Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 656: Be ruthless, strong, and venerable! (Chapter 2, please vote for me!)

After Master's on-demand broadcast, Luo Li regained consciousness, and his trace of arrogance gradually dissipated. .

Back in the cave, Luo Li sat on the futon, completely calmed down, and began to make careful calculations:

"The Hunyuan Sect has indeed countless opponents, and there are many masters, such as Senior Brother Wang Wu and Senior Brother Ajiu. They are all strong enemies. Some of them are really difficult for me to be their opponent.

In addition, just like Senior Brother Qizhu and Senior Brother Tiandu, apart from the seven methods of Hunyuan Sect, they each have their own unique skills. It's Senior Brother Ajiu, and Tianya Haige Sword Intent.

And I can do it, everyone can do it, everyone is exactly the same, so it is extremely difficult to win against them! "

Thinking of this, Luo Li took a deep breath, and an unwilling thought appeared in his heart!

"Is it really the same? Is it really difficult?"

"No, never! I don't admit it!"

"In order to build the foundation, I suffered in the magma, and in order to form the elixir, I refined countless heaven-level spiritual objects, how can it be the same!"

"It's the same, I'm not afraid either!"

"I remember when we were in Yinzhou Continent, everyone learned the same swordsmanship, but no one was my opponent. Why?"

"Because my sword is more ruthless than theirs, stronger than theirs, and more poisonous than theirs! In fact, there is no difference between now in Hunyuan Sect and then. Even if everyone learns the same, I will surpass them!"

"As long as my spells are thicker than theirs, more powerful than theirs, more ferocious than theirs, more capable than theirs, more refined and more specialized, even if my skills are the same, no one can be my opponent!"

"Yes, that's it! That's it! How can I, Luo Li, be willing to die!"

Luo Li gritted his teeth and confirmed his belief!

"But, how can it be heavier than theirs, how can it be stronger than theirs, how can it be more ruthless than theirs?"

"There are only a few points in the art of cultivating immortal fighting. As long as I master two of them and stand out from the rest, I will be invincible!"

"These two points are one offense and one defense!"

"I already have this guard. My Eternal Buddha Jin Chenxi can be said to be the strongest defensive secret method under the Hunyuan Sect's transformation! I also have the red lotus of Du'e, and I also have the Xuanzhi Youxuanzhong Xuanshi shield to defend Above that, I can be said to be at the forefront of the Hunyuan Sect’s Jindan Real People. With this defense, I am impregnable!”

"I am still really lacking in this attack. My true illusion has been destroyed, and my glass is like a sea. Not enough, not enough, too much!

I must refine the Five Lakes and Four Seas Lingding Ocean. With this super-level spell, my attack will definitely be among the top among the Hunyuan Sect’s Jindan real people. In addition, as long as I refine the Five Lakes and Four Seas Lingding Ocean, I believe that my sea of ​​fire will also appear. , when the time comes, one fire and one water, fire absolute magic, super-level magic, I don’t believe anyone can stop it! "

Thinking of this, Luo Li nodded, feeling determined, but he didn't end there!

"Besides, this offense and defense are still not enough!"

"I now have a magical power that makes me stand alone, with each other as my companion. With this **, during battle, I can get more than twice the power regardless of offense or defense. However, this magical power needs to be charged every time I use it. It’s been a long time, it can’t be used a second time in a row, that’s not okay, that has to change.”

"The Shenwei Sect specializes in magical powers. They must have a way to solve this problem!"

"However, this is not enough! Being alone and being with each other only increases the spell casting multiplier, but the spell intensity does not change. This is not good!

It seems that I must master the sacred heart technique of Zhuanzhou lineage and turn it into a magical power. It is said that once this technique comes out, I will regard myself as a saint and worship myself. The 390 million thoughts in my mind will all merge into one. , Essence and soul thought, the five paths are unified, and the strongest potential is unleashed. Even a withered old man can lift a thousand kilograms of stone. As long as I turn it into a magical power, and send it out with one method, the power will be increased several times immediately. .

Then I activate Qingqing Lonely, accompanying each other in shadow and form, moving with one method and several times, and increasing the power several times. At that time, who in the Hunyuan Sect is as strong as me, and who is as ruthless as me? ! "

"Yes, that's it!

In one year and three months, you must first learn the lessons of the Shape and Shadow Cave, and you must personally learn the Chongsheng Technique. Even if you can't get started, you still have to practice it for a period of time, master it to a certain extent, and then advance to the realm and turn this method into magical power.

Secondly, find the Shenwei Sect's method to strengthen your magical power, and use your golden elixir magical power to the point where you can move it as you wish!

Third, kill seventy-nine times in the Glazed Sea, and create the world's most isolated oceans.

Fourth, with the help of the vast seas and seas, the fire sea and fire jutsu technique was born.

One year and three months. If they are all achieved, I won’t believe it. If the Hunyuan Sect’s golden elixir is broken, I won’t be able to show off to the sect! "

Luo Li gradually made up his mind. The road was clear. He took a deep breath and took action immediately. He rose up with his sword and headed straight for Zhuanzhou Valley.

This was the first time Luo Li came to Zhuanzhou Valley. When he landed at the mouth of the valley, Luo Li immediately sent out a flying talisman to ask for a meeting with True Lord Da Fang, who advocated the Zhuanzhou lineage!

Luo Li remembered that during the Changzhou War, True Lord Dafang admired him very much. When he arrived at the Hunyuan Sect and entered the inner sect, the Hunyuan Sect spread rumors that True Lord Dafang admired him so much that he wished he could transfer his income. Zhou's lineage is extremely disgusted with Brahma Wujie's evasion of debate among hundreds of powerful people.

It's a pity that Xin Yuan hated himself so much that under the orders of his master, he finally gave up on this idea.

Because of this past, Luo Li came here to seek an audience with True Lord Dafang.

Sure enough, Lord Da Fang soon met with Luo Li.

Guided by the puppet spirit in front, Luo Li came to a main hall and saw True Lord Dafang from a distance!

Luo Li immediately went over and bowed, saluted, and said, "I've seen Uncle Dafang!"

True Lord Dafang's face was serious, but between his brows, he looked at Luo Li with a kind of kindness, and he said:

"Luo Li, what do you want from me when you come to my place?"

Luo Li said: "Uncle, when I was in Changzhou, thank you for defeating the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and giving me a chance. I am what I am today, so I am here to thank you!"

True Lord Dafang laughed and said: "Little hairy monkey, I want to thank you for what you did before and for coming now. Don't talk nonsense, tell me what's wrong!"

Although the words are bad, there is endless appreciation in them!

Luo Li smiled and said: "Uncle Da Fang, actually, I came here to learn the Zhuanzhou lineage's Chongsheng Heart Art!"

Upon hearing this, True Lord Dafang's face turned gloomy and his smile disappeared. He glanced at Luo Li and said:

"Do you want to learn the Chongsheng Heart Art?"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes, Uncle Dafang!"

True Lord Dafang sighed, looked at Luo Li, shook his head, and said: "Luo Li, Luo Li, you have always been in my heart, brave, resourceful, courageous and knowledgeable! But why are you so narrow-minded!"

Luo Li was stunned, what does this mean?

True Lord Dafang continued: "You and Fan Wujie, those are all small grievances in the past, why can't you let go, he went to learn the Eight Desolations of your Tianqing Peak ** Only I Respect Tianqing Art, you come to learn Chongsheng Heart secret.

Are you kids playing house? We don’t take our Hunyuan Sect’s 100,000-year inheritance into consideration at all! "

True Lord Da Fang began to scold Luo Li, and Luo Li was speechless. True Lord Da Fang was thinking wrong!

Luo Li said hurriedly: "Uncle, uncle, no, no!

This matter really has nothing to do with Fan Wujie, he can do whatever he likes! I did this on my own..."

But seeing the disbelief on Zhenjun Dafang's face, it turned out that the master's golden elixir was broken, and although it was only Tian Qingfeng's fucking * now, it would spread throughout the Hunyuan Sect in the future.

Luo Li said: "Senior, I am actually here to break the golden elixir!"

Zhenjun Dafang was stunned and said: "The golden elixir broken by Brother Huchan's research? However, we have already demonstrated that this sacred heart secret cannot be turned into golden elixir magical power, and only those of your Tianqing lineage in the foundation-building period can Only after hard work and accumulation can I achieve the Golden Elixir Stage..."

It turns out that the master has already handed over the method of breaking the golden elixir to the sect, and Zhenjun Dafang is fully aware of it. Unfortunately, this golden elixir breaking the orifice can only be carried out in the golden elixir stage through the painstaking accumulation of Tianqing's lineage during the foundation building period. Once the pill breaks through the orifice, other branches are completely unusable.

When Zhenjun Dafang said this, he stopped talking. He looked at Luo Li and said slowly: "So you really are not different from Fan Wujie? In that case, I'll pass it on to you, the core of my Zhuanzhou lineage** Chongsheng Heart secret.

However, the rules cannot be broken. You need to complete a number of sect tasks and accumulate achievements in the Zhuanzhou line before I can teach you the Heart of the Sacred Heart. "

Luo Li said: "Uncle, uncle, do you think I can replace the task with a treasure? Look at this. This is a fighting ape with the blood of the fighting saint Buddha. Look, I will give you one. What? Sample?"

The last time he was in the Xingying Cave, he used all his spiritual pets in exchange for being alone, with three talismans as his companions. Luo Li felt that it was a bit too much of a loss, so here he wanted to take out a fighting spirit ape in exchange for Chong. Sacred Heart Art.

True Lord Da Fang smiled coldly and said, "Dream!"

Luo Li knew it wouldn't work, so he immediately said: "Then I will add another King Kong Explosive Bear. What do you think, uncle?"

Lord Da Fang said: "Two!"

Luo Li let out a long breath, but True Lord Dafang continued: "Fighting Spirit Ape, Vajra Explosive Bear, Golden-backed War Turtle, Golden-horned Giant Rhinoceros, Iron-winged Three-Headed Eagle, Colorful Golden-winged Peacock, Golden-backed Roaring Sky Dog , the giant iron bear, the silver-winged crane...

There are forty-one spiritual beasts in total, two of them all! "

Luo Li was stunned for a moment. How did he know that he had so many spiritual beasts?

True Lord Dafang said: "Do you think my uncle is a fool? After Jingxuan got those treasures of yours, he has already spread the word everywhere. True Lord Yuan Ying of the Hunyuan Sect, who doesn't know what treasures you have!

He actually wanted to fool me with one or two spiritual beasts, two of all the spiritual beasts! "

Luo Li was really dumbfounded. True Lord Dafang continued: "I won't take it for free. I will give you five talismans of the Chongsheng Heart Jue. I refined them myself. In my Hunyuan Sect, no one else can do it except my master." Bring the Chongsheng Heart Technique to such an extent!”

Luo Li immediately saluted and said, "Thank you so much, Master Fang!"

True Lord Dafang nodded, looked at Luo Li, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Back then, if only I could persist and not listen to Master, how wonderful it would be!" (To be continued.)

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