Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 652: The Divine Heart Secret Transforms into Divine Power!

Luo Li was wandering in the sky. In a trance, he seemed to hear something and see something in his heart. He seemed to have fallen into a thousand worlds, and a strange world appeared in front of his eyes!

There seem to be only two colors in this world, one black and one white. From a distance, you can see the dusk snow on the mountains and rivers, the clouds thousands of miles away, the high mountains, the vast deserts of Hanhai, they are all there!

In this big world, there are city walls and mountains, the sun rises and sets, winds and clouds surge, the mortal world is vast, men and women live in grudges and grudges, all life is like ants, and the crowds are crowded. Everything is like a dream, but there is something like incomparable reality. In the illusion, the world is in a trance. Like a dream!

This dream has been in a trance for thousands of years, passing by slowly, with red face and white hair, beautiful woman and skeleton, disillusionment and uncertainty, but magnificent!

After a long time, Luo Li woke up from his dream, took a long breath, and then realized where he was!

Looking over, I was holding a jade bottle, as if I was trying to catch something. The void aura in the jade bottle was not there at all. It was as if I had never seen any void aura before, as if I had had a big dream.

Luo Li shook his head, gradually woke up, rose into the air, and left this place.

He didn't pay attention to the differences around him at all, and he didn't know where the void aura went, so Luo Li paid attention to the situation in the distance, but he didn't want to be discovered by those Jindan masters, who thought he was cheating and robbed their treasure.

But after flying for a long time, not a single shadow of the sixteen Jindan Daoists was seen, and he didn't know where they went. Luo Li guessed carefully, and he didn't know where these guys went.

At this time, the battle outside has ended, the battlefield has been cleaned, and almost all the monks are here, pushing the huge meteorites down from the void Qingming, letting them fall to the earth.

In the world of Zhongtian Lord, with nine layers of atmosphere, the meteorites will turn into fly ash during the landing process. Even if there are any remnants, they will only be one more meteor.

Everyone worked together, and the meteorites suddenly decreased one by one, and Luo Li also joined the ranks.

In this way, everyone worked together, and after three days, the meteorite group completely disappeared, and the sky was clear.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, and then each sect separated and began to maintain their own Heavenly Dao Lighthouse. Luo Li casually looked at the maintenance of a side sect. They just made simple repairs, and then added various fire spiritual stones and waited aside. Watch the lighthouse absorb the power of these fire spiritual stones and recover automatically.

The Hunyuan Sect continued to combine Zhurong Daozun and began to repair it. About ten days later, the second lighthouse was repaired. The third lighthouse had very little damage and was restored in seven days.

At this time, the other side sects were only maintaining one-third of the maintenance. Immediately, monks from the side sect came over to invite Hunyuan Sect for help.

In this way, True Lord Farewell was not in a hurry to leave, but instead helped other side sects and maintained their lighthouses. Of course, this was rewarded.

Those side sect monks will give two-thirds of the spiritual stones that have not been consumed in maintaining the lighthouse as a thank-you gift to the Hunyuan Sect disciples, and the remaining one-third will be counted as the income of these monks.

In this way, another half month has passed, all the lighthouses are completed, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Zhenjun Farewell began to contact Yuanfang, and then said:

"Okay, we have completed our mission, let's go and return to Hunyuan Sect!"

Suddenly everyone cheered together!

Then, under the leadership of True Lord Farewell, Qing Mingxukong immediately returned to Hunyuan Sect.

They flew like this for another three days and three nights, and finally the five illusions appeared in front of their eyes. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, and finally they were home!

After entering the sect, Zhenjun Farewell said: "Everyone go back and rest. We will go to the mission hall in two days to receive the mission rewards!"

All the disciples responded together: "Yes!"

Everyone went their separate ways, Luo Li returned to Tianqing Peak, and went to see his master first.

When I returned to the courtyard where Qingfeng was that day, I stepped on the ground with my feet, as if my whole body was heavy, my legs were weak and my waist was not straight. After these days of Qingming flying, returning to the earth, I felt an indescribable strange feeling!

Where True Monarch Hu Chan is, besides Luo Li, there is also a young man who looks no older than thirteen or four and has a handsome face. He seems to be receiving guidance from True Monarch Hu Chan.

Seeing Luo Li's return, Zhenjun Huchan asked, "Back!"

Then he pointed at the young man and said, "This is your nephew Shui Yian, and he is the apprentice of your senior brother Zuo Yuan!"

Senior Brother Zuo Yuan, Jindan Zhenren, lives in Qingzhou, Central Plains, and is stationed in Shulingling, the cave of the Hunyuan Sect. This Shui Yang is his disciple.

The young man saluted Luo Li and said, "I've met my uncle!"

With an extremely childish voice, Luo Li smiled, stretched out his hand and took out the fifth-level magic weapon, the God Brick, which he had obtained in the golden pagoda illusion. He handed it to the young man and said, "Here you are, a meeting gift!"

Shui Xian was immediately dumbfounded and said: "Five, fifth level magic weapon! Uncle Master, this greeting gift is too big!"

True Lord Huchan said: "Take it, Luo Li, you send him to the outer gate of Hunyuan Sect.

Shui Xian returns to Hunyuan Sect, but according to the rules of the sect, he must pass the nine trials! Give him some advice when you have time! "

Luo Li said: "Yes, disciple, obey your orders!"

Lord Huchan asked: "How was this mission?"

Luo Li replied: "Yes, Master, it's done! But Master, I didn't make any friends this time."

Lord Huchan said: "The plan did not change quickly. No one thought that the Evil Demon Sect would be defeated by the Eight Gods Guan. However, this is fine. It seems that the Eight Gods Guan is still very afraid of our Hunyuan Sect. They are picky and picky. Start with the Evil Demon Sect.”

Luo Li said: "I don't know about this, but at that time Zhenjun Farewell wanted to fight with the Eight Gods Temple, and the Eight Gods Temple immediately shrank. If the Five Poison Sect hadn't stopped the True Lord Xixin, we would have definitely destroyed them. !”

True Monarch Huchan nodded and said: "At that time, it was inevitable that our Hunyuan Sect ranked only seventy-seven among the door-to-door disciples, but among the many door-to-door disciples in the world, few of them were not afraid of us!

Even Kunlun and Landa, we are not afraid! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "Master, I know this. I also know that our Hunyuan Sect also has the Xubu. It seems that there are twenty-three auspicious holy beasts!"

Lord Huchan smiled and said: "It seems you understand! With these seniors here, our Hunyuan Sect is absolutely as stable as Mount Tai. In addition, our Hunyuan Sect's mountain-protecting formation is not a vegetarian!

The five illusions in the sky, the fourteen flying lands, and the entire Xuanzhou continent under your feet form a self-contained formation, with absolute safety first.

Since the time of Wang Yangming, the founder of Zhongxing, he was tired of being chased and killed. When he established the sect, his first thought was defense and fighting. Over the years, from generation to generation, our Hunyuan Sect can be said to be the same as the Kunlun Sect. The mountain, Landa Temple, Dark Demon Palace, and Sun Palace are all the same unbreakable places! "

Shui Xian, who was secretly listening to the conversation, suddenly said in a childish voice:

"Master, there is one thing I don't understand. Why is it that our Hunyuan Sect is the leader of the eight qi, the first in the battle formation, and dominates the six states? It can be said that there are many talents, and our sect has three major return to the void. Why do we Ranking only seventy-seven among door-to-door visits?”

When asked this question, True Monarch Hu Chan smiled slightly and said: "We monks, the so-called false reputation is just a passing cloud, completely ignored!

Luo Li, explain it to him! "

Luo Li immediately said: "Before the Luohu disaster, our Hunyuan Sect was even stronger than it is now. At least ten people came to our door and perished because of us, but so what. Wang Yangming, the founder of Zhongxing, established a sect here in Nanhai. Tens of thousands of years later, For a long time, my Hunyuan Sect didn’t even come to the door!

Even if we beat them so much that they vomit blood and close the door tightly, they still don't admit that we are a sect! This is their last fig leaf. With this excuse, they can say this even if we are glorious, victorious, or whatever, as if failure does not exist.

Later, after the Luohu catastrophe, the passage to ascension was cut off, and no one could ascend. Only then did they admit that our Hunyuan Sect was here, but they suppressed them fiercely during the ranking.

This ranking is controlled by the top ten disciples such as the Buyan Sect. The so-called ranking is just a steel knife of fame and fortune, attracting sects all over the world to fight for it. The top ten disciples of them sit on it and enjoy their gains, weakening the power of other powerful sects, and seriously Xuanzong is an example. For the sake of the so-called reputation, the result was that the plan was destroyed for thousands of years. If my sect's transcendent fairy hadn't come to the rescue, I'm afraid this sect would no longer exist!

It is said that at the beginning, they also wanted to use this ranking to lure me, the Hunyuan Sect, into their trap, but at that time, my Hunyuan Sect, Zhenku Patriarch, was not fooled at all. In the end, they saw that this method was useless, so they gave us a ranking of seventy-seven. "

Shui Yang couldn't help but nodded and said: "That's it, disciple understands!

Disciples must work hard and succeed in cultivation, and let those top ten come to see how good we are! "

Lord Huchan shook his head and said: "Water, don't worry about that!

Remember, monks like us, the so-called false reputation is just a passing cloud, don’t worry about it! "

At this moment, a monk walked up in the distance. Luo Li looked at it and was stunned. It was Fan Wujie!

Fan Wujie, like an old man in his sixties, walked here, bowed to True Monarch Huchan, and then said to Luo Li, "Luo Li, are you back?"

Luo Li replied: "Okay!"

Lord Huchan looked at Brahma Wujie and exclaimed: "The body of the Taoist Holy Spirit is really powerful. I taught you the Eight Desolations and Liuhes Only Me and the Heavenly Technique. You actually succeeded in practicing it in one day. It's amazing, it's amazing! "

Luo Li was shocked. The Eight Desolate Liuhe Only Me Qingtian Technique was the core skill of the Tianqing lineage. He didn't expect that Fan Wujie could learn it!

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Fan Wujie, do you want to leave the Zhuanzhou lineage and join my Tianqing lineage?"

Fan Wujie shook his head and said: "No, how is it possible! It's just that I feel that the Heaven-Qing lineage, Eight Desolations and Six-Heads, and the Only-I-Qingtian Technique is unique. Stones from other mountains can attack jade, so I came here to practice this technique. !”

Then Fan Wujie said: "Please also ask Zhenjun Huchan to give me the Dharma!"

Master Huchan nodded and said, "Okay, I will continue to teach the Dharma, please listen carefully!"

After saying that, he began to teach the magic. It was surprisingly the magic knowledge he taught Luo Li before. He didn't hide anything and taught it to everyone!

Fan Wujie studied hard, closed his eyes at the end, opened his eyes, and said, "Thank you, Lord Huchan for giving me the Dharma!" Then he turned and left!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Master, why did you teach him all the Eight Desolate and Liuhe Only Me and Qingtian techniques?"

Lord Huchan looked at Luo Li with a serious face and said, "Luo Li, I said it before!

Our Hunyuan Sect is different from other sects. Each of the fourteen branches is different. However, if a disciple of that branch wants to practice a certain type of magic, he can practice in other branches at will. There are no obvious restrictions, not you. If you are a disciple of that lineage, you will always be a disciple of that lineage.

This Hunyuan Sect is the home of all our Hunyuan Sect disciples, not the vegetable plot of a certain person or group of people. Even as the leader, he has no right to do this. I am Hunyuan, Hunyuan is me, we are one body, we share humiliation and glory.

All disciples of the sect can practice freely, choose freely, and come and go freely, unlike other sects, where the branches are strictly divided, which eventually leads to the disintegration of the sect.

Our Five Laws Holy Land contains strange connections. If you insist on separating you and me, and the dark demons are born in your heart, the Five Laws Holy Land will lose contact with others, and shackles will be formed. In the end, the Five Laws will be in chaos, and you will be possessed and die! Even if there is no chaos, when the Hunyuan catastrophe comes, it will be difficult to pass without protection. The combination of the Taoist Demon Formation will be rejected by everyone, and finally you will be possessed and die!

Remember, remember! "Luo Li was unwilling in his heart, and said fiercely: "Okay, let him learn if he wants to learn, and I will also go to the Zhuanzhou lineage to learn the Chongsheng Heart Sutra!"

As soon as he said this, Tiger Zen Master was stunned, as if he thought of something. After a long time, he said: "Okay, okay, okay, Chongsheng Heart Sutra! There is no better divine power than this, why didn't I think of it before! ” (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!)

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