeared under the island. This sea of ​​clouds is different from the golden pagoda. This place is the sea. The sea nourishes spirits, and there are countless ethereal spirits in the sea.

However, no ethereal spirit can board this island. This island has been carefully refined by Luo Li and possesses void-breaking spells. Ethereal spirits who have not reached a certain level of strength cannot board the island at all. This way you can avoid those useless little ethereal spirits from ruining your plans.

Luo Li only waited for the virtual spirit with the strength of the Golden Ape Yuan Hong to arrive here. This is Jiang Taigong fishing, and those who wish to take the bait will take the bait!

Sure enough, after a while, a dragon swam here. This dragon was more than a hundred feet tall, and its whole body was red. Wherever it went, the sea turned into blood red.

It jumped hard, landed on the island, turned into a giant man, and walked towards Luo Li!

The big man came to Luo Li, his eyes wide open and extremely angry, as if he wanted to say something. Luo Li immediately took out the roasted spiritual meat and served it to him.

Smelling the smell of this spiritual meat, the big man couldn't say what he wanted to say. He couldn't help but take a bite of this barbecue. At this point, he was completely speechless and just ate like crazy!

Luo Li smiled, "Okay, the bait has been put in, and the fish has taken the bait!"

After finishing the barbecue, the big man took a deep breath and said, "Are you Luo Li?"

Luo Li was stunned. He didn't expect that the big man knew his name. He hurriedly said: "Senior, he is the disciple!"

The big man said: "I am Chi Tianjiao, the Lord of the Jiangyue Sea! Some time ago, I heard Jin Geda and the guys bragging about how delicious your barbecue was. We didn't believe anything we said. Who knew it was really delicious? Compared to what they said. Delicious, ten times more delicious!

Come on, kid, bake me some more! "

Golden Pimples should be the scornful name for the Golden Pagoda Fantasy in the Cloud Sea Fantasy Realm.

Luo Li said: "Okay, just wait!"

Immediately, many of Luo Li's clones and the real person Xuling Jindan all appeared and began to prepare barbecue and prepare a delicious meal.

Chi Tianjiao said: "I can't eat such delicious food alone!"

Then he started to call people: "Old Wang, come here, go to Guanghua Sea Area, there is delicious food here!"

"Why don't you want to eat kelp? I'm calling you. Don't blame me if you can't eat good food!"

"Ma Sanpao, come quickly, here is the barbecue that Jin Geda's gang said, it's so delicious!"

"What, you don't believe it? Let me tell you, Jin Geda and his gang are fools. This barbecue is a hundred times more delicious than they say!"

As the big man shouted, powerful virtual spirits arrived one after another. The old king was a giant turtle. He swam over, as if the whole world was shaking. He turned into a bald little old man, wearing a pair of flowery pants. Son, extremely leisurely.

That horse, Sanpao, is a seahorse, coming through the waves at great speed, and here it transforms into a handsome young man, who looks like Prince Charming at a glance.

But no matter who they were, when they ate Luo Li's spiritual flesh, they were all stunned, forgetting everything, and just started eating!

As they arrived, they continued to call people, whales, evil sharks, swordfish, carp, mermaids...

The strong men from the world of the sea of ​​​​clouds gathered here, transformed into a human race, and began to feast.

After eating this, everyone was immediately addicted, everyone was very happy, and everyone regarded Luo Li as a brother, who could do anything and say anything! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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