Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 658 The four seas are boiling and five lakes are born!

This crazy meal made these bosses extremely happy. Among them, the beautiful woman transformed from a mermaid began to sing loudly to cheer up. This song contained a hint of hesitation, a hint of charm, and a hint of desolation, which made people endure. I can't help but indulge in it,

As the song sounded, the banquet became even more lively.

Chi Tian Jiao was satisfied with the meal and said, "Luo Li, this is for you!"

After saying that, he also gave Luo Li a water-colored stone. Chitian Jiao continued: "You can refine this into your holy land, the Glazed Sea. Then you can activate a portal and travel to and from our sea of ​​clouds illusion at will."

Luo Li put it away and said, "Thank you, Brother Tianjiao!"

Chi Tianjiao said: "The main purpose of giving you this is to let you come over and treat us to barbecue if you have nothing to do!"

Luo Li laughed and said: "No problem, nothing else, countless souls and flesh!"

Chi Tianjiao said: "Okay, you are loyal enough. Don't pretend to be stupid. Every one of you will eat all the ditches and drain them. Let's give some of them to my brother An Luoli! Don't take out the rags and embarrass them." !”

As soon as he said this, all these bosses immediately came up with good things to thank Luo Li.

Luo Li said hurriedly: "Brothers and sisters, no need, no need!

Luo Li plans to practice the Seventy-nine Kills of the Glazed Sea here to create the Lingding Ocean from all over the world! Therefore, I ask all brothers and sisters to point out a clear path for Luo Li to practice this unparalleled magical skill! "

As soon as he said this, everyone fell silent. Ma Sanpao said: "You want to master all the seventy-seven kills of Liulihai? It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult!"

As soon as this was said, everyone couldn't help but nod, and one of them said: "It's difficult, it's too difficult!"

"It's possible to master it from all over the world! However, if you want to master all the seventy-seven kills in the Glazed Sea, the Hunyuan Sect has only been able to master it for 120,000 years, and there are only seven of them!"

"Yes, yes, it's too difficult. The Hunyuan Sect moved here and refined the Seventy-Seven Killers into the Glazed Sea. That is, Patriarch Wang Yangming, Young Master Hai, and Elder Zhentian. No one can kill all Seventy-Seven. Made!"

These bosses, you say something, I say something, they talk endlessly, Luo Li gradually understands that it is much easier to refine the world's only single ocean than to refine all seventy-seven kills.

Suddenly, the giant whale overlord looked at Luo Li and said, "Your name is Luo Li? It seems that just now you said that Liulihai has seventy-nine kills. Does Hunyuan Sect Liulihai have more killing moves?"

Many virtual spirits here only understand the Glazed Sea as seventy-seven kills. They need to wait until the Nascent Soul Lord, who masters the Butterfly Dragon Sea Explosive Kill and the Great Desolate Sky Devouring Kill, dies and their dimensional caves are integrated here before they can get the next two kills. data of.

Luo Li nodded and said: "Yes, Liuli Sea has added the 78th Butterfly Killing Dragon Sea Explosive Kill and the 79th Killing the Great Desolate Devouring Sky Kill!"

As soon as these words were said, these virtual spirits were immediately happy:

"Great, our world of sea of ​​clouds is going to expand again!"

"Yes, yes, two more kills, God is really wise, great!"

Someone asked: "Luo Li, who invented these two kills? This person has made great contributions!"

"Yes, anyone who can invent the Glazed Sea killing move will definitely be promoted to Nascent Soul. We lock his dimensional space. After he dies, we can preserve his dimensional cave and bring it here to give birth to virtual spirits and increase the number of dimensional caves. Our sea of ​​clouds!”

These bosses began to plan how to pull down the dimensional cave after the death of the monks who invented these two major killing moves, and bring down the ethereal spirits who mastered these two killing moves into the sea of ​​clouds.

Luo Li was sweating coldly on the side, and the Venomous Shark Mad Lord asked again:

"Luo Li, who is the monk who invented these two killings?"

Luo Li timidly said: "Um, um, seniors, I am the one who discovered these two killings! You should stop plotting against me. I don't want to die so early."

As soon as he said this, the bosses were stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

Chi Tianjiao said: "Except for the three great ancestors of the Hunyuan Sect monks, all the remaining monks have no hope of becoming immortals and have only three final destinations!

One is to die in battle, destroying both body and soul; the other is to be reincarnated and start a new life; the last one is to have the soul injured, nothing more than reincarnation, and finally the soul returns here and turns into us! "

Luo Li was stunned and suddenly realized that these powerful virtual spirits were transformed from the remnant souls of the predecessors of the Hunyuan Sect. If he continued to ask, these bosses would never talk about this matter again.

The giant whale overlord said: "In that case, then we will help you. There are many oceans in the world. How many of these nine oceans do you have control over?"

Luo Li replied: "I have already practiced thirty-five kills in the Glazed Sea and mastered the four sea areas of southeast, northwest and northwest!"

Then Luo Li began to use True Void and Disillusionment to destroy, and Glazed Glass created the sea! The East China Sea is vast, the South China Sea is turbulent, the West Sea is vast, the North Sea is mysterious...

The East China Sea was vast, with a roar, and thirteen beams of light rising from the sky and the earth, centered on Luo Li, at the same time! The shining light illuminates the entire night sky, where there is only the endless majestic and proud bright beam of light!

Thirteen light pillars, with Luo Li as the center, collided together violently, and a huge sea of ​​dazzling white light that penetrated the sky and the earth for more than ten miles rose up. In the sea of ​​light, everything was purified to its purest form at this moment. of white light.

The South China Sea is turbulent, the sea is like a whirlpool, and everything is chaotic! Storm, whirlpool, tornado, chaos, tsunami, undercurrent, tide, huge wave...

In an instant, the surrounding world was in chaos, with countless whirlpools and tsunamis coming one after another. I didn't know the east, west, north, west, or all directions. Countless death waves roared around the world!

The West Sea is vast, and the Glazed Sea suddenly expands several times, is boundless, has no end, and can accommodate everything!

The mysterious world in the North Sea froze the heaven and earth, everything turned into ice, and everything froze in this moment! Then there was a roar, turning into ice slag and shattering the world!

The East China Sea is vast, the most ferocious, the most impactful, and the most surging! The South China Sea is turbulent, the most chaotic, the whirlpool is endless, and the most dangerous! The West Sea is vast, the most vast, boundless, and magnificent! Beihai Xuanming is the coldest, and the frozen sea is the most terrifying!

The four seas form a perfect cycle with each other throughout their lives. The East China Sea turns into the South China Sea, the South China Sea turns into the West Sea, the West Sea turns into the North Sea, and the North Sea turns into the East China Sea! Life is endless, life is endless!

These virtual spirits couldn't help but nod their heads, and Chitian Jiao said: "What a vast East China Sea, what a mysterious North Sea, not bad, not bad!"

Ma Sanpao said: "It's easy, you have mastered the destruction of true emptiness and illusion, and the creation of the sea from glass!

This is much simpler. Now that you have mastered thirty-five kills, we will match you with some Glazed Sea killing moves. After you have mastered twenty-three kills, you can combine the five lakes and seas.

When the time comes, the five lakes and four seas will be added to the five lakes and four seas, and the five lakes and four seas will become one ocean! "

The giant whale overlord also said: "Yes, yes, the Nine Truths are misty, the yellow puffs of smoke, the Dongting is majestic, the floods are turbulent, and Pan Yang is beautiful!

Don't worry, Luo Li, as long as your spirit and body continue, we will definitely let you practice all over the world! "

Luo Li was happy and said, "Thank you, seniors!"

But Du Sha Zhenzun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Boy, don't be fooled. Just now the giant whale said that it was all over the world, not all over the world. If you want to practice to be like all over the world, you must understand the meaning of the law!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Fa's intention?"

Venerable Du Sha said: "Yes, the meaning of the law is, 'I am afraid of the beach, I am afraid, I am alone in the ocean, I am alone'!"

When Patriarch Wang Yangming was hunted down by the Qiankun Demon Sect and besieged in the sea of ​​misery, he was extremely desperate and had no way out. His hair turned gray overnight and his life and death was extremely at stake. Only then did he realize this method, and then rely on this method to break out of the siege and escape from death!

Therefore, if you want to practice this method, you must master the meaning of "said fear on the beach and sighed alone in the ocean". Only then is it possible. We can't help you with this! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "Disciple understands that I only want to practice in the five lakes and seas!"

Then he added another sentence: "It is best to have the Hunyuan Sect Grand Competition within a year, a year and three months later!"

As soon as he said this, many virtual spirits looked at each other and smiled, and Chitian Jiao said: "Okay then, you first go to the Exploding Waves Sea Area and practice Liuli Sea's No. 1 Killer Gonggong Buzhou Kill! Then go to Baiyong Sea Area and practice Liuli Sea The seventh kill in the sea is the Golden Dragon Kill, and then the twelfth kill is in the Yehui Sea Area, the 13th kill is in the Xishui Sea Area, and the 30th kill is in the Microwave Sea Area! Kill the sea with a whirlpool!

If you can master these five kills, we can proceed to the next step. If you cannot master one method, the corresponding cultivation method of the Five Lakes and Seas area can only be exchanged.

Since you are asking for time, I ask you to practice these killing moves in the sea area within three months. If you cannot refine life in two months, immediately change the sea area and practice other killing moves! "

The giant whale overlord said: "Wait a minute, I suggest not to go to the Ye Hui sea area to practice the Twelfth Killing Emperor Xing Yu Sha! According to your calculations, Tianjiao, this should be preparation for practicing Jiuzhen Piaomiao. In fact, he can Go to the treacherous sea area and practice the forty-fifth mirage killing and illusion killing!

That one is more suitable for him to master Jiuzhen Piaomiao than Huangji Xingyusha! "

Chitian Jiao shook his head and said: "No, look at him, the 44th kill is Haiyun Tianyin kill! The 45th kill is Mirage Hull Destroy Kill! The 48th kill is Ran Yisha Meng Kill! All of them! He has not mastered it, which shows that he is not very good at mastering those illusory killing moves. He started practicing Mirage Killing and Illusion Killing. I think it is difficult for him to master it, so he should start with the Emperor Star Rain Kill. He has mastered the Heavy Rain Blast. Damn it, this should be easy to use.”

As soon as he said this, the giant whale overlord kept nodding his head and said: "It makes sense, it makes sense, okay, I'll do it according to you!"

Luo Li listened to everyone's arrangements and said, "Thank you all seniors!"

Chi Tianjiao said: "Come on, let's take action immediately. I will be responsible for the Explosive Waves Sea Area, and you, Old Turtle, will be responsible for the Baiyong Sea Area!"

Venerable Poison Shark said: "I am responsible for the microwave sea area! The thin water sea area!"

Someone was immediately in charge of the other two sea areas, and Luo Li began his training journey in the sea of ​​clouds! ——

It’s not like I’m stuck. I don’t know why I’m writing slowly today. There will be another chapter in a while! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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