Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 653: Always stay together and don’t be alone! (Third update, please give me a month

Luo Li was stunned and looked at Zhenjun Huchan.

The True Monarch of Tiger Zen Shuangyang said: "We used to only think of spells such as the Three Mountains, Five Mountains, Ten Directions, Heaven, and the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Pagoda, but we did not think of auxiliary spells such as the Chongsheng Heart Technique!"

Luo Li immediately understood and said: "Yes, yes, if you can use auxiliary spells such as Chongsheng Heart Jue and golden elixir to break through the body, turn it into magical power, and then promote it to divine power, it will be absolutely powerful."

Master Hu Chan said: "It's worth it, totally worth it! The sage of the heart of Zhuanzhou, seeking common ground while reserving minor differences in Datong Mountain, being alone in the cave of shapes and shadows, with shapes and shadows as companions, the indifference of the peaceful sky to clarify one's aspirations, and the tranquility to Zhiyuan, Taishang Zhihexin Sutra of Taiheyuan, Ling Juemo’s secret of sacrificing one’s life for righteousness!”

He slowly closed his eyes and began to calculate. Luo Li was waiting anxiously!

In the Pangu world of Zhenjun Huchan, there must be a kind of mechanism magic circle that can calculate at high speed, or a spiritual pet magic spirit!

About a quarter of an hour later, Master Huchan opened his eyes, sighed, shook his head and said:

"No, I'll make a plan, I'll make a plan, it's a pity, it's a pity!"

Luo Li said: "Master, why not?"

Lord Huchan said: "The auxiliary spells such as the Chongsheng Heart Jue are not like the fighting spells such as Eternal Pagoda and Golden Dawn. Once you master it, you have mastered it. It can be turned into magical power and controlled by the heart!

The Chongsheng Heart Technique is the core technique of the Zhuanzhou lineage. It runs through the life of the cultivators of the Zhuanzhou lineage. It requires hard work and step by step to achieve results.

This skill is all about slowly grinding the power of kung fu. If you put in ten years of hard work, it will be the same power. If you put in a hundred years of hard work, it will be another power. Although the function is the same, the effect of the spell is the same as two spells.

If we go to learn it, we will practice it, but the most common power is turned into magical power, that is, there are endless spells with the same magic effect as it, and the gain outweighs the loss!

And what does it mean to us to spend hundreds or thousands of years cultivating this sacred heart secret? Worthless!

The most important thing is that I created this essence technique, Golden Core Breaking Aperture, one of the purposes is that even if the Five Hunyuan Laws dissipate in the future, we can still easily cast the strongest spell of the Five Hunyuan Laws and destroy the world.

If you try to practice Chongsheng Xinjue, you are going in the opposite direction, losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame seeds! "

The last sentence expresses a thought in Zhenjun Huchan's mind. He, like Zhenzhen Xinyuan, wants to cut through the five methods of Hunyuan, get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, and find a way to ascend!

Luo Li nodded and said: "That's true, but let's give it a try, Master, I want to give it a try!"

Lord Huchan said: "Now that you have an idea and purpose in your mind, let's give it a try!"

The two chatted for a while. Luo Li said goodbye to his master and sent the water sample to the outer gate of the Hunyuan Sect. Luo Li specially paid a visit to the three chief stewards of the outer gate. They were the avatars of the three great ancestors of the Hunyuan Sect. Luo Li respected them. extremely.

Looking at the new child, the three outer door stewards looked like puppets and clay sculptures, but Luo Li could feel their joy. There was a new person in the village, and he didn't know what this child could be cultivated into.

Luo Li returned to the cave, rested for a night, and then practiced again. When it was time to receive the reward from the last mission, Luo Li went to the Deacon Hall.

True Lord Farewell was there to award rewards, including spirit stones and Hunyuan Sect meritorious service rewards. All the monks who participated in the operation could freely redeem them.

Luo Li glanced at everyone and they all wanted the spirit stone. Luo Li had a total of 500 million spirit stones in his storage space. He could be said to be wealthy, so Luo Li smiled, asked for merit, and even took out the spirit stone. In exchange for merit.

Just like that, Luo Li used spiritual stones in exchange for meritorious deeds. Everyone was grateful and couldn't help but say: "Thank you!"

With their thanks, Luo Li began to get good deeds. In the last battle, all the good deeds and virtues were exhausted by the blow of Pangu's world-destroying ax, and finally began to be replenished.

After the rewards were distributed, everyone was about to disperse. Suddenly Luo Li felt as if the world was shaking!

It seemed that there was endless power, falling from the sky and falling on everyone present. He was very familiar with this power. It was the power summoned by his magical power of rewarding good and punishing evil!

In addition to Luo Li, there were also True Lord Farewell and several Hunyuan Sect disciples who seemed to feel something.

True Lord Farewell began to fly the talisman to pass the message, and then said: "Okay, the Tiandao Lighthouse system has been completely repaired. It is said that every time the repair is completed, there will be blessings from heaven and earth, and the monks who participated will have good luck. I suggest everyone, during this period, Go on an adventure to find treasures, or practice in seclusion, and good things will come of it!”

Everyone laughed and didn't care, because they couldn't see the power falling, but Luo Li could feel it!

Feeling the power of heaven and earth, Luo Li instantly understood why his kindness, no matter how he gathered it together, could not continue to evolve and turn into a great virtue.

Now Luo Li understands that if he wants his own kindness, ten will turn into one great kindness. Simply doing good things to living beings is not enough. He needs to do good things to the world, like repairing the lighthouse!

The good deeds I am doing now are not humane. I need to do good deeds to let heaven and earth thank me. Then it will be the way of heaven. Let this heaven and earth be grateful. Only with this great power can you obtain great virtues. Otherwise, the highest number of virtues can only be nine and cannot be increased.

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, finally finding a way to advance his magical powers to reward good and punish evil, and he felt happy!

He turned around and left the hall, with the idea of ​​practicing the Chongsheng Heart Art still in his mind. However, Luo Li did not go to Zhuanzhou Valley, but moved to Xingying Cave!

This time I got another beetle. So far, I have forty-one kinds of spiritual pets in my forest of sentient beings, including seven kinds of spiritual butterflies, Baxia spirit turtles, Buzhou Tianzhongwei mammoth giant elephants, and fighting spirit apes. , Diamond Exploding Bear, Golden-backed War Turtle, Golden-horned Giant Rhino, Iron-winged Three-headed Eagle, Colorful Golden-winged Peacock, Golden-backed Roaring Dog, Giant Iron Bear, Silver-winged Crane...

There are too many spiritual pets, and in Luoli's Forest of Living Beings, there are only four ancient god trees, ten hero tree saplings, and two saplings that have not been conceived.

There are too few trees, the space is too small, and there are too many spiritual pets. Due to natural selection, some spiritual pets have begun to fight among themselves, and losses have begun to occur. This is not a good thing for Luo Li.

During the last mission, Luo Li inadvertently knew that Xingying Cave had the method to produce the free clones of others, so Luo Li definitely came here first to seek the method of refining the free clones of others and solve the current problems in the Forest of All Living Beings first!

Entering this flying land, the space rotated, and Luo Li seemed to be in a cave. This is the origin of Xingying Cave.

At this point Luo Li immediately contacted Ling Yuan, a disciple of Xingying Cave. He and Luo Li met while playing Chaos Dao Chess back then, and they turned from hostility to good friends. Who else could he ask for this matter if not him?

Lingyuan appeared soon and welcomed Luo Li. When he saw Luo Li, he was filled with envy and said, "Luo Li, Luo Li, you are already a real Jindan cultivator. I am still a real cultivator of Foundation Establishment. I am so envious!"

Luo Li laughed and said, "Work hard, brother!"

Lingyuan said bitterly: "Just wait, I will definitely surpass you. By the way, are you a disciple of Tian Qing Peak? It is said that Tian Qing Peak requires accumulation, and the advancement to the realm is the slowest. How talented is this guy like you? Nian, I’m already at the second level of the Golden Core, and I’m not as fast as you. Are you from the Zhuanzhou lineage?”

Luo Li said: "This is my luck. I can't help it. I'll give this to you!"

After saying that, Luo Li gave Lingyuan fourteen butterflies, which were the seven types of spiritual butterflies in the Spiritual Butterfly Sect, two of each kind. These spiritual butterflies are the most fragile in the forest of living beings and the easiest to die, so it is better to give them away!

Seeing this spirit butterfly, Lingyuan was very happy and said: "That's interesting! That's cool! Luo Li, what do you want to do here?"

Luo Li said: "Why can't my forest of sentient beings make other free clones? I heard that Xingying Cave is the best at this method, so I came here to ask for advice!"

Lingyuan said: "This is too easy. Come with me and I will take you to my master!"

Lingyuan took Luo Li to find True Lord Jingxuan.

Jingxuan Zhenjun Luo Li is also very familiar with him. When Luo Li saw him, he immediately saluted and said what he meant!

True Lord Jingxuan said: "Open the Forest of Living Beings and let me have a look!"

Luo Li opened the Forest of Living Beings. True Lord Jingxuan took a look and said, "Good guy, where did you get so many good things?"

Luo Li smiled and replied: "Luck, luck! Uncle Master, what do you think I will do?"

Jingxuan Zhenjun said: "It's easy to handle. I'll teach you three sets of techniques. You can test them one by one. It should be easy to condense his free clone!"

After saying that, Zhenjun Jingxuan began to teach Luo Li the method.

After Luo Li learned the lesson, he said: "Uncle Jingxuan, I have one more thing to ask for. I want to learn the core secret method of the Shape and Shadow Cave to be alone and together with shadow! I wonder if uncle Jingxuan can give me some advice?" (To be continued. Please search. Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!)

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